14 research outputs found

    Ultrasound medical image deconvolution using CLEAN algorithm

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    International audienceThe problem of reconstruction of ultrasound medical images using blind deconvolution algorithm has been recognized as one of the most important aspect in ultrasound images. The image resolution is deteriorated by many parameters such as the diffusive effect in tissues, which produce the speckle noise. We intend to implement a nonlinear algorithm based on joint use of the well known CLEAN method and the Hybrid Parametric Inverse Filtering method. This method suppose an iterative process for extracting the brightness small objects presents in the image using a dirty beam Point Spread Function. The PSF is obtained with HYPIF algorithm, a blind technique for ultrasound medical images. The technique is applied for the 1D signals extracted from RF ultrasound images (simulated and experimental). The results are compared with Wiener filter

    Joint Bayesian Deconvolution And Point Spread Function Estimation For Ultrasound Imaging

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the problem of blind deconvolution for ultrasound images within a Bayesian framework. The prior of the unknown ultrasound image to be estimated is assumed to be a product of generalized Gaussian distributions. The point spread function of the system is also assumed to be unknown and is assigned a Gaussian prior distribution. These priors are combined with the likelihood function to build the joint posterior distribution of the image and PSF. However, it is difficult to derive closed-form expressions of the Bayesian estimators associated with this posterior. Thus, this paper proposes to build estimators of the unknown model parameters from samples generated according to the model posterior using a hybrid Gibbs sampler. Simulation results performed on synthetic data allow the performance of the proposed algorithm to be appreciated

    A sparse reconstruction framework for Fourier-based plane wave imaging

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    International audienceUltrafast imaging based on plane-wave (PW) insonification is an active area of research due to its capability of reaching high frame rates. Among PW imaging methods, Fourier-based approaches have demonstrated to be competitive compared with traditional delay and sum methods. Motivated by the success of compressed sensing techniques in other Fourier imaging modalities, like magnetic resonance imaging, we propose a new sparse regularization framework to reconstruct high-quality ultrasound (US) images. The framework takes advantage of both the ability to formulate the imaging inverse problem in the Fourier domain and the sparsity of US images in a sparsifying domain. We show, by means of simulations, in vitro and in vivo data, that the proposed framework significantly reduces image artifacts, i.e., measurement noise and sidelobes, compared with classical methods, leading to an increase of the image quality

    Line detection as an inverse problem:application to lung ultrasound imaging

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    Development of a Post-Processing Algorithm for Accurate Human Skull Profile Extraction via Ultrasonic Phased Arrays

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    Ultrasound Imaging has been favored by clinicians for its safety, affordability, accessibility, and speed compared to other imaging modalities. However, the trade-offs to these benefits are a relatively lower image quality and interpretability, which can be addressed by, for example, post-processing methods. One particularly difficult imaging case is associated with the presence of a barrier, such as a human skull, with significantly different acoustical properties than the brain tissue as the target medium. Some methods were proposed in the literature to account for this structure if the skull\u27s geometry is known. Measuring the skull\u27s geometry is therefore an important task that requires attention. In this work, a new edge detection method for accurate human skull profile extraction via post-processing of ultrasonic A-Scans is introduced. This method, referred to as the Selective Echo Extraction algorithm, SEE, processes each A-Scan separately and determines the outermost and innermost boundaries of the skull by means of adaptive filtering. The method can also be used to determine the average attenuation coefficient of the skull. When applied to simulated B-Mode images of the skull profile, promising results were obtained. The profiles obtained from the proposed process in simulations were found to be within 0.15 λ ± 0.11 λ or 0.09 ± 0.07 mm from the actual profiles. Experiments were also performed to test SEE on skull mimicking phantoms with major acoustical properties similar to those of the actual human skull. With experimental data, the profiles obtained with the proposed process were within 0.32 λ ± 0.25 λ or 0.19 ± 0.15 mm from the actual profile

