691 research outputs found

    A calculus of functional BSP programs with projection

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    Shape-based cost analysis of skeletal parallel programs

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    Institute for Computing Systems ArchitectureThis work presents an automatic cost-analysis system for an implicitly parallel skeletal programming language. Although deducing interesting dynamic characteristics of parallel programs (and in particular, run time) is well known to be an intractable problem in the general case, it can be alleviated by placing restrictions upon the programs which can be expressed. By combining two research threads, the “skeletal” and “shapely” paradigms which take this route, we produce a completely automated, computation and communication sensitive cost analysis system. This builds on earlier work in the area by quantifying communication as well as computation costs, with the former being derived for the Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) model. We present details of our shapely skeletal language and its BSP implementation strategy together with an account of the analysis mechanism by which program behaviour information (such as shape and cost) is statically deduced. This information can be used at compile-time to optimise a BSP implementation and to analyse computation and communication costs. The analysis has been implemented in Haskell. We consider different algorithms expressed in our language for some example problems and illustrate each BSP implementation, contrasting the analysis of their efficiency by traditional, intuitive methods with that achieved by our cost calculator. The accuracy of cost predictions by our cost calculator against the run time of real parallel programs is tested experimentally. Previous shape-based cost analysis required all elements of a vector (our nestable bulk data structure) to have the same shape. We partially relax this strict requirement on data structure regularity by introducing new shape expressions in our analysis framework. We demonstrate that this allows us to achieve the first automated analysis of a complete derivation, the well known maximum segment sum algorithm of Skillicorn and Cai

    GNU epsilon - an extensible programming language

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    Reductionism is a viable strategy for designing and implementing practical programming languages, leading to solutions which are easier to extend, experiment with and formally analyze. We formally specify and implement an extensible programming language, based on a minimalistic first-order imperative core language plus strong abstraction mechanisms, reflection and self-modification features. The language can be extended to very high levels: by using Lisp-style macros and code-to-code transforms which automatically rewrite high-level expressions into core forms, we define closures and first-class continuations on top of the core. Non-self-modifying programs can be analyzed and formally reasoned upon, thanks to the language simple semantics. We formally develop a static analysis and prove a soundness property with respect to the dynamic semantics. We develop a parallel garbage collector suitable to multi-core machines to permit efficient execution of parallel programs.Comment: 172 pages, PhD thesi

    Categorization And Visualization Of Parallel Programming Systems

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2005Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2005Yükesek kazanımlı programlama olarak da bilinen paralel programlama, bir problemi daha hızlı çözmek için aynı anda birden çok işlemci kullanılmasına denir. Günümüzde, ağır işlemler içeren birçok problem paralel olarak uygulanmaya çalışılmaktadır, buna örnek olarak nehir sularının simüle edilmesi, fizik veya kimya problemleri, astrolojik simülasyonlar verilebilir. Bu tezin amacı, bilimsel hesaplama veya mühendislik amaçlı kullanılan yüksek kazanımlı yazılımları tartışmaktır. Paralel programlama sistemleri ile kastedilen kütüphaneler, diller, derleyiciler, derleyici yönlendiricileri veya bunun dışında kalan, programcının paralel algoritmasını ifade edebileceği yapılardır. Yükesek kazanımlı program tasarımı için programcının dikkat etmesi gereken iki önemli nokta vardır: problemi iyi kavrayıp uygun bir çözüm önermek, doğru sisteme karar verebilmek. Doğru karar verebilmek için kullanıcının sistemler hakkında oldukça iyi bilgiye sahip olması gerekir. Bazen, birden çok yazılım ve donanımı bir arada kullanmak da gerekebilir. Bu tezde var olan paralel programlama sistemleri tanımlanır ve sınıflandırılır, bunun için güncel bildiriler esas alınmıştır. Özellikle algoritmik taslaklar ve fonsiyonel paralel programlama üzerinde durulmuştur.Ayrica güncel bilgileri depolamak ve bir kaynak yaratmak için wiki temelli bir web kaynağı oluşturulmuştur. Sistemlerin grafik gösterimini sağlayıp daha anlaşılır bir sınıflandırma yapabilmek için yeni bir sözdizimi tasarlanıp dinamik ağ çizebilecek webdot aracı ile bir araya getirilerek sistemleri temsil edecek ağı çizecek araç geliştirilmiştir. Bu sözdiziminin öğrenilmesi ve kullanılması son derece kolaydır. Son olarak iki temel paralel programlama tipi, paylaşılan bellek ve mesajlaşma, iki farklı tipte algoritma kullanılarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Programlar OpenMP ve MPI ile gerçeklenmiştir, farklı paralel makinelerde koşturulup sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır. Paralel makineler için Almanya nın Aachen Üniversitesi nin SMP ağı ve Ulakbim in dağıtık bellekli paralel makineleri kullanılmıştır.Parallel computing, also called high-performance computing, refers to solving problems faster by using multiple processors simultaneously. Nowadays, almost every computationally-intensive problem that one could imagine is tried to be implemented in parallel. This thesis is aimed at discussing high-performance software for scientific or engineering applications. The term parallel programming systems here means libraries, languages, compiler directives or other means through which a programmer can express a parallel algorithm. To design high performance programs, there are two keys for the programmer: to understand the problem and find a solution for parallelization, and to decide on the right system for the implementation, which requires a good knowledge about existing parallel programming systems. The programmer, after having understood the problem, has to choose between many systems, some of which are closely related, whereas others have big differences. This thesis describes and classifies existing parallel programming systems, thus bringing existing surveys up to date. It describes a wiki-based web portal for collecting information about most recent systems, which has been developed as part of the thesis. A special syntax and a visualization tool has been developed. This syntax and tool allow users to have their own categorization scheme. Fourth, it compares two major programming styles message passing and shared memory with two different algorithms in order show performance differences of these styles. Algorithms are implemented in OpenMP and MPI, performance of both programs are measured on the SMP Cluster of Aachen University, Germany and on the Beowulf Cluster of Ulakbim, Ankara.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Structural and Geochronological Investigations into Mid-Crustal Shear Zones, Shetland, Scottish Caledonides

