3,246 research outputs found


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    過去数十年にわたり世界中で都市の持続可能性がトレンドとなり研究対象となっている.人々は,非効率な天然資源の消費や社会経済活動による環境破壊など,地球環境に有害な活動を行い,これには都市計画や交通計画を始め,多くの分野が密接に関係している.現在では,これらを解決する新技術の開発や応用が広範囲な研究分野で日々取り組まれている.本研究では観光に関する問題を,交通と都市の研究の観点からさまざまなビックデータを使用し,持続可能な都市開発を目標とした具体的な解決策を示した.本研究では都市や地域の持続可能性に資するデータの活用方法として,Wi-Fiパケットセンサーを使用した旅行者にとって魅力的な観光目的地マネジメントに関する研究,およびETCプローブデータを使用した旅行時間の信頼性の観測における天候の影響に関する分析を組み合わせて示した.本論文では,都市の移動性の認知に対して以下に示す3つの研究から,特徴的な結果と有効な分析手法を確立した.1)Wi-Fiパッケージセンシング調査を使用した,広域観光エリアでの周遊パターンのマイニングベースの関連法則の調査,2)Wi-Fi追跡データでの大規模な観光地の持続可能な開発に向けた魅力的な目的地の抽出,3)ETC2.0プローブデータを使用して,様々な道路タイプを考慮した旅行の信頼性に対する降雪の影響の評価.以上の研究から,複数視点の考察を積み重ね,包括的な評価と提案を行い,いくつかの重要な結果が得られた.この論文の貢献は,より良い社会への問題解決への糸口となり,今後の政策立案者にとって有意義な内容となるだろう.According to sustainability, the trend is spreading out around the world for past decades. There are many area subjects involved, such as city planning, transportation planning, and so on, because people realized human activities harmful to the environment by consuming natural resources with less efficiency process or damage environment by social and economic movements. Currently, emerging technologies considered for the proactive procedure in extensive study areas regarding new technology application and knowledge based. In term of transport and urban study, including tourism concerns, we used intelligent data from deferent sources to be demonstrating the possible solutions which involve sustainable urban development concept. In this study, as a method of utilizing data that contributes to the sustainability of cities and regions, consideration of attractive destination management for tourists by using wireless probe data, and the weather impact on travel time reliability observation by using electronic toll collection probe data, it represented as combination experiments throughout comprehensive study. This dissertation addressed three contribution studies to the composed acknowledgment of urban mobility, and it obtained the intelligent data and specific method of research-based. It consists of; 1) an association rule mining-based exploration of travel patterns in wide tourism areas using a Wi-Fi package sensing survey, 2) Attractive destinations mining towards massive tourism area sustainable development on Wi-Fi tracking data, and 3) Assessment of the impact of snowfall on travel reliability considering different road types using ETC2.0 probe data. Hence, a stack of varying viewpoints researches provided a comprehensive review and suggestion throughout significant results. The contribution of this dissertation could be an advantage substance for strategy and policies planner to recognize alternative solutions leading to a better society.室蘭工業大学 (Muroran Institute of Technology)博士(工学

    Analysis of Lisbon visitors’ internet access behavior: behavior analysis through the identification of clusters

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Driven Marketing, specialization in Marketing IntelligenceThis master's thesis focuses on clustering the internet access behavior of urban visitors in the Lisbon urban area. To promote smart city development, the study aims to provide insights into visitors' behaviors while accessing the internet in Lisbon, enabling improved decision-making processes for city management, and enhancing the overall online and offline experience for visitors. The over-tourism phenomenon has put a strain on infrastructure, public transportation, and cultural heritage sites. Therefore, innovative methods are needed for effective smart city management, particularly in urban mobility. The increasing availability of Wi-Fi networks during travel has generated valuable data that can be used to develop groundbreaking approaches to understanding visitors’ behaviors and mobility patterns in urban areas. This knowledge enables the analysis and clustering of urban visitors' behavior, contributing to improved decision-making processes in smart city management

