9 research outputs found

    Modeling the Effect of a Road Construction Project on Transportation System Performance

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    Road construction projects create physical changes on roads that result in capacity reduction and travel time escalation during the construction project period. The reduction in the posted speed limit, the number of lanes, lane width and shoulder width at the construction zone makes it difficult for the road to accommodate high traffic volume. Therefore, the goal of this research is to model the effect of a road construction project on travel time at road link-level and help improve the mobility of people and goods through dissemination or implementation of proactive solutions. Data for a resurfacing construction project on I-485 in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina (NC) was used evaluation, analysis, and modeling. A statistical t-test was conducted to examine the relationship between the change in travel time before and during the construction project period. Further, travel time models were developed for the freeway links and the connecting arterial street links, both before and during the construction project period. The road network characteristics of each link, such as the volume/ capacity (V/C), the number of lanes, the speed limit, the shoulder width, the lane width, whether the link is divided or undivided, characteristics of neighboring links, the time-of-the-day, the day-of-the-week, and the distance of the link from the road construction project were considered as predictor variables for modeling. The results obtained indicate that a decrease in travel time was observed during the construction project period on the freeway links when compared to the before construction project period. Contrarily, an increase in travel time was observed during the construction project period on the connecting arterial street links when compared to the before construction project period. Also, the average travel time, the planning time, and the travel time index can better explain the effect of a road construction project on transportation system performance when compared to the planning time index and the buffer time index. The influence of predictor variables seem to vary before and during the construction project period on the freeway links and connecting arterial street links. Practitioners should take the research findings into consideration, in addition to the construction zone characteristics, when planning a road construction project and developing temporary traffic control and detour plans

    A hybrid integrated deep learning model for the prediction of citywide spatio-temporal flow volumes

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    The spatio-temporal residual network (ST-ResNet) leverages the power of deep learning (DL) for predicting the volume of citywide spatio-temporal flows. However, this model, neglects the dynamic dependency of the input flows in the temporal dimension, which affects what spatio-temporal features may be captured in the result. This study introduces a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network into the ST-ResNet to form a hybrid integrated-DL model to predict the volumes of citywide spatio-temporal flows (called HIDLST). The new model can dynamically learn the temporal dependency among flows via the feedback connection in the LSTM to improve accurate captures of spatio-temporal features in the flows. We test the HIDLST model by predicting the volumes of citywide taxi flows in Beijing, China. We tune the hyperparameters of the HIDLST model to optimize the prediction accuracy. A comparative study shows that the proposed model consistently outperforms ST-ResNet and several other typical DL-based models on prediction accuracy. Furthermore, we discuss the distribution of prediction errors and the contributions of the different spatio-temporal patterns

    Deep spatio-temporal residual neural networks for road-network-based data modeling

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    Recently, researchers have introduced deep learning methods such as convolutional neural networks (CNN) to model spatio-temporal data and achieved better results than those with conventional methods. However, these CNN-based models employ a grid map to represent spatial data, which is unsuitable for road-network-based data. To address this problem, we propose a deep spatio-temporal residual neural network for road-network-based data modeling (DSTR-RNet). The proposed model constructs locally-connected neural network layers (LCNR) to model road network topology and integrates residual learning to model the spatio-temporal dependency. We test the DSTR-RNet by predicting the traffic flow of Didi cab service, in an 8-km2 region with 2,616 road segments in Chengdu, China. The results demonstrate that the DSTR-RNet maintains the spatial precision and topology of the road network as well as improves the prediction accuracy. We discuss the prediction errors and compare the prediction results to those of grid-based CNN models. We also explore the sensitivity of the model to its parameters; this will aid the application of this model to network-based data modeling

    Understanding Factors Affecting Arterial Reliability Performance Metrics

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    In recent years, the importance of travel time reliability has become equally important as average travel time. However, the majority focus of travel time research is average travel time or travel time reliability on freeways. In addition, the identification of specific factors (i.e., peak hours, nighttime hours, etc.) and their effects on average travel time and travel time variability are often unknown. The current study addresses these two issues through a travel time-based study on urban arterials. Using travel times collected via Bluetooth data, a series of analyses are conducted to understand factors affecting reliability metrics on urban arterials. Analyses include outlier detection, a detailed descriptive analysis of select corridors, median travel time analysis, assessment of travel time reliability metrics recommended by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and a bivariate Tobit model. Results show that day of the week, time of day, and holidays have varying effects on average travel time, travel time reliability, and travel time variability. Results also show that evening peak hours have the greatest effects in regards to increasing travel time, nighttime hours have the greatest effects in regards to decreasing travel time, and directionality plays a vital role in all travel time-related metrics

