780 research outputs found

    A hybrid active contour segmentation method for myocardial D-SPECT images

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    Ischaemic heart disease has become one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide. Dynamic single-photon emission computed tomography (D-SPECT) is an advanced routine diagnostic tool commonly used to validate myocardial function in patients suffering from various heart diseases. Accurate automatic localization and segmentation of myocardial regions is helpful in creating a three-dimensional myocardial model and assisting clinicians to perform assessments of myocardial function. Thus, image segmentation is a key technology in preclinical cardiac studies. Intensity inhomogeneity is one of the common challenges in image segmentation and is caused by image artefacts and instrument inaccuracy. In this paper, a novel region-based active contour model that can segment the myocardial D-SPECT image accurately is presented. First, a local region-based fitting image is defined based on information related to the intensity. Second, a likelihood fitting image energy function is built in a local region around each point in a given vector-valued image. Next, the level set method is used to present a global energy function with respect to the neighbourhood centre. The proposed approach guarantees precision and computational efficiency by combining the region-scalable fitting energy (RSF) model and local image fitting energy (LIF) model, and it can solve the issue of high sensitivity to initialization for myocardial D-SPECT segmentation

    Remote Sensing of the Oceans

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    This book covers different topics in the framework of remote sensing of the oceans. Latest research advancements and brand-new studies are presented that address the exploitation of remote sensing instruments and simulation tools to improve the understanding of ocean processes and enable cutting-edge applications with the aim of preserving the ocean environment and supporting the blue economy. Hence, this book provides a reference framework for state-of-the-art remote sensing methods that deal with the generation of added-value products and the geophysical information retrieval in related fields, including: Oil spill detection and discrimination; Analysis of tropical cyclones and sea echoes; Shoreline and aquaculture area extraction; Monitoring coastal marine litter and moving vessels; Processing of SAR, HF radar and UAV measurements

    A review of technical factors to consider when designing neural networks for semantic segmentation of Earth Observation imagery

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    Semantic segmentation (classification) of Earth Observation imagery is a crucial task in remote sensing. This paper presents a comprehensive review of technical factors to consider when designing neural networks for this purpose. The review focuses on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), and transformer models, discussing prominent design patterns for these ANN families and their implications for semantic segmentation. Common pre-processing techniques for ensuring optimal data preparation are also covered. These include methods for image normalization and chipping, as well as strategies for addressing data imbalance in training samples, and techniques for overcoming limited data, including augmentation techniques, transfer learning, and domain adaptation. By encompassing both the technical aspects of neural network design and the data-related considerations, this review provides researchers and practitioners with a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of the factors involved in designing effective neural networks for semantic segmentation of Earth Observation imagery.Comment: 145 pages with 32 figure

    River landform dynamics detection and responses to morphology change in the rivers of North Luzon, the Philippines

