65 research outputs found

    Development and Integration of Geometric and Optimization Algorithms for Packing and Layout Design

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    The research work presented in this dissertation focuses on the development and application of optimization and geometric algorithms to packing and layout optimization problems. As part of this research work, a compact packing algorithm, a physically-based shape morphing algorithm, and a general purpose constrained multi-objective optimization algorithm are proposed. The compact packing algorithm is designed to pack three-dimensional free-form objects with full rotational freedom inside an arbitrary enclosure such that the packing efficiency is maximized. The proposed compact packing algorithm can handle objects with holes or cavities and its performance does not degrade significantly with the increase in the complexity of the enclosure or the objects. It outputs the location and orientation of all the objects, the packing sequence, and the packed configuration at the end of the packing operation. An improved layout algorithm that works with arbitrary enclosure geometry is also proposed. Different layout algorithms for the SAE and ISO luggage are proposed that exploit the unique characteristics of the problem under consideration. Several heuristics to improve the performance of the packing algorithm are also proposed. The proposed compact packing algorithm is benchmarked on a wide variety of synthetic and hypothetical problems and is shown to outperform other similar approaches. The physically-based shape morphing algorithm proposed in this dissertation is specifically designed for packing and layout applications, and thus it augments the compact packing algorithm. The proposed shape morphing algorithm is based on a modified mass-spring system which is used to model the morphable object. The shape morphing algorithm mimics a quasi-physical process similar to the inflation/deflation of a balloon filled with air. The morphing algorithm starts with an initial manifold geometry and morphs it to obtain a desired volume such that the obtained geometry does not interfere with the objects surrounding it. Several modifications to the original mass-spring system and to the underlying physics that governs it are proposed to significantly speed-up the shape morphing process. Since the geometry of a morphable object continuously changes during the morphing process, most collision detection algorithms that assume the colliding objects to be rigid cannot be used efficiently. And therefore, a general-purpose surface collision detection algorithm is also proposed that works with deformable objects and does not require any preprocessing. Many industrial design problems such as packing and layout optimization are computationally expensive, and a faster optimization algorithm can reduce the number of iterations (function evaluations) required to find the satisfycing solutions. A new multi-objective optimization algorithm namely Archive-based Micro Genetic Algorithm (AMGA2) is presented in this dissertation. Improved formulation for various operators used by the AMGA2 such as diversity preservation techniques, genetic variation operators, and the selection mechanism are also proposed. The AMGA2 also borrows several concepts from mathematical sciences to improve its performance and benefits from the existing literature in evolutionary optimization. A comprehensive benchmarking and comparison of AMGA2 with other state-of-the-art optimization algorithms on a wide variety of mathematical problems gleaned from literature demonstrates the superior performance of AMGA2. Thus, the research work presented in this dissertation makes contributions to the development and application of optimization and geometric algorithms

    A Hierarchical Multiscale Approach to History Matching and Optimization for Reservoir Management in Mature Fields

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    Reservoir management typically focuses on maximizing oil and gas recovery from a reservoir based on facts and information while minimizing capital and operating investments. Modern reservoir management uses history-matched simulation model to predict the range of recovery or to provide the economic assessment of different field development strategies. Geological models are becoming increasingly complex and more detailed with several hundred thousand to million cells, which include large sets of subsurface uncertainties. Current issues associated with history matching, therefore, involve extensive computation (flow simulations) time, preserving geologic realism, and non-uniqueness problem. Many of recent rate optimization methods utilize constrained optimization techniques, often making them inaccessible for field reservoir management. Field-scale rate optimization problems involve highly complex reservoir models, production and facilities constraints and a large number of unknowns. We present a hierarchical multiscale calibration approach using global and local updates in coarse and fine grid. We incorporate a multiscale framework into hierarchical updates: global and local updates. In global update we calibrate large-scale parameters to match global field-level energy (pressure), which is followed by local update where we match well-by-well performances by calibration of local cell properties. The inclusion of multiscale calibration, integrating production data in coarse grid and successively finer grids sequentially, is critical for history matching high-resolution geologic models through significant reduction in simulation time. For rate optimization, we develop a hierarchical analytical method using streamline-assisted flood efficiency maps. The proposed approach avoids use of complex optimization tools; rather we emphasize the visual and the intuitive appeal of streamline method and utilize analytic solutions derived from relationship between streamline time of flight and flow rates. The proposed approach is analytic, easy to implement and well-suited for large-scale field applications. Finally, we present a hierarchical Pareto-based approach to history matching under conflicting information. In this work we focus on multiobjective optimization problem, particularly conflicting multiple objectives during history matching of reservoir performances. We incorporate Pareto-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm and Grid Connectivity-based Transformation (GCT) to account for history matching with conflicting information. The power and effectiveness of our approaches have been demonstrated using both synthetic and real field cases

    Optimal farm design with parabolic shape photovoltaic panels using multi-objective optimization

