137 research outputs found

    Ohjelmistoratkaisu vuorovaikutteisiin WWW-pohjaisiin itseopiskelusovelluksiin

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    This thesis deals with computer-based education of acoustics and digital signal processing. The focus throughout the thesis is on interactive, self-study web-based applications even though many issues are of more general nature as well. The emphasis is especially on describing interactivity while using educational applications and the use of log information for evaluation of learning. The goal for the thesis has been to develop a web-based solution for audio signal processing education with emphasis on advanced, intelligent interactivity. The basis for this interactivity is the double agent architecture for web applications. The architecture allows the control of the interaction process by means of logs and using them as a basis for content adaptation. Furthermore, the novelty of this method is its applicability to evaluation of learning. The log information, provided by the architecture, can be used for on-line evaluation of users' requests and thus provides means for content adaptation. Furthermore, the log information can also be post-processed and used for off-line evaluation of the learning process by both teachers as well as students themselves. The latter has also pedagogical importance supporting the development of self-reflection and metacognitive skills.Työ käsittelee akustiikan ja digitaalisen signaalinkäsittelyn tietokonevusteista opetusta. Painopiste on kautta linjan vuorovaikutteisissa, itseopiskeluun tarkoitetuissa WWW-sovelluksissa, vaikka työssä käsitellään aihepiiriä laajemminkin. Työ keskittyy erityisesti vuorovaikutteisuuden kuvaamiseen ohjelmistoa käytettäessä sekä käytön yhteydessä saatavan lokitiedon hyödyntämiseen oppimisen arvioinnissa. Työn tavoitteena on ollut kehittää etenkin audiosignaalinkäsittelyyn soveltuva ohjelmistoratkaisu hyödyntämällä nykyaikaista WWW-teknologiaa. Avainasemassa on ollut pyrkiä kehittämään nimenomaan älykkään vuorovaikutteisuuden kuvaamiseen sopiva ratkaisu. Vuorovaikutteisuuden perustana toimii WWW-sovelluksille suunniteltu ns. kaksoisagenttiarkkitehtuuri. Arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa vuorovaikutusprosessin ja sisällön ohjaamisen lokitiedon avulla. Menetelmän keskeisin uusi oivallus on tämän lokitiedon käyttö oppimisen arviointiin. Lokitiedot mahdollistavat sekä reaaliaikaisen käyttäjien toimien analysoinnin ja sisältömateriaalin muokkaamisen tämän mukaisesti, että jälkikäteen tapahtuvan oppimisprosessin arvioinnin. Arviointia voivat jälkikäteen tehdä sekä oppimateriaalin tuottajat (opettajat) että oppimateriaalin käyttäjät (opiskelijat) itsearviointina. Tällä on oppimisen kannalta tärkeä merkitys ns. metakognitiivisten taitojen kehittymiselle

    Examining Collaborative Knowledge Construction in Microblogging-Based Learning Environments

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    Aim/Purpose: The purpose of the study is to provide foundational research to exemplify how knowledge construction takes place in microblogging-based learning environments, to understand learner interaction representing the knowledge construction process, and to analyze learner perception, thereby suggesting a model of delivery for microblogging. Background: Up-and-coming digital native learners crave the real-time, multimedia, global-interconnectedness of microblogging, yet there has been limited research that specifically proposes a working model of Twitter\u27s classroom integration for designers and practitioners without bundling it in with other social media tools. Methodology: This semester-long study utilized a case-study research design via a multi-dimensional approach in a hybrid classroom with both face-to-face and online environments. Tweets were collected from four types of activities and coded based on content within their contextual setting. Twenty-four college students participated in the study. Contribution: The findings shed light on the process of knowledge construction in microblogging and reveal key types of knowledge manifested during learning activities. The study also proposes a model for delivering microblogging to formal learning environments applicable to various contexts for designers and practitioners. Findings: There are distinct learner interaction patterns representing the process of knowledge construction in microblogging activities ranging from low-order to high-order cognitive tasks. Students generally were in favor of the Twitter integration in this study. Recommendations for Practitioners: The three central activities (exploring hashtags, discussion topics, and participating in live chats) along with the backchannel activity formulate a working model that represents the sequential process of Twitter integration into classrooms. Impact on Society: Microblogging allows learners omnichannel access while hashtags can filter the global noise down to meaningful bytes of information to target formal and informal learning. When shared amongst global users for participatory communication, it gives access to collaborative knowledge. This study gives practitioners and designers a working model to leverage microblogging and connect to their tech-savvy learners for more connected learning. Future Research: Future research may include experiments of this proposed model for delivering microblogging in: prolonged studies; compared to other microblogging methodologies; in non-hybrid delivery models such as asynchronous-only; in other academic or professional disciplines; or in other educational age ranges