    Urban Safety: An Image-Processing and Deep-Learning-Based Intelligent Traffic Management and Control System

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    With the rapid growth and development of cities, Intelligent Traffic Management and Control (ITMC) is becoming a fundamental component to address the challenges of modern urban traffic management, where a wide range of daily problems need to be addressed in a prompt and expedited manner. Issues such as unpredictable traffic dynamics, resource constraints, and abnormal events pose difficulties to city managers. ITMC aims to increase the efficiency of traffic management by minimizing the odds of traffic problems, by providing real-time traffic state forecasts to better schedule the intersection signal controls. Reliable implementations of ITMC improve the safety of inhabitants and the quality of life, leading to economic growth. In recent years, researchers have proposed different solutions to address specific problems concerning traffic management, ranging from image-processing and deep-learning techniques to forecasting the traffic state and deriving policies to control intersection signals. This review article studies the primary public datasets helpful in developing models to address the identified problems, complemented with a deep analysis of the works related to traffic state forecast and intersection-signal-control models. Our analysis found that deep-learning-based approaches for short-term traffic state forecast and multi-intersection signal control showed reasonable results, but lacked robustness for unusual scenarios, particularly during oversaturated situations, which can be resolved by explicitly addressing these cases, potentially leading to significant improvements of the systems overall. However, there is arguably a long path until these models can be used safely and effectively in real-world scenarios

    Performance Enhancement of Time Delay and Convolutional Neural Networks Employing Sparse Representation in the Transform Domains

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    Deep neural networks are quickly advancing and increasingly used in many applications; however, these networks are often extremely large and require computing and storage power beyond what is available in most embedded and sensor devices. For example, IoT (Internet of Things) devices lack powerful processors or graphical processing units (GPUs) that are commonly used in deep networks. Given the very large-scale deployment of such low power devices, it is desirable to design methods for efficient reduction of computational needs of neural networks. This can be done by reducing input data size or network sizes. Expectedly, such reduction comes at the cost of degraded performance. In this work, we examine how sparsifying the input to a neural network can significantly improve the performance of artificial neural networks (ANN) such as time delay neural networks (TDNN) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). We show how TDNNs can be enhanced using a sparsifying transform layer that significantly improves learning time and forecasting performance for time series. We mathematically prove that the improvement is the result of sparsification of the input of a fully connected layer of a TDNN. Experiments with several datasets and transforms such as discrete cosine transform (DCT), discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and PCA (Principal Component Analysis) are used to show the improvement and the reason behind it. We also show that this improved performance can be traded off for network size reduction of a TDNN. Similarly, we show that the performance of reduced size CNNs can be improved for image classification when domain transforms are employed in the input. The improvement in CNN performance is found to be related to the better preservation of information when sparsifying transforms are used. We evaluate the proposed concept with low complexity CNNs and common datasets of Fashion MNIST and CIFAR. We constrain the size of CNNs in our tests to under 200K learnable parameters, as opposed to millions in deeper networks. We emphasize that finding optimal hyper parameters or network configurations is not the objective of this study; rather, we focus on studying the impact of projecting data to new domains on the performance of reduced size inputs and networks. It is shown that input size reduction of up to 75% is possible, without loss of classification accuracy in some cases

    Design and validation of novel methods for long-term road traffic forecasting

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    132 p.Road traffic management is a critical aspect for the design and planning of complex urban transport networks for which vehicle flow forecasting is an essential component. As a testimony of its paramount relevance in transport planning and logistics, thousands of scientific research works have covered the traffic forecasting topic during the last 50 years. In the beginning most approaches relied on autoregressive models and other analysis methods suited for time series data. During the last two decades, the development of new technology, platforms and techniques for massive data processing under the Big Data umbrella, the availability of data from multiple sources fostered by the Open Data philosophy and an ever-growing need of decision makers for accurate traffic predictions have shifted the spotlight to data-driven procedures. Even in this convenient context, with abundance of open data to experiment and advanced techniques to exploit them, most predictive models reported in literature aim for shortterm forecasts, and their performance degrades when the prediction horizon is increased. Long-termforecasting strategies are more scarce, and commonly based on the detection and assignment to patterns. These approaches can perform reasonably well unless an unexpected event provokes non predictable changes, or if the allocation to a pattern is inaccurate.The main core of the work in this Thesis has revolved around datadriven traffic forecasting, ultimately pursuing long-term forecasts. This has broadly entailed a deep analysis and understanding of the state of the art, and dealing with incompleteness of data, among other lesser issues. Besides, the second part of this dissertation presents an application outlook of the developed techniques, providing methods and unexpected insights of the local impact of traffic in pollution. The obtained results reveal that the impact of vehicular emissions on the pollution levels is overshadowe