329 research outputs found

    Structural Properties and Constant Factor-Approximation of Strong Distance-r Dominating Sets in Sparse Directed Graphs

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    Bounded expansion and nowhere dense graph classes, introduced by Nesetril and Ossona de Mendez, form a large variety of classes of uniformly sparse graphs which includes the class of planar graphs, actually all classes with excluded minors, and also bounded degree graphs. Since their initial definition it was shown that these graph classes can be defined in many equivalent ways: by generalised colouring numbers, neighbourhood complexity, sparse neighbourhood covers, a game known as the splitter game, and many more. We study the corresponding concepts for directed graphs. We show that the densities of bounded depth directed minors and bounded depth topological minors relate in a similar way as in the undirected case. We provide a characterisation of bounded expansion classes by a directed version of the generalised colouring numbers. As an application we show how to construct sparse directed neighbourhood covers and how to approximate directed distance-r dominating sets on classes of bounded expansion. On the other hand, we show that linear neighbourhood complexity does not characterise directed classes of bounded expansion

    Algorithmic Properties of Sparse Digraphs

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    The notions of bounded expansion [Nesetril and Ossona de Mendez, 2008] and nowhere denseness [Nesetril and Ossona de Mendez, 2011], introduced by Nesetril and Ossona de Mendez as structural measures for undirected graphs, have been applied very successfully in algorithmic graph theory. We study the corresponding notions of directed bounded expansion and nowhere crownfulness on directed graphs, introduced by Kreutzer and Tazari [Kreutzer and Tazari, 2012]. The classes of directed graphs having those properties are very general classes of sparse directed graphs, as they include, on one hand, all classes of directed graphs whose underlying undirected class has bounded expansion, such as planar, bounded-genus, and H-minor-free graphs, and on the other hand, they also contain classes whose underlying undirected class is not even nowhere dense. We show that many of the algorithmic tools that were developed for undirected bounded expansion classes can, with some care, also be applied in their directed counterparts, and thereby we highlight a rich algorithmic structure theory of directed bounded expansion and nowhere crownful classes

    Signed total double Roman dominatıon numbers in digraphs

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    Let D = (V, A) be a finite simple digraph. A signed total double Roman dominating function (STDRD-function) on the digraph D is a function f : V (D) → {−1, 1, 2, 3} satisfying the following conditions: (i) P x∈N−(v) f(x) ≄ 1 for each v ∈ V (D), where N−(v) consist of all in-neighbors of v, and (ii) if f(v) = −1, then the vertex v must have at least two in-neighbors assigned 2 under f or one in-neighbor assigned 3 under f, while if f(v) = 1, then the vertex v must have at least one in-neighbor assigned 2 or 3 under f. The weight of a STDRD-function f is the value P x∈V (D) f(x). The signed total double Roman domination number (STDRD-number) ÎłtsdR(D) of a digraph D is the minimum weight of a STDRD-function on D. In this paper we study the STDRD-number of digraphs, and we present lower and upper bounds for ÎłtsdR(D) in terms of the order, maximum degree and chromatic number of a digraph. In addition, we determine the STDRD-number of some classes of digraphs.Publisher's Versio

    Distances and Domination in Graphs

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    This book presents a compendium of the 10 articles published in the recent Special Issue “Distance and Domination in Graphs”. The works appearing herein deal with several topics on graph theory that relate to the metric and dominating properties of graphs. The topics of the gathered publications deal with some new open lines of investigations that cover not only graphs, but also digraphs. Different variations in dominating sets or resolving sets are appearing, and a review on some networks’ curvatures is also present
