11 research outputs found

    A roadmap towards sustainable self-aware service systems

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    Four-Dimensional Sustainable E-Services

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    E-services are not sustainable, unless we specifically design for sustainability along four dimensions (4D): economical, technical, environmental, and social. Economic sustainability to ensure that e-services create economic value; technical sustainability so that their technical assets actually enable the e-services to cope with changes; environmental sustainability to avoid that e-services harm the environment they operate in, and social sustainability to ensure e-services provide fair exchange of information between parties. Designing 4D-sustainable e-services is very complex. So far, service-engineering research has left dealing with such complexity unassisted—mainly due to the many initial technical challenges that needed to be overcome. Our goal is to fill this gap, by modeling the fundamentals of 4D-sustainable e-services. We propose a conceptual approach for representing 4D-sustainability. Our goal is to enhance the shared understanding amongst sustainability stakeholders, and to ease sustainability assessment and negotiation. Our approach offers a number of interrelated core elements (common among the four sustainability dimensions) as well as dimension-specific elements, variable elements. By focusing on 4D core elements, we enable describing the essence of sustainable e-services in a unified manner. We illustrate the value of the conceptual model using a real-life case study featuring an airport baggage handling syste

    Four-Dimensional Sustainable E-Services

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    Fuzzy logic based qos optimization mechanism for service composition

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    Increase emphasis on Quality of Service and highly changing environments make management of composite services a time consuming and complicated task. Adaptation approaches aim to mitigate the management problem by adjusting composite services to the environment conditions, maintaining functional and quality levels, and reducing human intervention. This paper presents an adaptation approach that implements self-optimization based on fuzzy logic. The proposed optimization model performs service selection based on the analysis of historical and real QoS data, gathered at different stages during the execution of composite services. The use of fuzzy inference systems enables the evaluation of the measured QoS values, helps deciding whether adaptation is needed or not, and how to perform service selection. Experimental results show significant improvements in the global QoS of the use case scenario, providing reductions up to 20.5% in response time, 33.4% in cost and 31.2% in energy consumption

    Self-awareness for dynamic knowledge management in self-adaptive volunteer services

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    Engineering volunteer services calls for novel self-adaptive approaches for dynamically managing the process of selecting volunteer services. As these services tend to be published and withdrawn without restrictions, uncertainties, dynamisms and 'dilution of control' related to the decisions of selection and composition are complex problems. These services tend to exhibit periodic performance patterns, which are often repeated over a certain time period. Consequently, the awareness of such periodic patterns enables the prediction of the services performance leading to better adaptation. In this paper, we contribute to a self-adaptive approach, namely time-awareness, which combines self-aware principles with dynamic histograms to dynamically manage the periodic trends of services performance and their evolution trends. Such knowledge can inform the adaptation decisions, leading to increase in the precision of selecting and composing services. We evaluate the approach using a volunteer storage composition scenario. The evaluation results show the advantages of dynamic knowledge management in self-adaptive volunteer computing in selecting dependable services and satisfying higher number of requests

    Engineering self-awareness with knowledge management in dynamic systems: a case for volunteer computing

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    The complexity of the modem dynamic computing systems has motivated software engineering researchers to explore new sources of inspiration for equipping such systems with autonomic behaviours. Self-awareness has recently gained considerable attention as a prominent property for enriching the self-adaptation capabilities in systems operating in dynamic, heterogeneous and open environments. This thesis investigates the role of knowledge and its dynamic management in realising various levels of self-awareness for enabling self­adaptivity with different capabilities and strengths. The thesis develops a novel multi-level dynamic knowledge management approach for managing and representing the evolving knowledge. The approach is able to acquire 'richer' knowledge about the system's internal state and its environment in addition to managing the trade-offs arising from the adaptation conflicting goals. The thesis draws on a case from the volunteer computing, as an environment characterised by openness, heterogeneity, dynamism, and unpredictability to develop and evaluate the approach. This thesis takes an experimental approach to evaluate the effectiveness of the of the dynamic knowledge management approach. The results show the added value of the approach to the self-adaptivity of the system compared to classic self­adaptation capabilities

