662 research outputs found

    Generalized Boundaries from Multiple Image Interpretations

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    Boundary detection is essential for a variety of computer vision tasks such as segmentation and recognition. In this paper we propose a unified formulation and a novel algorithm that are applicable to the detection of different types of boundaries, such as intensity edges, occlusion boundaries or object category specific boundaries. Our formulation leads to a simple method with state-of-the-art performance and significantly lower computational cost than existing methods. We evaluate our algorithm on different types of boundaries, from low-level boundaries extracted in natural images, to occlusion boundaries obtained using motion cues and RGB-D cameras, to boundaries from soft-segmentation. We also propose a novel method for figure/ground soft-segmentation that can be used in conjunction with our boundary detection method and improve its accuracy at almost no extra computational cost

    DepthCut: Improved Depth Edge Estimation Using Multiple Unreliable Channels

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    In the context of scene understanding, a variety of methods exists to estimate different information channels from mono or stereo images, including disparity, depth, and normals. Although several advances have been reported in the recent years for these tasks, the estimated information is often imprecise particularly near depth discontinuities or creases. Studies have however shown that precisely such depth edges carry critical cues for the perception of shape, and play important roles in tasks like depth-based segmentation or foreground selection. Unfortunately, the currently extracted channels often carry conflicting signals, making it difficult for subsequent applications to effectively use them. In this paper, we focus on the problem of obtaining high-precision depth edges (i.e., depth contours and creases) by jointly analyzing such unreliable information channels. We propose DepthCut, a data-driven fusion of the channels using a convolutional neural network trained on a large dataset with known depth. The resulting depth edges can be used for segmentation, decomposing a scene into depth layers with relatively flat depth, or improving the accuracy of the depth estimate near depth edges by constraining its gradients to agree with these edges. Quantitatively, we compare against 15 variants of baselines and demonstrate that our depth edges result in an improved segmentation performance and an improved depth estimate near depth edges compared to data-agnostic channel fusion. Qualitatively, we demonstrate that the depth edges result in superior segmentation and depth orderings.Comment: 12 page

    Pushing the Boundaries of Boundary Detection using Deep Learning

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    In this work we show that adapting Deep Convolutional Neural Network training to the task of boundary detection can result in substantial improvements over the current state-of-the-art in boundary detection. Our contributions consist firstly in combining a careful design of the loss for boundary detection training, a multi-resolution architecture and training with external data to improve the detection accuracy of the current state of the art. When measured on the standard Berkeley Segmentation Dataset, we improve theoptimal dataset scale F-measure from 0.780 to 0.808 - while human performance is at 0.803. We further improve performance to 0.813 by combining deep learning with grouping, integrating the Normalized Cuts technique within a deep network. We also examine the potential of our boundary detector in conjunction with the task of semantic segmentation and demonstrate clear improvements over state-of-the-art systems. Our detector is fully integrated in the popular Caffe framework and processes a 320x420 image in less than a second.Comment: The previous version reported large improvements w.r.t. the LPO region proposal baseline, which turned out to be due to a wrong computation for the baseline. The improvements are currently less important, and are omitted. We are sorry if the reported results caused any confusion. We have also integrated reviewer feedback regarding human performance on the BSD benchmar

    Multispecies Fruit Flower Detection Using a Refined Semantic Segmentation Network

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    In fruit production, critical crop management decisions are guided by bloom intensity, i.e., the number of flowers present in an orchard. Despite its importance, bloom intensity is still typically estimated by means of human visual inspection. Existing automated computer vision systems for flower identification are based on hand-engineered techniques that work only under specific conditions and with limited performance. This letter proposes an automated technique for flower identification that is robust to uncontrolled environments and applicable to different flower species. Our method relies on an end-to-end residual convolutional neural network (CNN) that represents the state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation. To enhance its sensitivity to flowers, we fine-tune this network using a single dataset of apple flower images. Since CNNs tend to produce coarse segmentations, we employ a refinement method to better distinguish between individual flower instances. Without any preprocessing or dataset-specific training, experimental results on images of apple, peach, and pear flowers, acquired under different conditions demonstrate the robustness and broad applicability of our method

    Fast unsupervised multiresolution color image segmentation using adaptive gradient thresholding and progressive region growing