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    River morphology detection has been improved considerably with the application of remote sensing and developments in computer science. However, applications that extract landforms within the active river channel remain limited, and there is a lack of studies from tropical regions. This thesis developed and then applied a workflow employing Sentinel-2 imagery for seasonal and annual river landform classification. Image downscaling approaches were investigated, and the performance of object-based image segmentation was assessed. The area to point regression kriging (ATPRK) approach was chosen to downscale coarser 20 m resolution Sentinel-2 bands to finer 10 m resolution bands. All features were set or processed at 10 m resolution before applying support vector machine (SVM) classification. To improve machine learning classification accuracy, Sentinel-2 acquisitions across one year, which incorporates multiple seasons, should be used. For rivers with different hydrological or geology settings, the thesis considered collecting river specific ground truth data to build a training model to avoid underfitting of models from other hydrological/geological settings. Applying the workflow, three landforms (water, unvegetated bars and vegetated bars) were classified within the active channel of the Bislak, Laoag, Abra and Cagayan Rivers, north Luzon, the Philippines, between 2016 to 2021, respectively. The spatial-temporal river landform datasets enabled the quantitative analysis of the river morphology changes. Water and unvegetated bars showed clear seasonal dynamics in all four rivers, whilst vegetated bars only showed seasonality in the rivers located in the northwest Luzon (the Bislak, Laoag and Abra Rivers). This thesis employed correlated coefficients to investigate the longitudinal correlation between river landforms and active width. It was found that vegetated bar areas always have strong significant correlations (≥0.67) with the active widths in all four rivers, whilst correlation coefficients between vegetated bar areas and active widths in the wet season are higher than that in the dry season. Ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) was applied to detect landform periodicity; this method indicated that water and vegetated bars commonly showed synchronised fluctuations with precipitation, while unvegetated bars had an anti-phase oscillation with precipitation. In the case of EEMD, deviations from periodic consistency in river pattern may reflect the influence of extreme events and/or human disturbance. Coefficient of variation (COV) was then used to evaluate the stability of the landforms; results suggested that the interplay of faults, elevation, confinement and tributary locations impacted landform stability. Finally, tributary inflow impacts on the mainstem river were investigated for eight tributaries of the lowland Cagayan River, also on Luzon Island. Longitudinal variations in channel morphology and stability, and temporal changes in landform frequency, using Simpson’s diversity index and COV, showed downstream widening associated with tributaries that was controlled by water discharge, with a secondary sediment flux effect. Overall, this thesis provided a novel example of combining remote sensing and GIS science, computing science, statistical science, and river morphology science to study the earth surface processes synthetically and quantitatively within river active channels in the tropical north Luzon, the Philippines. This work demonstrated how the fusion of techniques from these disciplines can be used to detect and analyse river landform changes, with potential applications for river management and restoration

    Very High Resolution (VHR) Satellite Imagery: Processing and Applications

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    Recently, growing interest in the use of remote sensing imagery has appeared to provide synoptic maps of water quality parameters in coastal and inner water ecosystems;, monitoring of complex land ecosystems for biodiversity conservation; precision agriculture for the management of soils, crops, and pests; urban planning; disaster monitoring, etc. However, for these maps to achieve their full potential, it is important to engage in periodic monitoring and analysis of multi-temporal changes. In this context, very high resolution (VHR) satellite-based optical, infrared, and radar imaging instruments provide reliable information to implement spatially-based conservation actions. Moreover, they enable observations of parameters of our environment at greater broader spatial and finer temporal scales than those allowed through field observation alone. In this sense, recent very high resolution satellite technologies and image processing algorithms present the opportunity to develop quantitative techniques that have the potential to improve upon traditional techniques in terms of cost, mapping fidelity, and objectivity. Typical applications include multi-temporal classification, recognition and tracking of specific patterns, multisensor data fusion, analysis of land/marine ecosystem processes and environment monitoring, etc. This book aims to collect new developments, methodologies, and applications of very high resolution satellite data for remote sensing. The works selected provide to the research community the most recent advances on all aspects of VHR satellite remote sensing

    Automatic near real-time flood detection in high resolution X-band synthetic aperture radar satellite data using context-based classification on irregular graphs

