22,963 research outputs found

    A new T-S fuzzy model predictive control for nonlinear processes

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    Abstract: In this paper, a novel fuzzy Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) is proposed for discrete-time nonlinear systems via Takagi-Sugeno system based Kernel Ridge Regression (TS-KRR). The TS-KRR strategy approximates the unknown nonlinear systems by learning the Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy parameters from the input-output data. Two main steps are required to construct the TS-KRR: the first step is to use a clustering algorithm such as the clustering based Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm that separates the input data into clusters and obtains the antecedent TS fuzzy model parameters. In the second step, the consequent TS fuzzy parameters are obtained using a Kernel ridge regression algorithm. Furthermore, the TS based predictive control is created by integrating the TS-KRR into the Generalized Predictive Controller. Next, an adaptive, online, version of TS-KRR is proposed and integrated with the GPC controller resulting an efficient adaptive fuzzy generalized predictive control methodology that can deal with most of the industrial plants and has the ability to deal with disturbances and variations of the model parameters. In the adaptive TS-KRR algorithm, the antecedent parameters are initialized with a simple K-means algorithm and updated using a simple gradient algorithm. Then, the consequent parameters are obtained using the sliding-window Kernel Recursive Least squares (KRLS) algorithm. Finally, two nonlinear systems: A surge tank and Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) systems were used to investigate the performance of the new adaptive TS-KRR GPC controller. Furthermore, the results obtained by the adaptive TS-KRR GPC controller were compared with two other controllers. The numerical results demonstrate the reliability of the proposed adaptive TS-KRR GPC method for discrete-time nonlinear systems

    Integration of the FMBPC strategy in a Closed-Loop Predictive Control structure. Application to the control of activated sludge

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    [ES] En este trabajo se aborda la integración de dos métodos o estrategias de Control Predictivo basado en Modelos, a saber: Control Predictivo basado en Modelos Borrosos (FMBPC) y Control Predictivo en Lazo Cerrado (CLP MPC). La primera de estas estrategias utiliza principios de Control Predictivo Funcional (PFC) y está enmarcada, al mismo tiempo, en el ámbito del Control Inteligente (IC). La integración tiene como principal objetivo proporcionar a la estrategia de control no lineal FMBPC un procedimiento de optimización que permita el manejo automático de restricciones en la variable de control. La solución propuesta consiste en hacer uso de una estructura complementaria de tipo CLP MPC para determinar mediante optimización, en cada instante de muestreo, los valores óptimos de un cierto término aditivo, a sumar a la ley de control FMBPC, de tal modo que se satisfagan las restricciones. El modelo de predicciones y la ley de control base necesarios para realizar los cálculos en la estructura CLP MPC son proporcionados por la estrategia FMBPC. La estrategia mixta FMBPC/CLP propuesta ha sido validada, en simulación, aplicándola al control de fangos activados en plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales (EDAR), poniendo el foco en la imposición de restricciones a la acción de control. Los resultados obtenidos son satisfactorios, observando un buen rendimiento del algoritmo de control diseñado, al tiempo que se garantiza tanto la satisfacción de las restricciones, que era el principal objetivo, como la estabilidad del sistema en lazo cerrado.[EN] This work addresses the integration of two methods or strategies of Model-Based Predictive Control, namely: Fuzzy Model-Based Predictive Control (FMBPC) and Closed-Loop Predictive Control (CLP-MPC). The first of these strategies uses principles of Predictive Functional Control (PFC) and is framed, at the same time, in the field of Intelligent Control (IC). The main objective of the integration is to provide to the FMBPC nonlinear control strategy an optimization procedure that allows the automatic handling of constraints in the control variable. The proposed solution consists of making use of a complementary structure of the CLP-MPC type to determine by optimization, at each sampling instant, the optimal values of a certain additive term, to be added to the FMBPC control law, in such a way that they are satisfied the constraints. The prediction model and base control law necessary to perform the calculations on the CLP-MPC structure are provided by the FMBPC strategy. The proposed FMBPC/CLP mixed strategy has been validated, in simulation, applying it to the control of activated sludge processes in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), focusing on the imposition of constraints on the control action. The results obtained are satisfactory, observing a good performance of the designed control algorithm, while guaranteeing both the satisfaction of the constraints, which was the main objective, and the stability of the closed-loop system.Este trabajo contó con el apoyo económico del Gobierno de España a través del proyecto MICINN PID2019-105434RB-C31 y de la Fundación Samuel Solórzano a través del proyecto FS / 20-2019.Vallejo, PM.; Vega, P. (2021). Integración de la estrategia FMBPC en una estructura de control predictivo en lazo cerrado. Aplicación al control de fangos activados. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 19(1):13-26. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2021.15793OJS1326191Adetola, V., & Guay, M., 2010. 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    Evaluación de un controlador predictivo basado en un modelo semifísico de inferencia borrosa Takagi-Sugeno con conjuntos multidimensionales

