17 research outputs found

    Time-to-digital converters and histogram builders in SPAD arrays for pulsed-LiDAR

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    Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is a 3D imaging technique widely used in many applications such as augmented reality, automotive, machine vision, spacecraft navigation and landing. Pulsed-LiDAR is one of the most diffused LiDAR techniques which relies on the measurement of the round-trip travel time of an optical pulse back-scattered from a distant target. Besides the light source and the detector, Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) are fundamental components in pulsed-LiDAR systems, since they allow to measure the back-scattered photon arrival times and their performance directly impact on LiDAR system requirements (i.e., range, precision, and measurements rate). In this work, we present a review of recent TDC architectures suitable to be integrated in SPAD-based CMOS arrays and a review of data processing solutions to derive the TOF information. Furthermore, main TDC parameters and processing techniques are described and analyzed considering pulsed-LiDAR requirements

    A two-stage interpolation time-to-digital converter implemented in 20 nm and 28 nm FGPAs

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    This article presents a two-stage interpolation time- to-digital converter (TDC), combining a Vernier gray code oscillator TDC (VGCO-TDC) and a tapped-delay line TDC (TDL- TDC). The proposed TDC uses the Nutt method to achieve a broad, high-resolution measurement range. It utilizes look-up tables (LUTs)-based gray code oscillators (GCOs) to build a VGCO-TDC as the first-stage interpolation for fine-time measurements. Then the overtaking residual from the VGCO-TDC is measured by a TDL-TDC to achieve the second-stage interpolation. Due to the two-stage interpolation architecture, the carry-chain-based delay line only needs to cover the resolution of the VGCO-TDC. Hence, we can reduce the delay-line length and related hardware resource utilization. We implemented and evaluated a 16-channel TDC system in Xilinx 20-nm Kintex-UltraScale and 28-nm Virtex-7 field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The Kintex-UltraScale version achieves an average resolution (least significant bit, LSB) of 4.57 picoseconds (ps) with 4.36 LSB average peak-to-peak differential nonlinearity (DNLpk-pk). The Virtex-7 version achieves an average resolution of 10.05 ps with 2.85 LSB average DNLpk-p

    Clock multiplication techniques for high-speed I/Os

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    Generation of a low-jitter, high-frequency clock from a low-frequency reference clock using classical analog phase-locked loops (PLLs) requires a large loop filter capacitor and power hungry oscillator. Digital PLLs can help reduce area but their jitter performance is severely degraded by quantization error. In this dissertation different clock multiplication techniques have been explored that can be suitable for high-speed wireline systems. With the emphasis on ring oscillator based architecture using cascaded stages, three possible architectures are explored. First, a scrambling TDC (STDC) is presented to improve deterministic jitter (DJ) performance when used with a low-frequency reference clock. A cascaded architecture with digital multiplying delay locked loop as the first stage and hybrid analog/digital PLL as the second stage is used to achieve low random jitter in a power efficient manner. Fabricated in a 90nm CMOS process, the prototype frequency synthesizer consumes 4.76mW power from a 1.0V supply and generates 160MHz and 2.56 GHz output clocks from a 1.25MHz crystal reference frequency. The long-term absolute jitter of the 60MHz digital MDLL and 2.56 GHz digital PLL outputs are 2.4 psrms and 4.18 psrms, while the peak-to-peak jitter is 22.1 ps and 35.2 ps, respectively. The proposed frequency synthesizer occupies an active die area of 0.16mm2 and achieves power efficiency of 1.86 mW/GHz. Second, a hybrid phase/current-mode phase interpolator (HPC-PI) is presented to improve phase noise performance of ring oscillator-based fractional-N PLLs. The proposed HPC-PI alleviates the bandwidth trade-off between VCO phase noise suppression and ΔΣ quantization noise suppression. By combining the phase detection and interpolation functions into an XOR phase detector/interpolator (XOR PD-PI) block, accurate quantization error cancellation is achieved without using calibration. Use of a digital MDLL in front of the fractional-N PLL helps in alleviating the bandwidth limitation due to reference frequency and enables bandwidth extension even further. The extended bandwidth helps in suppressing the ring-VCO phase noise and lowering the in-band noise floor. Fabricated in 65nm CMOS process, the prototype generates fractional frequencies from 4.25 to 4.75 GHz, with an in-band phase noise floor of -104 dBc/Hz and 1.5 psrms integrated jitter. The clock multiplier achieves power efficiency of 2.4mW/GHz and FoM of -225.8 dB. Finally, an efficient clock generation, recovery, and distribution techniques for flexible-rate transceivers are presented. Using a fixed-frequency low-jitter clock provided by an integer-N PLL, fractional frequencies are generated/recovered locally using multi-phase fractional clock multipliers. Fabricated in a 65nm CMOS, the prototype transceiver can be programmed to operate at any rate from 3-to-10 Gb/s. At 10 Gb/s, integrated jitter of the Tx output and recovered clock is 360 fsrms and 758 fsrms, respectively

