9 research outputs found

    Improving the accuracy of RF alternate test using multi-VDD conditions: application to envelope-based test of LNAs

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    Trabajo presentado al "20 Asina Test Symposium" celebrado en Nueva Delhi (India) del 20 al 23 de Noviembre del 2011.-- Reprinted from (relevant publication info). This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of the products or services of CSIC Spanish National Research Council, Digital.CSIC. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.This work demonstrates that multi-VDD conditions may be used to improve the accuracy of machine learning mod- els, significantly decreasing the prediction error. The proposed technique has been successfully applied to a previous alternate test strategy for LNAs based on response envelope detection. A prototype has been developed to show its feasibility. The prototype consists of a low-power 2.4GHz LNA and a simple envelope detector, integrated in a 90nm CMOS technology. Post- layout simulation results are provided to verify the functionality of the approach. Copyright © 2011 IEEE.This work has been partially funded by a CSIC JAE-Doc contract (cofinanced by FSE), a Spanish MAE-AECID grant and projects: SR2 - Short Range Radio (Catrene European project 2A105SR2 and Avanza I+D Spanish project TSI-020400-2010-55, cofinanced with FEDER program), Auto-calibraciĂłn y auto-test en circuitos analĂłgicos, mixtos y de radio frecuencia (Andalusian Government project P09-TIC-5386, cofinanced with FEDER program), and Catrene project TOETS (CT 302).Peer reviewe

    True power detector for RF PAb Built-in calibration and testing

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    Different built-in self testing schemes for RF circuits have been developed resorting to peak voltage detectors. These are simple to implement but provide a conditional RF power measurement accuracy as impedance is assumed to be known. A true power detector is presented which allows obtaining more accurate measurements, namely as far as output load variations are concerned. The theoretical fundaments underlining the power detector operating principle are presented and simulation and experimental results obtained with a prototype chip are described which confirm the benefits of measuring true power, comparing to output peak voltage, when observing output load matching deviations and complex waveforms

    Estimation of RF PA Non-Linearities After Cross-Correlating Current and Output Voltage

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    The estimation of 1 dB compression and third-order intercept points can be obtained after the cross-correlation between dynamic current and output voltage of radio frequency power amplifiers. This estimation is performed using actual power measures and not power inferred from voltage measurements. The underlining theory and a correlator that allows implementing this measurement on-chip are presented. The trade-off between measuring voltage and the actual power is also discussed and it is shown that different information concerning the output load is obtained when observing the PA's output voltage and power. Simulation results, obtained with the model of a prototype demonstration chip, show that good accuracy can be obtained with relatively simple measurement conditions. These results include the analysis of optimum stimuli amplitudes and the effect of noise in estimation accuracy

    Observação em-circuito de distorção de um amplificador RF

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (Major Telecomunicações). Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Design of a Direct-Modulation Transmitter with Self-Optimizing Feedback and a Highly Linear, Highly Reconfigurable, Continuously-Tunable Active-RC Baseband Filter for Multiple Standards

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    This work consists of two main parts: i) Design and implementation of a compact current-reusing 2.4GHz direct-modulation transmitter with on-chip automatic tuning; ii) Design and implementation of a novel highly-reconfigurable, continuously tunable, power-adjustable Active-RC filter for multiple standards. The design, analysis, and experimental verification of a proposed self-calibrating, current reused 2.4GHz, direct-modulation transmitter are introduced. A stacked arrangement of the power amplifier/voltage-controlled oscillator is presented along with a novel LC-tank-tuning algorithm with a simple, low-cost, on-chip implementation. To transmit maximum power, the tuning loop ensures the PA's resonant tank is centered around the operating frequency, and the loop requires no ADC, DSP, or external signal generator. This work also details the proposed tuning-loop algorithm and examines the frequency-dependent nonlinear power-detector. The system was implemented in TSMC 0.18[mu]m CMOS, occupies 0.7 mm² (TX) + 0.1 mm² (self tuning), and was measured in a QFN48 package on FR4 PCB. Automatically adjusting the tank-tuning bits within their tuning range results in >4dB increase in output power. With the self-tuning circuit active, the transmitter delivers a measured output power of > 0dBm to a 100-[omega] differential load, and the system consumes 22.9 mA from a 2.2-V supply. A biquad design methodology and a baseband low-pass filter is presented for wireless and wireline applications with reconfigurable frequency response, selectable order (1st/3rd/5th), continuously tunable cutoff frequency (1MHz-20MHz) and adjustable power consumption (3mW-7.5mW). A discrete capacitor array coarsely tunes the low-pass filter, and a novel Continuous Impedance Multiplier (CIM) then finely tunes the filter. Resistive/capacitive networks select between the Chebyshev and Inverse Chebyshev approximation types. Also, a new stability metric for biquads, Minimum Acceptable Phase Margin (MAPM), is presented and discussed in the context of filter compensation and passband ripple considerations. Experimental results yield an IIP3 of 31.3dBm, a THD of -40dB at 447mV[subscript pk, diff] input signal amplitude, and a DR of 71.4dB. The filters tunable range covers frequencies from 1MHz to 20MHz. In Inverse Chebyshev mode, the filter achieves a passband group delay variation less than ±2:5%. The design is fabricated in 0.13[mu]m CMOS, occupies 1.53mm², and operates from a 1-V supply

