586 research outputs found

    Accelerating Reconfigurable Financial Computing

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    This thesis proposes novel approaches to the design, optimisation, and management of reconfigurable computer accelerators for financial computing. There are three contributions. First, we propose novel reconfigurable designs for derivative pricing using both Monte-Carlo and quadrature methods. Such designs involve exploring techniques such as control variate optimisation for Monte-Carlo, and multi-dimensional analysis for quadrature methods. Significant speedups and energy savings are achieved using our Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) designs over both Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) designs. Second, we propose a framework for distributing computing tasks on multi-accelerator heterogeneous clusters. In this framework, different computational devices including FPGAs, GPUs and CPUs work collaboratively on the same financial problem based on a dynamic scheduling policy. The trade-off in speed and in energy consumption of different accelerator allocations is investigated. Third, we propose a mixed precision methodology for optimising Monte-Carlo designs, and a reduced precision methodology for optimising quadrature designs. These methodologies enable us to optimise throughput of reconfigurable designs by using datapaths with minimised precision, while maintaining the same accuracy of the results as in the original designs

    Methodology for complex dataflow application development

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    This thesis addresses problems inherent to the development of complex applications for reconfig- urable systems. Many projects fail to complete or take much longer than originally estimated by relying on traditional iterative software development processes typically used with conventional computers. Even though designer productivity can be increased by abstract programming and execution models, e.g., dataflow, development methodologies considering the specific properties of reconfigurable systems do not exist. The first contribution of this thesis is a design methodology to facilitate systematic develop- ment of complex applications using reconfigurable hardware in the context of High-Performance Computing (HPC). The proposed methodology is built upon a careful analysis of the original application, a software model of the intended hardware system, an analytical prediction of performance and on-chip area usage, and an iterative architectural refinement to resolve identi- fied bottlenecks before writing a single line of code targeting the reconfigurable hardware. It is successfully validated using two real applications and both achieve state-of-the-art performance. The second contribution extends this methodology to provide portability between devices in two steps. First, additional tool support for contemporary multi-die Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) is developed. An algorithm to automatically map logical memories to hetero- geneous physical memories with special attention to die boundaries is proposed. As a result, only the proposed algorithm managed to successfully place and route all designs used in the evaluation while the second-best algorithm failed on one third of all large applications. Second, best practices for performance portability between different FPGA devices are collected and evaluated on a financial use case, showing efficient resource usage on five different platforms. The third contribution applies the extended methodology to a real, highly demanding emerging application from the radiotherapy domain. A Monte-Carlo based simulation of dose accumu- lation in human tissue is accelerated using the proposed methodology to meet the real time requirements of adaptive radiotherapy.Open Acces

    Acceleration of MCMC-based algorithms using reconfigurable logic

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    Monte Carlo (MC) methods such as Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) have emerged as popular tools to sample from high dimensional probability distributions. Because these algorithms can draw samples effectively from arbitrary distributions in Bayesian inference problems, they have been widely used in a range of statistical applications. However, they are often too time consuming due to the prohibitive costly likelihood evaluations, thus they cannot be practically applied to complex models with large-scale datasets. Currently, the lack of sufficiently fast MCMC methods limits their applicability in many modern applications such as genetics and machine learning, and this situation is bound to get worse given the increasing adoption of big data in many fields. The objective of this dissertation is to develop, design and build efficient hardware architectures for MCMC-based algorithms on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), and thereby bring them closer to practical applications. The contributions of this work include: 1) Novel parallel FPGA architectures of the state-of-the-art resampling algorithms for SMC methods. The proposed architectures allow for parallel implementations and thus improve the processing speed. 2) A novel mixed precision MCMC algorithm, along with a tailored FPGA architecture. The proposed design allows for more parallelism and achieves low latency for a given set of hardware resources, while still guaranteeing unbiased estimates. 3) A new variant of subsampling MCMC method based on unequal probability sampling, along with a highly optimized FPGA architecture. The proposed method significantly reduces off-chip memory access and achieves high accuracy in estimates for a given time budget. This work has resulted in the development of hardware accelerators of MCMC and SMC for very large-scale Bayesian tasks by applying the above techniques. Notable speed improvements compared to the respective state-of-the-art CPU and GPU implementations have been achieved in this work.Open Acces

    Best practices for building hardware designs for living computational science applications