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    This thesis is an outcome of the project “Flood and damage assessment using very high resolution SAR data” (SAR-HQ), which is embedded in the interdisciplinary oriented RIMAX (Risk Management of Extreme Flood Events) programme, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It comprises the results of three scientific papers on automatic near real-time flood detection in high resolution X-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite data for operational rapid mapping activities in terms of disaster and crisis-management support. Flood situations seem to become more frequent and destructive in many regions of the world. A rising awareness of the availability of satellite based cartographic information has led to an increase in requests to corresponding mapping services to support civil-protection and relief organizations with disaster-related mapping and analysis activities. Due to the rising number of satellite systems with high revisit frequencies, a strengthened pool of SAR data is available during operational flood mapping activities. This offers the possibility to observe the whole extent of even large-scale flood events and their spatio-temporal evolution, but also calls for computationally efficient and automatic flood detection methods, which should drastically reduce the user input required by an active image interpreter. This thesis provides solutions for the near real-time derivation of detailed flood parameters such as flood extent, flood-related backscatter changes as well as flood classification probabilities from the new generation of high resolution X-band SAR satellite imagery in a completely unsupervised way. These data are, in comparison to images from conventional medium-resolution SAR sensors, characterized by an increased intra-class and decreased inter-class variability due to the reduced mixed pixel phenomenon. This problem is addressed by utilizing multi-contextual models on irregular hierarchical graphs, which consider that semantic image information is less represented in single pixels but in homogeneous image objects and their mutual relation. A hybrid Markov random field (MRF) model is developed, which integrates scale-dependent as well as spatio-temporal contextual information into the classification process by combining hierarchical causal Markov image modeling on automatically generated irregular hierarchical graphs with noncausal Markov modeling related to planar MRFs. This model is initialized in an unsupervised manner by an automatic tile-based thresholding approach, which solves the flood detection problem in large-size SAR data with small a priori class probabilities by statistical parameterization of local bi-modal class-conditional density functions in a time efficient manner. Experiments performed on TerraSAR-X StripMap data of Southwest England and ScanSAR data of north-eastern Namibia during large-scale flooding show the effectiveness of the proposed methods in terms of classification accuracy, computational performance, and transferability. It is further demonstrated that hierarchical causal Markov models such as hierarchical maximum a posteriori (HMAP) and hierarchical marginal posterior mode (HMPM) estimation can be effectively used for modeling the inter-spatial context of X-band SAR data in terms of flood and change detection purposes. Although the HMPM estimator is computationally more demanding than the HMAP estimator, it is found to be more suitable in terms of classification accuracy. Further, it offers the possibility to compute marginal posterior entropy-based confidence maps, which are used for the generation of flood possibility maps that express that the uncertainty in labeling of each image element. The supplementary integration of intra-spatial and, optionally, temporal contextual information into the Markov model results in a reduction of classification errors. It is observed that the application of the hybrid multi-contextual Markov model on irregular graphs is able to enhance classification results in comparison to modeling on regular structures of quadtrees, which is the hierarchical representation of images usually used in MRF-based image analysis. X-band SAR systems are generally not suited for detecting flooding under dense vegetation canopies such as forests due to the low capability of the X-band signal to penetrate into media. Within this thesis a method is proposed for the automatic derivation of flood areas beneath shrubs and grasses from TerraSAR-X data. Furthermore, an approach is developed, which combines high resolution topographic information with multi-scale image segmentation to enhance the mapping accuracy in areas consisting of flooded vegetation and anthropogenic objects as well as to remove non-water look-alike areas

    Information Extraction and Modeling from Remote Sensing Images: Application to the Enhancement of Digital Elevation Models

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    To deal with high complexity data such as remote sensing images presenting metric resolution over large areas, an innovative, fast and robust image processing system is presented. The modeling of increasing level of information is used to extract, represent and link image features to semantic content. The potential of the proposed techniques is demonstrated with an application to enhance and regularize digital elevation models based on information collected from RS images

    Sea Ice Extraction via Remote Sensed Imagery: Algorithms, Datasets, Applications and Challenges

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    The deep learning, which is a dominating technique in artificial intelligence, has completely changed the image understanding over the past decade. As a consequence, the sea ice extraction (SIE) problem has reached a new era. We present a comprehensive review of four important aspects of SIE, including algorithms, datasets, applications, and the future trends. Our review focuses on researches published from 2016 to the present, with a specific focus on deep learning-based approaches in the last five years. We divided all relegated algorithms into 3 categories, including classical image segmentation approach, machine learning-based approach and deep learning-based methods. We reviewed the accessible ice datasets including SAR-based datasets, the optical-based datasets and others. The applications are presented in 4 aspects including climate research, navigation, geographic information systems (GIS) production and others. It also provides insightful observations and inspiring future research directions.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Deep Learning Methods for Remote Sensing

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    Remote sensing is a field where important physical characteristics of an area are exacted using emitted radiation generally captured by satellite cameras, sensors onboard aerial vehicles, etc. Captured data help researchers develop solutions to sense and detect various characteristics such as forest fires, flooding, changes in urban areas, crop diseases, soil moisture, etc. The recent impressive progress in artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning has sparked innovations in technologies, algorithms, and approaches and led to results that were unachievable until recently in multiple areas, among them remote sensing. This book consists of sixteen peer-reviewed papers covering new advances in the use of AI for remote sensing