292,279 research outputs found

    Role of the Bifunctional Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase EPRS in Human Disease

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    Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARS) are a class of enzymes that catalyze the charging of tRNAs with cognate amino acids, a critical step that contributes to the fidelity of protein synthesis. Many AARSs also possess noncanonical functions such as regulation of apoptosis, mRNA translation, and RNA splicing. Some AARSs have evolved new domains with no apparent connection to their charging functions. For example, WHEP domains were originally identified in tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (WRS), histidyl-tRNA synthetase (HRS), and glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase (EPRS). EPRS is a unique bifunctional AARS, found only in higher eukaryotes, and consists of glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (ERS) and prolyl-tRNA synthetase (PRS) joined by a non-catalytic linker containing three WHEP domains in humans. Two compound heterozygous point mutations within human ERS (P14R and E205G) have been identified in the genomes of two patients with type 1 diabetes and bone disease. However, the mechanism by which these mutations contribute to disease is unknown. Our goal is to determine whether the point mutations affect the canonical catalytic activity of EPRS responsible for tRNA charging or noncanonical functions. Both P14 and E205 are highly conserved residues located in the GST and catalytic domain, respectively. An ERS variant appended to 2.5 WHEP domains (ERS 2.5W) has been purified and shown to display robust tRNA binding and aminoacylation activity in vitro. The P14R and E205G single mutants display the same binding affinity for tRNAGlu as WT ERS 2.5W, suggesting that the observed defect is at the catalytic step. Whereas the ERS 2.5W P14R mutant has near wild-type (WT) aminoacylation activity, the ERS 2.5W E205G variant has a severe aminoacylation defect. Both mutations, however, lead to reduced amino acid activation. Together with a collaborator, we are currently characterizing the effect of these two mutations on cell proliferation and the integrated stress response. Taken together, this work has important implications for the understanding of AARS-related human disease mechanisms and development of new therapeutics.College of Arts & SciencesOffice of Undergraduate Research & Creative InquiryNo embargoAcademic Major: Biochemistr

    Multi-Stage Modeling of the Kinetics of Activation of CaMKII

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    Ca 2+ /calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 2 (CaMKII) plays an important role in induction of long-term potentiation and formation of memory. It is abundant in dendritic spines, and is activated when Ca 2+ flows into the postsynaptic cytosol through open NMDA-type glutamate receptors. Its function is fine-tuned through interaction with other proteins as well as through subunit interactions and regulatory autophosphorylation. We have undertaken a multi-stage project to study the critical kinetics of activation of CaMKII in the spine by combining modeling and experimental studies. We are using computational modeling and simulations on various platforms, coupled with biochemical experiments in vitro, and eventually in vivo, to understand CaMKII regulation. The project includes the following steps: 1. Determining the parameters governing activation of a monomeric subunit. The CaMKII holoenzyme is a large dodecamer of similar, homologous subunits held together by interactions between the association domains located at the carboxyl end of each subunit. Individual, monomeric subunits can be expressed recombinantly by removing the association domain. Computer simulations of activation of monomeric CaMKII by Ca 2+ /calmodulin at both saturating and non-saturating concentrations in a test tube have helped to identify the binding parameters that are most crucial for modeling of regulation of CaMKII and thus have indicated the most useful biochemical assays to measure those parameters (Pepke et al., 2010). We are using these measurements to fine-tune our model of activation of individual catalytic subunits. 2. Building a model of the holoenzyme. Because a CaMKII holoenzyme contains 12 similar subunits, each of which can exist in several states, the holoenzyme can have a large number of state combinations. Thus, modeling the entire holoenzyme requires a computational framework that avoids the ensuing combinatorial complexity. The stochastic simulator MCell provides an elegant, rule-based way of modeling state changes in the CaMKII holoenzyme. 3. Modeling cooperativity that arises from the dodecameric structure of CaMKII. Autophosphorylation at threonine-286, which activates CaMKII subunits, is an inter-subunit event. Thus, it is greatly facilitated by the close proximity of subunits in the holoenzyme. In addition, the subunits within the holoenzyme are arranged as dimers which appears to result in cooperativity in the binding of Ca 2+ /CaM to individual subunits of the dimer (Chao et al., 2010). An accurate model of activation of subunits in the holoenzyme and their autophosphorylation will allow us to explore the effects of cooperativity on CaMKII activation on various time scales. 4. Modeling CaMKII within the context of a postsynaptic spine CaMKII interacts with a variety of other proteins, both in the postsynaptic density (PSD), close to major sources of Ca 2+ influx, and in other parts of the spine. In the fourth stage of this project we plan to implement kinetic models of activation of CaMKII in the context of an MCell model of Ca 2+ influx into a spine upon activation of NMDA-type glutamate receptors (Keller et al., 2008; Keller et al., 2011, submitted). We will explore the effects of different localization and numbers of CaMKII holoenzymes in the spine on CaMKII activation. References: Pepke, S., Kinzer-Ursem, T., Mihalas, S., and Kennedy, M.B. (2010). A dynamic model of interactions of Ca 2+ , calmodulin, and catalytic subunits of Ca 2+ /calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. PLoS Comput Biol 6, e1000675. Chao, L.H., Pellicena, P., Deindl, S., Barclay, L.A., Schulman, H., and Kuriyan, J. (2010). Intersubunit capture of regulatory segments is a component of cooperative CaMKII activation. Nat Struct Mol Biol 17, 264-272. Keller, D.X., Franks, K.M., Bartol, T.M., Jr., and Sejnowski, T.J. (2008). Calmodulin activation by calcium transients in the postsynaptic density of dendritic spines. PLoS ONE 3, e2045. Keller, D.X., Bartol, T.M., Kinney, J.P, Kennedy, M.B., Bajaj, C., Harris, K.M., and Sejnowski, T.J. Regulation of synaptic calcium transients in reconstructed dendritic spines of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons, submitted

