204 research outputs found

    Orienteering Problem: A survey of recent variants, solution approaches and applications

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore under International Research Centres in Singapore Funding Initiativ

    Solving Multi‑Objective Team Orienteering Problem with Time Windows Using Adjustment Iterated Local Search

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    One of the problems tourism faces is how to make itineraries more effective and efficient. This research has solved the routing problem with the objective of maximizing the score and minimizing the time needed for the tourist’s itinerary. Maximizing the score means collecting a maximum of various kinds of score from each destination that is visited. The profits differ according to whether those destinations are the favorite ones for the tourists or not. Minimizing time means traveling time and visiting time in the itinerary being kept to a minimum. Those are small case with 16 tourism destinations in East Java, and large case with 56 instances consists of 100 destinations each from previous research. The existing model is the Team Orienteering Problem with Time Window (TOPTW), and the development has been conducted by adding another objective, minimum time, become Flexible TOPTW. This model guarantees that an effective itinerary with efficient timing to implement will be produced. Modification of Iterated Local Search (ILS) into Adjustment ILS (AILS) has been done by replacing random construction in the early phase with heuristic construction, continue with Permutation, Reserved and Perturbation. This metaheuristic method will address this NP-hard problem faster than the heuristic method because it has better preparation and process. Contributing to this research is a multi-objective model that combines maximum score and minimum time, and a metaheuristics method to solve the problem faster and effectively. There are calibration parameter with 17 instances of 100 destinations each, small case test using Mixed Integer Linear Programming, and large case test comparing AILS with Multi-Start Simulated Annealing (MSA), Simulated Annealing (SA), Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), and Iterated Local Search. The result shows that the proposed model will provide itinerary with less number of visited destination 4.752% but has higher total score 8.774%, and 3836.877% faster, comparing with MSA, SA, and ABC. While AILS is compared with ILS, it has less visited destination 5.656%, less total score 56.291%, and faster 375.961%. Even though AILS has more efficient running time than other methods, it needs improvement in algorithm to create better result

    A spatial decomposition based math-heuristic approach to the asset protection problem

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    This paper addresses the highly critical task of planning asset protection activities during uncontrollable wildfires known in the literature as the Asset Protection Problem (APP). In the APP each asset requires a protective service to be performed by a set of emergency response vehicles within a specific time period defined by the spread of fire. We propose a new spatial decomposition based math-heuristic approach for the solution of large-scale APPs. The heuristic exploits the property that time windows are geographically correlated as fire spreads across a landscape. Thus an appropriate division of the landscape allows the problem to be decomposed into smaller more tractable sub-problems. The main challenge then is to minimise the difference between the final locations of vehicles from one division to the optimal starting locations of the next division. The performance of the proposed approach is tested on a set of benchmark instances from the literature and compared to the most recent Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search (ALNS) algorithm developed for the APP. The results show that our proposed solution approach outperforms the ALNS algorithm on all instances with comparable computation time. We also see a trend with the margin of out-performance becoming more significant as the problems become larger

    Recommending personalized schedules in urban environments

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    A GRASP-Based Approach for Planning UAV-Assisted Search and Rescue Missions

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    Search and Rescue (SAR) missions aim to search and provide first aid to persons in distress or danger. Due to the urgency of these situations, it is important to possess a system able to take fast action and effectively and efficiently utilise the available resources to conduct the mission. In addition, the potential complexity of the search such as the ruggedness of terrain or large size of the search region should be considered. Such issues can be tackled by using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with optical sensors. This can ensure the efficiency in terms of speed, coverage and flexibility required to conduct this type of time-sensitive missions. This paper centres on designing a fast solution approach for planning UAV-assisted SAR missions. The challenge is to cover an area where targets (people in distress after a hurricane or earthquake, lost vessels in sea, missing persons in mountainous area, etc.) can be potentially found with a variable likelihood. The search area is modelled using a scoring map to support the choice of the search sub-areas, where the scores represent the likelihood of finding a target. The goal of this paper is to propose a heuristic approach to automate the search process using scarce heterogeneous resources in the most efficient manner

    Multi-robot mission optimisation : an online approach for optimised, long range inspection and sampling missions

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    Mission execution optimisation is an essential aspect for the real world deployment of robotic systems. Execution optimisation can affect the outcome of a mission by allowing longer missions to be executed or by minimising the execution time of a mission. This work proposes methods for optimising inspection and sensing missions undertaken by a team of robots operating under communication and budget constraints. Regarding the inspection missions, it proposes the use of an information sharing architecture that is tolerant of communication errors combined with multirobot task allocation approaches that are inspired by the optimisation literature. Regarding the optimisation of sensing missions under budget constraints novel heuristic approaches are proposed that allow optimisation to be performed online. These methods are then combined to allow the online optimisation of long-range sensing missions performed by a team of robots communicating through a noisy channel and having budget constraints. All the proposed approaches have been evaluated using simulations and real-world robots. The gathered results are discussed in detail and show the benefits and the constraints of the proposed approaches, along with suggestions for further future directions

    The bi-objective travelling salesman problem with profits and its connection to computer networks.

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    This is an interdisciplinary work in Computer Science and Operational Research. As it is well known, these two very important research fields are strictly connected. Among other aspects, one of the main areas where this interplay is strongly evident is Networking. As far as most recent decades have seen a constant growing of every kind of network computer connections, the need for advanced algorithms that help in optimizing the network performances became extremely relevant. Classical Optimization-based approaches have been deeply studied and applied since long time. However, the technology evolution asks for more flexible and advanced algorithmic approaches to model increasingly complex network configurations. In this thesis we study an extension of the well known Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP): the Traveling Salesman Problem with Profits (TSPP). In this generalization, a profit is associated with each vertex and it is not necessary to visit all vertices. The goal is to determine a route through a subset of nodes that simultaneously minimizes the travel cost and maximizes the collected profit. The TSPP models the problem of sending a piece of information through a network where, in addition to the sending costs, it is also important to consider what “profit” this information can get during its routing. Because of its formulation, the right way to tackled the TSPP is by Multiobjective Optimization algorithms. Within this context, the aim of this work is to study new ways to solve the problem in both the exact and the approximated settings, giving all feasible instruments that can help to solve it, and to provide experimental insights into feasible networking instances

    Spatial coverage in routing and path planning problems

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    Routing and path planning problems that involve spatial coverage have received increasing attention in recent years in different application areas. Spatial coverage refers to the possibility of considering nodes that are not directly served by a vehicle as visited for the purpose of the objective function or constraints. Despite similarities between the underlying problems, solution approaches have been developed in different disciplines independently, leading to different terminologies and solution techniques. This paper proposes a unified view of the approaches: Based on a formal introduction of the concept of spatial coverage in vehicle routing, it presents a classification scheme for core problem features and summarizes problem variants and solution concepts developed in the domains of operations research and robotics. The connections between these related problem classes offer insights into common underlying structures and open possibilities for developing new applications and algorithms