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    En busca de incursionar en la investigación, la formulación e incorporación de nuevas técnicas de control fiables y viables a nivel industrial, este trabajo presenta la evaluación de un controlador predictivo que usa un Sistema de Inferencia Borrosa Takagi-Sugeno con Conjuntos Multidimensionales (SIB T-S CBMD) como modelo de predicción. El Controlador Predictivo No Lineal Basado en Modelo (CPNBM) con SIB T-S CBMD permite el control de procesos químicos no lineales con eficiencia y alto grado de flexibilidad. Por su parte, el control de pH de una corriente de sustancia es crítico en gran variedad de procesos. En tal sentido, empresas productoras de alimentos como los ingenios azucareros deben controlar eficientemente el pH del jugo de caña. Los procesos de ajuste y neutralización del pH presentan un gran desafío por su fuerte no linealidad, adicionando a este problema las perturbaciones del proceso, el ruido de los instrumentos y los retardos del Elemento Final de Control (EFC), situación frecuente en la industria en general. Para cumplir el objetivo de incursionar en la investigación del modelado y control avanzado de procesos en ambientes industriales se emplearon datos reales del proceso de alcalinización del jugo de caña del Ingenio La Unión S.A., Guatemala. Los datos fueron empleados para ajustar el modelo SIB T-S con CBMD y finalmente se propuso un CPNBM que usa tal modelo para el control de pHAbstract: Looking for venturing into research, the formulation and introduction of new control techniques reliable and feasible in industrial scale, this work presents the evaluation of a predictive control using a Fuzzy Inference System Takagi-Sugeno (FIS T-S) with Multidimensional Fuzzy Sets (MFS) as a prediction model. Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) with FIS T-S and MFS allows control of nonlinear chemical processes with efficiency and high flexibility degree. Meanwhile pH Control of a dynamic fluid is critical in a variety of processes. In this way, food companies such as sugar mills, should effectively control pH of cane juice. The processes of pH adjustment and neutralization present a great challenge because of its strong non-linearity, adding to this problem the process disturbances, the instruments noise and delays in the Final Control Element (FCE), common situation in the general industry. To rise the objective of entering in the investigation of modeling and advanced control of industrial processes, there was used actual data from the alkalinization process of the cane juice of La Union S.A. sugar mill, Guatemala. The data were used to adjust the model FIS T-S and finely was proposed a NMPC that used this model for pH controlMaestrí

    A review of convex approaches for control, observation and safety of linear parameter varying and Takagi-Sugeno systems

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    This paper provides a review about the concept of convex systems based on Takagi-Sugeno, linear parameter varying (LPV) and quasi-LPV modeling. These paradigms are capable of hiding the nonlinearities by means of an equivalent description which uses a set of linear models interpolated by appropriately defined weighing functions. Convex systems have become very popular since they allow applying extended linear techniques based on linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to complex nonlinear systems. This survey aims at providing the reader with a significant overview of the existing LMI-based techniques for convex systems in the fields of control, observation and safety. Firstly, a detailed review of stability, feedback, tracking and model predictive control (MPC) convex controllers is considered. Secondly, the problem of state estimation is addressed through the design of proportional, proportional-integral, unknown input and descriptor observers. Finally, safety of convex systems is discussed by describing popular techniques for fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control (FTC).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Wiener modelling and model predictive control for wastewater applications

