2,967 research outputs found

    RTD INFO November 2002 Special Edition

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    RTD INFO September 2000 No. 27

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    Presidential Encores: International Entrepreneurship in Health Policy

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    ABSTRACT Ex-Presidents Carter and Clinton are forging new paths for post-presidential activities. With their respective action-oriented public policy institutions, the Carter Center and the Clinton Foundation, they have introduced vehicles through which they can establish independent and influential roles as former presidents. Their activities in the global health arena, specifically Guinea Worm Disease and HIV/AIDS, demonstrate that their influence is a function of their ability to act as international policy entrepreneurs. This thesis argues that the influence of ex-Presidents Carter and Clinton has been strengthened by their respective foundations and that they function as unique policy entrepreneurs, namely, ex-president entrepreneurs. They are successful in advocating for policy change through using the attributes of ex-president entrepreneurs: skills, the ability to mobilise resources and the ability to operate in a social arena. The thesis has forged a new path by considering theory originally developed to examine domestic policies in an international context. Presidential Encores:N/ADepartment of Government and International Relation

    Research and Creative Activity, July 1, 2016-June 30, 2017: Major Sponsored Programs and Faculty Awards for Research and Creative Activity, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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    Introduction by Steve Goddard, Interim Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development, University of Nebraska-Lincoln: This booklet highlights successes in research, scholarship and creative activity of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln faculty during the fiscal year July 1, 2016-June 30, 2017. It lists investigators, project titles and funding sources on major grants and sponsored program awards received during the year; fellowships and other recognitions and honors bestowed on our faculty; books published by faculty; performances, exhibitions and other creative activity by our faculty; and intellectual property licenses and patents issued for the products of Nebraska research. This booklet is an impressive list, but it is far from comprehensive. Nebraska faculty are contributing to the stature and funding of our research, scholarship and creative activity every day, in everything they do. These accomplishments are key measures of our success, but even more important is our faculty’s impact on the world. Our faculty are looking to the future: tackling complex issues, solving global challenges and addressing the needs of the nation and the people of Nebraska. Whether that work is a woodblock print that leads us to consider our role in shaping the natural world, an innovative program to train child care providers, or mentoring a generation of researchers to fight HIV in Africa, impact begins with the first idea, the first grant, the first publication. This is why we continue to invest in new ideas, faculty, facilities and opportunities. These investments of time, energy, creativity and support are fueling our faculty’s pursuit of excellence. I am pleased to present this record of their accomplishments. Contents Awards of 5MillionorMoreAwardsof5 Million or More Awards of 1 Million to 4,999,999Awardsof4,999,999 Awards of 250,000 to 999,999EarlyCareerAwardsArtsandHumanitiesAwardsof999,999 Early Career Awards Arts and Humanities Awards of 250,000 or More Arts and Humanities Awards of 50,000to50,000 to 249,999 Arts and Humanities Awards of 5,000to5,000 to 49,999 Patents License Agreements Creative Activity Books Recognitions and Honors 64 Glossar


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    El presente trabajo es una propuesta de materiales para enseñar inglés a través de la teoría de las inteligencias múltiples. Desde mi punto de vista los alumnos necesitan diferentes tipos de materiales para aprender inglés de una manera más exitosa. Además es importante mencionar que generalmente todas las personas aprenden de diferentes maneras, por estas circunstancias los profesores deben identificar las necesidades de los alumnos así como su inteligencia más desarrollada para poder enseñarles de una manera más efectiva. Hoy en día, el inglés es una lengua franca reconocida mundialmente; por consecuencia, tanto el aprendizaje como la enseñanza del inglés se han convertido en actividades importantes; como ejemplo tenemos los recursos culturales de la literatura, programas de televisión, películas, y/o la ciencia y este idioma está incluso por encima del japonés y del chino; sin dejar a un lado, el conocer personas de diferentes países, entre otros

    The Construction of Locative Situations: the Production of Agency in Locative Media Art Practice

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    This thesis is a practice led enquiry into Locative Media (LM) which argues that this emergent art practice has played an influential role in the shaping of locative technologies in their progression from new to everyday technologies. The research traces LM to its origins at the Karosta workshops, reviews the stated objectives of early practitioners and the ambitions of early projects, establishing it as a coherent art movement located within established traditions of technological art and of situated art practice. Based on a prescient analysis of the potential for ubiquitous networked location-awareness, LM developed an ambitious program aimed at repositioning emergent locative technologies as tools which enhance and augment space rather than surveil and control. Drawing on Krzysztof Ziarek\u27s treatment of avant-garde art and technology in The Force of Art , theories of technology drawn from Science and Technology Studies (STS) and software studies, the thesis builds an argument for the agency of Locative Media. LM is positioned as an interface layer which in connecting the user to the underlying functionality of locative technologies offers alternative interpretations, introduces new usage modes, and ultimately shifts the understanding and meaning of the technology. Building on the Situationist concept of the constructed situation, with reference to an ongoing body of practice, an experimental practice-based framework for LM art is advanced which accounts for its agency and, it is proposed, preserves this agency in a rapidly developing field

    Bold Ambition: International Large-Scale Science

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    This report, Bold Ambition: International Large-Scale Science, describes the essential role of large-scale science initiatives, also referred to as megascience initiatives, for the U.S. scientific enterprise. It identifies best practices for building large-scale scientific collaborations in the future.

    Modeling the Jovian aurora

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    The Jovian aurora is the most powerful aurora in the solar system, over 100 times more powerful than the Earth's aurora. These magnificent visual displays can provide important information about the planetary magnetosphere which is responsible for the acceleration of energetic particles that produce aurora at any planet. Similarities and differences in planetary auroral emissions are thus a viable means of classifying and studying both comparative atmospheric and magnetospheric processes. For instance, at Earth the solar wind is the primary source of auroral power while at Jupiter it is conjectured that the rotation of the planet is the major source of magnetospheric and auroral power. The purpose of this IR project was to develop a model: (1) for use in interpreting the existing set of multispectral observations of Jupiter's aurora; and (2) to design new experiments based on the findings to improve understanding of the underlying auroral processes
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