    Modelling socio-spatial dynamics from real-time data

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    This thesis introduces a framework for modelling the social dynamic of an urban landscape from multiple and disparate real-time datasets. It seeks to bridge the gap between artificial simulations of human behaviour and periodic real-world observations. The approach is data-intensive, adopting open-source programmatic and visual analytics. The result is a framework that can rapidly produce contextual insights from samples of real-world human activity – behavioural data traces. The framework can be adopted standalone or integrated with other models to produce a more comprehensive understanding of people-place experiences and how context affects behaviour. The research is interdisciplinary. It applies emerging techniques in cognitive and spatial data sciences to extract and analyse latent information from behavioural data traces located in space and time. Three sources are evaluated: mobile device connectivity to a public Wi-Fi network, readings emitted by an installed mobile app, and volunteered status updates. The outcome is a framework that can sample data about real-world activities at street-level and reveal contextual variations in people-place experiences, from cultural and seasonal conditions that create the ‘social heartbeat’ of a landscape to the arrhythmic impact of abnormal events. By continuously or frequently sampling reality, the framework can become self-calibrating, adapting to developments in land-use potential and cultural influences over time. It also enables ‘opportunistic’ geographic information science: the study of unexpected real-world phenomena as and when they occur. The novel contribution of this thesis is to demonstrate the need to improve understanding of and theories about human-environment interactions by incorporating context-specific learning into urban models of behaviour. The framework presents an alternative to abstract generalisations by revealing the variability of human behaviour in public open spaces, where conditions are uncertain and changeable. It offers the potential to create a closer representation of reality and anticipate or recommend behaviour change in response to conditions as they emerge

    Passive Wi-Fi monitoring in the wild: a long-term study across multiple location typologies

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    In this paper, we present a systematic analysis of large-scale human mobility patterns obtained from a passive Wi-Fi tracking system, deployed across different location typologies. We have deployed a system to cover urban areas served by public transportation systems as well as very isolated and rural areas. Over 4 years, we collected 572 million data points from a total of 82 routers covering an area of 2.8 km2. In this paper we provide a systematic analysis of the data and discuss how our low-cost approach can be used to help communities and policymakers to make decisions to improve people’s mobility at high temporal and spatial resolution by inferring presence characteristics against several sources of ground truth. Also, we present an automatic classification technique that can identify location types based on collected data.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Social dimensions of public large-scale wi-fi networks: the cases of a municipal and a community wireless network