    A high speed serializer/deserializer design

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    A Serializer/Deserializer (SerDes) is a circuit that converts parallel data into a serial stream and vice versa. It helps solve clock/data skew problems, simplifies data transmission, lowers the power consumption and reduces the chip cost. The goal of this project was to solve the challenges in high speed SerDes design, which included the low jitter design, wide bandwidth design and low power design. A quarter-rate multiplexer/demultiplexer (MUX/DEMUX) was implemented. This quarter-rate structure decreases the required clock frequency from one half to one quarter of the data rate. It is shown that this significantly relaxes the design of the VCO at high speed and achieves lower power consumption. A novel multi-phase LC-ring oscillator was developed to supply a low noise clock to the SerDes. This proposed VCO combined an LC-tank with a ring structure to achieve both wide tuning range (11%) and low phase noise (-110dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset). With this structure, a data rate of 36 Gb/s was realized with a measured peak-to-peak jitter of 10ps using 0.18microm SiGe BiCMOS technology. The power consumption is 3.6W with 3.4V power supply voltage. At a 60 Gb/s data rate the simulated peak-to-peak jitter was 4.8ps using 65nm CMOS technology. The power consumption is 92mW with 2V power supply voltage. A time-to-digital (TDC) calibration circuit was designed to compensate for the phase mismatches among the multiple phases of the PLL clock using a three dimensional fully depleted silicon on insulator (3D FDSOI) CMOS process. The 3D process separated the analog PLL portion from the digital calibration portion into different tiers. This eliminated the noise coupling through the common substrate in the 2D process. Mismatches caused by the vertical tier-to-tier interconnections and the temperature influence in the 3D process were attenuated by the proposed calibration circuit. The design strategy and circuits developed from this dissertation provide significant benefit to both wired and wireless applications

    Precise Timing of Digital Signals: Circuits and Applications

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    With the rapid advances in process technologies, the performance of state-of-the-art integrated circuits is improving steadily. The drive for higher performance is accompanied with increased emphasis on meeting timing constraints not only at the design phase but during device operation as well. Fortunately, technology advancements allow for even more precise control of the timing of digital signals, an advantage which can be used to provide solutions that can address some of the emerging timing issues. In this thesis, circuit and architectural techniques for the precise timing of digital signals are explored. These techniques are demonstrated in applications addressing timing issues in modern digital systems. A methodology for slow-speed timing characterization of high-speed pipelined datapaths is proposed. The technique uses a clock-timing circuit to create shifted versions of a slow-speed clock. These clocks control the data flow in the pipeline in the test mode. Test results show that the design provides an average timing resolution of 52.9ps in 0.18μm CMOS technology. Results also demonstrate the ability of the technique to track the performance of high-speed pipelines at a reduced clock frequency and to test the clock-timing circuit itself. In order to achieve higher resolutions than that of an inverter/buffer stage, a differential (vernier) delay line is commonly used. To allow for the design of differential delay lines with programmable delays, a digitally-controlled delay-element is proposed. The delay element is monotonic and achieves a high degree of transfer characteristics' (digital code vs. delay) linearity. Using the proposed delay element, a sub-1ps resolution is demonstrated experimentally in 0.18μm CMOS. The proposed delay element with a fixed delay step of 2ps is used to design a high-precision all-digital phase aligner. High-precision phase alignment has many applications in modern digital systems such as high-speed memory controllers, clock-deskew buffers, and delay and phase-locked loops. The design is based on a differential delay line and a variation tolerant phase detector using redundancy. Experimental results show that the phase aligner's range is from -264ps to +247ps which corresponds to an average delay step of approximately 2.43ps. For various input phase difference values, test results show that the difference is reduced to less than 2ps at the output of the phase aligner. On-chip time measurement is another application that requires precise timing. It has applications in modern automatic test equipment and on-chip characterization of jitter and skew. In order to achieve small conversion time, a flash time-to-digital converter is proposed. Mismatch between the various delay comparators limits the time measurement precision. This is demonstrated through an experiment in which a 6-bit, 2.5ps resolution flash time-to-digital converter provides an effective resolution of only 4-bits. The converter achieves a maximum conversion rate of 1.25GSa/s