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    Strain in the lithosphere localises into weakened regions known as shear zones, which are often sites of repeated reactivation, reworking and poly-metamorphism. Mature shear zones are composite areas that include spatially and temporally heterogeneous combinations of coaxial and non-coaxial deformation, such as transpression and transtension. Due to their heterogeneous nature, determining the structural evolution and regional significance of shear zones is challenging. Such areas of ductile deformation are associated with the SE-dipping North Roe Nappe and the N-S striking Walls Boundary Fault (WBF) on NW Mainland Shetland. Here, the metamorphic basement and bounding strike-slip WBF provide pre-Permian geological links between the Scottish, Norwegian and Greenland sectors of the Caledonian orogen. Field mapping, microstructural characterisation and Rb-Sr geochronology in combination with other published work in the area show that NW Mainland Shetland was subject to Neoarchaean (c. 2800 – 2700 Ma), Neoproterozoic (827 Ma – 697 Ma) and Caledonian (487 – 404 Ma) deformation. Weakly-defined Neoarchaean deformation is preserved in the structurally lowest sections of the Uyea Gneiss Complex below the North Roe Nappe. Within the North Roe Nappe, Neoproterozoic deformation is mainly found in coaxially-deformed decimetre-scale horizons. The main ductile fabrics found on NW Mainland Shetland formed during top-to-the NW thrusting and top-to-the N/sinistral shearing, dated to be broadly Caledonian in age. Bounding the coaxially-deformed Neoproterozoic horizons are decimetre-scale horizons of non-coaxial top-to-the W thrusting and NNE-SSW sinistral shearing interleaved with antithetic top-to-the E extensional and NNE-SSW dextral shears. Due to a lack of overprinting evidence and overlapping geochronological ages, non-coaxial deformation in the North Roe Nappe is interpreted to have developed broadly coevally during the Caledonian (c. 440-404 Ma). The results from this study suggest that Shetland was subject to inclined transpression during the Caledonian (Grampian-Scandian) orogeny. During transpression, Neoproterozoic material was locally vertically and laterally extruded along foliation-parallel channels in unconfined transpression. As Caledonian deformation is observed throughout NW Mainland Shetland, the westernmost limit of Caledonian deformation and the northern continuation of the Moine Thrust is either obscured by post-Caledonian brittle faults or lies offshore to the west of Shetland. Post-Caledonian dextral reactivation of the WBF resulted in localised strain being focused into bedding-parallel and fold limb-parallel shears. This study highlights the importance of combining field, microstructural and geochronological data in determining the structural evolution of reactivated, transpressional shear zones

    Real-time tomographic reconstruction

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    With tomography it is possible to reconstruct the interior of an object without destroying. It is an important technique for many applications in, e.g., science, industry, and medicine. The runtime of conventional reconstruction algorithms is typically much longer than the time it takes to perform the tomographic experiment, and this prohibits the real-time reconstruction and visualization of the imaged object. The research in this dissertation introduces various techniques such as new parallelization schemes, data partitioning methods, and a quasi-3D reconstruction framework, that significantly reduce the time it takes to run conventional tomographic reconstruction algorithms without affecting image quality. The resulting methods and software implementations put reconstruction times in the same ballpark as the time it takes to do a tomographic scan, so that we can speak of real-time tomographic reconstruction.NWONumber theory, Algebra and Geometr

    Performance analysis for parallel programs from multicore to petascale

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    Cutting-edge science and engineering applications require petascale computing. Petascale computing platforms are characterized by both extreme parallelism (systems of hundreds of thousands to millions of cores) and hybrid parallelism (nodes with multicore chips). Consequently, to effectively use petascale resources, applications must exploit concurrency at both the node and system level --- a difficult problem. The challenge of developing scalable petascale applications is only partially aided by existing languages and compilers. As a result, manual performance tuning is often necessary to identify and resolve poor parallel and serial efficiency. Our thesis is that it is possible to achieve unique, accurate, and actionable insight into the performance of fully optimized parallel programs by measuring them with asynchronous-sampling-based call path profiles; attributing the resulting binary-level measurements to source code structure; analyzing measurements on-the-fly and postmortem to highlight performance inefficiencies; and presenting the resulting context- sensitive metrics in three complementary views. To support this thesis, we have developed several techniques for identifying performance problems in fully optimized serial, multithreaded and petascale programs. First, we describe how to attribute very precise (instruction-level) measurements to source-level static and dynamic contexts in fully optimized applications --- all for an average run-time overhead of a few percent. We then generalize this work with the development of logical call path profiling and apply it to work-stealing-based applications. Second, we describe techniques for pinpointing and quantifying parallel inefficiencies such as parallel idleness, parallel overhead and lock contention in multithreaded executions. Third, we show how to diagnose scalability bottlenecks in petascale applications by scaling our our measurement, analysis and presentation tools to support large-scale executions. Finally, we provide a coherent framework for these techniques by sketching a unique and comprehensive performance analysis methodology. This work forms the basis of Rice University's HPCTOOLKIT performance tools