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    Wireless networks play an increasingly important role in today’s mobile and interconnected society. People use mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets or portable game consoles on a regular basis to interact, retrieve and share information, and to orient and entertain themselves. However, in order to be fully performant these devices need to be connected to the Internet. Thanks to very good broadband penetration in Switzerland, this is not so much an issue in private homes and offices where local Wi-Fi networks allow mobile devices to connect to the Internet. Nonetheless, in public spaces, good working wireless networks, even though increasing, are still not very frequent and generally cover only limited areas. Alternative, provider- centered mobile data (3G/4G/LTE) is still expensive especially for visitors because of high roaming rates but also for Swiss people, whose majority still did not have unlimited data contracts in 2016. Public large-scale wireless networks can thus play an important role in providing Internet connectivity to people on the go. This dissertation studies two different approaches to the provision of Wi-Fi broadband connectivity in public spaces: on the one hand, municipalities providing Wi-Fi access in some areas of the city through so-called Municipal Wireless Networks (MWN), and on the other hand, communities with members sharing part of their home broadband connection with other community members, building so-called Community Wireless Networks (CWN). Wireless communities can either be purely self-organized (pure wireless communities) or have a for-profit company managing the community (hybrid communities). While existing studies have analyzed business and ownership models, technical solutions and policy implications of public wireless networks, this research is interested in their social dimensions, focusing on the role of individuals using and contributing to these networks. To do so, two main research goals are addressed: 1) understanding what motivates people to join and actively participate in a hybrid CWN and what hinders them from doing so, and 2) understanding who the users of a MWN are and how they use the network in order to identify various user types and usage practices, which will in turn help municipalities design networks that address the needs of various users. In order to study users’ motivations and concerns for joining and actively participating in a hybrid wireless community, the Fon community (Fon, 2018b) has been analyzed, which at the time of this study was the largest worldwide hybrid CWN. A mixed research approach has been applied. First, an existing model on motivations in pure communities (Bina & Giaglis, 2006a) has been adapted with the help of semi-structured exploratory interviews of 40 Swiss Fon members and then refined through a quantitative online survey addressed to Swiss and foreign Fon members. The resulting model shows which motivations attract members to the community, and which concerns have a dissuasive function. In a second step, 268 valid survey answers have been used for structural equation modeling (SEM) in order to assess which motivations actually result in a higher level of active participation. In order to analyze usage and users of a MWN, the “WiFi Lugano” MWN of the city of Lugano has been chosen. Lugano is located in the Italian-speaking southern part of Switzerland, is a popular tourist destination and the region’s economic capital. In collaboration with the electricity company in charge of implementing the Wi-Fi network (Aziende Industriali Luganesi – AIL), technical network data (log-data) and user-provided information – users were asked to fill-in a short survey after they logged-in to the network – have been collected and analyzed in combination (the two data sets have been merged). In a first step, usage profiles of leisure tourists, business travelers and residents have been created and described applying descriptive statistics to data of three summer months (June – August 2013). In a second step, cluster analysis has been applied to one-year data (June 2013 – May 2014), in order to identify relevant groups of users. Outcomes suggest that in a hybrid CWN, members are motivated to join the community mainly by a mix of utilitarian (e.g. getting free Internet access) and idealistic motivations (reciprocity and altruism), while intrinsic and social motivations are less important. This confirms that motivations are similar to those in pure CWNs but have different weights. In fact, in pure CWNs, intrinsic and social motivations seem to be stronger while in hybrid CWNs, utilitarian motivations prevail. Two types of active participation have been identified in the Fon community, each one driven by a different mix of motivations: “participation by sharing” – putting effort into actively sharing one’s own Internet connectivity – is mainly driven by idealistic motivations related to community values and reciprocity, while “social participation” – being socially involved in the community by interacting with and helping other community members – is driven by social (communicating, learning from each other) and technical reasons (experimenting with technologies). Surprisingly, utilitarian motivations do not have a significant effect on either of the two participation types, even though they are the most relevant ones in attracting new members. With regard to the MWN “WiFi Lugano”, five different usage practices have been identified: two business-oriented ones (“E-mailer” and “Mobile-worker”), two tourism-oriented ones (“Tourism information seeker” and “Always-on traveler”), and one corresponding to the practices of locals (“Local social networker”), each one having different characteristics. The “WiFi Lugano” network thus acts as a business, tourism, and social inclusion enabler, actively favoring various eGovernment relationships: government to business (G2B), government to visitors (G2V), and government to citizens (G2C). Based on these outcomes it has been possible to define a series of suggestions to help cities take advantage of their MWNs and improving them accordingly. Cities could for example provide different landing pages to different publics in order to promote the city in a targeted way, ensure a high quality service of their MWNs, use the Wi-Fi networks to promote tourist attractions and vice-versa (e.g. mark Wi-Fi areas on city maps, build Wi-Fi areas near to tourist attractions, and provide a description of the attraction on the Wi-Fi network’s landing page), share the network with small businesses in the area and extend the reach of the network to relevant areas

    Tourism and ICTs: Advances in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability: Proceedings of the TURITEC 2023 Conference, October 19–20, 2023, Málaga, Spain

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    Subido al repositorio por el editor (Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1996, art. 8)This open-access book presents the best research papers from the XIV International Congress on Tourism and Information and Communications Technologies (TURITEC2023), held in Málaga, Spain from 19 to 20 October 2023. The book explores the profound impact of COVID-19 on the tourism industry and the increasing importance of digitalization and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as key drivers for the industry's recovery, alongside sustainability. This curated collection of research papers offers conceptualizations, methodologies, analyses, and empirical case studies that illuminate the path to a resilient and sustainable future for tourism.Instituto Andaluz de Investigación e Innovación en Turismo. Unviersidad de Málag