    Uncovering interactions in the frequency domain

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    Oscillatory activity plays a critical role in regulating biological processes at levels ranging from subcellular, cellular, and network to the whole organism, and often involves a large number of interacting elements. We shed light on this issue by introducing a novel approach called partial Granger causality to reliably reveal interaction patterns in multivariate data with exogenous inputs and latent variables in the frequency domain. The method is extensively tested with toy models, and successfully applied to experimental datasets, including (1) gene microarray data of HeLa cell cycle; (2) in vivo multielectrode array (MEA) local field potentials (LFPs) recorded from the inferotemporal cortex of a sheep; and (3) in vivo LFPs recorded from distributed sites in the right hemisphere of a macaque monkey

    Critical Role of FLRT1 Phosphorylation in the Interdependent Regulation of FLRT1 Function and FGF Receptor Signalling

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    Background Fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane (FLRT) proteins have dual properties as regulators of cell adhesion and potentiators of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) mediated signalling. The mechanism by which the latter is achieved is still unknown and is the subject of this investigation. Principal Findings Here we show that FLRT1 is a target for tyrosine phosphorylation mediated by FGFR1 and implicate a non-receptor Src family kinase (SFK). We identify the target tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of FLRT1 and show that these are not direct substrates for Src kinase suggesting that the SFK may exert effects via potentiation of FGFR1 kinase activity. We show that whilst FLRT1 expression results in a ligand-dependent elevation of MAP kinase activity, a mutant version of FLRT1, defective as an FGFR1 kinase substrate (Y3F-FLRT1), has the property of eliciting ligand-independent chronic activation of the MAP kinase pathway which is suppressed by pharmacological inhibition of either FGFR1 or Src kinase. Functional investigation of FGFR1 and FLRT1 signalling in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells reveals that FLRT1 alone acts to induce a multi-polar phenotype whereas the combination of FLRT1 and FGFR activation, or expression of Y3F-FLRT1, acts to induce neurite outgrowth via MAPK activation. Similar results were obtained in a dendrite outgrowth assay in primary hippocampal neurons. We also show that FGFR1, FLRT1 and activated Src are co-localized and this complex is trafficked toward the soma of the cell. The presence of Y3F-FLRT1 rather than FLRT1 resulted in prolonged localization of this complex within the neuritic arbour. Conclusions This study shows that the phosphorylation state of FLRT1, which is itself FGFR1 dependent, may play a critical role in the potentiation of FGFR1 signalling and may also depend on a SFK-dependent phosphorylation mechanism acting via the FGFR. This is consistent with an ‘in vivo’ role for FLRT1 regulation of FGF signalling via SFKs. Furthermore, the phosphorylation-dependent futile cycle mechanism controlling FGFR1 signalling is concurrently crucial for regulation of FLRT1-mediated neurite outgrowth

    Engineering simulations for cancer systems biology

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    Computer simulation can be used to inform in vivo and in vitro experimentation, enabling rapid, low-cost hypothesis generation and directing experimental design in order to test those hypotheses. In this way, in silico models become a scientific instrument for investigation, and so should be developed to high standards, be carefully calibrated and their findings presented in such that they may be reproduced. Here, we outline a framework that supports developing simulations as scientific instruments, and we select cancer systems biology as an exemplar domain, with a particular focus on cellular signalling models. We consider the challenges of lack of data, incomplete knowledge and modelling in the context of a rapidly changing knowledge base. Our framework comprises a process to clearly separate scientific and engineering concerns in model and simulation development, and an argumentation approach to documenting models for rigorous way of recording assumptions and knowledge gaps. We propose interactive, dynamic visualisation tools to enable the biological community to interact with cellular signalling models directly for experimental design. There is a mismatch in scale between these cellular models and tissue structures that are affected by tumours, and bridging this gap requires substantial computational resource. We present concurrent programming as a technology to link scales without losing important details through model simplification. We discuss the value of combining this technology, interactive visualisation, argumentation and model separation to support development of multi-scale models that represent biologically plausible cells arranged in biologically plausible structures that model cell behaviour, interactions and response to therapeutic interventions

