565 research outputs found

    Kinetics of the DNA polymerase \u3ci\u3epyrococcus kodakaraensis\u3c/i\u3e

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    The polymerase chain reaction is one of the most important reactions in molecular biology. Single stranded DNA is copied in a complex series of steps, at the core of which lies the action of the DNA polymerase. At each nucleotide along the template, the polymerase screens the dNTP pool until it finds the complementary dNTP. The insertion of each dNMP is a balance between high fidelity and rapid elongation. In this study the kinetics of the ÎČ type polymerase pyrococcus kodakaraensis (KOD) is analyzed. The kinetics is influenced by reaction conditions such as the dNTP pool composition and temperature. In a previous study by Viljoen et al. [2005, A macroscopic kinetic model for DNA polymerase elongation and high-fidelity nucleotide selection. Computational Biology and Chemistry 29, 101–110], a macroscopic kinetics expression of the polymerase chain reaction has been derived. The model contains four parameters that are intrinsic to a specific polymerase. The experiments to measure the temperature- dependence of the parameters for KOD DNA polymerase are reported. The results indicate that the optimal temperature for an equimolar dNTP pool is 72.5 °C and the optimum temperature shifts to lower temperatures when the dNTP pool composition is biased

    A macroscopic kinetic model for DNA polymerase elongation and high-fidelity nucleotide election

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    The enzymatically catalyzed template-directed extension of ssDNA/primer complex is an impor-tant reaction of extraordinary complexity. The DNA polymerase does not merely facilitate the insertion of dNMP, but it also performs rapid screening of substrates to ensure a high degree of fidelity. Several kinetic studies have determined rate constants and equilibrium constants for the elementary steps that make up the overall pathway. The information is used to develop a macro-scopic kinetic model, using an approach described by Ninio [Ninio J., 1987. Alternative to the steady-state method: derivation of reaction rates from first-passage times and pathway probabili-ties. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84, 663–667]. The principle idea of the Ninio approach is to track a single template/primer complex over time and to identify the expected behavior. The average time to insert a single nucleotide is a weighted sum of several terms, in-cluding the actual time to insert a nucleotide plus delays due to polymerase detachment from ei-ther the ternary (template-primer-polymerase) or quaternary (+nucleotide) complexes and time delays associated with the identification and ultimate rejection of an incorrect nucleotide from the binding site. The passage times of all events and their probability of occurrence are ex-pressed in terms of the rate constants of the elementary steps of the reaction pathway. The model accounts for variations in the average insertion time with different nucleotides as well as the in-fluence of G+C content of the sequence in the vicinity of the insertion site. Furthermore the model provides estimates of error frequencies. If nucleotide extension is recognized as a compe-tition between successful insertions and time delaying events, it can be described as a binomial process with a probability distribution. The distribution gives the probability to extend a primer/template complex with a certain number of base pairs and in general it maps annealed complexes into extension products

    Computational investigations of polymerase enzymes: Structure, function, inhibition, and biotechnology

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    AbstractDNA and RNA polymerases (Pols) are central to life, health, and biotechnology because they allow the flow of genetic information in biological systems. Importantly, Pol function and (de)regulation are linked to human diseases, notably cancer (DNA Pols) and viral infections (RNA Pols) such as COVID‐19. In addition, Pols are used in various applications such as synthesis of artificial genetic polymers and DNA amplification in molecular biology, medicine, and forensic analysis. Because of all of this, the field of Pols is an intense research area, in which computational studies contribute to elucidating experimentally inaccessible atomistic details of Pol function. In detail, Pols catalyze the replication, transcription, and repair of nucleic acids through the addition, via a nucleotidyl transfer reaction, of a nucleotide to the 3â€Č‐end of the growing nucleic acid strand. Here, we analyze how computational methods, including force‐field‐based molecular dynamics, quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics, and free energy simulations, have advanced our understanding of Pols. We examine the complex interaction of chemical and physical events during Pol catalysis, like metal‐aided enzymatic reactions for nucleotide addition and large conformational rearrangements for substrate selection and binding. We also discuss the role of computational approaches in understanding the origin of Pol fidelity—the ability of Pols to incorporate the correct nucleotide that forms a Watson–Crick base pair with the base of the template nucleic acid strand. Finally, we explore how computations can accelerate the discovery of Pol‐targeting drugs and engineering of artificial Pols for synthetic and biotechnological applications.This article is categorized under: Structure and Mechanism > Reaction Mechanisms and Catalysis Structure and Mechanism > Computational Biochemistry and Biophysics Software > Molecular Modelin

    Temperature controlled high-throughput magnetic tweezers show striking difference in activation energies of replicating viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases

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    RNA virus survival depends on efficient viral genome replication, which is performed by the viral RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). The recent development of high throughput magnetic tweezers has enabled the simultaneous observation of dozens of viral RdRp elongation traces on kilobases long templates, and this has shown that RdRp nucleotide addition kinetics is stochastically interrupted by rare pauses of 1-1000 s duration, of which the short-lived ones (1-10 s) are the temporal signature of a low fidelity catalytic pathway. We present a simple and precise temperature controlled system for magnetic tweezers to characterize the replication kinetics temperature dependence between 25 degrees C and 45 degrees C of RdRps from three RNA viruses, i.e. the double-stranded RNA bacteriophage Phi 6, and the positive-sense single-stranded RNA poliovirus (PV) and human rhinovirus C (HRV-C). We found that Phi 6 RdRp is largely temperature insensitive, while PV and HRV-C RdRps replication kinetics are activated by temperature. Furthermore, the activation energies we measured for PV RdRp catalytic state corroborate previous estimations from ensemble pre-steady state kinetic studies, further confirming the catalytic origin of the short pauses and their link to temperature independent RdRp fidelity. This work will enable future temperature controlled study of biomolecular complex at the single molecule level.Peer reviewe