    Frequency Synthesis in Wireless and Wireline Systems

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    First, a frequency synthesizer for IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee transceiver applications that employs dynamic True Single Phase Clocking (TSPC) circuits in its frequency dividers is presented and through the analysis and measurement results of this synthesizer, the need for low power circuit techniques in frequency dividers is discussed. Next, Differential Cascode Voltage-Switch-Logic (DCVSL) based delay cells are explored for implementing radio-frequency (RF) frequency dividers of low power frequency synthesizers. DCVSL ip- ops offer small input and clock capacitance which makes the power consumption of these circuits and their driving stages, very low. We perform a delay analysis of DCVSL circuits and propose a closed-form delay model that predicts the speed of DCVSL circuits with 8 percent worst case accuracy. The proposed delay model also demonstrates that DCVSL circuits suffer from a large low-to-high propagation delay ( PLH) which limits their speed and results in asymmetrical output waveforms. Our proposed enhanced DCVSL, which we call DCVSL-R, solves this delay bottleneck, reducing PLH and achieving faster operation. We implement two ring-oscillator-based voltage controlled oscillators (VCOs) in 0.13 mu m technology with DCVSL and DCVSL-R delay cells. In measurements, for the same oscillation frequency (2.4GHz) and same phase noise (-113dBc/Hz at 10MHz), DCVSL-R VCO consumes 30 percent less power than the DCVSL VCO. We also use the proposed DCVSL-R circuit to implement the 2.4GHz dual-modulus prescaler of a low power frequency synthesizer in 0.18 mu m technology. In measurements, the synthesizer exhibits -135dBc/Hz phase noise at 10MHz offset and 58 mu m settling time with 8.3mW power consumption, only 1.07mWof which is consumed by the dual modulus prescaler and the buffer that drives it. When compared to other dual modulus prescalers with similar division ratios and operating frequencies in literature, DCVSL-R dual modulus prescaler demonstrates the lowest power consumption. An all digital phase locked loop (ADPLL) that operates for a wide range of frequencies to serve as a multi-protocol compatible PLL for microprocessor and serial link applications, is presented. The proposed ADPLL is truly digital and is implemented in a standard complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology without any analog/RF or non-scalable components. It addresses the challenges that come along with continuous wide range of operation such as stability and phase frequency detection for a large frequency error range. A proposed multi-bit bidirectional smart shifter serves as the digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) control and tunes the DCO frequency by turning on/off inverter units in a large row/column matrix that constitute the ring oscillator. The smart shifter block is completely digital, consisting of standard cell logic gates, and is capable of tracking the row/column unit availability of the DCO and shifting multiple bits per single update cycle. This enables fast frequency acquisition times without necessitating dual loop fi lter or gear shifting mechanisms. The proposed ADPLL loop architecture does not employ costly, cumbersome DACs or binary to thermometer converters and minimizes loop filter and DCO control complexity. The wide range ADPLL is implemented in 90nm digital CMOS technology and has a 9-bit TDC, the output of which is processed by a 10-bit digital loop filter and a 5-bit smart shifter. In measurements, the synthesizer achieves 2.5GHz-7.3GHz operation while consuming 10mW/GHz power, with an active area of 0.23 mm2

    Injection locked ring oscillator design for application in Direct Time of Flight LIDAR

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    Diplomová práce přibližuje systémy LIDAR přímo měřící čas průletu a časově digitální převodníky určené k použití v těchto systémech. Představuje problematiku distribuce hodinových signálů napříč soubory časově digitálních převodníků v LIDAR systémech a věnuje se jednomu z nových řešení této problematiky, které je založené na injekcí zavěšených oscilátorech. Technika injekčního zavěšení oscilátorů je důkladně matematicky popsána. V programu Matlab byl vytvořen simulační model injekcí zavěšeného kruhového oscilátoru, který potvrzuje správnost uvedených analytických predikcí. Ve výrobní technologii ONK65 byl navržen injekcí zavěšený kruhový oscilátor stabilizovaný pomocí smyčky závěsu zpoždění, určený pro implementaci časově digitálního převodníku pro systém LIDAR. Navržený injekcí zavěšený kruhový oscilátor byl verifikován počítačovými simulacemi zohledňujícími vliv procesních, napěťových i teplotních variací. Oscilátor poskytuje specifikované časové rozlišení 50 pikosekund a dosahuje dvakrát nižší hodnoty fázového neklidu než ekvivalentní volnoběžný oscilátor v dané technologii.The diploma thesis provides an introduction to Direct Time of Flight LIDAR systems and Time to Digital Converters used in these systems. It discusses the problem of clock distribution in LIDAR Time to Digital Converter arrays, and examines one of the possible solutions to this problem based on injection locked oscillators. The injection locking phenomenon is thoroughly mathematically described and a Matlab model of an injection locked ring oscillator is presented, confirming the analytic predictions. In ONK65 processing technology, an injection locked ring oscillator biased by a delay locked loop meant specifically for application in Time to Digital Converters for LIDAR systems has been designed. The designed oscillator has been verified by computer simulations taking process, voltage and temperature variations into account and offers specified time resolution of 50 picosecond as well as two times less clock jitter than an equivalent free-running oscillator in the given processing technology.