    A modeling framework for contact, adhesion and mechano-transduction between excitable deformable cells

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    Cardiac myocytes are the fundamental cells composing the heart muscle. The propagation of electric signals and chemical quantities through them is responsible for their nonlinear contraction and dilatation. In this study, a theoretical model and a finite element formulation are proposed for the simulation of adhesive contact interactions between myocytes across the so-called gap junctions. A multi-field interface constitutive law is proposed for their description, integrating the adhesive and contact mechanical response with their electrophysiological behavior. From the computational point of view, the initial and boundary value problem is formulated as a structure-structure interaction problem, which leads to a straightforward implementation amenable for parallel computations. Numerical tests are conducted on different couples of myocytes, characterized by different shapes related to their stages of growth, capturing the experimental response. The proposed framework is expected to have impact on the understanding how imperfect mechano-transduction could lead to emergent pathological responses.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figure

    Focal adhesion kinase: Insight into molecular roles and functions in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Due to the high incidence of post-operative recurrence after current treatments, the identification of new and more effective drugs is required. In previous years, new targetable genes/pathways involved in HCC pathogenesis have been discovered through the help of high-throughput sequencing technologies. Mutations in TP53 and β-catenin genes are the most frequent aberrations in HCC. However, approaches able to reverse the effect of these mutations might be unpredictable. In fact, if the reactivation of proteins, such as p53 in tumours, holds great promise as anticancer therapy, there are studies arguing that chronic activation of these types of molecules may be deleterious. Thus, recently the efforts on potential targets have focused on actionable mutations, such as those occurring in the gene encoding for focal adhesion kinase (FAK). This tyrosine kinase, localized to cellular focal contacts, is over-expressed in a variety of human tumours, including HCC. Moreover, several lines of evidence demonstrated that FAK depletion or inhibition impair in vitro and in vivo HCC growth and metastasis. Here, we provide an overview of FAK expression and activity in the context of tumour biology, discussing the current evidence of its connection with HCC development and progression

    Coupled effects of local movement and global interaction on contagion

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    By incorporating segregated spatial domain and individual-based linkage into the SIS (susceptible-infected-susceptible) model, we investigate the coupled effects of random walk and intragroup interaction on contagion. Compared with the situation where only local movement or individual-based linkage exists, the coexistence of them leads to a wider spread of infectious disease. The roles of narrowing segregated spatial domain and reducing mobility in epidemic control are checked, these two measures are found to be conducive to curbing the spread of infectious disease. Considering heterogeneous time scales between local movement and global interaction, a log-log relation between the change in the number of infected individuals and the timescale Ï„\tau is found. A theoretical analysis indicates that the evolutionary dynamics in the present model is related to the encounter probability and the encounter time. A functional relation between the epidemic threshold and the ratio of shortcuts, and a functional relation between the encounter time and the timescale Ï„\tau are found

    A fully resolved active musculo-mechanical model for esophageal transport

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    Esophageal transport is a physiological process that mechanically transports an ingested food bolus from the pharynx to the stomach via the esophagus, a multi-layered muscular tube. This process involves interactions between the bolus, the esophagus, and the neurally coordinated activation of the esophageal muscles. In this work, we use an immersed boundary (IB) approach to simulate peristaltic transport in the esophagus. The bolus is treated as a viscous fluid that is actively transported by the muscular esophagus, which is modeled as an actively contracting, fiber-reinforced tube. A simplified version of our model is verified by comparison to an analytic solution to the tube dilation problem. Three different complex models of the multi-layered esophagus, which differ in their activation patterns and the layouts of the mucosal layers, are then extensively tested. To our knowledge, these simulations are the first of their kind to incorporate the bolus, the multi-layered esophagus tube, and muscle activation into an integrated model. Consistent with experimental observations, our simulations capture the pressure peak generated by the muscle activation pulse that travels along the bolus tail. These fully resolved simulations provide new insights into roles of the mucosal layers during bolus transport. In addition, the information on pressure and the kinematics of the esophageal wall due to the coordination of muscle activation is provided, which may help relate clinical data from manometry and ultrasound images to the underlying esophageal motor function
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