4 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Approach for Automated Detection of Irregular Walking Surfaces for Walkability Assessment with Wearable Sensor

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    The walkability of a neighborhood impacts public health and leads to economic and environmental benefits. The condition of sidewalks is a significant indicator of a walkable neighborhood as it supports and encourages pedestrian travel and physical activity. However, common sidewalk assessment practices are subjective, inefficient, and ineffective. Current alternate methods for objective and automated assessment of sidewalk surfaces do not consider pedestrians’ physiological responses. We developed a novel classification framework for the detection of irregular walking surfaces that uses a machine learning approach to analyze gait parameters extracted from a single wearable accelerometer. We also identified the most suitable location for sensor placement. Experiments were conducted on 12 subjects walking on good and irregular walking surfaces with sensors attached at three different locations: right ankle, lower back, and back of the head. The most suitable location for sensor placement was at the ankle. Among the five classifiers trained with gait features from the ankle sensor, Support Vector Machine (SVM) was found to be the most effective model since it was the most robust to subject differences. The model’s performance was improved with post-processing. This demonstrates that the SVM model trained with accelerometer-based gait features can be used as an objective tool for the assessment of sidewalk walking surface conditions

    Detecting stressful older adults-environment interactions to improve neighbourhood mobility: A multimodal physiological sensing, machine learning, and risk hotspot analysis-based approach

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    Not only is the global population ageing, but also the built environment infrastructure in many cities and communities are approaching their design life or showing significant deterioration. Such built environment conditions often become an environmental barrier that can either cause stress and/or limit the mobility of older adults in their neighbourhood. Current approaches to detecting stressful environmental interactions are less effective in terms of time, cost, labour, and individual stress detection. This study harnesses the recent advances in wearable sensing technologies, machine learning intelligence and hotspot analysis to develop and test a more efficient approach to detecting older adults' stressful interactions with the environment. Specifically, this study monitored older adults' physiological reactions (Photoplethysmogram and electrodermal activity) and global positioning system (GPS) trajectory using wearable sensors during an outdoor walk. Machine learning algorithms, including Gaussian Support Vector Machine, Ensemble bagged tree, and deep belief network were trained and tested to detect older adults' stressful interactions from their physiological signals, location and environmental data. The Ensemble bagged tree achieved the best performance (98.25% accuracy). The detected stressful interactions were geospatially referenced to the GPS data, and locations with high-risk clusters of stressful interactions were detected as risk stress hotspots for older adults. The detected risk stress hotspot locations corresponded to the places the older adults encountered environmental barriers, supported by site inspections, interviews and video records. The findings of this study will facilitate a near real-time assessment of the outdoor neighbourhood environment, hence improving the age-friendliness of cities and communities

    Wearable sensing and mining of the informativeness of older adults : physiological, behavioral, and cognitive responses to detect demanding environmental conditions

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    Due to the decline in functional capability, older adults are more likely to encounter excessively demanding environmental conditions (that result in stress and/or mobility limitation) than the average person. Current efforts to detect such environmental conditions are inefficient and are not person-centered. This study presents a more efficient and person-centered approach that involves using wearable sensors to collect continuous bodily responses (i.e., electroencephalography, photoplethysmography, electrodermal activity, and gait) and location data from older adults to detect demanding environmental conditions. Computationally, this study developed a Random Forest algorithm—considering the informativeness of the bodily response—and a hot spot analysis-based approach to identify environmental locations with high demand. The approach was tested on data collected from 10 older adults during an outdoor environmental walk. The findings demonstrate that the proposed approach can detect demanding environmental conditions that are likely to result in stress and/or limited mobility for older adults

    A people-centric sensing approach to detecting sidewalk defects

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    A defective sidewalk inhibits the walkability of a street and may also cause safety accidents (slips, trips, and falls) for pedestrians. When a pedestrian walks along a sidewalk, his/her behaviors may vary according to the condition of the sidewalk—e.g., whether the surface is normal, holed, cracked, tilted, or sloped. As a result, the pedestrian's stability may also change according to the built environment's conditions. Accordingly, this paper examines the feasibility of using pedestrians physical behaviors to detect defects in a sidewalk. Pedestrians physical responses and paths over a sidewalk are collected using an inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor and a global positioning system (GPS). Then, after aggregating the pedestrians bodily responses and locations, the irregularity of multiple pedestrians responses are calculated in relation to their locations. The locations that show irregularities in the pedestrian-response patterns present a high correlation with the existence of a defect. The results of this study will help improve the continuous diagnosis of defects in sidewalks, thereby enhancing these built environment systems serviceability.Y