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    Scientific computing or Computational science, is a field of study where engineers and scientists use computer simulations to solve equations that model the physical world. In some cases, these equations come from the first principles of physics. In the past, these simulations were run on a single processor machine. However, due to various technological reasons, the performance of these machines are not likely to improve at the same rate as in the past. In order to improve the performance per watt of these simulations, special-purpose hardware accelerators can be used. This work mainly focuses on using FPGA-based hardware accelerators. In order to run these simulations on an FPGA accelerator, the application code needs to be re-factored into software and hardware sections. These faster simulations have motivated scientists to capture more behavior of the physical world. As additional behavior is captured, the application code needs to be re-factored each time, and a significant effort is required to re-build the design. Unfortunately, these multiple cycles of re-design reduces the overall productivity of scientists and engineers. This work proposes a set of hardware design guidelines for changing computational science codes or living computational science codes. These guidelines co-evolve the hardware with the software, reducing the overall effort of re-design and improving productivity. The design guidelines are evaluated for effectiveness, communicability, and broad applicability. Experimental results have shown that the overall re-design effort is reduced, and these guidelines are broadly applicable to a wide variety of scientific computing applications

    Optimising algorithm and hardware for deep neural networks on FPGAs

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    This thesis proposes novel algorithm and hardware optimisation approaches to accelerate Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), including both Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Bayesian Neural Networks (BayesNNs). The first contribution of this thesis is to propose an adaptable and reconfigurable hardware design to accelerate CNNs. By analysing the computational patterns of different CNNs, a unified hardware architecture is proposed for both 2-Dimension and 3-Dimension CNNs. The accelerator is also designed with runtime adaptability, which adopts different parallelism strategies for different convolutional layers at runtime. The second contribution of this thesis is to propose a novel neural network architecture and hardware design co-optimisation approach, which improves the performance of CNNs at both algorithm and hardware levels. Our proposed three-phase co-design framework decouples network training from design space exploration, which significantly reduces the time-cost of the co-optimisation process. The third contribution of this thesis is to propose an algorithmic and hardware co-optimisation framework for accelerating BayesNNs. At the algorithmic level, three categories of structured sparsity are explored to reduce the computational complexity of BayesNNs. At the hardware level, we propose a novel hardware architecture with the aim of exploiting the structured sparsity for BayesNNs. Both algorithmic and hardware optimisations are jointly applied to push the performance limit.Open Acces

    Evolutionary computing and particle filtering: a hardware-based motion estimation system

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    Particle filters constitute themselves a highly powerful estimation tool, especially when dealing with non-linear non-Gaussian systems. However, traditional approaches present several limitations, which reduce significantly their performance. Evolutionary algorithms, and more specifically their optimization capabilities, may be used in order to overcome particle-filtering weaknesses. In this paper, a novel FPGA-based particle filter that takes advantage of evolutionary computation in order to estimate motion patterns is presented. The evolutionary algorithm, which has been included inside the resampling stage, mitigates the known sample impoverishment phenomenon, very common in particle-filtering systems. In addition, a hybrid mutation technique using two different mutation operators, each of them with a specific purpose, is proposed in order to enhance estimation results and make a more robust system. Moreover, implementing the proposed Evolutionary Particle Filter as a hardware accelerator has led to faster processing times than different software implementations of the same algorithm

    Population-Based MCMC on Multi-Core CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs

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    Algorithms and architectures for MCMC acceleration in FPGAs

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    Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is a family of stochastic algorithms which are used to draw random samples from arbitrary probability distributions. This task is necessary to solve a variety of problems in Bayesian modelling, e.g. prediction and model comparison, making MCMC a fundamental tool in modern statistics. Nevertheless, due to the increasing complexity of Bayesian models, the explosion in the amount of data they need to handle and the computational intensity of many MCMC algorithms, performing MCMC-based inference is often impractical in real applications. This thesis tackles this computational problem by proposing Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) architectures for accelerating MCMC and by designing novel MCMC algorithms and optimization methodologies which are tailored for FPGA implementation. The contributions of this work include: 1) An FPGA architecture for the Population-based MCMC algorithm, along with two modified versions of the algorithm which use custom arithmetic precision in large parts of the implementation without introducing error in the output. Mapping the two modified versions to an FPGA allows for more parallel modules to be instantiated in the same chip area. 2) An FPGA architecture for the Particle MCMC algorithm, along with a novel algorithm which combines Particle MCMC and Population-based MCMC to tackle multi-modal distributions. A proposed FPGA architecture for the new algorithm achieves higher datapath utilization than the Particle MCMC architecture. 3) A generic method to optimize the arithmetic precision of any MCMC algorithm that is implemented on FPGAs. The method selects the minimum precision among a given set of precisions, while guaranteeing a user-defined bound on the output error. By applying the above techniques to large-scale Bayesian problems, it is shown that significant speedups (one or two orders of magnitude) are possible compared to state-of-the-art MCMC algorithms implemented on CPUs and GPUs, opening the way for handling complex statistical analyses in the era of ubiquitous, ever-increasing data.Open Acces
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