47 research outputs found

    CTU Depth Decision Algorithms for HEVC: A Survey

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    High-Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) surpasses its predecessors in encoding efficiency by introducing new coding tools at the cost of an increased encoding time-complexity. The Coding Tree Unit (CTU) is the main building block used in HEVC. In the HEVC standard, frames are divided into CTUs with the predetermined size of up to 64x64 pixels. Each CTU is then divided recursively into a number of equally sized square areas, known as Coding Units (CUs). Although this diversity of frame partitioning increases encoding efficiency, it also causes an increase in the time complexity due to the increased number of ways to find the optimal partitioning. To address this complexity, numerous algorithms have been proposed to eliminate unnecessary searches during partitioning CTUs by exploiting the correlation in the video. In this paper, existing CTU depth decision algorithms for HEVC are surveyed. These algorithms are categorized into two groups, namely statistics and machine learning approaches. Statistics approaches are further subdivided into neighboring and inherent approaches. Neighboring approaches exploit the similarity between adjacent CTUs to limit the depth range of the current CTU, while inherent approaches use only the available information within the current CTU. Machine learning approaches try to extract and exploit similarities implicitly. Traditional methods like support vector machines or random forests use manually selected features, while recently proposed deep learning methods extract features during training. Finally, this paper discusses extending these methods to more recent video coding formats such as Versatile Video Coding (VVC) and AOMedia Video 1(AV1)

    Fast Depth and Inter Mode Prediction for Quality Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding

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    International audienceThe scalable high efficiency video coding (SHVC) is an extension of high efficiency video coding (HEVC), which introduces multiple layers and inter-layer prediction, thus significantly increases the coding complexity on top of the already complicated HEVC encoder. In inter prediction for quality SHVC, in order to determine the best possible mode at each depth level, a coding tree unit can be recursively split into four depth levels, including merge mode, inter2Nx2N, inter2NxN, interNx2N, interNxN, in-ter2NxnU, inter2NxnD, internLx2N and internRx2N, intra modes and inter-layer reference (ILR) mode. This can obtain the highest coding efficiency, but also result in very high coding complexity. Therefore, it is crucial to improve coding speed while maintaining coding efficiency. In this research, we have proposed a new depth level and inter mode prediction algorithm for quality SHVC. First, the depth level candidates are predicted based on inter-layer correlation, spatial correlation and its correlation degree. Second, for a given depth candidate, we divide mode prediction into square and non-square mode predictions respectively. Third, in the square mode prediction, ILR and merge modes are predicted according to depth correlation, and early terminated whether residual distribution follows a Gaussian distribution. Moreover, ILR mode, merge mode and inter2Nx2N are early terminated based on significant differences in Rate Distortion (RD) costs. Fourth, if the early termination condition cannot be satisfied, non-square modes are further predicted based on significant differences in expected values of residual coefficients. Finally, inter-layer and spatial correlations are combined with residual distribution to examine whether to early terminate depth selection. Experimental results have demonstrated that, on average, the proposed algorithm can achieve a time saving of 71.14%, with a bit rate increase of 1.27%

    Efficient HEVC-based video adaptation using transcoding

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    In a video transmission system, it is important to take into account the great diversity of the network/end-user constraints. On the one hand, video content is typically streamed over a network that is characterized by different bandwidth capacities. In many cases, the bandwidth is insufficient to transfer the video at its original quality. On the other hand, a single video is often played by multiple devices like PCs, laptops, and cell phones. Obviously, a single video would not satisfy their different constraints. These diversities of the network and devices capacity lead to the need for video adaptation techniques, e.g., a reduction of the bit rate or spatial resolution. Video transcoding, which modifies a property of the video without the change of the coding format, has been well-known as an efficient adaptation solution. However, this approach comes along with a high computational complexity, resulting in huge energy consumption in the network and possibly network latency. This presentation provides several optimization strategies for the transcoding process of HEVC (the latest High Efficiency Video Coding standard) video streams. First, the computational complexity of a bit rate transcoder (transrater) is reduced. We proposed several techniques to speed-up the encoder of a transrater, notably a machine-learning-based approach and a novel coding-mode evaluation strategy have been proposed. Moreover, the motion estimation process of the encoder has been optimized with the use of decision theory and the proposed fast search patterns. Second, the issues and challenges of a spatial transcoder have been solved by using machine-learning algorithms. Thanks to their great performance, the proposed techniques are expected to significantly help HEVC gain popularity in a wide range of modern multimedia applications