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    Ultrasound imaging as an effective method is widely used in medical diagnosis andNDT (non-destructive testing). In particular, ultrasound imaging plays an important role in medical diagnosis due to its safety, noninvasive, inexpensiveness and real-time compared with other medical imaging techniques. However, in general the ultrasound imaging has more speckles and is low definition than the MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and X-ray CT (computerized tomography). Therefore, it is important to improve the ultrasound imaging quality. In this study, there are three newproposals. The first is the development of a high sensitivity transducer that utilizes piezoelectric charge directly for FET (field effect transistor) channel control. The second is a proposal of a method for estimating the distribution of small scatterers in living tissue using the empirical Bayes method. The third is a super-resolution imagingmethod of scatterers with strong reflection such as organ boundaries and blood vessel walls. The specific description of each chapter is as follows: Chapter 1: The fundamental characteristics and the main applications of ultrasound are discussed, then the advantages and drawbacks of medical ultrasound are high-lighted. Based on the drawbacks, motivations and objectives of this study are stated. Chapter 2: To overcome disadvantages of medical ultrasound, we advanced our studyin two directions: designing new transducer improves the acquisition modality itself, onthe other hand new signal processing improve the acquired echo data. Therefore, the conventional techniques related to the two directions are reviewed. Chapter 3: For high performance piezoelectric, a structure that enables direct coupling of a PZT (lead zirconate titanate) element to the gate of a MOSFET (metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor) to provide a device called the PZT-FET that acts as an ultrasound receiver was proposed. The experimental analysis of the PZT-FET, in terms of its reception sensitivity, dynamic range and -6 dB reception bandwidth have been investigated. The proposed PZT-FET receiver offers high sensitivity, wide dynamic range performance when compared to the typical ultrasound transducer. Chapter 4: In medical ultrasound imaging, speckle patterns caused by reflection interference from small scatterers in living tissue are often suppressed by various methodologies. However, accurate imaging of small scatterers is important in diagnosis; therefore, we investigated influence of speckle pattern on ultrasound imaging by the empirical Bayesian learning. Since small scatterers are spatially correlated and thereby constitute a microstructure, we assume that scatterers are distributed according to the AR (auto regressive) model with unknown parameters. Under this assumption, the AR parameters are estimated by maximizing the marginal likelihood function, and the scatterers distribution is estimated as a MAP (maximum a posteriori) estimator. The performance of our method is evaluated by simulations and experiments. Through the results, we confirmed that the band limited echo has sufficient information of the AR parameters and the power spectrum of the echoes from the scatterers is properly extrapolated. Chapter 5: The medical ultrasound imaging of strong reflectance scatterers based on the MUSIC algorithm is the main subject of Chapter 5. Previously, we have proposed a super-resolution ultrasound imaging based on multiple TRs (transmissions/receptions) with different carrier frequencies called SCM (super resolution FM-chirp correlation method). In order to reduce the number of required TRs for the SCM, the method has been extended to the SA (synthetic aperture) version called SA-SCM. However, since super-resolution processing is performed for each line data obtained by the RBF (reception beam forming) in the SA-SCM, image discontinuities tend to occur in the lateral direction. Therefore, a new method called SCM-weighted SA is proposed, in this version the SCM is performed on each transducer element, and then the SCM result is used as the weight for RBF. The SCM-weighted SA can generate multiple B-mode images each of which corresponds to each carrier frequency, and the appropriate low frequency images among them have no grating lobes. For a further improvement, instead of simple averaging, the SCM applied to the result of the SCM-weighted SA for all frequencies again, which is called SCM-weighted SA-SCM. We evaluated the effectiveness of all the methods by simulations and experiments. From the results, it can be confirmed that the extension of the SCM framework can help ultrasound imaging reduce grating lobes, perform super-resolution and better SNR(signal-to-noise ratio). Chapter 6: A discussion of the overall content of the thesis as well as suggestions for further development together with the remaining problems are summarized.éŠ–éƒœć€§ć­Šæ±äșŹ, 2019-03-25, ćšćŁ«ïŒˆć·„ć­ŠïŒ‰éŠ–éƒœć€§ć­Šæ±