12 research outputs found

    Bounds and Invariant Sets for a Class of Switching Systems with Delayed-state-dependent Perturbations

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    We present a novel method to compute componentwise transient bounds, ultimate bounds, and invariant regions for a class of switching continuous-time linear systems with perturbation bounds that may depend nonlinearly on a delayed state. The main advantage of the method is its componentwise nature, i.e. the fact that it allows each component of the perturbation vector to have an independent bound and that the bounds and sets obtained are also given componentwise. This componentwise method does not employ a norm for bounding either the perturbation or state vectors, avoids the need for scaling the different state vector components in order to obtain useful results, and may also reduce conservativeness in some cases. We give conditions for the derived bounds to be of local or semi-global nature. In addition, we deal with the case of perturbation bounds whose dependence on a delayed state is of affine form as a particular case of nonlinear dependence for which the bounds derived are shown to be globally valid. A sufficient condition for practical stability is also provided. The present paper builds upon and extends to switching systems with delayed-state-dependent perturbations previous results by the authors. In this sense, the contribution is three-fold: the derivation of the aforementioned extension; the elucidation of the precise relationship between the class of switching linear systems to which the proposed method can be applied and those that admit a common quadratic Lyapunov function (a question that was left open in our previous work); and the derivation of a technique to compute a common quadratic Lyapunov function for switching linear systems with perturbations bounded componentwise by affine functions of the absolute value of the state vector components.Comment: Submitted to Automatic

    Topics in Automotive Rollover Prevention: Robust and Adaptive Switching Strategies for Estimation and Control

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    The main focus in this thesis is the analysis of alternative approaches for estimation and control of automotive vehicles based on sound theoretical principles. Of particular importance is the problem rollover prevention, which is an important problem plaguing vehicles with a high center of gravity (CG). Vehicle rollover is, statistically, the most dangerous accident type, and it is difficult to prevent it due to the time varying nature of the problem. Therefore, a major objective of the thesis is to develop the necessary theoretical and practical tools for the estimation and control of rollover based on robust and adaptive techniques that are stable with respect to parameter variations. Given this background, we first consider an implementation of the multiple model switching and tuning (MMST) algorithm for estimating the unknown parameters of automotive vehicles relevant to the roll and the lateral dynamics including the position of CG. This results in high performance estimation of the CG as well as other time varying parameters, which can be used in tuning of the active safety controllers in real time. We then look into automotive rollover prevention control based on a robust stable control design methodology. As part of this we introduce a dynamic version of the load transfer ratio (LTR) as a rollover detection criterion and then design robust controllers that take into account uncertainty in the CG position. As the next step we refine the controllers by integrating them with the multiple model switched CG position estimation algorithm. This results in adaptive controllers with higher performance than the robust counterparts. In the second half of the thesis we analyze extensions of certain theoretical results with important implications for switched systems. First we obtain a non-Lyapunov stability result for a certain class of linear discrete time switched systems. Based on this result, we suggest switched controller synthesis procedures for two roll dynamics enhancement control applications. One control design approach is related to modifying the dynamical response characteristics of the automotive vehicle while guaranteeing the switching stability under parametric variations. The other control synthesis method aims to obtain transient free reference tracking of vehicle roll dynamics subject to parametric switching. In a later discussion, we consider a particular decentralized control design procedure based on vector Lyapunov functions for simultaneous, and structurally robust model reference tracking of both the lateral and the roll dynamics of automotive vehicles. We show that this controller design approach guarantees the closed loop stability subject to certain types of structural uncertainty. Finally, assuming a purely theoretical pitch, and motivated by the problems considered during the course of the thesis, we give new stability results on common Lyapunov solution (CLS) existence for two classes of switching linear systems; one is concerned with switching pair of systems in companion form and with interval uncertainty, and the other is concerned with switching pair of companion matrices with general inertia. For both problems we give easily verifiable spectral conditions that are sufficient for the CLS existence. For proving the second result we also obtain a certain generalization of the classical Kalman-Yacubovic-Popov lemma for matrices with general inertia