    Algorithms and Hardware Co-Design of HEVC Intra Encoders

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    Digital video is becoming extremely important nowadays and its importance has greatly increased in the last two decades. Due to the rapid development of information and communication technologies, the demand for Ultra-High Definition (UHD) video applications is becoming stronger. However, the most prevalent video compression standard H.264/AVC released in 2003 is inefficient when it comes to UHD videos. The increasing desire for superior compression efficiency to H.264/AVC leads to the standardization of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). Compared with the H.264/AVC standard, HEVC offers a double compression ratio at the same level of video quality or substantial improvement of video quality at the same video bitrate. Yet, HE-VC/H.265 possesses superior compression efficiency, its complexity is several times more than H.264/AVC, impeding its high throughput implementation. Currently, most of the researchers have focused merely on algorithm level adaptations of HEVC/H.265 standard to reduce computational intensity without considering the hardware feasibility. What’s more, the exploration of efficient hardware architecture design is not exhaustive. Only a few research works have been conducted to explore efficient hardware architectures of HEVC/H.265 standard. In this dissertation, we investigate efficient algorithm adaptations and hardware architecture design of HEVC intra encoders. We also explore the deep learning approach in mode prediction. From the algorithm point of view, we propose three efficient hardware-oriented algorithm adaptations, including mode reduction, fast coding unit (CU) cost estimation, and group-based CABAC (context-adaptive binary arithmetic coding) rate estimation. Mode reduction aims to reduce mode candidates of each prediction unit (PU) in the rate-distortion optimization (RDO) process, which is both computation-intensive and time-consuming. Fast CU cost estimation is applied to reduce the complexity in rate-distortion (RD) calculation of each CU. Group-based CABAC rate estimation is proposed to parallelize syntax elements processing to greatly improve rate estimation throughput. From the hardware design perspective, a fully parallel hardware architecture of HEVC intra encoder is developed to sustain UHD video compression at 4K@30fps. The fully parallel architecture introduces four prediction engines (PE) and each PE performs the full cycle of mode prediction, transform, quantization, inverse quantization, inverse transform, reconstruction, rate-distortion estimation independently. PU blocks with different PU sizes will be processed by the different prediction engines (PE) simultaneously. Also, an efficient hardware implementation of a group-based CABAC rate estimator is incorporated into the proposed HEVC intra encoder for accurate and high-throughput rate estimation. To take advantage of the deep learning approach, we also propose a fully connected layer based neural network (FCLNN) mode preselection scheme to reduce the number of RDO modes of luma prediction blocks. All angular prediction modes are classified into 7 prediction groups. Each group contains 3-5 prediction modes that exhibit a similar prediction angle. A rough angle detection algorithm is designed to determine the prediction direction of the current block, then a small scale FCLNN is exploited to refine the mode prediction

    3D coding tools final report

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    Livrable D4.3 du projet ANR PERSEECe rapport a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet ANR PERSEE (n° ANR-09-BLAN-0170). Exactement il correspond au livrable D4.3 du projet. Son titre : 3D coding tools final repor

    High Performance Multiview Video Coding

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    Following the standardization of the latest video coding standard High Efficiency Video Coding in 2013, in 2014, multiview extension of HEVC (MV-HEVC) was published and brought significantly better compression performance of around 50% for multiview and 3D videos compared to multiple independent single-view HEVC coding. However, the extremely high computational complexity of MV-HEVC demands significant optimization of the encoder. To tackle this problem, this work investigates the possibilities of using modern parallel computing platforms and tools such as single-instruction-multiple-data (SIMD) instructions, multi-core CPU, massively parallel GPU, and computer cluster to significantly enhance the MVC encoder performance. The aforementioned computing tools have very different computing characteristics and misuse of the tools may result in poor performance improvement and sometimes even reduction. To achieve the best possible encoding performance from modern computing tools, different levels of parallelism inside a typical MVC encoder are identified and analyzed. Novel optimization techniques at various levels of abstraction are proposed, non-aggregation massively parallel motion estimation (ME) and disparity estimation (DE) in prediction unit (PU), fractional and bi-directional ME/DE acceleration through SIMD, quantization parameter (QP)-based early termination for coding tree unit (CTU), optimized resource-scheduled wave-front parallel processing for CTU, and workload balanced, cluster-based multiple-view parallel are proposed. The result shows proposed parallel optimization techniques, with insignificant loss to coding efficiency, significantly improves the execution time performance. This , in turn, proves modern parallel computing platforms, with appropriate platform-specific algorithm design, are valuable tools for improving the performance of computationally intensive applications

    Improvement of Decision on Coding Unit Split Mode and Intra-Picture Prediction by Machine Learning

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    High efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) has been deemed as the newest video coding standard of the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group and the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group. The reference software (i.e., HM) have included the implementations of the guidelines in appliance with the new standard. The software includes both encoder and decoder functionality. Machine learning (ML) works with data and processes it to discover patterns that can be later used to analyze new trends. ML can play a key role in a wide range of critical applications, such as data mining, natural language processing, image recognition, and expert systems. In this research project, in compliance with H.265 standard, we are focused on improvement of the performance of encode/decode by optimizing the partition of prediction block in coding unit with the help of supervised machine learning. We used Keras library as the main tool to implement the experiments. Key parameters were tuned for the model in our convolution neuron network. The coding tree unit mode decision time produced in the model was compared with that produced in HM software, and it was proved to have improved significantly. The intra-picture prediction mode decision was also investigated with modified model and yielded satisfactory results