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    The research presented in this paper aims to demonstrate the application of predictive control to an integrated wastewater system with the use of the wiener modeling approach. This allows the controlled process, dissolved oxygen, to be considered to be composed of two parts: the linear dynamics, and a static nonlinearity, thus allowing control other than common approaches such as gain-scheduling, or switching, for series of linear controllers. The paper discusses various approaches to the modelling required for control purposes, and the use of wiener modelling for the specific application of integrated waste water control. This paper demonstrates this application and compares with that of another nonlinear approach, fuzzy gain-scheduled control

    A Human Driver Model for Autonomous Lane Changing in Highways: Predictive Fuzzy Markov Game Driving Strategy

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    This study presents an integrated hybrid solution to mandatory lane changing problem to deal with accident avoidance by choosing a safe gap in highway driving. To manage this, a comprehensive treatment to a lane change active safety design is proposed from dynamics, control, and decision making aspects. My effort first goes on driver behaviors and relating human reasoning of threat in driving for modeling a decision making strategy. It consists of two main parts; threat assessment in traffic participants, (TV s) states, and decision making. The first part utilizes an complementary threat assessment of TV s, relative to the subject vehicle, SV , by evaluating the traffic quantities. Then I propose a decision strategy, which is based on Markov decision processes (MDPs) that abstract the traffic environment with a set of actions, transition probabilities, and corresponding utility rewards. Further, the interactions of the TV s are employed to set up a real traffic condition by using game theoretic approach. The question to be addressed here is that how an autonomous vehicle optimally interacts with the surrounding vehicles for a gap selection so that more effective performance of the overall traffic flow can be captured. Finding a safe gap is performed via maximizing an objective function among several candidates. A future prediction engine thus is embedded in the design, which simulates and seeks for a solution such that the objective function is maximized at each time step over a horizon. The combined system therefore forms a predictive fuzzy Markov game (FMG) since it is to perform a predictive interactive driving strategy to avoid accidents for a given traffic environment. I show the effect of interactions in decision making process by proposing both cooperative and non-cooperative Markov game strategies for enhanced traffic safety and mobility. This level is called the higher level controller. I further focus on generating a driver controller to complement the automated car’s safe driving. To compute this, model predictive controller (MPC) is utilized. The success of the combined decision process and trajectory generation is evaluated with a set of different traffic scenarios in dSPACE virtual driving environment. Next, I consider designing an active front steering (AFS) and direct yaw moment control (DYC) as the lower level controller that performs a lane change task with enhanced handling performance in the presence of varying front and rear cornering stiffnesses. I propose a new control scheme that integrates active front steering and the direct yaw moment control to enhance the vehicle handling and stability. I obtain the nonlinear tire forces with Pacejka model, and convert the nonlinear tire stiffnesses to parameter space to design a linear parameter varying controller (LPV) for combined AFS and DYC to perform a commanded lane change task. Further, the nonlinear vehicle lateral dynamics is modeled with Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) framework. A state-feedback fuzzy H∞ controller is designed for both stability and tracking reference. Simulation study confirms that the performance of the proposed methods is quite satisfactory

    Analysis and Application of Advanced Control Strategies to a Heating Element Nonlinear Model