    Design methodologies for built-in testing of integrated RF transceivers with the on-chip loopback technique

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    Advances toward increased integration and complexity of radio frequency (RF) andmixed-signal integrated circuits reduce the effectiveness of contemporary testmethodologies and result in a rising cost of testing. The focus in this research is on thecircuit-level implementation of alternative test strategies for integrated wirelesstransceivers with the aim to lower test cost by eliminating the need for expensive RFequipment during production testing.The first circuit proposed in this thesis closes the signal path between the transmitterand receiver sections of integrated transceivers in test mode for bit error rate analysis atlow frequencies. Furthermore, the output power of this on-chip loopback block wasmade variable with the goal to allow gain and 1-dB compression point determination forthe RF front-end circuits with on-chip power detectors. The loopback block is intendedfor transceivers operating in the 1.9-2.4GHz range and it can compensate for transmitterreceiveroffset frequency differences from 40MHz to 200MHz. The measuredattenuation range of the 0.052mm2 loopback circuit in 0.13µm CMOS technology was 26-41dB with continuous control, but post-layout simulation results indicate that theattenuation range can be reduced to 11-27dB via optimizations.Another circuit presented in this thesis is a current generator for built-in testing ofimpedance-matched RF front-end circuits with current injection. Since this circuit hashigh output impedance (>1k up to 2.4GHz), it does not influence the input matchingnetwork of the low-noise amplifier (LNA) under test. A major advantage of the currentinjection method over the typical voltage-mode approach is that the built-in test canexpose fabrication defects in components of the matching network in addition to on-chipdevices. The current generator was employed together with two power detectors in arealization of a built-in test for a LNA with 14% layout area overhead in 0.13µm CMOStechnology (<1.5% for the 0.002mm2 current generator). The post-layout simulationresults showed that the LNA gain (S21) estimation with the external matching networkwas within 3.5% of the actual gain in the presence of process-voltage-temperaturevariations and power detector imprecision

    Design of a CMOS power amplifier and built-in sensors for variability monitoring and compensation

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    This research thesis aims to develop a system composed by a a CMOS power amplifier and built-in sensors for variability monitoring and compensation. The integration of monitoring systems with high frequency analog circuits is commonly used for performance optimization and control. In addition, built-in sensors are used in quality testing, improving the yield by detecting circuit faults during the fabrication of these. Typically, most of the built-in sensors are electrically connected to a node of the circuit under test, affecting its performance. In tuned power amplifers, for instance, a small load variation can cause a degradation of its output power and effciency. Hence, the integration between the circuit under test and the monitoring block should be carefully designed. These loading effects can be avoided using non-invasive solutions such as temperature sensors. An integrated circuit composed by a CMOS power amplifer, two amplitude detectors and a temperature sensor is implemented in this work. The degradation of the power amplifier performance due to variability effects is accelerated by increasing its supply voltage. A feedback loop is added to control and adjust the system operation, stress the amplifier and accelerate its degradation, monitor the amplifier performance using the sensors and compensate the observed degradation. The design of each one of the main parts of the system is presented through this work, explaining their theoretical basis and validating their operation with simulations results. Finally, all the parts are integrated together, and a feedback loop with a control algorithm is proposed to monitor and compensate the DUT variability effects

