1,219 research outputs found

    Knowledge Based Systems: A Critical Survey of Major Concepts, Issues, and Techniques

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    This Working Paper Series entry presents a detailed survey of knowledge based systems. After being in a relatively dormant state for many years, only recently is Artificial Intelligence (AI) - that branch of computer science that attempts to have machines emulate intelligent behavior - accomplishing practical results. Most of these results can be attributed to the design and use of Knowledge-Based Systems, KBSs (or ecpert systems) - problem solving computer programs that can reach a level of performance comparable to that of a human expert in some specialized problem domain. These systems can act as a consultant for various requirements like medical diagnosis, military threat analysis, project risk assessment, etc. These systems possess knowledge to enable them to make intelligent desisions. They are, however, not meant to replace the human specialists in any particular domain. A critical survey of recent work in interactive KBSs is reported. A case study (MYCIN) of a KBS, a list of existing KBSs, and an introduction to the Japanese Fifth Generation Computer Project are provided as appendices. Finally, an extensive set of KBS-related references is provided at the end of the report

    Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, volume 1

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    Documented here are papers presented at the Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Workshop sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and cosponsored by the University of Houston, Clear Lake. The workshop was held June 1-3, 1992 at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. During the three days approximately 50 papers were presented. Technical topics addressed included adaptive systems; learning algorithms; network architectures; vision; robotics; neurobiological connections; speech recognition and synthesis; fuzzy set theory and application, control, and dynamics processing; space applications; fuzzy logic and neural network computers; approximate reasoning; and multiobject decision making

    Information retrieval with semantic memory model

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    Psycholinguistic theories of semantic memory form the basis of understanding of natural language concepts. These theories are used here as an inspiration for implementing a computational model of semantic memory in the form of semantic network. Combining this network with a vector-based object-relation-feature value representation of concepts that includes also weights for confidence and support, allows for recognition of concepts by referring to their features, enabling a semantic search algorithm. This algorithm has been used for word games, in particular the 20-question game in which the program tries to guess a concept that a human player thinks about. The game facilitates lexical knowledge validation and acquisition through the interaction with humans via supervised dialog templates. The elementary linguistic competencies of the proposed model have been evaluated assessing how well it can represent the meaning of linguistic concepts. To study properties of information retrieval based on this type of semantic representation in contexts derived from on-going dialogs experiments in limited domains have been performed. Several similarity measures have been used to compare the completeness of knowledge retrieved automatically and corrected through active dialogs to a “golden standard”. Comparison of semantic search with human performance has been made in a series of 20-question games. On average results achieved by human players were better than those obtained by semantic search, but not by a wide margin


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    Technology development, mainly for telecommunications and computer systems, was a key factor for the interactivity and, thus, for the expansion of e-learning. This book is divided into two parts, presenting some proposals to deal with e-learning challenges, opening up a way of learning about and discussing new methodologies to increase the interaction level of classes and implementing technical tools for helping students to make better use of e-learning resources. In the first part, the reader may find chapters mentioning the required infrastructure for e-learning models and processes, organizational practices, suggestions, implementation of methods for assessing results, and case studies focused on pedagogical aspects that can be applied generically in different environments. The second part is related to tools that can be adopted by users such as graphical tools for engineering, mobile phone networks, and techniques to build robots, among others. Moreover, part two includes some chapters dedicated specifically to e-learning areas like engineering and architecture

    Applications of fuzzy counterpropagation neural networks to non-linear function approximation and background noise elimination

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    An adaptive filter which can operate in an unknown environment by performing a learning mechanism that is suitable for the speech enhancement process. This research develops a novel ANN model which incorporates the fuzzy set approach and which can perform a non-linear function approximation. The model is used as the basic structure of an adaptive filter. The learning capability of ANN is expected to be able to reduce the development time and cost of the designing adaptive filters based on fuzzy set approach. A combination of both techniques may result in a learnable system that can tackle the vagueness problem of a changing environment where the adaptive filter operates. This proposed model is called Fuzzy Counterpropagation Network (Fuzzy CPN). It has fast learning capability and self-growing structure. This model is applied to non-linear function approximation, chaotic time series prediction and background noise elimination

    Radical Artificial Intelligence: A Postmodern Approach

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    The dynamic response of end-clamped monolithic beams and sandwich beams has been measured by loading the beams at mid-span using metal foam projectiles. The AISI 304 stainless-steel sandwich beams comprise two identical face sheets and either prismatic Y-frame or corrugated cores. The resistance to shock loading is quantified by the permanent transverse deflection at mid-span of the beams as a function of projectile momentum. The prismatic cores are aligned either longitudinally along the beam length or transversely. It is found that the sandwich beams with a longitudinal core orientation have a higher shock resistance than the monolithic beams of equal mass. In contrast, the performance of the sandwich beams with a transverse core orientation is very similar to that of the monolithic beams. Three-dimensional finite element (FE) simulations are in good agreement with the measured responses. The FE calculations indicate that strain concentrations in the sandwich beams occur at joints within the cores and between the core and face sheets; the level of maximum strain is similar for the Y-frame and corrugated core beams for a given value of projectile momentum. The experimental and FE results taken together reveal that Y-frame and corrugated core sandwich beams of equal mass have similar dynamic performances in terms of rear-face deflection, degree of core compression and level of strain within the beam

    Generating a theoretical base for restructuring curriculum content

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    The purpose of this study is to contribute to an ongoing effort among a number of contemporary curriculum theorists to generate a theoretical base for restructuring' curriculum content. The study is divided into a Prologue, two Chapters, and an Epilogue. PROLOGUE confronts the significant metatheoretical cal problems that are are raised simply by the articulation of this project. In the course of asking "What kind of research strategies, consonant with this intention, are appropriate for educators in North America?" the study reviews the metatheoretical considerations that have led contemporary curriculum theorists to frame such a question. Two avenues of approach that have emerged from such considerations are identified--a personal change position that involves a restructuring of individual consciousness, and a social change position that is oriented towards a restructuring of the ensemble of social relationships. The potentials of these two strategies are explored, and an argument is made for the development of a way of speaking and acting that honors the significance of both