100,733 research outputs found

    Optimal control theory based design of elasto-magnetic metamaterial

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    A method to design a new type of metamaterial is presented. A two-step strategy to define an optimal long-range force distribution embedded in an elastic support to control wave propagation is considered. The first step uses a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) to produce an optimal set of long-range interactions. In the second step, a least square passive approximation of the LQR optimal gains is determined. The paper investigates numerical solutions obtained by the previously described procedure. Finally, we discuss physical and engineering implications and practical use of the present study

    Optimal mistuning for enhanced aeroelastic stability of transonic fans

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    An inverse design procedure was developed for the design of a mistuned rotor. The design requirements are that the stability margin of the eigenvalues of the aeroelastic system be greater than or equal to some minimum stability margin, and that the mass added to each blade be positive. The objective was to achieve these requirements with a minimal amount of mistuning. Hence, the problem was posed as a constrained optimization problem. The constrained minimization problem was solved by the technique of mathematical programming via augmented Lagrangians. The unconstrained minimization phase of this technique was solved by the variable metric method. The bladed disk was modelled as being composed of a rigid disk mounted on a rigid shaft. Each of the blades were modelled with a single tosional degree of freedom

    Optimal Universal Controllers for Roll Stabilization

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    Roll stabilization is an important problem of ship motion control. This problem becomes especially difficult if the same set of actuators (e.g. a single rudder) has to be used for roll stabilization and heading control of the vessel, so that the roll stabilizing system interferes with the ship autopilot. Finding the "trade-off" between the concurrent goals of accurate vessel steering and roll stabilization usually reduces to an optimization problem, which has to be solved in presence of an unknown wave disturbance. Standard approaches to this problem (loop-shaping, LQG, HH_{\infty}-control etc.) require to know the spectral density of the disturbance, considered to be a \colored noise". In this paper, we propose a novel approach to optimal roll stabilization, approximating the disturbance by a polyharmonic signal with known frequencies yet uncertain amplitudes and phase shifts. Linear quadratic optimization problems in presence of polyharmonic disturbances can be solved by means of the theory of universal controllers developed by V.A. Yakubovich. An optimal universal controller delivers the optimal solution for any uncertain amplitudes and phases. Using Marine Systems Simulator (MSS) Toolbox that provides a realistic vessel's model, we compare our design method with classical approaches to optimal roll stabilization. Among three controllers providing the same quality of yaw steering, OUC stabilizes the roll motion most efficiently

    What is the Computational Value of Finite Range Tunneling?

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    Quantum annealing (QA) has been proposed as a quantum enhanced optimization heuristic exploiting tunneling. Here, we demonstrate how finite range tunneling can provide considerable computational advantage. For a crafted problem designed to have tall and narrow energy barriers separating local minima, the D-Wave 2X quantum annealer achieves significant runtime advantages relative to Simulated Annealing (SA). For instances with 945 variables, this results in a time-to-99%-success-probability that is 108\sim 10^8 times faster than SA running on a single processor core. We also compared physical QA with Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC), an algorithm that emulates quantum tunneling on classical processors. We observe a substantial constant overhead against physical QA: D-Wave 2X again runs up to 108\sim 10^8 times faster than an optimized implementation of QMC on a single core. We note that there exist heuristic classical algorithms that can solve most instances of Chimera structured problems in a timescale comparable to the D-Wave 2X. However, we believe that such solvers will become ineffective for the next generation of annealers currently being designed. To investigate whether finite range tunneling will also confer an advantage for problems of practical interest, we conduct numerical studies on binary optimization problems that cannot yet be represented on quantum hardware. For random instances of the number partitioning problem, we find numerically that QMC, as well as other algorithms designed to simulate QA, scale better than SA. We discuss the implications of these findings for the design of next generation quantum annealers.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. Edited for clarity, in part in response to comments. Added link to benchmark instance

    Warm-started wavefront reconstruction for adaptive optics

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    Future extreme adaptive optics (ExAO) systems have been suggested with up to 10^5 sensors and actuators. We analyze the computational speed of iterative reconstruction algorithms for such large systems. We compare a total of 15 different scalable methods, including multigrid, preconditioned conjugate-gradient, and several new variants of these. Simulations on a 128×128 square sensor/actuator geometry using Taylor frozen-flow dynamics are carried out using both open-loop and closed-loop measurements, and algorithms are compared on a basis of the mean squared error and floating-point multiplications required. We also investigate the use of warm starting, where the most recent estimate is used to initialize the iterative scheme. In open-loop estimation or pseudo-open-loop control, warm starting provides a significant computational speedup; almost every algorithm tested converges in one iteration. In a standard closed-loop implementation, using a single iteration per time step, most algorithms give the minimum error even in cold start, and every algorithm gives the minimum error if warm started. The best algorithm is therefore the one with the smallest computational cost per iteration, not necessarily the one with the best quasi-static performance