    Thermodynamics of Error Correction

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    Information processing at the molecular scale is limited by thermal fluctuations. This can cause undesired consequences in copying information since thermal noise can lead to errors that can compromise the functionality of the copy. For example, a high error rate during DNA duplication can lead to cell death. Given the importance of accurate copying at the molecular scale, it is fundamental to understand its thermodynamic features. In this paper, we derive a universal expression for the copy error as a function of entropy production and {\cred work dissipated by the system during wrong incorporations}. Its derivation is based on the second law of thermodynamics, hence its validity is independent of the details of the molecular machinery, be it any polymerase or artificial copying device. Using this expression, we find that information can be copied in three different regimes. In two of them, work is dissipated to either increase or decrease the error. In the third regime, the protocol extracts work while correcting errors, reminiscent of a Maxwell demon. As a case study, we apply our framework to study a copy protocol assisted by kinetic proofreading, and show that it can operate in any of these three regimes. We finally show that, for any effective proofreading scheme, error reduction is limited by the chemical driving of the proofreading reaction.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Evaluating The Effects of Enhanced Processivity and Metal Ions on Translesion DNA Replication Catalyzed by The Bacteriophage T4 DNA Polymerase

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    The fidelity of DNA replication is achieved in a multiplicative process encompassing nucleobase selection and insertion, removal of misinserted nucleotides by exonuclease activity, and enzyme dissociation from primer/templates that are misaligned due to mispairing. In this study, we have evaluated the effect of altering these kinetic processes on the dynamics of translesion DNA replication using the bacteriophage T4 replication apparatus as a model system. The effect of enhancing the processivity of the T4 DNA polymerase, gp43, on translesion DNA replication was evaluated using a defined in vitro assay system. While the T4 replicase (gp43 in complex with gp45) can perform efficient, processive replication using unmodified DNA, the T4 replicase cannot extend beyond an abasic site. This indicates that enhancing the processivity of gp43 does not increase unambiguously its ability to perform translesion DNA replication. Surprisingly, the replicase composed of an exonuclease-deficient mutant of gp43 was unable to extend beyond the abasic DNA lesion, thus indicating that molecular processes involved in DNA polymerization activity play the predominant role in preventing extension beyond the non-coding DNA lesion. Although neither T4 replicase complex could extend beyond the lesion, there were measurable differences in the stability of each complex at the DNA lesion. Specifically, the exonuclease-deficient replicase dissociates at a rate constant, koff, of 1.1 s−1 while the wild-type replicase remains more stably associated at the site of DNA damage by virtue of a slower measured rate constant (koff 0.009 s−1). The increased lifetime of the wild-type replicase suggests that idle turnover, the partitioning of the replicase from its polymerase to its exonuclease active site, may play an important role in maintaining fidelity. Further attempts to perturb the fidelity of the T4 replicase by substituting Mn2+ for Mg2+ did not significantly enhance DNA synthesis beyond the abasic DNA lesion. The results of these studies are interpreted with respect to current structural information of gp43 alone and complexed with gp45

    Structural and catalytic insights into HoLaMa, a derivative of Klenow DNA polymerase lacking the proofreading domain

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    We report here on the stability and catalytic properties of the HoLaMa DNA polymerase, a Klenow sub-fragment lacking the 3\u2019-5\u2019 exonuclease domain. HoLaMa was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and the enzyme was purified by means of standard chromatographic techniques. High-resolution NMR experiments revealed that HoLaMa is properly folded at pH 8.0 and 20C. In addition, urea induced a cooperative folding to unfolding transition of HoLaMa, possessing an overall thermodynamic stability and a transition midpoint featuring \u394G and C M equal to (15.7 \ub1 1.9) kJ/mol and (3.5 \ub1 0.6) M, respectively. When the catalytic performances of HoLaMa were compared to those featured by the Klenow enzyme, we did observe a 10-fold lower catalytic efficiency by the HoLaMa enzyme. Surprisingly, HoLaMa and Klenow DNA polymerases possess markedly different sensitivities in competitive inhibition assays performed to test the effect of single dNTPs

    tRNA sequences can assemble into a replicator

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    Can replication and translation emerge in a single mechanism via self-assembly? The key molecule, transfer RNA (tRNA), is one of the most ancient molecules and contains the genetic code. Our experiments show how a pool of oligonucleotides, adapted with minor mutations from tRNA, spontaneously formed molecular assemblies. They replicated information autonomously using only reversible hybridization under thermal oscillations. A pool of cross-complementary hairpins self-selected by agglomeration and sedimented under gravity. The metastable DNA hairpins bound to a template, consisting of one half of the hairpin assembly, and then interconnected by hybridization. Thermal oscillations separated replicates from their templates and drove an exponential, cross-catalytic replication. The molecular assembly could encode and replicate binary sequence information and reach a fidelity of 90 % per nucleotide. This mechanism of a replicating self-assembly of tRNA-like sequences indicates that the translation to proteins could be linked closer to molecular replication than previously thought