    E-portfolio in education. Practices and reflections

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    The main activities of the digiFolio Project include: Building a common knowledge base supported by research work on the theory of portfolio usage; Paper and online publication of the results of the research work; Establishment of the pedagogical model for the training course; Analysis of the existing technological infrastructures for digital portfolio usage; Adjustment of the best tools and training course setup; Piloting and evidencing of the training course; Monitoring of the trainees' work by using a specific online teachers' support structure; International seminar. Website: http://digifolioseminar.org/?The present publication addresses the use of digital portfolios in educational context and it is one of the latest dissemination activities of the Digifolio project – Digital Portfolio as a strategy for teachers’ professional development, a COMENIUS 2.1 project which was carried out between 2005 and 2008. It involved several universities and teacher training institutions from five different European countries. The project, which main focus was the reflection on the potentialities of portfolios and digital technologies in the perspective of teachers’ professional development, came to its end with an international seminar which aimed at disseminating the work produced in the frame of a previous teachers training course, as well as allowing and welcoming the contribution of other education professionals with their practices and reflections on the above-mentioned thematic.Europeen Comissio

    Accommodating student's learning experience through personalized learning style adaptation in computer programming course at Centre for Foundation Studies, IIUM

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    Teaching and learning computer programming can be difficult, especially for beginners. Since they are not exposed to any computer programming experience, they may face difficulties if the teaching approaches do not match with their learning styles. Computer programming requires the students to understand logical reasoning and syntax and be able to apply them practically for solving programming problems in nearly all disciplines. Mitra [1] claims that most students feel computer programming is a challenging intellectual exercise. At Centre for Foundation Studies, foundation students encounter difficulties in learning and applying computer programming concepts. Some of them perform better in other science subjects, but find difficulties in grasping the computer programming concepts. In this research, we have used Felder-Solomon Learning Style Inventory to identify C Programming’s students for their preferred learning styles. The result of the survey shows that the Engineering/Computer Science students came from mixed learning styles. Therefore, we have adapted Felder-Solomon’s learning style model, and come out with a model of three hybrid categories. This paper will provide detail suggestions for an online learning system based on a selected topic in C Programming. The system will accommodate the students’ learning style in accordance to the modified Felder-Solomon’s learning style model. As a significant contribution to programming educations, our suggestions may further be adopted for designing personalized learning for other disciplines

    Development and Evaluation of Interactive Courseware for Visualization of Graph Data Structure and Algorithms

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    The primary goal of this dissertation was to develop and pilot test interactive, multimedia courseware which would facilitate learning the abstract structures, operations, and concepts associated with graph and network data structures in Computer Science. Learning objectives and prerequisites are presented in an introduction section of the courseware and a variety of learning activities are provided including tutorials, animated demonstrations, interactive laboratory sessions, and self-tests. Courseware development incorporated principles and practices from software engineering, instructional design, and cognitive learning theories. Implementation utilized an easy-to-use authoring tool, NeoBook Professional (1994), to create the overall framework and the user interfaces, and Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.5 (1990) to program the interactive animated demonstrations and laboratory exercises. A major emphasis of the courseware is the use of simple interactive, animated displays to demonstrate the step-by-step operation of graph and network algorithms such as depth-first traversal, breadth-first traversal, shortest path, minimum sparring tree and topological ordering

    Higher education curriculum ecosystem design

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    This study focuses on the development of a Design Framework for Higher Education Curriculum Ecosystem design. The study views the world as a digital ecosystem where the physical and the virtual are fully intertwined and function through integrated social and technical architecture working together in a seamless mesh that is persistent and pervasive. This digital ecosystem is an open, flexible, demand driven, self-organising, collaborative environment. It has enhanced individuals’ abilities to connect with other people, share ideas, work collaboratively and form communities. This has inevitably impacted on educational practice in Higher Education. The thesis draws together educational theories, curriculum designs, and concepts drawn from ecological psychology, cognitive apprenticeship, distributed cognition and activity theory, and extends them through the application of a Complexity Science lens. A Complexity Science perspective views the world as comprised of Complex Adaptive Systems. This study explores how authentic learning processes can be scaffolded within a Complex Adaptive System. The iterative development and refinement, through three iterations over six years, of a curriculum ecosystem for a Built Environment Degree Program is used as a case study for the development of a Higher Education curriculum ecosystem exemplar. A Design Framework for a Curriculum Ecosystem for Higher Education which has emerged through this process is presented

