127 research outputs found

    Multi-touch interaction with stereoscopically rendered 3D objects

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    Anfänglich hauptsächlich im 2D Kontext betrachtet, gewinnen Multi-Touch Interfaces immer mehr an Bedeutung im Bereich dreidimensionaler Umgebungen und, in den letzten Jahren, auch im Zusammenhang mit stereoskopischen Visualisierungen. Dennoch führt die Touch-basierte Interaktion mit stereoskopisch dargestellten Objekten zu Problemen, da die Objekte in der nahen Umgebung der Displayoberfläche schweben, während die Berührungspunkte nur bei direktem Kontakt mit dem Display robust detektiert werden können. In dieser Arbeit werden die Probleme bei Touch-Interaktion in stereoskopischen Umgebungen näher untersucht und Interaktionskonzepte in diesem Kontext entwickelt. Insbesondere wird die Anwendbarkeit unterschiedlicher Wahrnehmungsillusionen für 3D Touch-Interaktion mit stereoskopisch dargestellten Objekten in einer Reihe psychologischer Experimente untersucht. Basierend auf die Experimentdaten werden einige praktische Interaktionstechniken entwickelt und auf ihre Anwendbarkeit überprüft.While touch technology has proven its usability for 2D interaction and has already become a standard input modality for many devices, the challenges to exploit its applicability with stereoscopically rendered content have barely been studied. In this thesis we exploit different hardware and perception based techniques to allow users to touch stereoscopically displayed objects when the input is constrained to a 2D surface. Therefore we analyze the relation between the 3D positions of stereoscopically displayed objects and the on-surface touch points, where users touch the interactive surface, and we have conducted a series of experiments to investigate the user’s ability to discriminate small induced shifts while performing a touch gesture. The results were then used to design practical interaction techniques, which are suitable for numerous application scenarios. <br

    Locomotion in virtual reality in full space environments

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    Virtual Reality is a technology that allows the user to explore and interact with a virtual environment in real time as if they were there. It is used in various fields such as entertainment, education, and medicine due to its immersion and ability to represent reality. Still, there are problems such as virtual simulation sickness and lack of realism that make this technology less appealing. Locomotion in virtual environments is one of the main factors responsible for an immersive and enjoyable virtual reality experience. Several methods of locomotion have been proposed, however, these have flaws that end up negatively influencing the experience. This study compares natural locomotion in complete spaces with joystick locomotion and natural locomotion in impossible spaces through three tests in order to identify the best locomotion method in terms of immersion, realism, usability, spatial knowledge acquisition and level of virtual simulation sickness. The results show that natural locomotion is the method that most positively influences the experience when compared to the other locomotion methods.A Realidade Virual é uma tecnologia que permite ao utilizador explorar e interagir com um ambiente virtual em tempo real como se lá estivesse presente. E utilizada em diversas áreas como o entretenimento, educação e medicina devido à sua imersão e capacidade de representar a realidade. Ainda assim, existem problemas como o enjoo por simulação virtual e a falta de realismo que tornam esta tecnologia menos apelativa. A locomoção em ambientes virtuais é um dos principais fatores responsáveis por uma experiência em realidade virtual imersiva e agradável. Vários métodos de locomoção foram propostos, no entanto, estes têm falhas que acabam por influenciar negativamente a experiência. Este estudo compara a locomoção natural em espaços completos com a locomoção por joystick e a locomoção natural em espaços impossíveis através de três testes de forma a identificar qual o melhor método de locomoção a nível de imersão, realismo, usabilidade, aquisição de conhecimento espacial e nível de enjoo por simulação virtual. Os resultados mostram que a locomoção natural é o método que mais influencia positivamente a experiência quando comparado com os outros métodos de locomoção

    Go With The Flow: Examining The Effects Of Engagement Using Flow Theory And It\u27s Relationship To Achievement And Performance

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    Virtual Worlds have become an attractive platform for work, play, and learning. Businesses, including the public sector and academia, are increasingly investing their time, money, and attention to understanding the value of virtual worlds as a productivity tool. For example, educators are leading the way with research in Second Life, one of the more popular virtual worlds, as a potentially powerful medium for creating and delivering instruction. Still, little is empirically known about the value of virtual worlds as viable learning platforms. This study examined the instructional potential of Second Life for creating engaging activities, and to investigate the relationship between Second Life and learning in educational settings. It was hypothesized that a positive relationship exists between a learner\u27s level of engagement and achievement. Achievement was assessed as a learner\u27s level of recognition and recall of factual content. It was also hypothesized that a positive relationship exists between a learner\u27s level of engagement and their performance. Performance was assessed as a learner\u27s level of participation, initiative and effort. Additionally, exploratory research was conducted to examine the factors that contributed to both performance and engagement. Lastly, the relationship between other demographic factors of age, Second Life skill level, and ethnicity, with engagement was explored. This research used an empirically tested unit of web-based instructional framework known as a WebQuest. A 3D version, named VWQuest, was created in Second Life. One hundred volunteers completed participation. Using role play, participants participated in a quest for information. While exploring, participants were asked to take photos as evidence of their experiences. Upon completion, they took a knowledge check multiple-choice quiz, and a survey which measured their perceived level of engagement during the activity. Regression analysis indicated no positive correlation between a participant\u27s level of engagement and his or her achievement. However, a positive correlation was found between participants\u27 level of engagement and their performance. Second Life skill level was significantly correlated to performance, and engagement was found to be a mediator between skill level and performance. Most significantly and unexpectedly, participants\u27 performance varied so greatly, the performance rubric was revised four times before it comprehensively captured the diverse range of performances. This evidence suggests that open-ended and creative opportunities to perform yield levels of creativity, engagement, and innovation within immersive platforms, unexpected and far beyond that of traditional instructional settings. Investigating flow dimensions, engagement elements of user control and loss of time were found to be the most significant contributors to performance, and accounted for the greatest amount of variance in explaining performance. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the flow factors of defined goals and feedback loaded the highest, suggesting a strong relationship between the two factors. Demographic analysis revealed no significant mean difference between gender and engagement, or between age and engagement. The majority of participants were between 40 and 50 and was instructors or educators, not students. For those interested in understanding appropriate and effective instruction in complex, immersive environments, this study brings together new important implications for all of them. Instructional designers may benefit from these findings in their creation of instructional content; instructors may benefit in their curriculum design and teaching methods; and researchers may understand specific facets with instructional potential--engagement factors, technologies, and instructional frameworks--worthy of further investigation