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    To acquire the maximum efficiency for solar electricity conversion, a solar panel has to absorb nearly every single photon of light emitted from the sun. The shape of the solar panel itself plays an important role in achieving this goal. Several studies have been conducted for different solar panel designs regardless of change in their internal or external shapes. In the first part of this thesis, a survey of solar photovoltaic (PV) panel shapes together with the advantages and disadvantages of the shapes is presented. The second part deals with using parabolic trough PV panels to obtain an optimal field design with two objectives, namely, maximum incident energy and minimum of the deployment cost. This design involves the relationships between the field and collector decision parameters and solar radiation data.To acquire the maximum efficiency for solar electricity conversion, a solar panel has to absorb nearly every single photon of light emitted from the sun. The shape of the solar panel itself plays an important role in achieving this goal. Several studies have been conducted for different solar panel designs regardless of change in their internal or external shapes. In the first part of this thesis, a survey of solar photovoltaic (PV) panel shapes together with the advantages and disadvantages of the shapes is presented. The second part deals with using parabolic trough PV panels to obtain an optimal field design with two objectives, namely, maximum incident energy and minimum of the deployment cost. This design involves the relationships between the field and collector decision parameters and solar radiation data

    Applied Metaheuristic Computing

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    For decades, Applied Metaheuristic Computing (AMC) has been a prevailing optimization technique for tackling perplexing engineering and business problems, such as scheduling, routing, ordering, bin packing, assignment, facility layout planning, among others. This is partly because the classic exact methods are constrained with prior assumptions, and partly due to the heuristics being problem-dependent and lacking generalization. AMC, on the contrary, guides the course of low-level heuristics to search beyond the local optimality, which impairs the capability of traditional computation methods. This topic series has collected quality papers proposing cutting-edge methodology and innovative applications which drive the advances of AMC

    Research of the acoustic phenomenon produced by isolated scatterers and its applicability as a noise reducing device in transport infrastructures. Search for an optimised and sustainable design.

