239,455 research outputs found

    Sustainability criteria for road maintenance work in Malaysia using pHJKR rating tool

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    Construction of roads in Malaysia has begun since before independence in 1957. After the country gained independence, the road system has been improved through rapid development planning every five years which launched by the government (Malaysia Plan). The meaning of Federal roads category is all roads declared under the Federal Roads Ordinance (1959). In addition, the federal road also comprises of the major interurban roads joining the state capitals and roads leading to points of entry to and exit from the country. State roads generally categorized as the primary roads in the state area and providing intra-state travel between the district administrative centers. Sustainability for road projects can be defined as concept integrates the economic, societal and environmental aspects which the road projectability to meet our needs without compromising the ability of the next generations to meet theirs. In Malaysia, it is generally found sustainable were evaluated based on planning, design and construction stage and the most commonly used tools are pHJKR. Sustainability of road has not been re-assess after the project defect liability period ends. Referring to a concession maintenance contract, there is no clear indication of the responsibility of concession companies to the compliance of sustainable criteria of the certified roads. No specified tool to measurement on the maintenance of roads in order to assess and evaluate the sustainable elements compliance. There are needs to create its own original criteria based on local conditions. The objective of this study is to identify the current implementation of pHJKR (Road), to identify existing sustainable criteria based on pHJKR that can be used during maintenance phase road in Malaysia and propose a comprehensive sustainable pHJKR criteria for the maintenance phase. The main methods will be used in this research is quantitative and observation. The qualitative methods are concerned to identify and examine the issues governance, applicability of sustainable in road maintenance in Malaysia. Under the qualitative methods, case study, interview, and questionnaire survey will be used. A result of this study presented current maintenance practice in Malaysia and provided a list of sustainable criteria and sub-criteria for the maintenance phase with modifications of assessment criteria

    Multi-Criteria Analysis in Compound Decision Processes. The AHP and the Architectural Competition for the Chamber of Deputies in Rome (Italy)

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    In 1967, a national architectural competition was released for a preliminary project proposal, aimed at the realization of the new building for the Chamber of Deputies in Rome. The outcomes of that competition were unusual: eighteen projects were declared joint winners, and no winner was consequently selected. With reference to that event, this research aims to examine the usefulness of the evaluation tools that are currently employed and the positive effects that one of these techniques would have had, as support for the identification of the “winner” project, are highlighted. Therefore, an hypothetical examination/adjustment of the decision process of that competition through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is developed, analyzing the outputs obtained by the implementations of this technique on the final decision. In addition to confirming the usefulness of the evaluation tools for compound and conflicting decision processes, the results of this experiment led to a further understanding of the socio-cultural dynamics related to the original outcomes of the competition analyzed. View Full-Tex

    Early Quantitative Assessment of Non-Functional Requirements

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    Non-functional requirements (NFRs) of software systems are a well known source of uncertainty in effort estimation. Yet, quantitatively approaching NFR early in a project is hard. This paper makes a step towards reducing the impact of uncertainty due to NRF. It offers a solution that incorporates NFRs into the functional size quantification process. The merits of our solution are twofold: first, it lets us quantitatively assess the NFR modeling process early in the project, and second, it lets us generate test cases for NFR verification purposes. We chose the NFR framework as a vehicle to integrate NFRs into the requirements modeling process and to apply quantitative assessment procedures. Our solution proposal also rests on the functional size measurement method, COSMIC-FFP, adopted in 2003 as the ISO/IEC 19761 standard. We extend its use for NFR testing purposes, which is an essential step for improving NFR development and testing effort estimates, and consequently for managing the scope of NFRs. We discuss the advantages of our approach and the open questions related to its design as well

    Current practice in project appraisal in Europe.

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    The work reported in this paper presents the results from the compilation of the national assessment practices in EU25 Member States and Switzerland. The work was completed as part of the current European Union 6th Framework project HEATCO (Developing Harmonised European Approaches for Transport Costing and Project Assessment), which has the objective of developing a set of harmonised guidelines for project assessment and transport costing at an EU level. This paper presents the starting point to this project. Based on the work described in this paper the HEATCO consortium will be developing common definitions and consistent valuation methods for the evaluation of TEN projects. Previous projects such as EUNET had conducted a similar review to the research presented in this paper. The key reason for repeating the research was the expansion of the EU to 25 countries in May 2004 and the fact that appraisal practices in many countries has evolved since the last survey. A proforma was designed and sent to country representatives to complete. This paper is based predominantly on the results that this data provided. The proforma focused specifically on the use of Cost Benefit Analysis in appraisal with the aim of identifying similarities and differences in country practice. Aside from the national appraisal framework the proforma also considered the individual impacts included in appraisal. The paper describes some of the similarities and differences in how construction costs, time savings, safety and environmental impacts are used across Europe. The paper then concludes with the key differences and similarities as identified by the analysis. This paper aims at providing an overview of the current appraisal practice and more country specific details are given in Odgaard et al (2005)

    Implementing 5D BIM on construction projects: Contractor perspectives from the UK construction sector

