225 research outputs found

    A short history of English literature.

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    Digiteeritud Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi rahastusel, projekti "Eesti teadus- ja õppekirjandus" (2014-2020.12.03.21-0848) raames.https://www.ester.ee/record=b4194830*es

    A short history of English literature.

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    Digiteeritud Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi rahastusel, projekti "Eesti teadus- ja õppekirjandus" (2014-2020.12.03.21-0848) raames.https://www.ester.ee/record=b4195376*es

    "That something better ought to come". Structure and canon formation in British literary history

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    Literary historiography may, among other things, mean the study of how literary history is written. Taking as my departurepoint Hayden White's claim that history is fictional as well as factual, and that writing history has more in common with fiction than scientific discourse, I study structure and canon formation in three British literary histories, A Manual of English Literature by Thomas Arnold (1862), A Short History of English Literature by George Saintsbury (1898) and A Short History of English Literature by B. Ifor Evans (1940).I engelsk språkdrakt er litterær historiografi, mellom andre ting, læra om korleis litteraturhistorie vert skriven. Med utgangspunkt i historikaren Hayden White sin påstand om at historie er fiksjon vel så mykje som fakta, og at historieskriving har meir til felles med skjønnlitteratur enn med vitskapleg diskursformer, tek eg føre meg struktur og kanonformasjon i tre britiske litteraturhistorier, A Manual of English Literature av Thomas Arnold (1862), A Short History of English Literature av George Saintsbury (1898) og A Short History of English Literature av B. Ifor Evans (1940). Desse litteraturhistoriene er skrivne i ein periode då det var stor tiltru både til positivistisk historisme, vitskaplege metodar og den litterære kanon sin funksjon. Det er stilt spørsmål ved alle desse områda dei seinare år, og eit studie av litteraturhistorier frå denne tida vil gje innblikk i eit område i omvelting frå eit meir stabilt tidspunkt. Likevel kan desse gje verdifull innsikt i litteraturhistorieskriving i dag, med dei utfordringar sjangeren møter i høve post-moderne skeptisisme og sterk kritikk av den litterære kanon. Eg har i denne oppgåva vist korleis ein kan lesa litteraturhistorie både som historie og litteratur, og som eit uttrykk for tida den er skriven i. Eg har vore meir interessert i å visa korleis denne sjangeren gir uttrykk for tidstypiske ideologiar enn kva for nokre, om nokon, ideologiske implikasjonar dei ulike historiene presenterer. Eg har særleg sett på struktur og kanonformasjon, då eg meinar at den grunnleggande strukturen i historiene vil leggja føringar for kva verk dei meinar fortener ein plass i den litterære kanon. Dei strukturelle, og strukturerande, trekka eg har sett på er i hovudsak periodisering, plot og metaforar. Alle desse er sentrale område for historieskriving, og like sentrale i produksjon av fiksjon. Eg har gjennom studiet av desse illustrert at litteraturhistorie ikkje representerer objektiv kunnskap, men er eit uttrykk for historikaren si tilnærming til både litteratur og historie. Studiet av litteraturhistorie som sjanger er lite utbreidd i Storbritannia i høve andre deler av verda. Litteraturhistorier av ulike typar vert enno skrivne, og eg meinar studiar av litteraturhistorie både som uttrykk for ideologiar og som litterær sjanger er verdifulle både for å lettare kunne ha ein kritisk tilnærming til det som vert presentert, for å lettare skriva gode, nyttige litteraturhistorier, og for å komma fram til kanonar som høver i eit skiftande samfunn.Master i EngelskMAHF-ENGENG35

    The Ideological Questions of Marriage in Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure

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    As one of the prominent ideologies of the nineteenth-century— in a complex interrelation with other contemporary ideological discourses particularly femininity and marriage—religion adopts a critical stance in Hardy's presentation of characters. Breaching the religio-conventional image of femininity as “Angel in the House” and “Cow Woman,” Hardy's Jude the Obscure (1895) is indeed deemed to be his milestone in presenting his anti-Christian attitudes towards the contemporary religion. This study aims to present Hardy's outright hostility towards the nineteenth-century Christianity through his creation of non-conformist characters, necessitating a parallel study with other contemporary discourses regarding marriage and femininity, and conflict with the religion of the time. Hardy's magnum opus, the work on which he was to stake his final reputation as a novelist, was clearly Jude the Obscure which as a noticeable socio-religious experimentation of the late nineteenth-century, reveals Hardy's perception of new ideas about femininity and marriage by presenting the hot contemporary issues of “New Woman” and “Free Union” through the development and presentation of Sue Bridehead and her free union with Jude, respectively. Hardy's presentation of Sue Bridehead as a “New Woman,” and employing the “Free Union” in marked contrast with the nineteenth-century convention of marriage as a “Bonded Pair” is Hardy's closing upshot of his final novelistic attempt. The non-conformist Jude and Sue are presented as figures touching the Victorian Christian standards of morality, while, the final tragic destiny of Jude and Sue's helplessness attest to the writer's substantial contribution as a Victorian male novelist to the ideologies circulating at the time

    English in the High School

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    "Reprinted from the Louisiana school work, January, 1915.""Read at the annual meeting of the high school principals of Louisiana, in Baton Rouge, December 10, 1914."Mode of access: Internet

    Elizabethan Period (The Golden Age of English Literature)

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    English literature has been developed in some period. Each period has its own characteristics which portrayed the condition of the age. The period of English literature is started from Old English until Modern English. English literature becomes glorious when Queen Elizabeth I ruled England. This age is known as Elizabethan period. In this period, there are many literary works such as poetry, drama which are produced by famous artists. The literary works produced in Elizabethan period is famous and the existence of the literary works can be seen nowadays. Furthermore, some literary works, such as drama, are reproduced into movie. Therefore, this period is also known as the golden age of English Literature

    Oliver Twist and Jane Eyre : A Comparison of Orphans in Victorian Literature

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    The Contributors

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    МОВНІ ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ПОРТРЕТНИХ ОПИСІВ В АНГЛІЙСЬКІЙ ХУДОЖНІЙ ПРОЗІ XVI СТОЛІТТЯ (Language peculiarities of the portraits’ descriptions in English prose in XVI century)

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    У статті проаналізовано використання мовних одиниць в портретних описах персонажів у англійській художній прозі XVI століття. (Portrait description, lexemes denoting parts of the body, clothing, mimicry, gestures, and postures, words of general portrait characteristics.