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    Il progetto di tesi consiste nella progettazione e nella realizzazione di un framework per semplificare l’implementazione dell’interazione utente in applicazioni tridimensionali interattive e di realtà virtuale. Il framework è stato sviluppato in XVR, un ambiente integrato per la realizzazione di applicazioni di realtà virtuale, sviluppato presso il laboratorio PERCRO della Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa. Esso definisce un insieme di metafore di interazione già pronte all’uso, e fornisce al programmatore gli strumenti necessari per crearne di nuove. Le metafore presenti sono state scelte tra quelle più usate nell’ambito applicativo della fruizione di contenuti culturali e supportano funzionalità quali collision detection e terrain following della camera. A tal fine è stata definita una libreria contenente gli algoritmi e le strutture dati necessarie all’esecuzione di alcuni tipi di test di intersezione tra primitive geometriche. Uno degli obiettivi principali che il framework si propone è quello di rendere le metafore e le altre funzionalità offerte indipendenti dal tipo di dispositivo usato. Inoltre l’architettura adottata consente di uniformare e semplificare la gestione dell’input rispetto a quanto avviene nei programmi XVR tradizionali. Allo stato attuale i dispositivi di input supportati sono il mouse, la tastiera ed il touchscreen. In via sperimentale è presente anche il supporto al Microsoft Kinect, quale esempio di dispositivo di tracking. Viene comunque data la possibilità aggiungere il supporto ad ulteriori dispositivi, anche di natura diversa. Infine è stata definita una libreria minimale per la realizzazione di semplici interfacce grafiche bidimensionali. La libreria è progettata in modo da poter essere impiegata con dispositivi di diversa natura

    Cyber-Human Systems, Space Technologies, and Threats

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    CYBER-HUMAN SYSTEMS, SPACE TECHNOLOGIES, AND THREATS is our eighth textbook in a series covering the world of UASs / CUAS/ UUVs / SPACE. Other textbooks in our series are Space Systems Emerging Technologies and Operations; Drone Delivery of CBNRECy – DEW Weapons: Emerging Threats of Mini-Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disruption (WMDD); Disruptive Technologies with applications in Airline, Marine, Defense Industries; Unmanned Vehicle Systems & Operations On Air, Sea, Land; Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technologies and Operations; Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Cyber Domain: Protecting USA’s Advanced Air Assets, 2nd edition; and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the Cyber Domain Protecting USA’s Advanced Air Assets, 1st edition. Our previous seven titles have received considerable global recognition in the field. (Nichols & Carter, 2022) (Nichols, et al., 2021) (Nichols R. K., et al., 2020) (Nichols R. , et al., 2020) (Nichols R. , et al., 2019) (Nichols R. K., 2018) (Nichols R. K., et al., 2022)https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1052/thumbnail.jp

    Decoding Digital Culture with Science Fiction: Hyper-Modernism, Hyperreality, and Posthumanism

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    How do digital media technologies affect society and our lives? Through the cultural theory hypotheses of hyper-modernism, hyperreality, and posthumanism, Alan N. Shapiro investigates the social impact of Virtual/Augmented Reality, AI, social media platforms, robots, and the Brain-Computer Interface. His examination of concepts of Jean Baudrillard and Katherine Hayles, as well as films such as Blade Runner 2049, Ghost in the Shell, Ex Machina, and the TV series Black Mirror, suggests that the boundary between science fiction narratives and the »real world« has become indistinct. Science-fictional thinking should be advanced as a principal mode of knowledge for grasping the world and digitalization

    Understanding computer game culture: the cultural shaping of a new medium

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    In the past few decades, video games have developed from a marginal technological experiment into a mainstream medium. During this period they have gone through several transformations, from arcade machines offering a few minutes of solitary fun for a quarter to monthly subscription-based online MMOs in which thousands of players spend hundreds or even thousands of hours and lead a significant part of their social life as a fantasy character. But what is it that has driven video games? development? Is it technology? Indeed, with every new generation of hardware, game designers were given a broader set of tools for evoking exhilarating experiences. But is not culture at least as important? What would games look like if Tolkien never had written Lord of the Rings, or if Nintendo had not brought Japanese manga drawing styles to the new medium? This book looks at the theoretical challenges and foundations on which to base a cultural shaping approach towards the evolution of video games and proposes a set of concepts for analyzing and describing this process

    Texts of Discomfort: Interactive Storytelling Art

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    Can discomfort be blissful? This volume presents an in-depth reflection of the selected artworks for the Art Exhibition of the 13th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling - ICIDS 2020 - organized at Bournemouth University - UK, during the most memorable year of the XXI century (so far). The title of the book is the homonym of the curatorial theme of the exhibition Texts of Discomfort. In these pages, interactive storytellers explain their work and the ways discomfort - and bliss - is rooted in their art
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