    Analytical, Optimal, and Sparse Optimal Control of Traveling Wave Solutions to Reaction-Diffusion Systems

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    This work deals with the position control of selected patterns in reaction-diffusion systems. Exemplarily, the Schl\"{o}gl and FitzHugh-Nagumo model are discussed using three different approaches. First, an analytical solution is proposed. Second, the standard optimal control procedure is applied. The third approach extends standard optimal control to so-called sparse optimal control that results in very localized control signals and allows the analysis of second order optimality conditions.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Optimal control of the state statistics for a linear stochastic system

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    We consider a variant of the classical linear quadratic Gaussian regulator (LQG) in which penalties on the endpoint state are replaced by the specification of the terminal state distribution. The resulting theory considerably differs from LQG as well as from formulations that bound the probability of violating state constraints. We develop results for optimal state-feedback control in the two cases where i) steering of the state distribution is to take place over a finite window of time with minimum energy, and ii) the goal is to maintain the state at a stationary distribution over an infinite horizon with minimum power. For both problems the distribution of noise and state are Gaussian. In the first case, we show that provided the system is controllable, the state can be steered to any terminal Gaussian distribution over any specified finite time-interval. In the second case, we characterize explicitly the covariance of admissible stationary state distributions that can be maintained with constant state-feedback control. The conditions for optimality are expressed in terms of a system of dynamically coupled Riccati equations in the finite horizon case and in terms of algebraic conditions for the stationary case. In the case where the noise and control share identical input channels, the Riccati equations for finite-horizon steering become homogeneous and can be solved in closed form. The present paper is largely based on our recent work in arxiv.org/abs/1408.2222, arxiv.org/abs/1410.3447 and presents an overview of certain key results.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1410.344

    Optimal bilinear control of Gross-Pitaevskii equations

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    A mathematical framework for optimal bilinear control of nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations of Gross-Pitaevskii type arising in the description of Bose-Einstein condensates is presented. The obtained results generalize earlier efforts found in the literature in several aspects. In particular, the cost induced by the physical work load over the control process is taken into account rather then often used L2L^2- or H1H^1-norms for the cost of the control action. Well-posedness of the problem and existence of an optimal control is proven. In addition, the first order optimality system is rigorously derived. Also a numerical solution method is proposed, which is based on a Newton type iteration, and used to solve several coherent quantum control problems.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figure

    Long-range forces in controlled systems

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    This thesis investigates new phenomena due to long-range forces and their effects on different multi-DOFs systems. In particular the systems considered are metamaterials, i.e. materials with long-range connections. The long-range connections characterizing metamaterials are part of the more general framework of non-local elasticity. In the theory of non-local elasticity, the connections between non-adjacent particles can assume different configurations, namely one-to-all, all-to-all, all-to-all-limited, random-sparse and all-to-all-twin. In this study three aspects of the long-range interactions are investigated, and two models of non-local elasticity are considered: all-to-all and random-sparse. The first topic considers an all-to-all connections topology and formalizes the mathematical models to study wave propagation in long-range 1D metamaterials. Closed forms of the dispersion equation are disclosed, and a propagation map synthesizes the properties of these materials which unveil wave-stopping, negative group velocity, instability and non-local effects. This investigation defines how long-range interactions in elastic metamaterials can produce a variety of new effects in wave propagation. The second one considers an all-to-all connections topology and aims to define an optimal design of the long-range actions in terms of spatial and intensity distribution to obtain a passive control of the propagation behavior which may produces exotic effects. A phenomenon of frequency filtering in a confined region of a 1D metamaterial is obtained and the optimization process guarantees this is the best obtainable result for a specific set of control parameters. The third one considers a random-sparse connections topology and provides a new definition of long-range force, based on the concept of small-world network. The small-world model, born in the field of social networks, is suitably applied to a regular lattice by the introduction of additional, randomly selected, elastic connections between different points. These connections modify the waves propagation within the structure and the system exhibits a much higher propagation speed and synchronization. This result is one of the remarkable characteristics of the defined long-range connections topology that can be applied to metamaterials as well as other multi-DOFs systems. Qualitative experimental results are presented, and a preliminary set-up is illustrated. To summarize, this thesis highlights non-local elastic structures which display unusual propagation behaviors; moreover, it proposes a control approach that produces a frequency filtering material and shows the fast propagation of energy within a random-sparse connected material