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Emerald in Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology on 09/05/2020: https://doi.org/10.1108/JEDT-01-2020-0007 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Purpose The purpose of this paper is to report on primary research findings that sought to investigate and analyse salient issues on the implementation of 5D building information modelling (BIM) from the UK contractors’ perspective. Previous research and efforts have predominantly focussed on the use of technologies for cost estimation and quantity takeoff within a more traditional-led procurement, with a paucity of research focussing on how 5D BIM could facilitate costing within contractor-led procurement. This study fills this current knowledge gap and enhances the understanding of the specific costing challenges faced by contractors in contractor-led projects, leading to the development of 5D framework for use in future projects. Design/methodology/approach To develop a fully detailed understanding of the challenges and issues being faced in this regard, a phenomenological, qualitative-based study was undertaken through interviews involving 21 participants from UK-wide construction organisations. A thematic data analytical process was applied to the data to derive key issues, and this was then used to inform the development of a 5D-BIM costing framework. Findings Multi-disciplinary findings reveal a range of issues faced by contractors when implementing 5D BIM. These exist at strategic, operational and technological levels which require addressing successful implementation of 5D BIM on contractor-led projects adhering to Level 2 BIM standards. These findings cut across the range of stakeholders on contractor-led projects. Ultimately, the findings suggest strong commitment and leadership from organisational management are required to facilitate cost savings and generate accurate cost information. Practical implications This study highlights key issues for any party seeking to effectively deploy 5D BIM on a contractor-led construction project. A considerable cultural shift towards automating and digitising cost functions virtually, stronger collaborative working relationship relative to costing in design development, construction practice, maintenance and operation is required. Originality/value By analysing findings from primary research data, the work concludes with the development of a 5D BIM costing framework to support contractor-led projects which can be implemented to ensure that 5D BIM is successfully implemented

    Sustainable urban development in practice:the SAVE concept

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    The need for sustainable development of the urban environment presents the research community with a number of challenges and opportunities. A considerable volume of research has been undertaken into the constituent parts of this complex problem and a number of tool kits and methodologies have been developed to enable and encourage the application of specific aspects of research in practice. However, there is limited evidence of the holistic integration of the body of knowledge arising from the research within real-life decision-making practices. In this paper we present an overview of the existing body of knowledge relating to sustainable development of the urban environment and propose a generic framework for its integration within current practices. This framework recognises the need to: understand social, economic, and environmental issues; understand the decision-making processes; provide a means of measurement, assessment, or valuation of the issues; provide analytical methods for the comparative assessment of complex data to enable an evaluation of strategies and design options and to communicate effectively throughout the process with a wide range of stakeholders. The components of a novel sustainability assessment, visualisation and enhancement (SAVE) framework, developed by the authors to ‘operationalise’ the body of knowledge are presented and justified. These include: decision-mapping methods to identify points of intervention; indicator identification and measurement approaches; appropriate mathematical and analytical tools and an interactive simulation and visualisation platform which integrates and communicates complex multivariate information to diverse stakeholder groups. We report on the application of the SAVE framework to a major urban development project and reflect on its current and potential impact on the development. Conclusions are also drawn about its general applicability

    Scope Management of Non-Functional Requirements

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    In order to meet commitments in software projects, a realistic assessment must be made of project scope. Such an assessment relies on the availability of knowledge on the user-defined project requirements and their effort estimates and priorities, as well as their risk. This knowledge enables analysts, managers and software engineers to identify the most significant requirements from the list of requirements initially defined by the user. In practice, this scope assessment is applied to the Functional Requirements (FRs) provided by users who are unaware of, or ignore, the Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs). This paper presents ongoing research which aims at managing NFRs during the software development process. Establishing the relative priority of each NFR, and obtaining a rough estimate of the effort and risk associated with it, is integral to the software development process and to resource management. Our work extends the taxonomy of the NFR framework by integrating the concept of the "hardgoal". A functional size measure of NFRs is applied to facilitate the effort estimation process. The functional size measurement method we have chosen is COSMICFFP, which is theoretically sound and the de facto standard in the software industry

    Accounts from developers of generic health state utility instruments explain why they produce different QALYs: a qualitative study

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    Purpose and setting: Despite the label generic health state utility instruments (HSUIs), empirical evidence shows that different HSUIs generate different estimates of Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in the same person. Once a HSUI is used to generate a QALY, the difference between HSUIs is often ignored, and decision-makers act as if \u27a QALY is a QALY is a QALY\u27. Complementing evidence that different generic HSUIs produce different empirical values, this study addresses an important gap by exploring how HSUIs differ, and processes that produced this difference. 15 developers of six generic HSUIs used for estimating the QOL component of QALYs: Quality of Well-Being (QWB) scale; 15 Dimension instrument (15D); Health Utilities Index (HUI); EuroQol EQ-5D; Short Form-6 Dimension (SF-6D), and the Assessment of Quality of Life (AQoL) were interviewed in 2012-2013. Principal findings: We identified key factors involved in shaping each instrument, and the rationale for similarities and differences across measures. While HSUIs have a common purpose, they are distinctly discrete constructs. Developers recalled complex developmental processes, grounded in unique histories, and these backgrounds help to explain different pathways taken at key decision points during the HSUI development. The basis for the HSUIs was commonly not equivalent conceptually: differently valued concepts and goals drove instrument design and development, according to each HSUI\u27s defined purpose. Developers drew from different sources of knowledge to develop their measure depending on their conceptualisation of HRQoL. Major conclusions/contribution to knowledge: We generated and analysed first-hand accounts of the development of the HSUIs to provide insight, beyond face value, about how and why such instruments differ. Findings enhance our understanding of why the six instruments developed the way they did, from the perspective of key developers of those instruments. Importantly, we provide additional, original explanation for why a QALY is not a QALY is not a QALY
