17 research outputs found


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    Penggunaan genetic algorithm (GA) sebagai metode multilevel image thresholding dalam segmentasi citra dapat memberikan keuntungan seperti kecepatan proses dan penentuan jumlah threshold serta nilai threshold yang tepat. Akan tetapi, genetic algorithm memiliki beberapa kelemahan dimana salah satunya adalah kemungkinan terjadinya konvergensi yang terlalu dini (premature convergence) dan tidak adanya feedback positive yang tidak menjamin solusi global optimal. Penelitian ini mengajukan metode baru Hybrid GA-ACO untuk optimisasi metode multilevel image thresholdingsehingga dapat mengatasi kelemahan tersebut dengan cara menggabungkan GA dan ant colony optimization (ACO). Penggabungan dilakukan dengan menjadikan posisi dan nilai threshold yang didapatkan pada GA sebagai nilai awal untuk proses algoritma ACO. Hasil pengujian dengan citra sintetis dan citra asli menunjukkan nilai cost function, uniformity, dan misclassification error dari metode hybrid GA-ACO lebih baik dibandingkan dengan algoritma awal GA, yaitu rata-rata 98.87% untuk tingkat uniformity dan 97.72% untuk nilai ME. Nilai cost function metode hybrid GA-ACO yang lebih kecil dibandingkan algoritma GA menunjukkan bahwa metode hybrid GA-ACO dapat mencegah konvergensi dini pada algoritma GA. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode hybrid GA-ACO yang dikembangkan merupakan suatu metode multilevel image thresholding yang dapat mencegah konvergensi dini sehingga mencapai konvergensi pada solusi optimal yang bersifat global optimum

    Multilevel Thresholding Image Segmentation Based-Logarithm Decreasing Inertia Weight Particle Swarm Optimization

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    The image segmentatation technique that is often used is thresholding. Image segmentation is a process of dividing the image into different regions according to their similar characteristics. This research proposes a multilevel thresholding algorithm using modified particle swarm optimization to solve a segmentation problem. The threshold optimal values are determined by maximizing Otsu’s objective function using optimization technique namely particle swarm optimization based on the logarithmic decreasing inertia weight (LogDIWPSO). The proposed method reduces the computational time to find the optimum thresholds of multilevel thresholding which evaluated on several grayscale images. A detailed comparison analysis with other multilevel thresholding based techniques namely particle swarm optimization (PSO), iterative particle swarm optimization (IPSO), and genetic algorithms (GA), From the experiments, Modified particle swarm optimization (MoPSO) produces better performance compared to the other methods in terms of fitness value, robustness and convergence. Therefore, it can be concluded that MoPSO is a good approach in finding the optimal threshold value

    Swarm Intelligence-Based Hybrid Models for Short-Term Power Load Prediction

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    Swarm intelligence (SI) is widely and successfully applied in the engineering field to solve practical optimization problems because various hybrid models, which are based on the SI algorithm and statistical models, are developed to further improve the predictive abilities. In this paper, hybrid intelligent forecasting models based on the cuckoo search (CS) as well as the singular spectrum analysis (SSA), time series, and machine learning methods are proposed to conduct short-term power load prediction. The forecasting performance of the proposed models is augmented by a rolling multistep strategy over the prediction horizon. The test results are representative of the out-performance of the SSA and CS in tuning the seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) and support vector regression (SVR) in improving load forecasting, which indicates that both the SSA-based data denoising and SI-based intelligent optimization strategy can effectively improve the model’s predictive performance. Additionally, the proposed CS-SSA-SARIMA and CS-SSA-SVR models provide very impressive forecasting results, demonstrating their strong robustness and universal forecasting capacities in terms of short-term power load prediction 24 hours in advance

    Microcalcifications Detection Using Image And Signal Processing Techniques For Early Detection Of Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer has transformed into a severe health problem around the world. Early diagnosis is an important factor to survive this disease. The earliest detection signs of potential breast cancer that is distinguishable by current screening techniques are the presence of microcalcifications (MCs). MCs are small crystals of calcium apatite and their normal size ranges from 0.1mm to 0.5mm single crystals to groups up to a few centimeters in diameter. They are the first indication of breast cancer in more than 40% of all breast cancer cases, making their diagnosis critical. This dissertation proposes several segmentation techniques for detecting and isolating point microcalcifications: Otsu’s Method, Balanced Histogram Thresholding, Iterative Method, Maximum Entropy, Moment Preserving, and Genetic Algorithm. These methods were applied to medical images to detect microcalcifications. In this dissertation, results from the application of these techniques are presented and their efficiency for early detection of breast cancer is explained. This dissertation also explains theories and algorithms related to these techniques that can be used for breast cancer detection

    A novel equilibrium optimization algorithm for multi-thresholding image segmentation problems

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    Image segmentation is considered a crucial step required for image analysis and research. Many techniques have been proposed to resolve the existing problems and improve the quality of research, such as region-based, threshold-based, edge-based, and feature-based clustering in the literature. The researchers have moved toward using the threshold technique due to the ease of use for image segmentation. To find the optimal threshold value for a grayscale image, we improved and used a novel meta-heuristic equilibrium algorithm to resolve this scientific problem. Additionally, our improved algorithm has the ability to enhance the accuracy of the segmented image for research analysis with a significant threshold level. The performance of our algorithm is compared with seven other algorithms like whale optimization algorithm, bat algorithm, sine–cosine algorithm, salp swarm algorithm, Harris hawks algorithm, crow search algorithm, and particle swarm optimization. Based on a set of well-known test images taken from Berkeley Segmentation Dataset, the performance evaluation of our algorithm and well-known algorithms described above has been conducted and compared. According to the independent results and analysis of each algorithm, our algorithm can outperform all other algorithms in fitness values, peak signal-to-noise ratio metric, structured similarity index metric, maximum absolute error, and signal-to-noise ratio. However, our algorithm cannot outperform some algorithms in standard deviation values and central processing unit time with the large threshold levels observed

    Improved Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Multilevel Color Image Thresholding Problem

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    The thresholding process finds the proper threshold values by optimizing a criterion, which can be considered as a constrained optimization problem. The computation time of traditional thresholding techniques will increase dramatically for multilevel thresholding. To greatly overcome this problem, swarm intelligence algorithm is widely used to search optimal thresholds. In this paper, an improved glowworm swarm optimization (IGSO) algorithm has been presented to find the optimal multilevel thresholds of color image based on the between-class variance and minimum cross entropy (MCE). The proposed methods are examined on standard set of color test images by using various numbers of threshold values. The results are then compared with those of basic glowworm swarm optimization, adaptive particle swarm optimization (APSO), and self-adaptive differential evolution (SaDE). The simulation results show that the proposed method can find the optimal thresholds accurately and efficiently and is an effective multilevel thresholding method for color image segmentation

    A multilevel automatic thresholding method based on a genetic algorithm for a fast image segmentation

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