    Test estructural i predictiu per a circuits RF CMOS

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    En aquesta tesi s’ha desenvolupat una tècnica de test que permet testar un LNA i un mesclador, situats en el capçal RF d’un receptor CMOS, en una configuració de test semblant al mode normal de funcionament. La circuiteria necessària per a implementar aquesta tècnica consta d’un generador IF, per a generar el senyal IF de test, i d’un mesclador auxiliar, per a obtenir el senyal RF de test. Les observables de test escollides han estat l’amplitud de la tensió de sortida del mesclador i el component DC del corrent de consum. S’ha estudiat l’eficàcia de la tècnica de test proposada utilitzant les estratègies de test estructural i predictiu, mitjançant simulacions i mesures experimentals. La seva eficàcia és comparable a altres tècniques de test existents, però l’àrea addicional dedicada a la circuiteria test és inferior.En esta tesis se ha desarrollado una técnica de test que permite verificar un LNA y un mezclador, situados en el cabezal RF de un receptor CMOS, en una configuración de test similar al modo normal de funcionamiento. Los circuitos necesarios para implementar esta técnica son: un generador IF, que permite generar la señal IF de test, y un mezclador auxiliar, para obtener la señal RF de test. Las observables de test seleccionadas han sido la amplitud de la tensión de salida y la componente DC de la corriente de consumo. Se ha estudiado la eficacia de la técnica propuesta usando las estrategias de test estructural y predictiva, mediante simulaciones y medidas experimentales. Su eficacia es comparable a otras técnicas existentes, pero el área dedicada a la circuiteria de test es inferior.This PhD thesis develops a test technique intended for the RF front end of CMOS integrated receivers. This test technique allows testing individually the building blocks of the receiver in a sequential way. The test mode configuration of each block is similar to the normal mode operation. The auxiliary circuitry required to generate the test stimuli consists of an IF generator, which generates the IF test signal, and an auxiliary mixer that produces the RF test signal by mixing the IF test signal with the local oscillator signal. The test observables selected for the test are the voltage amplitude after the IF amplifier, and the DC component of the supply current in each block. The capability of the proposed test technique to perform structural and predictive test strategies has been validated by simulation and experimentally. Its efficiency is comparable to other existing techniques, but the silicon area overhead is lower

    Development of Robust Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits in the Presence of Process- Voltage-Temperature Variations

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    Continued improvements of transceiver systems-on-a-chip play a key role in the advancement of mobile telecommunication products as well as wireless systems in biomedical and remote sensing applications. This dissertation addresses the problems of escalating CMOS process variability and system complexity that diminish the reliability and testability of integrated systems, especially relating to the analog and mixed-signal blocks. The proposed design techniques and circuit-level attributes are aligned with current built-in testing and self-calibration trends for integrated transceivers. In this work, the main focus is on enhancing the performances of analog and mixed-signal blocks with digitally adjustable elements as well as with automatic analog tuning circuits, which are experimentally applied to conventional blocks in the receiver path in order to demonstrate the concepts. The use of digitally controllable elements to compensate for variations is exemplified with two circuits. First, a distortion cancellation method for baseband operational transconductance amplifiers is proposed that enables a third-order intermodulation (IM3) improvement of up to 22dB. Fabricated in a 0.13µm CMOS process with 1.2V supply, a transconductance-capacitor lowpass filter with the linearized amplifiers has a measured IM3 below -70dB (with 0.2V peak-to-peak input signal) and 54.5dB dynamic range over its 195MHz bandwidth. The second circuit is a 3-bit two-step quantizer with adjustable reference levels, which was designed and fabricated in 0.18µm CMOS technology as part of a continuous-time SigmaDelta analog-to-digital converter system. With 5mV resolution at a 400MHz sampling frequency, the quantizer's static power dissipation is 24mW and its die area is 0.4mm^2. An alternative to electrical power detectors is introduced by outlining a strategy for built-in testing of analog circuits with on-chip temperature sensors. Comparisons of an amplifier's measurement results at 1GHz with the measured DC voltage output of an on-chip temperature sensor show that the amplifier's power dissipation can be monitored and its 1-dB compression point can be estimated with less than 1dB error. The sensor has a tunable sensitivity up to 200mV/mW, a power detection range measured up to 16mW, and it occupies a die area of 0.012mm^2 in standard 0.18µm CMOS technology. Finally, an analog calibration technique is discussed to lessen the mismatch between transistors in the differential high-frequency signal path of analog CMOS circuits. The proposed methodology involves auxiliary transistors that sense the existing mismatch as part of a feedback loop for error minimization. It was assessed by performing statistical Monte Carlo simulations of a differential amplifier and a double-balanced mixer designed in CMOS technologies