535 research outputs found

    Design of a Comparator and an Amplifier in CMOS using standard logic gates

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    Using standard logic gates in CMOS, or standard-cells, has the advantage of full synthe- sizability, as well as the voltage scalability between technologies. In this work a general pur- pose standard-cell-based voltage comparator and amplifier are presented. The objective is to design a general purpose standard-cell-based comparator and ampli- fier in 130 nm CMOS by optimizing the already existing topologies with the aim of improving some of the specifications of the studied topologies. Various simulation testbenches were made to test the studied topologies of comparators and amplifiers, in which the results were compared. The top performing standard-cell com- parator and amplifier were then modified. After successfully designing the comparator, it was used in the design of an opamp-less Sigma-Delta modulator (ΣΔM). The proposed comparator is an OR-AND-Inverter-based comparator with dual inputs and outputs, achieving a delay of 109 ps, static input offset of 591 μV, and random offset of 10.42 μV, while dissipating 890 μW, when clocked at 1.5 GHz. The proposed amplifier is a single-path three-stage inverter-based operational transcon- ductance amplifier (OTA) with active common-mode feedback loop, achieving a DC gain of 63 dB, 1444 MHz of unity-gain bandwidth, 51º of phase margin while dissipating 1098 μW, considering a load of 1 pF. The proposed comparator was employed in the ΣΔM with a standard-cell based edge- triggered flip-flop. The ΣΔM, with a sampling frequency of 2 MHz and a signal bandwidth of 2.5 kHz, achieved a peak SNDR of 69 dB while dissipating only 136.7 μW.Utilizando portas lógicas básicas em CMOS oferece a vantagem de um circuito comple- tamente sintetizável, tal como o escalamento de tensão entre tecnologias. Neste trabalho são apresentados um comparador de tensão e um amplificador utilizando portas lógicas. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenhar um comparador e um amplificador utilizando por- tas lógicas através do estudo e otimização de topologias já existentes com a finalidade de me- lhoramento de algumas das especificações das mesmas. Foram realizados vários bancos de teste para testar as topologias estudadas de compa- radores e amplificadores, em que os resultados foram comparados. As topologias de compa- radores e amplificadores de portas lógicas com melhor performance foram então modificadas. Após o comparador ter sido projetado com sucesso, foi utilizado na projeção de um modula- dor Sigma-Delta (ΣΔM) opamp-less. O comparador proposto é um OR-AND-Inversor com duas entradas e saídas, que apre- senta um atraso de 109 ps, offset estático na entrada de 591 μV, offset aleatório de 10.42 μV, enquanto dissipando 890 μW, utilizando uma frequência de relógio de 1.5 GHz O amplificador proposto é um amplificador operacional de transcondutância single- path three-stage inverter-based com um loop ativo de realimentação do modo-comum, que apresenta um ganho DC de 63 dB, 1444 MHz de ganho-unitário de largura de banda, 51º de margem de fase e dissipando 1098 μW, considerando uma carga de 1 pF. O comparador proposto foi aplicado no ΣΔM com um flip-flop edge-triggered baseado em portas lógicas. O ΣΔM, com uma frequência de amostragem de 2 MHz e uma largura de banda de 2.5 kHz, apresentou um SNDR máximo de 69 dB enquanto dissipando apenas 136.7 μW

    Design of a Moderate-Resolution Dual-Slope ADC using Noise-Shaping Techniques and a Double Speed Quantizer

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    Being the slowest Analog-to-Digital Converter, the Dual-Slope quantizer is often used in sigma-delta ADC or SAR converter architectures, and in measurement instruments, due to its high accuracy. Despite the utility of the quantizer and the existent techniques to increase the accuracy and the conversion speed, the usability of this converter is still very limited by the its slow conversion rate. The main interest of the Dual-Slope Quantizer lies in the high accuracy from the quantization technique used. To convert the input value, the value is integrated in the charge phase, by an integrator circuit, to be quantized, in the discharging phase using a digital block. Other benefits of the Dual-Slope Quantizers are the small size when implemented in a system on a chip (SOC) and the low power consumption. By reducing the the conversion time of this ADC, while maintaining the high accuracy it will be possible to increase the converters utility, such as in IoT devices, or even mobile devices, benefiting all from the high accuracy and low power consumption of this circuit. Nowadays, many techniques are being used in the Dual-Slope converters, such as, the addition of bi-directional capabilities, to increase the conversion speed, the addition of an half LSB compensation, to increase the accuracy, and the use of Noise-Shaping capabilities originated from the quantization error from each discharge phase. All of this techniques are presented and used in this research. For the proposed solution, a Double-Speed Quantizer composed of two additional comparators will be added to grant the conversion speed increase, which will increase the power consumption and will lead to a redesigning of the digital block to receive more inputs. As result the conversion speed will double in comparison to the existent 4 bit dual slope quantizer, being needed 8 clock cycles to quantize a input value, instead of 16