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    open4siSustainable control has begun to stimulate research and development in a wide range of industrial communities particularly for systems that demand a high degree of reliability and availability (sustainability) and at the same time characterised by expensive and/or safety critical maintenance work. For heating systems such as HVAC plants, clear conflict exists between ensuring a high degree of availability and reducing costly maintenance times. HVAC systems have highly non-linear dynamics and a stochastic and uncontrollable driving force as input in the form of intake air speed, presenting an interesting challenge for modern control methods. Suitable control methods can provide sustainable maximisation of energy conversion efficiency over wider than normally expected air speeds and temperatures, whilst also giving a degree of “tolerance” to certain faults, providing an important impact on maintenance scheduling, e.g. by capturing the effects of some system faults before they become serious.This paper presents the design of different control strategies applied to a heating element nonlinear model. The description of this heating element was obtained exploiting a data driven and physically meaningful nonlinear continuous time model, which represents a test bed used in passive air conditioning for sustainable housing applications. This model has low complexity while achieving high simulation performance. The physical meaningfulness of the model provides an enhanced insight into the performance and functionality of the system. In return, this information can be used during the system simulation and improved model based and data driven control designs for tight temperature regulation. The main purpose of this study is thus to give several examples of viable and practical designs of control schemes with application to this heating element model. Moreover, extensive simulations and Monte Carlo analysis are the tools for assessing experimentally the main features of the proposed control schemes, in the presence of modelling and measurement errors. These developed control methods are also compared in order to evaluate advantages and drawbacks of the considered solutions. Finally, the exploited simulation tools can serve to highlight the potential application of the proposed control strategies to real air conditioning systems.openTurhan, T.; Simani, S.; Zajic, I.; Gokcen Akkurt, G.Turhan, T.; Simani, Silvio; Zajic, I.; Gokcen Akkurt, G

    The application of a new PID autotuning method for the steam/water loop in large scale ships

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    In large scale ships, the most used controllers for the steam/water loop are still the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers. However, the tuning rules for the PID parameters are based on empirical knowledge and the performance for the loops is not satisfying. In order to improve the control performance of the steam/water loop, the application of a recently developed PID autotuning method is studied. Firstly, a 'forbidden region' on the Nyquist plane can be obtained based on user-defined performance requirements such as robustness or gain margin and phase margin. Secondly, the dynamic of the system can be obtained with a sine test around the operation point. Finally, the PID controller's parameters can be obtained by locating the frequency response of the controlled system at the edge of the 'forbidden region'. To verify the effectiveness of the new PID autotuning method, comparisons are presented with other PID autotuning methods, as well as the model predictive control. The results show the superiority of the new PID autotuning method

    Constrained Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of an MMA Polymerization Process via Evolutionary Optimization

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    In this work, a nonlinear model predictive controller is developed for a batch polymerization process. The physical model of the process is parameterized along a desired trajectory resulting in a trajectory linearized piecewise model (a multiple linear model bank) and the parameters are identified for an experimental polymerization reactor. Then, a multiple model adaptive predictive controller is designed for thermal trajectory tracking of the MMA polymerization. The input control signal to the process is constrained by the maximum thermal power provided by the heaters. The constrained optimization in the model predictive controller is solved via genetic algorithms to minimize a DMC cost function in each sampling interval.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 28 reference

    The predictive functional control and the management of constraints in GUANAY II autonomous underwater vehicle actuators

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    Autonomous underwater vehicle control has been a topic of research in the last decades. The challenges addressed vary depending on each research group's interests. In this paper, we focus on the predictive functional control (PFC), which is a control strategy that is easy to understand, install, tune, and optimize. PFC is being developed and applied in industrial applications, such as distillation, reactors, and furnaces. This paper presents the rst application of the PFC in autonomous underwater vehicles, as well as the simulation results of PFC, fuzzy, and gain scheduling controllers. Through simulations and navigation tests at sea, which successfully validate the performance of PFC strategy in motion control of autonomous underwater vehicles, PFC performance is compared with other control techniques such as fuzzy and gain scheduling control. The experimental tests presented here offer effective results concerning control objectives in high and intermediate levels of control. In high-level point, stabilization and path following scenarios are proven. In the intermediate levels, the results show that position and speed behaviors are improved using the PFC controller, which offers the smoothest behavior. The simulation depicting predictive functional control was the most effective regarding constraints management and control rate change in the Guanay II underwater vehicle actuator. The industry has not embraced the development of control theories for industrial systems because of the high investment in experts required to implement each technique successfully. However, this paper on the functional predictive control strategy evidences its easy implementation in several applications, making it a viable option for the industry given the short time needed to learn, implement, and operate, decreasing impact on the business and increasing immediacy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft