11 research outputs found

    Review of Environmental Wireless Sensor Networks System and Design

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    The paper presents the review of wireless system networks development for environmental application. An environmental problem such as climate change requires urgent attention. The use of embedded system and wireless sensors make monitoring possible for areas such as remote and harsh environment. Environment parameters such CO2 and other greenhouse gasses are monitored using the sensor attached to a wireless remote node from a different location and transmitted to the central unit for processing. It is important to use the right type of wireless technology since the remote application requires low power management and resistance to noise. There are several types of modules such as WI-FI, GPRS, Bluetooth, ZigBee and other wireless technology. The related work in this field will be reviewed and factors such as topology, power requirement, and good system design approach will be taken into account for the system review

    Ensuring Uniform Energy Consumption in Non-Deterministic Wireless Sensor Network to Protract Networks Lifetime

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    Wireless sensor networks have enticed much of the spotlight from researchers all around the world, owing to its extensive applicability in agricultural, industrial and military fields. Energy conservation node deployment stratagems play a notable role for active implementation of Wireless Sensor Networks. Clustering is the approach in wireless sensor networks which improves energy efficiency in the network. The clustering algorithm needs to have an optimum size and number of clusters, as clustering, if not implemented properly, cannot effectively increase the life of the network. In this paper, an algorithm has been proposed to address connectivity issues with the aim of ensuring the uniform energy consumption of nodes in every part of the network. The results obtained after simulation showed that the proposed algorithm has an edge over existing algorithms in terms of throughput and networks lifetime

    Honey Bee Colonies Remote Monitoring System

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    Bees are very important for terrestrial ecosystems and, above all, for the subsistence of many crops, due to their ability to pollinate flowers. Currently, the honey bee populations are decreasing due to colony collapse disorder (CCD). The reasons for CCD are not fully known, and as a result, it is essential to obtain all possible information on the environmental conditions surrounding the beehives. On the other hand, it is important to carry out such information gathering as non-intrusively as possible to avoid modifying the bees’ work conditions and to obtain more reliable data. We designed a wireless-sensor networks meet these requirements. We designed a remote monitoring system (called WBee) based on a hierarchical three-level model formed by the wireless node, a local data server, and a cloud data server. WBee is a low-cost, fully scalable, easily deployable system with regard to the number and types of sensors and the number of hives and their geographical distribution. WBee saves the data in each of the levels if there are failures in communication. In addition, the nodes include a backup battery, which allows for further data acquisition and storage in the event of a power outage. Unlike other systems that monitor a single point of a hive, the system we present monitors and stores the temperature and relative humidity of the beehive in three different spots. Additionally, the hive is continuously weighed on a weighing scale. Real-time weight measurement is an innovation in wireless beehive—monitoring systems. We designed an adaptation board to facilitate the connection of the sensors to the node. Through the Internet, researchers and beekeepers can access the cloud data server to find out the condition of their hives in real time

    Link Budget Maximization for a Mobile-Band Subsurface Wireless Sensor in Challenging Water Utility Environments

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    A subsurface chamber transceiver system and associated propagation channel link budget considerations for an underground wireless sensor system (UWSS) are presented: the application was a sewerage system for a water utility company. The UWSS operates over the GSM850/900, GSM1800/1900, and Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) bands in order to operate with the standard public mobile phone system. A novel antenna was developed to minimize path loss from the underground location: a folded loop type, which is small enough to fit conveniently inside a utility manhole access chamber while giving adequate signal strength to link to mobile base stations from such a challenging environment. The electromagnetic performance was simulated and measured in both free space and in a real manhole chamber. An experimental test bed was created to determine the return loss and received signal strength with different transceiver positions below the manhole chamber access cover. Both numerical and experimental results suggested an optimum position of the unit inside the manhole, combining easy access for maintenance with viable received signal strength. This confirmed that the characteristics were adequate for incorporation in a transceiver designed to communicate with mobile base stations from underground. A field trial confirmed the successful operation of the system under severe conditions

    Lightweight identity based online/offline signature scheme for wireless sensor networks

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    Data security is one of the issues during data exchange between two sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks (WSN). While information flows across naturally exposed communication channels, cybercriminals may access sensitive information. Multiple traditional reliable encryption methods like RSA encryption-decryption and Diffie–Hellman key exchange face a crisis of computational resources due to limited storage, low computational ability, and insufficient power in lightweight WSNs. The complexity of these security mechanisms reduces the network lifespan, and an online/offline strategy is one way to overcome this problem. This study proposed an improved identity-based online/offline signature scheme using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) encryption. The lightweight calculations were conducted during the online phase, and in the offline phase, the encryption, point multiplication, and other heavy measures were pre-processed using powerful devices. The proposed scheme uniquely combined the Inverse Collusion Attack Algorithm (CAA) with lightweight ECC to generate secure identitybased signatures. The suggested scheme was analyzed for security and success probability under Random Oracle Model (ROM). The analysis concluded that the generated signatures were immune to even the worst Chosen Message Attack. The most important, resource-effective, and extensively used on-demand function was the verification of the signatures. The low-cost verification algorithm of the scheme saved a significant number of valued resources and increased the overall network’s lifespan. The results for encryption/decryption time, computation difficulty, and key generation time for various data sizes showed the proposed solution was ideal for lightweight devices as it accelerated data transmission speed and consumed the least resources. The hybrid method obtained an average of 66.77% less time consumption and up to 12% lower computational cost than previous schemes like the dynamic IDB-ECC two-factor authentication key exchange protocol, lightweight IBE scheme (IDB-Lite), and Korean certification-based signature standard using the ECC. The proposed scheme had a smaller key size and signature size of 160 bits. Overall, the energy consumption was also reduced to 0.53 mJ for 1312 bits of offline storage. The hybrid framework of identity-based signatures, online/offline phases, ECC, CAA, and low-cost algorithms enhances overall performance by having less complexity, time, and memory consumption. Thus, the proposed hybrid scheme is ideally suited for a lightweight WSN

    Study of the colony-environment relationship in domestic bee populations (Apis mellifera L.) by implementing electronic remote monitoring systems

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    La polinización es la aportación principal de la abeja doméstica (Apis mellifera L.) a los ecosistemas terrestres, y además resulta fundamental para el éxito de muchos cultivos. Sin las abejas podría estar seriamente comprometida la viabilidad de muchas especies vegetales. Sin embargo, las poblaciones de abejas están sufriendo importantes pérdidas, decreciendo debido a diferentes factores no bien identificados, aunque el cambio climático ha sido propuesto como uno de ellos. Por tanto, entender cómo responden las abejas a los nuevos escenarios climáticos es esencial para hacerle frente, especialmente en las zonas bioclimáticas más sensibles, como es el área mediterránea. En este sentido, es necesario conseguir toda la información posible sobre cómo interactúan las abejas con las condiciones ambientales, y cómo son capaces de regular estas condiciones en el interior de la colmena, empleando además métodos lo menos intrusivos posibles, evitando así modificar las condiciones naturales y obtener datos más realistas. Con ese objetivo, hemos diseñado un sistema de monitorización remota, al que hemos denominado WBee, basado en la tecnología Waspmote, y diseñado como un modelo jerárquico a tres niveles: nodo inalámbrico, un servidor local, y un servidor para almacenar los datos en la nube. WBee es un sistema fácilmente adaptable en relación al número y tipo de sensores, al número de colmenas y a su distribución geográfica. WBee además almacena los datos en cada uno de los niveles por si se produjeran errores en la comunicación, disponiendo los nodos también con baterías de apoyo, lo que permite continuar recabando información aunque se produzca una caída del sistema eléctrico. Actualmente el sistema está dotado con sensores que le permiten monitorizar la temperatura y la humedad relativa de la colonia en tres puntos diferentes, así como el peso de la colmena. Todos los datos recogidos se pueden consultar a tiempo real con acceso a través de internet. Una vez implementado el sistema, apoyándonos en los datos obtenidos, hemos estudiado la relación de las abejas con el medio en tres situaciones: en la primera, monitorizamos las tres variables (peso, temperatura y humedad relativa) a lo largo de un mes en 20 colmenas, coincidiendo con una floración comercial de girasol. Esto nos ha permitido entender la evolución de las colonias durante una floración, registrar la producción de miel en las colmenas y estimar el momento óptimo para su extracción, además de verificar el correcto funcionamiento del sistema Wbee. En la segunda, se estudió la influencia de episodios de temperaturas extremas en las colmenas durante el periodo de floración en las campañas apícolas de 2016 y 2017. En este ensayo usamos los cambios en el peso de las colmenas como variable indicadora de la evolución de las colonias, y lo completamos con evaluaciones exhaustivas en tres momentos críticos (principio, mitad y final) de la floración en su conjunto, determinando la población de abejas adultas, cría, y reservas de polen y miel. Los resultados mostraron que la floración se redujo en tres semanas en 2017 en comparación con 2016, ya que las condiciones adversas afectaron significativamente a la evolución normal de las poblaciones de abejas y las reservas de polen y miel, incrementando el estrés alimenticio de las abejas. Esto también afectó al espectro polínico y a las características comerciales de la miel. En la tercera, se registraron los datos de peso, humedad y temperatura de 10 colmenas de abejas ibéricas durante los mismos dos años completos. Estos datos fueron usados para identificar los factores climáticos que potencialmente afectan al comportamiento regulatorio interno en las colmenas y el peso de las mismas. Sobre estos datos se realizó un análisis categórico de los componentes principales (CATPCA) que fue usado para determinar el número mínimo de los factores capaces de explicar el máximo porcentaje de la variabilidad registrada en los datos. A continuación, se usó una regresión categórica (CATREG) para seleccionar los factores que estaban relacionados linealmente con el peso, temperatura y humedad interna de las colmenas, con los que proponer ecuaciones de regresión específicas para abejas ibéricas. Los resultados obtenidos, especialmente aquellos relacionados con la humedad relativa, contrastan con los previamente publicados en otros estudios con abejas en el centro y norte de Europa, y pueden ayudar a planificar una apicultura más eficiente, así como a conocer el efecto del cambio climático en las abejas. Finalmente, los resultados no solo atañen a las abejas, pues el sistema puede ser una herramienta muy útil para estudiar lo que sucede en el medio, usando las colonias de abejas como bioindicadores.Pollination is the main contribution of the domestic bee (Apis mellifera L.) to terrestrial ecosystems, and it is also essential for the success of many crops. Without bees, the viability of many plant species could be seriously compromised. However, bee populations are suffering significant losses, and are decreasing due to different factors not well identified, although climate change has been proposed as one of them. Therefore, understanding how bees respond to new climate scenarios is essential to face it, especially in sensitive bioclimatic zones, such as the Mediterranean area. In this sense, it is necessary to obtain a large amount of information on how bees interact with environmental conditions, and how they are able to regulate these conditions inside the hive, also using the least intrusive methods possible, and avoiding modifying natural conditions and obtaining more realistic data. With this objective, we have designed a remote monitoring system, which we have called WBee, based on Waspmote technology, and designed as a hierarchical model at three levels: wireless node, a local data server, and a cloud data server. WBee is an easily adaptable system in relation to the number and type of sensors, the number of hives and their geographical distribution. WBee saves the data in each of the levels if there are failures in communication, also include a backup battery, which makes it possible to continue collecting data in the event of a power outage. Currently the system is equipped with sensors that allow it to monitor the temperature and relative humidity of the colony at three different points, as well as the weight of the hive. All the data collected can be consulted in real time with Access through the internet. Once the system was implemented, we have studied, based on the data obtained, the relationship of bees with the environment in three situations: in the first, we evaluated the three variables (weight, temperature and relative humidity) over a month in 20 hives, coinciding with a commercial sunflower flowering. This has allowed us to understand the evolution of the colonies during a flowering period, to record the production of honey in the hives and to estimate the optimal moment for its extraction, in addition to verifying the correct functioning of the Wbee system. In the second, the influence of episodes of extreme temperatures in the hives during the flowering period, in the 2016 and 2017 beekeeping sessions, was evaluated. In this study we use the changes in the weight of the hives as a reflection of the evolution of the colonies, and we complete it with exhaustive assessments at three critical moments (beginning, middle and end) of the flowering, determining the population of adult bees, brood, and pollen and honey reserves. The results showed that flowering was reduced by three weeks in 2017 compared to 2016, since the normal evolution of bee populations and pollen and honey reserves were significantly affected by adverse conditions, increasing the nutritional stress of the bees. This also affected the pollen spectrum and the commercial characteristics of honey. In the third, the weight, humidity and temperature data of 10 hives of Iberian bees were recorded during the same two full years. These data were used to identify climatic factors that potentially affect internal regulatory behavior and their weight in hives. On these data, a Categorical principal components analysis (CATPCA) was carried out, which was used to determine the minimum number of factors capable of explaining the maximum percentage of the variability recorded in the data. Next, a categorical regression (CATREG) was used to select the factors that were linearly related to hive internal humidity, temperature and weight to issue predictive regression equations in Iberian bees. The results obtained, especially those related to relative humidity, contrast with those previously published in other studies with bees in central and northern Europe, and can help to plan more efficient beekeeping, as well as to know the effect of climate change on the bees. Finally, the results do not only concern bees, since the system can be a useful tool to study what happens in the environment, using bee colonies as bioindicators