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] El control de ruido ambiental es una preocupación de primera magnitud para las sociedades avanzadas, debido a los problemas derivados que ocasionan en la salud de los ciudadanos. Una de las soluciones más extendidas para el control del ruido en su fase de transmisión en la utilización de pantallas acústicas. La aparición de nuevos materiales formados por redes de dispersores acústicos aislados, denominados cristales de sonido, está revolucionando el campo del apantallamiento acústico, posibilitando el avance tecnológico de esta área. Así, en los últimos años, las pantallas acústicas basadas en cristales de sonido se han posicionado como una alternativa viable a las pantallas acústicas tradicionales, puesto que ofrecen múltiples ventajas frente a las soluciones actuales. En el presente trabajo se muestra primeramente una recopilación de los avances realizados en el campo del apantallamiento acústico mediante esta tipología de pantallas. No obstante, aún existen líneas de investigación abiertas en esta área, que es necesario abordar para conseguir el objetivo de aplicar esta tecnología como atenuadores de sonido en las infraestructuras de transporte. Durante el periodo de formación de la doctoranda, se ha trabajado en algunas de las líneas de investigación activas en este campo del apantallamiento acústico. Una de estas investigaciones condujo al descubrimiento de interferencias entre los efectos de la resonancia y la dispersión múltiple de los cristales de sonido cuando estos efectos se producen en rangos de frecuencia cercanos. También hemos diseñado un nuevo dispositivo de reducción de ruido basado en cristales de sonido, utilizando herramientas de optimización multiobjetivo, que permitan apantallar y reflejar de forma difusa el ruido. El empleo de esta nueva herramienta de diseño identificó la necesidad de realizar un estudio comparativo de los métodos de simulación más utilizados para estimar el rendimiento de los dispositivos basados en cristales de sonido. Por último, hemos realizado un estudio psicoacústico para determinar la percepción de la reducción de molestia que proporcionan las pantallas acústicas basadas en cristales sonido y las barreras tradicionales, determinando si los parámetros objetivos que evalúan su rendimiento coinciden con la respuesta subjetiva de los usuarios.[CA] El control de soroll ambiental és una preocupació de primera magnitud per a les societats avançades, a causa dels problemes derivats que ocasionen en la salut dels ciutadans. Una de les solucions més esteses per al control del soroll en la seua fase de transmissió en la utilització de pantalles acústiques. L'aparició de nous materials formats per xarxes de dispersors acústics aïllats, denominats cristals de so, està revolucionant el camp de l'apantallament acústic, possibilitant l'avanç tecnològic d'esta àrea. Així, en els últims anys, les pantalles acústiques basades en cristals de so s'han posicionat com una alternativa viable a les pantalles acústiques tradicionals, ja que oferixen múltiples avantatges enfront de les solucions actuals. En el present treball es mostra primerament una recopilació dels avanços realitzats en el camp de l'apantallament acústic per mitjà d'esta tipologia de pantalles. No obstant això, encara hi ha línies d'investigació obertes en esta àrea, que és necessari abordar per a aconseguir l'objectiu d'aplicar esta tecnologia com a atenuadors de so en les infraestructures de transport. Durant el període de formació de la doctoranda, s'ha treballat en algunes de les línies d'investigació actives en este camp de l'apantallament acústic. Una d'estes investigacions va conduir al descobriment d'interferències entre els efectes de la ressonància i la dispersió múltiple dels cristals de so quan estos efectes es produïxen en rangs de freqüència pròxims. També hem dissenyat un nou dispositiu de reducció de soroll basat en cristals de so, utilitzant ferramentes d'optimització multiobjectiu, que permeten apantallar i reflectir de forma difusa el soroll. L'ús d'esta nova ferramenta de disseny va identificar la necessitat de realitzar un estudi comparatiu dels mètodes de simulació més utilitzats per a estimar el rendiment dels dispositius basats en cristals de so. Finalment, hem realitzat un estudi psicoacústic per a determinar la percepció de la reducció de molèstia que proporcionen les pantalles acústiques basades en cristals so i les barreres tradicionals, determinant si els paràmetres objectius que avaluen el seu rendiment coincidixen amb la resposta subjectiva dels usuaris.[EN] Control of environmental noise is a major concern for advanced societies because of the resulting problems for citizens' health. One of the most widespread solutions for controlling noise in its transmission phase is the use of acoustic screens. The emergence of new materials made up of arrays of isolated acoustic scatterers, called sonic crystals, is revolutionizing the field of acoustic screening. In recent years, acoustic screens based on sonic crystals have positioned themselves as a viable alternative to traditional acoustic screens, as they offer multiple advantages over current traditional solutions. This Doctoral dissertation compiles the advances in the field of acoustic screening using this type of sonic crystals. However, there is still active research in this area which needs to be addressed and studied in order to apply this technology as noise reduction devices in transport infrastructures. Therefore, during the PhD student's training period, we have researched the acoustic phenomena produced by isolated scatterers in order to better understand the physical phenomena behind the lasts designs of this type of screen. One of these researches led to the discovery of interferences between the effects of resonance and multiple scattering of sonic crystals when occurring in nearby frequency ranges. Also we have designed a new noise reduction device based on sonic crystals, using multi-objective optimization tools, which would block and diffuse the noise. This new designing tool identified the need for a comparative study of the most commonly used simulation methods to estimate the performance of devices based on sonic crystals. Finally, we have carried out a psychoacoustic study that determined the perception of the annoyance reduction provided by acoustic screens based on sonic crystals and traditional barriers, determining whether the objective parameters that evaluate their performance match to the subjective response of the users.Agradezco al Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación por la ayuda concedida dentro del programa Doctores Industriales. Asimismo, a mi tutor en empresa Dr. Juan José Martín Pino, por posibilitar la realización de esta investigación dentro de la empresa BECSA. Al Departamento de Física Aplicada de la Universitat Politècnica de València, a la Comisión Académica del Programa de Doctorado de Matemáticas y al Centro de Tecnologías Físicas: Acústica, Materiales y Astrofísica.Peiró Torres, MDP. (2021). Research of the acoustic phenomenon produced by isolated scatterers and its applicability as a noise reducing device in transport infrastructures. Search for an optimised and sustainable design [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/164903TESISCompendi

    Applied Methuerstic computing

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    For decades, Applied Metaheuristic Computing (AMC) has been a prevailing optimization technique for tackling perplexing engineering and business problems, such as scheduling, routing, ordering, bin packing, assignment, facility layout planning, among others. This is partly because the classic exact methods are constrained with prior assumptions, and partly due to the heuristics being problem-dependent and lacking generalization. AMC, on the contrary, guides the course of low-level heuristics to search beyond the local optimality, which impairs the capability of traditional computation methods. This topic series has collected quality papers proposing cutting-edge methodology and innovative applications which drive the advances of AMC

    Using MapReduce Streaming for Distributed Life Simulation on the Cloud

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    Distributed software simulations are indispensable in the study of large-scale life models but often require the use of technically complex lower-level distributed computing frameworks, such as MPI. We propose to overcome the complexity challenge by applying the emerging MapReduce (MR) model to distributed life simulations and by running such simulations on the cloud. Technically, we design optimized MR streaming algorithms for discrete and continuous versions of Conway’s life according to a general MR streaming pattern. We chose life because it is simple enough as a testbed for MR’s applicability to a-life simulations and general enough to make our results applicable to various lattice-based a-life models. We implement and empirically evaluate our algorithms’ performance on Amazon’s Elastic MR cloud. Our experiments demonstrate that a single MR optimization technique called strip partitioning can reduce the execution time of continuous life simulations by 64%. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose and evaluate MR streaming algorithms for lattice-based simulations. Our algorithms can serve as prototypes in the development of novel MR simulation algorithms for large-scale lattice-based a-life models.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/scs_books/1014/thumbnail.jp