47 research outputs found

    Chaos-Based Confusion and Diffusion of Image Pixels Using Dynamic Substitution

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    The evolution of wireless and mobile communication from 0G to the upcoming 5G gives riseto data sharing through the Internet. This data transfer via open public networks are susceptible to severaltypes of attacks. Encryption is a method that can protect information from hackers and hence confidentialdata can be secured through a cryptosystem. Due to the increased number of cyber attacks, encryption hasbecome an important component of modern-day communication. In this paper, a new image encryptionalgorithm is presented using chaos theory and dynamic substitution. The proposed scheme is based on twodimensional Henon, Ikeda chaotic maps, and substitution box (S-box) transformation. Through Henon, arandom S-Box is selected and the image pixel is substituted randomly. To analyze security and robustnessof the proposed algorithm, several security tests such as information entropy, histogram investigation,correlation analysis, energy, homogeneity, and mean square error are performed. The entropy values ofthe test images are greater than 7.99 and the key space of the proposed algorithm is 2^798. Furthermore, thecorrelation values of the encrypted images using the the proposed scheme are close to zero when comparedwith other conventional schemes. The number of pixel change rate (NPCR) and unified average changeintensity (UACI) for the proposed scheme are higher than 99.50% and 33, respectively. The simulationresults and comparison with the state-of-the-art algorithms prove the efficiency and security of the proposed scheme

    Dynamic Substitution and Confusion-Diffusion-Based Noise-Resistive Image Encryption Using Multiple Chaotic Maps

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    The advancement in wireless communication has encouraged the process of data transferring through the Internet. The process of data sharing via the Internet is prone to several attacks. The sensitive information can be protected from hackers with the help of a process called Encryption. Owing to the increase in cyber-attacks, encryption has become a vital component of modern-day communication. In this article, an image encryption algorithm is suggested using dynamic substitution and chaotic systems. The suggested scheme is based upon the chaotic logistic map, chaotic sine maps and the dynamical substitution boxes (S-boxes). In the proposed scheme, the S-box selection is according to the generated sequence by deploying the chaotic sine map. To evaluate the robustness and security of the proposed encryption scheme, different security analysis like correlation analysis, information entropy, energy, histogram investigation, and mean square error are performed. The keyspace and entropy values of the enciphered images generated through the proposed encryption scheme are over 2 278 and 7.99 respectively. Moreover, the correlation values are closer to zero after comparison with the other existing schemes. The unified average change intensity (UACI) and the number of pixel change rate (NPCR) for the suggested scheme are greater than 33, 99.50% respectively. The simulation outcomes and the balancing with state-of-the-art algorithms justify the security and efficiency of the suggested schem

    DNA key based visual chaotic image encryption

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    With the exponential growth of Internet technologies, digital information exchanged over the Internet is also significantly increased. In order to ensure the security of multimedia contents over the open natured Internet, data should be encrypted. In this paper, the quantum chaotic map is utilized for random vectors generation. Initial conditions for the chaos map are computed from a DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) sequence along with plaintext image through Secure Hash Algorithm-512 (SHA-512). The first two random vectors break the correlation among pixels of the original plaintext image via row and column permutation, respectively. For the diffusion characteristics, the permuted image is bitwise XORed with a random matrix generated through the third random vectors. The diffused image is divided into Least Significant Bit (LSB) and Most Significant Bits (MSBs) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is applied to the carrier image. The HL and HH blocks of the carrier image are replaced with LSBs and MSBs of the diffused image for the generation of a visually encrypted image. The detailed theoretical analysis and experimental simulation of the designed scheme show that the proposed encryption algorithm is highly secured. Efficiency and robustness of the proposed visually image encryption scheme is also verified via a number of attack analyses, i.e., sensitivity attack analysis (> 99%), differential attack analysis (NPCR > 99, UACI > 33), brute force attack (almost 7.9892), statistical attack (correlation coefficient values are almost 0 or less than zero), noise tolerance, and cropping attack. Further security analyses such as encryption quality (ID ≅ 1564, DH = 3.000), homogeneity (0.3798), contrast (10.4820) and energy (0.0144) of the scheme are also evaluated