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    In this thesis, we propose a fast unsupervised multiresolution color image segmentation algorithm which takes advantage of gradient information in an adaptive and progressive framework. This gradient-based segmentation method is initialized by a vector gradient calculation on the full resolution input image in the CIE L*a*b* color space. The resultant edge map is used to adaptively generate thresholds for classifying regions of varying gradient densities at different levels of the input image pyramid, obtained through a dyadic wavelet decomposition scheme. At each level, the classification obtained by a progressively thresholded growth procedure is combined with an entropy-based texture model in a statistical merging procedure to obtain an interim segmentation. Utilizing an association of a gradient quantized confidence map and non-linear spatial filtering techniques, regions of high confidence are passed from one level to another until the full resolution segmentation is achieved. Evaluation of our results on several hundred images using the Normalized Probabilistic Rand (NPR) Index shows that our algorithm outperforms state-of the art segmentation techniques and is much more computationally efficient than its single scale counterpart, with comparable segmentation quality

    Supervised saliency map driven segmentation of lesions in dermoscopic images

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    Lesion segmentation is the first step in most automatic melanoma recognition systems. Deficiencies and difficulties in dermoscopic images such as color inconstancy, hair occlusion, dark corners, and color charts make lesion segmentation an intricate task. In order to detect the lesion in the presence of these problems, we propose a supervised saliency detection method tailored for dermoscopic images based on the discriminative regional feature integration (DRFI). A DRFI method incorporates multilevel segmentation, regional contrast, property, background descriptors, and a random forest regressor to create saliency scores for each region in the image. In our improved saliency detection method, mDRFI, we have added some new features to regional property descriptors. Also, in order to achieve more robust regional background descriptors, a thresholding algorithm is proposed to obtain a new pseudo-background region. Findings reveal that mDRFI is superior to DRFI in detecting the lesion as the salient object in dermoscopic images. The proposed overall lesion segmentation framework uses detected saliency map to construct an initial mask of the lesion through thresholding and postprocessing operations. The initial mask is then evolving in a level set framework to fit better on the lesion's boundaries. The results of evaluation tests on three public datasets show that our proposed segmentation method outperforms the other conventional state-of-the-art segmentation algorithms and its performance is comparable with most recent approaches that are based on deep convolutional neural networks

    Segmentación multi-modal de imágenes RGB-D a partir de mapas de apariencia y de profundidad geométrica

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    Classical image segmentation algorithms exploit the detection of similarities and discontinuities of different visual cues to define and differentiate multiple regions of interest in images. However, due to the high variability and uncertainty of image data, producing accurate results is difficult. In other words, segmentation based just on color is often insufficient for a large percentage of real-life scenes. This work presents a novel multi-modal segmentation strategy that integrates depth and appearance cues from RGB-D images by building a hierarchical region-based representation, i.e., a multi-modal segmentation tree (MM-tree). For this purpose, RGB-D image pairs are represented in a complementary fashion by different segmentation maps. Based on color images, a color segmentation tree (C-tree) is created to obtain segmented and over-segmented maps. From depth images, two independent segmentation maps are derived by computing planar and 3D edge primitives. Then, an iterative region merging process can be used to locally group the previously obtained maps into the MM-tree. Finally, the top emerging MM-tree level coherently integrates the available information from depth and appearance maps. The experiments were conducted using the NYU-Depth V2 RGB-D dataset, which demonstrated the competitive results of our strategy compared to state-of-the-art segmentation methods. Specifically, using test images, our method reached average scores of 0.56 in Segmentation Covering and 2.13 in Variation of Information.Los algoritmos clásicos de segmentación de imágenes explotan la detección de similitudes y discontinuidades en diferentes señales visuales, para definir regiones de interés en imágenes. Sin embargo, debido a la alta variabilidad e incertidumbre en los datos de imagen, se dificulta generar resultados acertados. En otras palabras, la segmentación basada solo en color a menudo no es suficiente para un gran porcentaje de escenas reales. Este trabajo presenta una nueva estrategia de segmentación multi-modal que integra señales de profundidad y apariencia desde imágenes RGB-D, por medio de una representación jerárquica basada en regiones, es decir, un árbol de segmentación multi-modal (MM-tree). Para ello, la imagen RGB-D es descrita de manera complementaria por diferentes mapas de segmentación. A partir de la imagen de color, se implementa un árbol de segmentación de color (C-tree) para obtener mapas de segmentación y sobre-segmentación. Desde de la imagen de profundidad, se derivan dos mapas de segmentación independientes, los cuales se basan en el cálculo de primitivas de planos y de bordes 3D. Seguidamente, un proceso de fusión jerárquico de regiones permite agrupar de manera local los mapas obtenidos anteriormente en el MM-tree. Por último, el nivel superior emergente del MM-tree integra coherentemente la información disponible en los mapas de profundidad y apariencia. Los experimentos se realizaron con el conjunto de imágenes RGB-D del NYU-Depth V2, evidenciando resultados competitivos, con respecto a los métodos de segmentación del estado del arte. Específicamente, en las imágenes de prueba, se obtuvieron puntajes promedio de 0.56 en la medida de Segmentation Covering y 2.13 en Variation of Information
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