1,287 research outputs found

    A methodology to allow avalanche forecasting on an information retrieval system

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    This paper presents adaptations and tests undertaken to allow an information retrieval (IR) system to forecast the likelihood of avalanches on a particular day. The forecasting process uses historical data of the weather and avalanche conditions for a large number of days. A method for adapting these data into a form usable by a text-based IR system is first described, followed by tests showing the resulting system’s accuracy to be equal to existing ‘custom built’ forecasting systems. From this, it is concluded that the adaptation methodology is effective at allowing such data to be used in a text-based IR system. A number of advantages in using an IR system for avalanche forecasting are also presented

    Keep It Simple Sheffield – a KISS approach to the Arabic track

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    Sheffield’s participation in the inaugural Arabic cross language track is described here. Our goal was to examine how well one could achieve retrieval of Arabic text with the minimum of resources and adaptation of existing retrieval systems. To this end the public translators used for query translation and the minimal changes to our retrieval system are described. While the effectiveness of our resulting system is not as high as one might desire, it nevertheless provides reasonable performance particularly in the monolingual track: on average, just under four relevant documents were found in the 10 top ranked documents

    Mapping the avalanche risk: from survey to cartographic production. The avalanche bulletin of the Meteomont Service of the Alpine Troops Command

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    During the last decades, the process of explaining life-threatening natural hazards to the public has become a major public issue from the point of view of effective prevention policies. The avalanche risk and the communication methods aimed at its forecasting and prevention constitute the focus of this paper. Among the strategies for an effective communication of environmental risks, cartography plays a pivotal role. It has proved to be essential not only for communication purposes, but also for the planning of prompt and efficient preventive interventions; in so doing, it contributes to the reduction of avalanche-caused damages and deaths. The paper investigates prevention and forecasting activities of the Meteomont Service of the Alpine Troops Command (COMTA) of Bolzano (capital city of the province of South Tyrol - North Italy), resulting in the daily publication of avalanche bulletins (Bollettini valanghe), which also include hazard maps. Specifically, the phases that contribute to the production of the avalanche bulletin and the embedded avalanche risk maps will be firstly examined; secondly, such maps will be analysed in order to assess their communicative potential for the purpose of a correct interpretation aimed at the effective prevention of snow-related risks in mountain areas. Possible improvement will be proposed on the basis of the experience of several avalanche warning services worldwide

    A novel satellite mission concept for upper air water vapour, aerosol and cloud observations using integrated path differential absorption LiDAR limb sounding

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    We propose a new satellite mission to deliver high quality measurements of upper air water vapour. The concept centres around a LiDAR in limb sounding by occultation geometry, designed to operate as a very long path system for differential absorption measurements. We present a preliminary performance analysis with a system sized to send 75 mJ pulses at 25 Hz at four wavelengths close to 935 nm, to up to 5 microsatellites in a counter-rotating orbit, carrying retroreflectors characterized by a reflected beam divergence of roughly twice the emitted laser beam divergence of 15 µrad. This provides water vapour profiles with a vertical sampling of 110 m; preliminary calculations suggest that the system could detect concentrations of less than 5 ppm. A secondary payload of a fairly conventional medium resolution multispectral radiometer allows wide-swath cloud and aerosol imaging. The total weight and power of the system are estimated at 3 tons and 2,700 W respectively. This novel concept presents significant challenges, including the performance of the lasers in space, the tracking between the main spacecraft and the retroreflectors, the refractive effects of turbulence, and the design of the telescopes to achieve a high signal-to-noise ratio for the high precision measurements. The mission concept was conceived at the Alpbach Summer School 2010

    Climate Services Toolbox (CSTools) v4.0: from climate forecasts to climate forecast information

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    Despite the wealth of existing climate forecast data, only a small part is effectively exploited for sectoral applications. A major cause of this is the lack of integrated tools that allow the translation of data into useful and skillful climate information. This barrier is addressed through the development of an R package. Climate Services Toolbox (CSTools) is an easy-to-use toolbox designed and built to assess and improve the quality of climate forecasts for seasonal to multi-annual scales. The package contains process-based, state-of-the-art methods for forecast calibration, bias correction, statistical and stochastic downscaling, optimal forecast combination, and multivariate verification, as well as basic and advanced tools to obtain tailored products. Due to the modular design of the toolbox in individual functions, the users can develop their own post-processing chain of functions, as shown in the use cases presented in this paper, including the analysis of an extreme wind speed event, the generation of seasonal forecasts of snow depth based on the SNOWPACK model, and the post-processing of temperature and precipitation data to be used as input in impact models.This research has been supported by the Horizon 2020 (S2S4E; grant no. 776787), EUCP (grant no. 776613), ERA4CS (grant no. 690462), and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (grant no. FPI PRE2019-088646).Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 19 autors/es: Núria Pérez-Zanón, Louis-Philippe Caron, Silvia Terzago, Bert Van Schaeybroeck, Llorenç Lledó, Nicolau Manubens, Emmanuel Roulin, M. Carmen Alvarez-Castro, Lauriane Batté , Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière, Susana Corti, Carlos Delgado-Torres, Marta Domínguez, Federico Fabiano, Ignazio Giuntoli, Jost von Hardenberg, Eroteida Sánchez-García, Verónica Torralba, and Deborah Verfaillie"Postprint (published version

    Avalanche size estimation and avalanche outline determination by experts: reliability and implications for practice

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    Consistent estimates of avalanche size are crucial for communicating not only among avalanche practitioners but also between avalanche forecasters and the public, for instance in public avalanche forecasts. Moreover, applications such as risk management and numerical avalanche simulations rely on accurately mapped outlines of past avalanche events. Since there is not a widely applicable and objective way to measure avalanche size or to determine the outlines of an avalanche, we need to rely on human estimations. Therefore, knowing about the reliability of avalanche size estimates and avalanche outlines is essential as errors will impact applications relying on this kind of data. In the first of three user studies, we investigate the reliability in avalanche size estimates by comparing estimates for 10 avalanches made by 170 avalanche professionals working in Europe or North America. In the other two studies, both completed as pilot studies, we explore reliability in the mappings of six avalanches from oblique photographs from 10 participants and the mappings of avalanches visible on 2.9 km2 of remotely sensed imagery in four different spatial resolutions from 5 participants. We observed an average agreement of 66 % in the most frequently given avalanche size, while agreement with the avalanche size considered “correct” was 74 %. Moreover, European avalanche practitioners rated avalanches significantly larger for 8 out of 10 avalanches, compared to North Americans. Assuming that participants are equally competent in the estimation of avalanche size, we calculated a score describing the factor required to obtain the observed agreement rate between any two size estimates. This factor was 0.72 in our dataset. It can be regarded as the certainty related to a size estimate by an individual and thus provides an indication of the reliability of a label. For the outlines mapped from oblique photographs, we noted a mean overlapping proportion of 52 % for any two avalanche mappings and 60 % compared to a reference mapping. The outlines mapped from remotely sensed imagery had a mean overlapping proportion of 46 % (image resolution of 2 m) to 68 % (25 cm) between any two mappings and 64 % (2 m) to 80 % (25 cm) when compared to the reference. The presented findings demonstrate that the reliability of size estimates and of mapped avalanche outlines is limited. As these data are often used as reference data or even ground truth to validate further applications, the identified limitations and uncertainties may influence results and should be considered

    Multivariate data assimilation in snow modelling at Alpine sites

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    The knowledge of snowpack dynamics is of critical importance to several real-time applications such as agricultural production, water resource management, flood prevention, hydropower generation, especially in mountain basins. Snowpack state can be estimated by models or from observations, even though both these sources of information are affected by several errors