    Wireless sensor networks, actuation, and signal processing for apiculture

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    Recent United Nations reports have stressed the growing constraint of food supply for Earth's growing human population. Honey bees are a vital part of the food chain as the most important pollinator for a wide range of crops. Protecting the honey bee population worldwide, and enabling them to maximise productivity, are important concerns. This research proposes a framework for addressing these issues by considering an inter-disciplinary approach, combining recent developments in engineering and honey bee science. The primary motivation of the work outlined in this thesis was to use embedded systems technology to improve honey bee health by developing state of the art in-hive monitoring systems to classify the colony status and mechanisms to influence hive conditions. Specific objectives were identified as steps to achieve this goal: to use Wireless Sensor networks (WSN) technology to monitor a honey bee colony in the hive and collect key information; to use collected data and resulting insights to propose mechanisms to influence hive conditions; to use the collected data to inform the design of signal processing and machine learning techniques to characterise and classify the colony status; and to investigate the use of high volume data sensors in understanding specific conditions of the hive, and methods for integration of these sensors into the low-power and low-data rate WSN framework. It was found that automated, unobtrusive measurement of the in-hive conditions could provide valuable insight into the activities and conditions of honey bee colonies. A heterogeneous sensor network was deployed that monitored the conditions within hives. Data were collected periodically, showing changes in colony behaviour over time. The key parameters measured were: CO2, O2, temperature, relative humidity, and acceleration. Weather data (sunshine, rain, and temperature) were collected to provide an additional analysis dimension. Extensive energy improvements reduced the node’s current draw to 150 µA. Combined with an external solar panel, self-sustainable operation was achieved. 3,435 unique data sets were collected from five test-bed hives over 513 days during all four seasons. Temperature was identified as a vital parameter influencing the productivity and health of the colony. It was proposed to develop a method of maintaining the hive temperature in the ideal range through effective ventilation and airflow control which allow the bees involved in the activities above to engage in other tasks. An actuator was designed as part of the hive monitoring WSN to control the airflow within the hive. Using this mechanism, an effective Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network (WSAN) with Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) based temperature control was implemented. This system reached an effective set point temperature within 7 minutes of initialisation, and with steady state being reached by minute 18. There was negligible steady state error (0.0047%) and overshoot of <0.25 °C. It was proposed to develop and evaluate machine learning solutions to use the collected data to classify and describe the hive. The results of these classifications would be far more meaningful to the end user (beekeeper). Using a data set from a field deployed beehive, a biological analysis was undertaken to classify ten important hive states. This classification led to the development of a decision tree based classification algorithm which could describe the beehive using sensor network data with 95.38% accuracy. A correlation between meteorological conditions and beehive data was also observed. This led to the development of an algorithm for predicting short term rain (within 6 hours) based on the parameters within the hive (95.4% accuracy). A Random Forest based classifier was also developed using the entire collected in-hive dataset. This algorithm did not need access to data from outside the network, memory of previous measured data, and used only four inputs, while achieving an accuracy of 93.5%. Sound, weight, and visual inspection were identified as key methods of identifying the health and condition of the colony. Applications of advanced sensor methods in these areas for beekeeping were investigated. A low energy acoustic wake up sensor node for detecting the signs of an imminent swarming event was designed. Over 60 GB of sound data were collected from the test-bed hives, and analysed to provide a sound profile for development of a more advanced acoustic wake up and classification circuit. A weight measuring node was designed using a high precision (24-bit) analogue to digital converter with high sensitivity load cells to measure the weight of a hive to an accuracy of 10g over a 50 kg range. A preliminary investigation of applications for thermal and infrared imaging sensors in beekeeping was also undertaken

    The application of mobile web and devices for environmental surveillance on construction sites in Malaysia

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    Environmental surveillance on construction sites requires environmental information that is concise, to-the-point, timely and usable. However, physical surveillance andtraditional environmental monitoring (measurement) are challenging, time consuming, labour-intensive and can involve deficiencies and discrepancies. Technology basedsurveillance provides an alternative, but with this kind of surveillance it is often difficult to demonstrate a connection between any pollution detected and a specificsource in some circumstances. Thus, physical environmental surveillance (observation/walk-through inspection) still remains important but some improvementscan be made to it by adopting technology based surveillance. This situation creates an opportunity for deploying an information system which capitalizes on the advantages of the Internet of Things, so that decision makers can obtain an accurate and up-to-date view of their environmental management issues and status.The aim of this research was, therefore, to set out to investigate the potential for a mobile environmental information system as a part of the Internet of Thingstechnologies for environmental surveillance on Malaysian construction sites. Design Science Research (DSR) has been chosen as the philosophical approach and case studyas the research method were adopted for this research in order to achieve its objectives. A literature review on construction environmental management and mobile environmental information management was undertaken, followed by engagement with environmental experts in order to obtain detailed information requirements and toidentify user needs. These details were analysed and brought about the formulation of the system design goals, along with a conceptual model, which concluded in thedevelopment of the functional specification, the system architecture and the prototype development. The prototype system was demonstrated and evaluated interactively byconstruction environmental management teams, both in the UK and Malaysia.The main achievement of the research comprises the analysis of the needs required in a mobile environmental information system, the development of functional specifications and the demonstration and acceptance of the concept by practising construction environmental management teams. The research concludes that the concept of a mobile environmental information system is feasible, realising that it has greatly improving the task performing process as well as enhancing the flow of communication and reporting environmental surveillance activities on construction sites in nearly real time