    Stability Analysis and Controller Synthesis of Switched Systems

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    Feedback control of border collision bifurcations in continuous piecewise smooth discrete-time systems is considered. These bifurcations occur when a fixed point or a periodic orbit of a piecewise smooth system crosses or collides with the border between two regions of smooth operation as a system parameter is quasistatically varied. The goal of the control effort in this work is to modify the bifurcation so that the bifurcated steady state is locally attracting and locally unique. In this way, the system's local behavior is ensured to remain stable and close to the original operating condition. Linear and piecewise linear feedbacks are used since the system linearization on the two sides of the border generically determines the type and stability properties of any border collision bifurcation. A complete classification of possible border collision bifurcations is only available for one-dimensional maps. These classifications are used in the design of stabilizing feedback controls. For two dimensional piecewise smooth maps, sufficient conditions for nonbifurcation with persistent stability are proved. The derived sufficient conditions are then used as a basis for the design of feedback controls to eliminate border collision bifurcations. For higher dimensional piecewise smooth maps, only very general results on existence of certain types of border collision bifurcations are currently known. To address these problems Lyapunov techniques are used to find conditions for nonbifurcation with persistent local stability in general finite dimensional piecewise smooth discrete time systems depending on a parameter. A sufficient condition for nonbifurcation with persistent stability in PWS maps of any finite dimension is given in terms of linear matrix inequalities. The Lyapunov-based methodology is used to consider the design of washout filter based controllers. These are dynamic feedback laws that do not alter a system's fixed points, even in the presence of model uncertainty. These ideas are extended to allow nonmonotonically decreasing Lyapunov functions. Finally, a two-dimensional example of using feedback to quench cardiac arrhythmia is considered. The cardiac model consists of a nonlinear discrete-time piecewise smooth system, and was previously used to show a link between cardiac alternans and period doubling bifurcation

    Smart Mechanical Ventilators:Learning for Monitoring and Control

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    Smart Mechanical Ventilators:Learning for Monitoring and Control

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    Stability and Control in Complex Networks of Dynamical Systems

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    Stability analysis of networked dynamical systems has been of interest in many disciplines such as biology and physics and chemistry with applications such as LASER cooling and plasma stability. These large networks are often modeled to have a completely random (Erdös-Rényi) or semi-random (Small-World) topologies. The former model is often used due to mathematical tractability while the latter has been shown to be a better model for most real life networks. The recent emergence of cyber physical systems, and in particular the smart grid, has given rise to a number of engineering questions regarding the control and optimization of such networks. Some of the these questions are: How can the stability of a random network be characterized in probabilistic terms? Can the effects of network topology and system dynamics be separated? What does it take to control a large random network? Can decentralized (pinning) control be effective? If not, how large does the control network needs to be? How can decentralized or distributed controllers be designed? How the size of control network would scale with the size of networked system? Motivated by these questions, we began by studying the probability of stability of synchronization in random networks of oscillators. We developed a stability condition separating the effects of topology and node dynamics and evaluated bounds on the probability of stability for both Erdös-Rényi (ER) and Small-World (SW) network topology models. We then turned our attention to the more realistic scenario where the dynamics of the nodes and couplings are mismatched. Utilizing the concept of ε-synchronization, we have studied the probability of synchronization and showed that the synchronization error, ε, can be arbitrarily reduced using linear controllers. We have also considered the decentralized approach of pinning control to ensure stability in such complex networks. In the pinning method, decentralized controllers are used to control a fraction of the nodes in the network. This is different from traditional decentralized approaches where all the nodes have their own controllers. While the problem of selecting the minimum number of pinning nodes is known to be NP-hard and grows exponentially with the number of nodes in the network we have devised a suboptimal algorithm to select the pinning nodes which converges linearly with network size. We have also analyzed the effectiveness of the pinning approach for the synchronization of oscillators in the networks with fast switching, where the network links disconnect and reconnect quickly relative to the node dynamics. To address the scaling problem in the design of distributed control networks, we have employed a random control network to stabilize a random plant network. Our results show that for an ER plant network, the control network needs to grow linearly with the size of the plant network

    Discrete Time Systems

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    Discrete-Time Systems comprehend an important and broad research field. The consolidation of digital-based computational means in the present, pushes a technological tool into the field with a tremendous impact in areas like Control, Signal Processing, Communications, System Modelling and related Applications. This book attempts to give a scope in the wide area of Discrete-Time Systems. Their contents are grouped conveniently in sections according to significant areas, namely Filtering, Fixed and Adaptive Control Systems, Stability Problems and Miscellaneous Applications. We think that the contribution of the book enlarges the field of the Discrete-Time Systems with signification in the present state-of-the-art. Despite the vertiginous advance in the field, we also believe that the topics described here allow us also to look through some main tendencies in the next years in the research area