    Design considerations for a monolithic, GaAs, dual-mode, QPSK/QASK, high-throughput rate transceiver

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    A monolithic, GaAs, dual mode, quadrature amplitude shift keying and quadrature phase shift keying transceiver with one and two billion bits per second data rate is being considered to achieve a low power, small and ultra high speed communication system for satellite as well as terrestrial purposes. Recent GaAs integrated circuit achievements are surveyed and their constituent device types are evaluated. Design considerations, on an elemental level, of the entire modem are further included for monolithic realization with practical fabrication techniques. Numerous device types, with practical monolithic compatability, are used in the design of functional blocks with sufficient performances for realization of the transceiver

    Ultra-Low Power Circuit Design for Miniaturized IoT Platform

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    This thesis examines the ultra-low power circuit techniques for mm-scale Internet of Things (IoT) platforms. The IoT devices are known for their small form factors and limited battery capacity and lifespan. So, ultra-low power consumption of always-on blocks is required for the IoT devices that adopt aggressive duty-cycling for high power efficiency and long lifespan. Several problems need to be addressed regarding IoT device designs, such as ultra-low power circuit design techniques for sleep mode and energy-efficient and fast data rate transmission for active mode communication. Therefore, this thesis highlights the ultra-low power always-on systems, focusing on energy efficient optical transmission in order to miniaturize the IoT systems. First, this thesis presents a battery-less sub-nW micro-controller for an always-operating system implemented with a newly proposed logic family. Second, it proposes an always-operating sub-nW light-to-digital converter to measure instant light intensity and cumulative light exposure, which employs the characteristics of this proposed logic family. Third, it presents an ultra-low standby power optical wake-up receiver with ambient light canceling using dual-mode operation. Finally, an energy-efficient low power optical transmitter for an implantable IoT device is suggested. Implications for future research are also provided.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145862/1/imhotep_1.pd

    Efficient Wavelength Tuning Techniques for Integrated Silicon Photonics

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    The past decade has seen a significant amount of academic and industrial research into interconnect topologies that employ optical channels for next generation high speed communication systems. Integrated optical interconnects have taken center stage in tackling channel loss limitations of traditional electrical links and bandwidth requirements for inter-chip and intra-chip signal processing for multi-core processors. Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) optical interconnect architectures based on microring resonator devices offer a low-area and energy-efficient approach to realize both high-speed modulation and WDM with high-speed transmit-side ring modulators and high-Q receive-side drop filters. At the heart of silicon photonics is the silicon microring resonator. These high-Q refractive devices can achieve high contrast ratios with their small footprint and enable distance independent communication. A major challenge to the use of microring resonators is the sensitivity of their resonance wavelength to process and fabrication imperfections and temperature perturbations. To curtail the effects of resonance wavelength drifts, stabilization schemes are implemented to properly align the resonance wavelength of the microring device with the input laser wavelength. This thesis work focuses on three main issues. Firstly, the sources and effects of mismatch in silicon microring resonators are identified. Secondly, a review of literature is done to examine existing resonance wavelength stabilization techniques. Based on the reference search tuning algorithm, a new dual-loop tuning method which combines the benefits of bias-based and thermal-based tuning schemes is proposed. Furthermore, we evaluate the tuning efficiency of some existing and the proposed tuning schemes using a statistical model to determine optimal power and speed efficiency. Modeling results of carrier injection ring resonator devices with common thermal tuning and the new dual-bias/thermal scheme reveals that the latter scheme offers ~ 50% improvement in power with small variations and close to 16X speed improvement. Finally, the tuning control loop is fabricated in GP 65nm CMOS process. Transmit-side and receive-side are independently implemented for a 5-channel WDM system. Measurement results are presented in both cases. The transmitter IC achieved both static and dynamic tuning, stabilizing ring resonance wavelength in the midst of temperature fluctuations from an adjacent ring. The total power consumed was 5.17mW while covering a wavelength tuning range of ~ 0:8nm. Static tuning was successfully demonstrated for the receiver IC. A tuning range of 0:7nm was achieved over a 2mA dynamic range of current

    Proposal for an 8-bit Radiation Hardened Flash A/d Converter

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    Electrical Engineerin