    Automatização dos procedimentos de check-in no sector turístico

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    This report takes advantage of Web and IoT technology to remove the necessity of 3th people into the check-in procedures. The innovation has the objective to improve the accommodation sector in Tourism and Travel activities. For choosing of the most suitable technology, a careful analysis was performed about the target audience and the possible technologies. Then, a business plan was developed to explain how the product can be profitable, generate value to society and present itself as an innovation. Only after that, MVP was developed to test the viability of this business model. The MVP consisted on platform and locker that allow the user to manage and use their desired accesses to the mechanical engineering laboratories in university of Aveiro.Este trabalho aproveita tecnologias como IOT e Web para remover a necessidade de terceiros nos procedimentos de check-in. A inovação tem o objetivo de melhorar o setor de alojamento na indústria turística. Para a escolha da tecnologia mais adequada, foi realizada uma análise cuidadosa sobre o público-alvo e as possíveis tecnologias. Em seguida, foi desenvolvido um plano de negócios para explicar como o produto pode ser rentável, gerar valor para a sociedade e apresentar-se como uma inovação. Somente depois disso, foi desenvolvido um protótipo para testar a viabilidade desse modelo de negócio. O protótipo consiste numa plataforma e fechadura que permite a utilização a gestão automática dos acessos para os laboratórios de engenharia mecânica da Universidade de Aveiro.Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânic

    A multiple criteria route recommendation system

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    The work to be developed in this dissertation is part of a larger project called Sustainable Tourism Crowding (STC), which motivation is based on two negative impacts caused by the tourism overload that happens, particularly, in the historic neighborhoods of Lisbon. The goal of this dissertation is then to mitigate those problems: reduce the tourist burden of points of interest in a city that, in addition to the degradation of the tourist experience, causes sustainability problems in different aspects (environmental, social and local). Within the scope of this dissertation, the implementation of one component of a recommendation system is the proposed solution. It is based on a multi-criteria algorithm for recommending pedestrian routes that minimize the passage through more crowded places and maximizes the visit to sustainable points of interest. These routes will be personalized for each user, as they consider their explicit preferences (e.g. time, budget, physical effort) and several constraints taken from other microservices that are part of the global system architecture mentioned above (e.g. weather conditions, crowding levels, points of interest, sustainability). We conclude it is possible to develop a microservice that recommend personalized routes and communicate with other microservices that are part of the global system architecture mentioned above. The analysis of the experimental data from the recommendation system, allows us to conclude that it is possible to obtain a more balanced distribution of the tourist visit, by increasing the visit to more sustainable places of interest and avoiding crowded paths.O trabalho a desenvolver nesta dissertação insere-se num projeto de maior dimensão denominado Sustainable Tourism Crowding (STC), cuja motivação assenta, essencialmente, em dois impactos negativos provocados pela sobrecarga turística que se verifica, nomeadamente, nos bairros históricos de Lisboa. O objetivo desta dissertação é, então, mitigar esses problemas: reduzir a sobrecarga turística dos pontos de interesse mais visitados numa cidade que, além da degradação da experiência turística, causa problemas de sustentabilidade em diversos aspetos (ambiental, social e local). No âmbito desta dissertação, a implementação de um componente de um sistema de recomendação é a solução proposta. Baseia-se num algoritmo multicritério de recomendação de percursos pedonais que minimiza a passagem por locais mais apinhados e maximizam a visita a pontos de interesse mais sustentáveis. Essas rotas serão personalizadas para cada utilizador, pois consideram as suas preferências (por exemplo, tempo, orçamento, nível de esforço físico) e várias restrições retiradas de outros microsserviços que fazem parte da arquitetura do sistema global mencionado acima (por exemplo, condições meteorológicas, níveis de apinhamento, pontos de interesse, níveis de sustentabilidade). Concluímos que é possível desenvolver um microsserviço que recomenda rotas personalizadas e que comunica com outros microsserviços que fazem parte da arquitetura global do sistema mencionada acima. A análise dos dados experimentais do sistema de recomendação, permite-nos concluir que é possível obter uma distribuição mais equilibrada da visita turística, aumentando a visita a pontos de interesse mais sustentáveis e evitando percursos mais apinhados