    Intertwining and NCA maps based new image encryption scheme

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    In this digital era, the Internet is a main source of communication. Due to exponential advancement in Internet technologies, transmission of multimedia data is very common now. However, transmitting sensitive information over the Internet is always vulnerable to different kind of attacks. In order to address such issues, cryptographers are proposing encryption techniques. In encryption, data is manipulated in such a way that intruders cannot access the original information. This paper presents a secure image encryption scheme via Intertwining and Nonlinear Chaotic Maps (NCA). Both main steps i.e., confusion and diffusion are implemented using chaotic maps. Numerous security parameters are applied to the proposed improved technique and strength of the scheme is evaluated. All experimental results proved the robustness and higher security of the proposed chaos-based scheme

    Entropy in Image Analysis II

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    Image analysis is a fundamental task for any application where extracting information from images is required. The analysis requires highly sophisticated numerical and analytical methods, particularly for those applications in medicine, security, and other fields where the results of the processing consist of data of vital importance. This fact is evident from all the articles composing the Special Issue "Entropy in Image Analysis II", in which the authors used widely tested methods to verify their results. In the process of reading the present volume, the reader will appreciate the richness of their methods and applications, in particular for medical imaging and image security, and a remarkable cross-fertilization among the proposed research areas

    Image encryption techniques: A comprehensive review

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    This paper presents an exhaustive review of research within the field of image encryption techniques. It commences with a general introduction to image encryption, providing an overview of the fundamentals. Subsequently, it explores a comprehensive exploration of chaos-based image encryption, encompassing various methods and approaches within this domain. These methods include full encryption techniques as well as selective encryption strategies, offering insights into their principles and applications. The authors place significant emphasis on surveying prior research contributions, shedding light on noteworthy developments within the field. Additionally, the paper addresses emerging challenges and issues that have arisen as a consequence of these advancements

    A Novel Privacy Approach of Digital Aerial Images Based on Mersenne Twister Method with DNA Genetic Encoding and Chaos

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    Aerial photography involves capturing images from aircraft and other flying objects, including Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). Aerial images are used in many fields and can contain sensitive information that requires secure processing. We proposed an innovative new cryptosystem for the processing of aerial images utilizing a chaos-based private key block cipher method so that the images are secure even on untrusted cloud servers. The proposed cryptosystem is based on a hybrid technique combining the Mersenne Twister (MT), Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), and Chaotic Dynamical Rossler System (MT-DNA-Chaos) methods. The combination of MT with the four nucleotides and chaos sequencing creates an enhanced level of security for the proposed algorithm. The system is tested at three separate phases. The combined effects of the three levels improve the overall efficiency of the randomness of data. The proposed method is computationally agile, and offered more security than existing cryptosystems. To assess, this new system is examined against different statistical tests such as adjacent pixels correlation analysis, histogram consistency analyses and its variance, visual strength analysis, information randomness and uncertainty analysis, pixel inconsistency analysis, pixels similitude analyses, average difference, and maximum difference. These tests confirmed its validity for real-time communication purposes

    Lightweight image encryption algorithms: design and evaluation

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Computer ScienceArslan MunirIn an era dominated by increasing use of multimedia data such as images and videos, ensuring the security and confidentiality of images with real-time encryption is of greatest importance. Traditional encryption algorithms are secure, widely used, and recommended, yet they are not suitable nor computationally efficient for encrypting multimedia data due to the large size and high redundancy inherent in multimedia data. Thus, specialized algorithms for multimedia data encryption are needed. This dissertation explores lightweight image encryption algorithms, specifically designed to address time and resource constraints of realtime image encryption while maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of the multimedia data. The dissertation classifies image encryption based on the techniques used into seven different approaches and analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. It subsequently introduces and evaluates three novel algorithms designed to encrypt images with low complexity, high efficiency, and reliable security. These algorithms rely on a combination of permutation, substitution, and pseudorandom keystreams to ensure the security of the encrypted images. The first algorithm is based on chaotic systems. The algorithm is implemented using logistic map, permutations, AES S-box, and a plaintext related SHA-2 hash. The second algorithm is based on Trivium cipher. the algorithm is implemented to work on multi-rounds of encryption using pixel-based row and column permutations, and bit-level substitution. For the third algorithm, the Ascon algorithm selected by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to standardize lightweight cryptography applications is evaluated for image encryption. To evaluate the proposed algorithms, a comprehensive set of security, quality, and efficiency valuation metrics is utilized to assess the proposed algorithms and compare them to contemporary image encryption algorithms