741 research outputs found

    Hardware implementation of boost power factor correction converter.

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    Nowadays, there has been an increasing demand of unity power factor in electrical power sector. Due to the nonlinear nature of load equipment, switching devices, source voltage and current are out of phase with each other. Many power converters topologies are used for the power factor correction. The boost converter with controller is most common for power factor correction circuits. The controller objective is to maintain the output voltage regulation and input current tracking with source voltage. The voltage ripple present due to the ac component of the current tracking objective, hence instead of ignoring that ripple, it is used in controller designing. The mathematical modeling of system depends on ac and dc dynamics of the circuit. The Lypunov stability analysis used for designing the controller of boost converter. In this work, experimental set-up for boost power factor correction converter was made with power pole board and NI compact RIO. The controller algorithm executed in LabVIEW FPGA module and results were verified. This novel controller ensures the convergence of the error signal by stability analysis

    Survey on Photo-Voltaic Powered Interleaved Converter System

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    Renewable energy is the best solution to meet the growing demand for energy in the country. The solar energy is considered as the most promising energy by the researchers due to its abundant availability, eco-friendly nature, long lasting nature, wide range of application and above all it is a maintenance free system. The energy absorbed by the earth can satisfy 15000 times of today’s total energy demand and its hundred times more than that our conventional energy like coal and other fossil fuels. Though, there are overwhelming advantages in solar energy, It has few drawbacks as well such as its low conversion ratio, inconsistent supply of energy due to variation in the sun light, less efficiency due to ripples in the converter, time dependent and, above all, high capitation cost. These aforementioned flaws have been addressed by the researchers in order to extract maximum energy and attain hundred percentage benefits of this heavenly resource. So, this chapter presents a comprehensive investigation based on photo voltaic (PV) system requirements with the following constraints such as system efficiency, system gain, dynamic response, switching losses are investigated. The overview exhibits and identifies the requirements of a best PV power generation system

    A Control Scheme for an AC-DC Single-Stage Buck-Boost PFC Converter with Improved Output Ripple Reduction

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    AC-DC power factor correction (PFC) single-stage converters are attractive because of their cost and their simplicity. In these converters, both PFC and power conversion are done at the same time using a single converter that regulates the output. Since they have only a single controller, these converters operate with an intermediate transformer primary-side DC bus voltage that is unregulated and is dependent on the converters’ operating conditions and component values. This means that the DC bus voltage can vary significantly as line and load conditions are changed. Such a variable DC bus voltage makes it difficult to optimally design the converter transformer as well as the DC bus capacitor. One previously proposed single-stage AC-DC converter, the Single-Stage Buck-Boost Direct Energy Transfer (SSBBDET) converter has a clamping mechanism that can clamp the DC bus voltage to a pre-set limit. The clamping mechanism, however, superimposes a low frequency 120 Hz AC component on the output DC voltage so that some means must be taken to reduce this component. These means, however, make the converter transient slow and sluggish. The main objective of this thesis is to minimize the 120 Hz output ripple component and to improve the dynamic response of the SSBBDET converter by using a new control scheme. In the thesis, the operation of the SSBBDET converter is reviewed and the proposed control method is introduced and explained in detail. Key design considerations for the design of the converter controller are discussed and the converter’s ability to operate with fixed DC bus voltage, low output ripple and fast dynamic response is confirmed with experimental results obtained from a prototype converter

    Modelamiento y desarrollo de un rectificador Boost PFC sin puente

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    RESUMEN: Este artículo propone un modelo para rectificadores elevadores PFC (Power Factor Correction por sus siglas en inglés) sin puente para propósitos de control y basado en el análisis del promedio de pequeña señal. A partir de las leyes circuitales, cuatro modos de operación son definidos y explicados, asegurando una relación entre las variables físicas del convertidor. Basados en el modelo propuesto, dos lazos cerrados de control compuestos por controladores lineales Proporcionales e Integrales (PI) son propuestos. Algunas consideraciones de diseño para dimensionar los elementos reactivos son incluidas, de tal forma que se obtienen valores mínimos para su inductancia y capacitancia. Se presenta la implementación de un prototipo de 900 W con resultados experimentales que permite validar y reafirmar el modelo propuesto. Los resultados experimentales demuestran que el uso del convertidor PFC permite elevar el factor de potencia FP a 0,99 o más y reducir el THDi (Total Harmonic Distortion of the Current por sus siglas en Inglés) a 3,9 %, además de controlar el bus DC en la salida. Se verifica experimentalmente que el convertidor PFC desarrollado está de acuerdo con los estándares de calidad de la potencia EN 61000-3-2 (IEC 1000-3-2).ABSTRACT: This paper proposes a model of the bridgeless PFC (Power Factor Correction) boost rectifier for control purposes based on an averaged small-signal analysis. From circuital laws, four operation modes are defined and explained, ensuring a relationship of physical variables in the converter. Based on the proposed model, two-loop cascade control structures composed of Proportional-Integral (PI) lineal controllers are proposed. Design consideration for dimensioning reactive elements is included, providing minimum values for their inductance and capacitance. Implementation of a laboratory prototype of 900 W and experimental results are presented to validate and reaffirm the proposed model. Experimental results demonstrate that the use of the bridgeless PFC boost converter model allows the Power Factor (PF) to be elevated up to 0.99, to reduce the THDi (Total Harmonic Distortion of the Current) to 3.9% and to control the DC voltage level on output. Compliance of standards of power quality EN 61000-3-2 (IEC 1000-3-2) are experimentally verified