    A Guide to Authentic e-Learning

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    Part of the groundbreaking Connecting with e-Learning series, A Guide to Authentic e-Learning provides effective, working examples to engage learners with authentic tasks in online settings. As technology continues to open up possibilities for innovative and effective teaching and learning opportunities, students and teachers are no longer content to accept familiar classroom or lecture-based pedagogies that rely on information delivery and little else. Situated and constructivist theories advocate that learning is best achieved in circumstances resembling the real-life application of knowledge. While there are multiple learning design models that share similar foundations, authentic e-learning tasks go beyond process to become complex, sustained activities that draw on realistic situations to produce realistic outcomes

    The guiding process in discovery hypertext learning environments for the Internet

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    Hypertext is the dominant method to navigate the Internet, providing user freedom and control over navigational behaviour. There has been an increase in converting existing educational material into Internet web pages but weaknesses have been identified in current WWW learning systems. There is a lack of conceptual support for learning from hypertext, navigational disorientation and cognitive overload. This implies the need for an established pedagogical approach to developing the web as a teaching and learning medium. Guided Discovery Learning is proposed as an educational pedagogy suitable for supporting WWW learning. The hypothesis is that a guided discovery environment will produce greater gains in learning and satisfaction, than a non-adaptive hypertext environment. A second hypothesis is that combining concept maps with this specific educational paradigm will provide cognitive support. The third hypothesis is that student learning styles will not influence learning outcome or user satisfaction. Thus, providing evidence that the guided discovery learning paradigm can be used for many types of learning styles. This was investigated by the building of a guided discovery system and a framework devised for assessing teaching styles. The system provided varying discovery steps, guided advice, individualistic system instruction and navigational control. An 84 subject experiment compared a Guided discovery condition, a Map-only condition and an Unguided condition. Subjects were subdivided according to learning styles, with measures for learning outcome and user satisfaction. The results indicate that providing guidance will result in a significant increase in level of learning. Guided discovery condition subjects, regardless of learning styles, experienced levels of satisfaction comparable to those in the other conditions. The concept mapping tool did not appear to affect learning outcome or user satisfaction. The conclusion was that using a particular approach to guidance would result in a more supportive environment for learning. This research contributes to the need for a better understanding of the pedagogic design that should be incorporated into WWW learning environments, with a recommendation for a guided discovery approach to alleviate major hypertext and WWW issues for distance learning

    Design of a Learner-Directed E-Learning Model

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    How can one create online educational material that support and motivate students in guiding their own learning and make meaningful instructional decisions? One of the main focuses on designing e-learning is about creating an environment where learners can actively assume control and take responsibility for their own learning with little or no guidance from the tutors. This research aims to discover a new way to design learning that would cater to individual choices and preferences. The idea goes beyond learner-centred design; it is about learner control and direction. As an option, learners should be able to choose to be in the driver’s seat, to direct their own learning journey. As a starting point, this research explores the use of two educational theories - Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) and Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) theory as the underpinning instructional design for a Learner-Directed Model to support students’ online learning in both domain knowledge and meta knowledge in the subject of computer programming. One unit material from an online Introduction to Java Programming course has been redesigned based on the proposed Learner-Directed Model for the experimental design study. The study involved a total of 35 participants divided randomly into one Experimental Group and one Control Group. They were assigned to either a Learner-Directed Model (Experimental Group) or a linear model (Control Group). Pre/post tests, survey, follow-up interview as well as log file analysis were instruments used for assessing students’ domain knowledge, meta knowledge and their attitudes for their overall learning experience. Learning experience is further broken down into perceived ease of use and user satisfaction; system usability; learner experience; and perceived controllability. The results of the study have revealed that there is statistically significant difference between the survey results for the Experimental Group and the Control Group. The Experimental Group reported a higher level of overall learning experience and better attitudes in general. However, there was no statistically significant difference existing between the two groups on the domain and meta level knowledge improvement. Based on these results, I have proposed further research directions and put forward a number of recommendations and suggestions on learner-directed e-learning design