    Compression vidéo basée sur l'exploitation d'un décodeur intelligent

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    This Ph.D. thesis studies the novel concept of Smart Decoder (SDec) where the decoder is given the ability to simulate the encoder and is able to conduct the R-D competition similarly as in the encoder. The proposed technique aims to reduce the signaling of competing coding modes and parameters. The general SDec coding scheme and several practical applications are proposed, followed by a long-term approach exploiting machine learning concept in video coding. The SDec coding scheme exploits a complex decoder able to reproduce the choice of the encoder based on causal references, eliminating thus the need to signal coding modes and associated parameters. Several practical applications of the general outline of the SDec scheme are tested, using different coding modes during the competition on the reference blocs. Despite the choice for the SDec reference block being still simple and limited, interesting gains are observed. The long-term research presents an innovative method that further makes use of the processing capacity of the decoder. Machine learning techniques are exploited in video coding with the purpose of reducing the signaling overhead. Practical applications are given, using a classifier based on support vector machine to predict coding modes of a block. The block classification uses causal descriptors which consist of different types of histograms. Significant bit rate savings are obtained, which confirms the potential of the approach.Cette thèse de doctorat étudie le nouveau concept de décodeur intelligent (SDec) dans lequel le décodeur est doté de la possibilité de simuler l’encodeur et est capable de mener la compétition R-D de la même manière qu’au niveau de l’encodeur. Cette technique vise à réduire la signalisation des modes et des paramètres de codage en compétition. Le schéma général de codage SDec ainsi que plusieurs applications pratiques sont proposées, suivis d’une approche en amont qui exploite l’apprentissage automatique pour le codage vidéo. Le schéma de codage SDec exploite un décodeur complexe capable de reproduire le choix de l’encodeur calculé sur des blocs de référence causaux, éliminant ainsi la nécessité de signaler les modes de codage et les paramètres associés. Plusieurs applications pratiques du schéma SDec sont testées, en utilisant différents modes de codage lors de la compétition sur les blocs de référence. Malgré un choix encore simple et limité des blocs de référence, les gains intéressants sont observés. La recherche en amont présente une méthode innovante qui permet d’exploiter davantage la capacité de traitement d’un décodeur. Les techniques d’apprentissage automatique sont exploitées pour but de réduire la signalisation. Les applications pratiques sont données, utilisant un classificateur basé sur les machines à vecteurs de support pour prédire les modes de codage d’un bloc. La classification des blocs utilise des descripteurs causaux qui sont formés à partir de différents types d’histogrammes. Des gains significatifs en débit sont obtenus, confirmant ainsi le potentiel de l’approche

    A comprehensive video codec comparison

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    In this paper, we compare the video codecs AV1 (version 1.0.0-2242 from August 2019), HEVC (HM and x265), AVC (x264), the exploration software JEM which is based on HEVC, and the VVC (successor of HEVC) test model VTM (version 4.0 from February 2019) under two fair and balanced configurations: All Intra for the assessment of intra coding and Maximum Coding Efficiency with all codecs being tuned for their best coding efficiency settings. VTM achieves the highest coding efficiency in both configurations, followed by JEM and AV1. The worst coding efficiency is achieved by x264 and x265, even in the placebo preset for highest coding efficiency. AV1 gained a lot in terms of coding efficiency compared to previous versions and now outperforms HM by 24% BD-Rate gains. VTM gains 5% over AV1 in terms of BD-Rates. By reporting separate numbers for JVET and AOM test sequences, it is ensured that no bias in the test sequences exists. When comparing only intra coding tools, it is observed that the complexity increases exponentially for linearly increasing coding efficiency

    Hybrid strategies for efficient intra prediction in spatial SHVC

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI linkWith multi-layer encoding and Inter-layer prediction, Spatial Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding (SSHVC) has extremely high coding complexity. It is very crucial to speed up its coding to promote widespread and cost-effective SSHVC applications. Specifically, we first reveal that the average RD cost of Inter-layer Reference (ILR) mode is different from that of Intra mode, but they both follow the Gaussian distribution. Based on this discovery, we apply the classic Gaussian Mixture Model and Expectation Maximization to determine whether ILR mode is the best mode thus skipping Intra mode. Second, when coding units (CUs) in enhancement layer use Intra mode, it indicates very simple texture is presented. We investigate their Directional Mode (DM) distribution, and divide all DMs into three classes, and then develop different methods with respect to classes to progressively predict the best DMs. Third, by jointly considering rate distortion costs, residual coefficients and neighboring CUs, we propose to employ the Conditional Random Fields model to early terminate depth selection. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can significantly improve coding speed with negligible coding efficiency losses