30,124 research outputs found

    A probabilistic integrated object recognition and tracking framework for video sequences

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    Recognition and tracking of multiple objects in video sequences is one of the main challenges in computer vision that currently deserves a lot of attention from researchers. Almost all the reported approaches are very application-dependent and there is a lack of a general methodology for dynamic object recognition and tracking that can be instantiated in particular cases. In this thesis, the work is oriented towards the definition and development of such a methodology which integrates object recognition and tracking from a general perspective using a probabilistic framework called PIORT (probabilistic integrated object recognition and tracking framework). It include some modules for which a variety of techniques and methods can be applied. Some of them are well-known but other methods have been designed, implemented and tested during the development of this thesis.The first step in the proposed framework is a static recognition module that provides class probabilities for each pixel of the image from a set of local features. These probabilities are updated dynamically and supplied to a tracking decision module capable of handling full and partial occlusions. The two specific methods presented use RGB colour features and differ in the classifier implemented: one is a Bayesian method based on maximum likelihood and the other one is based on a neural network. The experimental results obtained have shown that, on one hand, the neural net based approach performs similarly and sometimes better than the Bayesian approach when they are integrated within the tracking framework. And on the other hand, our PIORT methods have achieved better results when compared to other published tracking methods. All these methods have been tested experimentally in several test video sequences taken with still and moving cameras and including full and partial occlusions of the tracked object in indoor and outdoor scenarios in a variety of cases with different levels of task complexity. This allowed the evaluation of the general methodology and the alternative methods that compose these modules.A Probabilistic Integrated Object Recognition and Tracking Framework for Video SequencesEl reconocimiento y seguimiento de múltiples objetos en secuencias de vídeo es uno de los principales desafíos en visión por ordenador que actualmente merece mucha atención de los investigadores. Casi todos los enfoques reportados son muy dependientes de la aplicación y hay carencia de una metodología general para el reconocimiento y seguimiento dinámico de objetos, que pueda ser instanciada en casos particulares. En esta tesis, el trabajo esta orientado hacia la definición y desarrollo de tal metodología, la cual integra reconocimiento y seguimiento de objetos desde una perspectiva general usando un marco probabilístico de trabajo llamado PIORT (Probabilistic Integrated Object Recognition and Tracking). Este incluye algunos módulos para los que se puede aplicar una variedad de técnicas y métodos. Algunos de ellos son bien conocidos, pero otros métodos han sido diseñados, implementados y probados durante el desarrollo de esta tesis.El primer paso en el marco de trabajo propuesto es un módulo estático de reconocimiento que provee probabilidades de clase para cada píxel de la imagen desde un conjunto de características locales. Estas probabilidades son actualizadas dinámicamente y suministradas a un modulo decisión de seguimiento capaz de manejar oclusiones parciales o totales. Se presenta dos métodos específicos usando características de color RGB pero diferentes en la implementación del clasificador: uno es un método Bayesiano basado en la máxima verosimilitud y el otro método está basado en una red neuronal. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos han mostrado que, por una parte, el enfoque basado en la red neuronal funciona similarmente y algunas veces mejor que el enfoque bayesiano cuando son integrados dentro del marco probabilístico de seguimiento. Por otra parte, nuestro método PIORT ha alcanzado mejores resultados comparando con otros métodos de seguimiento publicados. Todos estos métodos han sido probados experimentalmente en varias secuencias de vídeo tomadas con cámaras fijas y móviles incluyendo oclusiones parciales y totales del objeto a seguir, en ambientes interiores y exteriores, en diferentes tareas y niveles de complejidad. Esto ha permitido evaluar tanto la metodología general como los métodos alternativos que componen sus módulos

    Experimental assessment of probabilistic integrated object recognition and tracking methods

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    This paper presents a comparison of two classifiers that are used as a first step within a probabilistic object recognition and tracking framework called PIORT. This first step is a static recognition module that provides class probabilities for each pixel of the image from a set of local features. One of the implemented classifiers is a Bayesian method based on maximum likelihood and the other one is based on a neural network. The experimental results show that, on one hand, both classifiers (although they are very different approaches) yield a similar performance when they are integrated within the tracking framework. And on the other hand, our object recognition and tracking framework obtains good results when compared to other published tracking methods in video sequences taken with a moving camera and including total and partial occlusions of the tracked object.Preprin

    A probabilistic framework for tracking in wide-area environments

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    Surveillance in wide-area spatial environments is characterised by complex spatial layouts, large state space, and the use of multiple cameras/sensors. To solve this problem, there is a need for representing the dynamic and noisy data in the tracking tasks, and dealing with them at different levels of detail. This requirement is particularly suited to the Layered Dynamic Probabilistic Network (LDPN), a special type of Dynamic Probabilistic Network (DPN). In this paper, we propose the use of LDPN as the integrated framework for tracking in wide-area environments. We illustrate, with the help of a synthetic tracking scenario, how the parameters of the LDPN can be estimated from training data, and then used to draw predictions and answer queries about unseen tracks at various levels of detail.<br /