    Predicting Application Performance for Chip Multiprocessors

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    Today's computers have processors with multiple cores that allow several applications to execute simultaneously. The way resources are allocated to an application affects whether performance objectives, such as quality of service (QoS), are satisfied. To ensure objectives are met, resources must be carefully but quickly allocated in response to changing runtime conditions. Traditional approaches to resource allocation take place either purely online or offline. Online methods do not scale to large, multiple core systems because there are too many allocations to evaluate at runtime. Offline methods cannot handle unanticipated workloads or changes. A hybrid approach could combine the lower runtime overhead of offline approaches with the flexibility of online approaches. This thesis introduces AUTO, a hybrid solution to perform resource allocation. AUTO dynamically adjusts thread count, core count, and core type. It does so in accordance with a user-provided policy to meet performance objectives. AUTO's capabilities come from four prediction techniques. The first technique builds and uses models that consider CPU contention and application scalability in order to select co-running applications' thread counts. The second technique predicts applications' preferred thread-to-core mappings. The predictions are thread count independent and are translated into concrete thread-to-core mappings based on resource availability. The third technique predicts application performance under thread-to-core mappings. The final technique selects thread count and core count for applications on a system with cores of different capabilities. AUTO was tested in several scenarios. In each scenario, it was shown to be an effective, efficient solution to resource allocation. First, it was used to select the thread count of one or more co-running applications. Second, it was used to select application thread-to-core mappings. Third, it was used to make predictions about application performance under thread-to-core mappings. Finally, it was used to select both thread count and core type for applications on a computer with cores of different capabilities. AUTO's resource allocation and models allow for more effective and more efficient policies. By using hybrid online and offline techniques, AUTO solves the problem of allocating threads and cores to meet performance objectives

    QoS awareness and adaptation in service composition

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    The dynamic nature of a Web service execution environment generates frequent variations in the Quality of Service offered to the consumers, therefore, obtaining the expected results while running a composite service is not guaranteed. When combining this highly changing environment with the increasing emphasis on Quality of Service, management of composite services turns into a time consuming and complicated task. Different approaches and tools have been proposed to mitigate the impacts of unexpected events during the execution of composite services. Among them, self-adaptive proposals have stood out, since they aim to maintain functional and quality levels, by dynamically adapting composite services to the environment conditions, reducing human intervention. The research presented in this Thesis is centred on self-adaptive properties in service composition, mainly focused on self-optimization. Three models have been proposed to target self-optimization, considering various QoS parameters, the benefit of performing adaptation, and looking at adaptation from two perspectives: reactive and proactive. They target situations where the QoS of the composition is decreasing. Also, they consider situations where a number of the accumulated QoS values, in certain point of the process, are better than expected, providing the possibility of improving other QoS parameters. These approaches have been implemented in service composition frameworks and evaluated through the execution of test cases. Evaluation was performed by comparing the QoS values gathered from multiple executions of composite services, using the proposed optimization models and a non-adaptive approach. The benefit of adaptation was found a useful value during the decision making process, in order to determine if adaptation was needed or not. Results show that using optimization mechanisms when executing composite services provide significant improvements in the global QoS values of the compositions. Nevertheless, in some cases there is a trade-off, where one of the measured parameters shows an increment, in order to improve the others

    A roadmap towards sustainable self-aware service systems

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    Self-awareness and self-adaptation have become primary concerns in large-scale systems as they have become too complex to be managed by human administrators alone, but rather require a new blend of coordination mechanisms between people and software services. This paper presents a roadmap to effective and efficient system adaptation through coupling self- awareness of global-level goals with sustainability constraints. Sustainability of large-scale systems challenges self-adaptation approaches by its intrinsic characters of global and long-lasting effects. We introduce a scientific architecture comprising five levels of awareness: (i) event-awareness, (ii) situation-awareness, (iii) adaptability awareness, (iv) goal-awareness, and (v) future-awareness. Within each level we introduce applicable principles and subsequently outline necessary models, algorithms, and protocols. The approach puts special focus on the interdependencies of human and service elements