    A New Estimative Current Mode Control Technique for DC-DC Converters Operating in Discontinuous Conduction Mode

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    A new digital control technique for power converters operating in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) is introduced and applied to a boost converter. In contrast to the conventional analogue control methods, the principal idea of this new control scheme is to use real-time analysis and estimate the required on-time of the switch based on the dynamic of the system. The proposed control algorithm can easily be programmed in a digital signal processor (DSP). This novel technique is applicable to any converter operating in DCM including power factor correctors (PFC). However, this work mainly focuses on the boost topology. In this paper, the main mathematical concept of the new control algorithm is introduced, as well as the robustness investigation of the proposed method, simulation, and experimental results

    Power factor correction without current sensor based on digital current rebuilding

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. F. J. Azcondo, Á. de Castro, V. M. López, Ó. García, "Power Factor Correction Without Current Sensor Based on Digital Current Rebuilding", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 1527 - 1536, June 2010.A new digital control technique for power factor (PF) correction is presented. The main novelty of the method is that there is no current sensor. Instead, the input current is digitally rebuilt, using the estimated input current in the current loop. The circuit measures the input and output voltage by means of low cost ad hoc analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). Taking advantage of the slow dynamic behavior of these voltages, almost completely digital ADCs have been designed, leaving only a comparator and an RC filter in the analog part. Avoiding measuring current can provide a significant advantage compared to analog controllers and this also helps to reduce the total cost. The ultimate objective is to obtain a low-cost digital controller that can be easily integrated as an intellectual property (IP) block into a field-programmable gate array, or an application-specific integrated circuit. The experimental results show a reasonably high PF, despite not measuring the input current, and therefore the feasibility of the method.This work has been funded by the Spanish Government with the project TEC2008-01753 entitled: “Digital power processing for the control of gaseous discharges”

    A Single-phase Rectifier With Ripple-power Decoupling and Application to LED Lighting

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    In recent years, Light-Emitting-Diode (LED) is widely used in lighting applications for its high efficacy and high reliability. However, the rectifier, which is required by the LEDs to convert the AC power from the grid into DC power, suffers from low-reliability caused by the filtering capacitor. In order to fully utilize the long operational hours of the LEDs, this thesis proposes a rectifier that has improved reliability by adding a ripple-port to eliminate the non-reliable electrolytic capacitor. The ripple-port is capable of decoupling the ripple-power inherited in a single-phase rectifier, which enables using the reliable film capacitor to replace the electrolytic capacitor. To guarantee that the ripple-port can effectively decouple the ripple-power, a closed-loop control scheme is designed and implemented in a digital controller. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed rectifier can reduce the required capacitance by 70%, which results in a 60% increase in lifetime. The proposed ripple-port circuit can be considered as an add-on module to be integrated into the rectifiers used in applications that require long lifetime. A detailed analysis of the efficiency, cost and reliability of applying the ripple-port in LED lighting applications supports the feasibility of the proposed circuit

    Design and Control of Power Converters 2019

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    In this book, 20 papers focused on different fields of power electronics are gathered. Approximately half of the papers are focused on different control issues and techniques, ranging from the computer-aided design of digital compensators to more specific approaches such as fuzzy or sliding control techniques. The rest of the papers are focused on the design of novel topologies. The fields in which these controls and topologies are applied are varied: MMCs, photovoltaic systems, supercapacitors and traction systems, LEDs, wireless power transfer, etc

    Advances in Control of Power Electronic Converters

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    This book proposes a list of contributions in the field of control of power electronics converters for different topologies: DC-DC, DC-AC and AC-DC. It particularly focuses on the use of different advanced control techniques with the aim of improving the performances, flexibility and efficiency in the context of several operation conditions. Sliding mode control, fuzzy logic based control, dead time compensation and optimal linear control are among the techniques developed in the special issue. Simulation and experimental results are provided by the authors to validate the proposed control strategies

    Grid converter for LED based intelligent light sources

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