    Real-time, long-term hand tracking with unsupervised initialization

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    This paper proposes a complete tracking system that is capable of long-term, real-time hand tracking with unsupervised initialization and error recovery. Initialization is steered by a three-stage hand detector, combining spatial and temporal information. Hand hypotheses are generated by a random forest detector in the first stage, whereas a simple linear classifier eliminates false positive detections. Resulting detections are tracked by particle filters that gather temporal statistics in order to make a final decision. The detector is scale and rotation invariant, and can detect hands in any pose in unconstrained environments. The resulting discriminative confidence map is combined with a generative particle filter based observation model to enable robust, long-term hand tracking in real-time. The proposed solution is evaluated using several challenging, publicly available datasets, and is shown to clearly outperform other state of the art object tracking methods

    Probabilistic Global Scale Estimation for MonoSLAM Based on Generic Object Detection

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    This paper proposes a novel method to estimate the global scale of a 3D reconstructed model within a Kalman filtering-based monocular SLAM algorithm. Our Bayesian framework integrates height priors over the detected objects belonging to a set of broad predefined classes, based on recent advances in fast generic object detection. Each observation is produced on single frames, so that we do not need a data association process along video frames. This is because we associate the height priors with the image region sizes at image places where map features projections fall within the object detection regions. We present very promising results of this approach obtained on several experiments with different object classes.Comment: Int. Workshop on Visual Odometry, CVPR, (July 2017

    Physical simulation for monocular 3D model based tracking

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    The problem of model-based object tracking in three dimensions is addressed. Most previous work on tracking assumes simple motion models, and consequently tracking typically fails in a variety of situations. Our insight is that incorporating physics models of object behaviour improves tracking performance in these cases. In particular it allows us to handle tracking in the face of rigid body interactions where there is also occlusion and fast object motion. We show how to incorporate rigid body physics simulation into a particle filter. We present two methods for this based on pose and force noise. The improvements are tested on four videos of a robot pushing an object, and results indicate that our approach performs considerably better than a plain particle filter tracker, with the force noise method producing the best results over the range of test videos

    Thermo-visual feature fusion for object tracking using multiple spatiogram trackers

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    In this paper, we propose a framework that can efficiently combine features for robust tracking based on fusing the outputs of multiple spatiogram trackers. This is achieved without the exponential increase in storage and processing that other multimodal tracking approaches suffer from. The framework allows the features to be split arbitrarily between the trackers, as well as providing the flexibility to add, remove or dynamically weight features. We derive a mean-shift type algorithm for the framework that allows efficient object tracking with very low computational overhead. We especially target the fusion of thermal infrared and visible spectrum features as the most useful features for automated surveillance applications. Results are shown on multimodal video sequences clearly illustrating the benefits of combining multiple features using our framework

    Online Context-based Object Recognition for Mobile Robots

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    This work proposes a robotic object recognition system that takes advantage of the contextual information latent in human-like environments in an online fashion. To fully leverage context, it is needed perceptual information from (at least) a portion of the scene containing the objects of interest, which could not be entirely covered by just an one-shot sensor observation. Information from a larger portion of the scenario could still be considered by progressively registering observations, but this approach experiences difficulties under some circumstances, e.g. limited and heavily demanded computational resources, dynamic environments, etc. Instead of this, the proposed recognition system relies on an anchoring process for the fast registration and propagation of objects’ features and locations beyond the current sensor frustum. In this way, the system builds a graphbased world model containing the objects in the scenario (both in the current and previously perceived shots), which is exploited by a Probabilistic Graphical Model (PGM) in order to leverage contextual information during recognition. We also propose a novel way to include the outcome of local object recognition methods in the PGM, which results in a decrease in the usually high CRF learning complexity. A demonstration of our proposal has been conducted employing a dataset captured by a mobile robot from restaurant-like settings, showing promising results.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Event-based Vision: A Survey

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    Event cameras are bio-inspired sensors that differ from conventional frame cameras: Instead of capturing images at a fixed rate, they asynchronously measure per-pixel brightness changes, and output a stream of events that encode the time, location and sign of the brightness changes. Event cameras offer attractive properties compared to traditional cameras: high temporal resolution (in the order of microseconds), very high dynamic range (140 dB vs. 60 dB), low power consumption, and high pixel bandwidth (on the order of kHz) resulting in reduced motion blur. Hence, event cameras have a large potential for robotics and computer vision in challenging scenarios for traditional cameras, such as low-latency, high speed, and high dynamic range. However, novel methods are required to process the unconventional output of these sensors in order to unlock their potential. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the emerging field of event-based vision, with a focus on the applications and the algorithms developed to unlock the outstanding properties of event cameras. We present event cameras from their working principle, the actual sensors that are available and the tasks that they have been used for, from low-level vision (feature detection and tracking, optic flow, etc.) to high-level vision (reconstruction, segmentation, recognition). We also discuss the techniques developed to process events, including learning-based techniques, as well as specialized processors for these novel sensors, such as spiking neural networks. Additionally, we highlight the challenges that remain to be tackled and the opportunities that lie ahead in the search for a more efficient, bio-inspired way for machines to perceive and interact with the world