11 research outputs found

    A linear model based on Kalman filter for improving neural network classification performance

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    Neural network has been applied in several classification problems such as in medical diagnosis, handwriting recognition, and product inspection, with a good classification performance. The performance of a neural network is characterized by the neural network's structure, transfer function, and learning algorithm. However, a neural network classifier tends to be weak if it uses an inappropriate structure. The neural network's structure depends on the complexity of the relationship between the input and the output. There are no exact rules that can be used to determine the neural network's structure. Therefore, studies in improving neural network classification performance without changing the neural network's structure is a challenging issue. This paper proposes a method to improve neural network classification performance by constructing a linear model based on the Kalman filter as a post processing. The linear model transforms the predicted output of the neural network to a value close to the desired output by using the linear combination of the object features and the predicted output. This simple transformation will reduce the error of neural network and improve classification performance. The Kalman filter iteration is used to estimate the parameters of the linear model. Five datasets from various domains with various characteristics, such as attribute types, the number of attributes, the number of samples, and the number of classes, were used for empirical validation. The validation results show that the linear model based on the Kalman filter can improve the performance of the original neural network


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    Bobot telur memegang peranan penting dalam kalsifikasi telur yang dijual di pasar. Menurut Standar Nasional Indonesia telur ayam konsumsi diklasifikasikan berdasarkan warna kerabang dan bobotnya. Umumnya bobot telur diukur dengan menggunakan timbangan digital untuk memperoleh hasil pengukuran yang akurat. Tetapi penggunaan timbangan ini tidak dapat diterapkan pada sistem klasifikasi telur di industri skala besar karena tidak efisien secara waktu. Sistem visi komputer menawarkan alternatif yang akurat dan efisien untuk mengukur bobot telur dari citra digital. Makalah ini mengusulkan metode untuk mengestimasi bobot telur menggunakan jaringan syaraf tiruan berdasarkan properti geometri telur yang diekstrak dari citra digital. Citra telur ditangkap dengan latar belakang berwarna hitam menggunakan kamera digital. Citra yang ditangkap kemudian diolah untuk mendapatkan citra biner. Properti geometri telur yang terdiri dari panjang, lebar, luas, dan keliling diekstrak dari objek telur pada citra. Properti geometri ini kemudian digunakan sebagai variabel input jaringan syaraf tiruan untuk mengestimasi bobot telur. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa hasil estimasi bobot telur menggunakan metode yang diusulkan mempunyai akurasi yang baik dengan rata-rata prosentase kesalahan mutlak sebesar 2,27%. Selain itu, hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa hasil estimasi metode yang diusulkan tidak berbeda secara signifikan dengan hasil pengukuran bobot menggunakan timbangan digital. Dari segi waktu, metode yang diusulkan merupakan metode estimasi bobot telur yang efisien dengan rata-rata waktu komputasi yang diperlukan untuk mengestimasi bobot sebutir telur kurang dari 0,1 detik

    Computer vision system for egg volume prediction using backpropagation neural network

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    Volume is one of considered aspects in egg sorting process. A rapid and accurate volume measurement method is needed to develop an egg sorting system. Computer vision system (CVS) provides a promising solution for volume measurement problem. Artificial neural network (ANN) has been used to predict the volume of egg in several CVSs. However, volume prediction from ANN could have less accuracy due to inappropriate input features or inappropriate ANN structure. This paper proposes a CVS for predicting the volume of egg using ANN. The CVS acquired an image of egg from top view and then processed the image to extract its 1D and 2 D size features. The features were used as input for ANN in predicting the volume of egg. The experiment results show that the proposed CSV can predict the volume of egg with a good accuracy and less computation time

    Hybrid Neural Network and Linear Model for Natural Produce Recognition Using Computer Vision

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    Natural produce recognition is a classification problem with various applications in the food industry. This paper proposes a natural produce recognition method using computer vision. The proposed method uses simple features consisting of statistical color features and the derivative of radius function. A hybrid neural network and linear model based on a Kalman filter (NN-LMKF) was employed as classifier. One thousand images from ten categories of natural produce were used to validate the proposed method by using 5-fold cross validation. The experimental result showed that the proposed method achieved classification accuracy of 98.40%. This means it performed better than the original neural network and k-nearest neighborhood

    A Novel Strategy for Improving the Counter Propagation Artificial Neural Networks in Classification Tasks

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    Counter-Propagation-Artificial-Neural-Networks (C P-ANNs) have been applied in several domains due to their learning and classification abilities. Regardless of their strength, the CP-ANNs still have some limitations in pattern recognition tasks when they encounter ambiguities during the learning process, which leads to the inaccurate classification of the Kohonen-Self-Organizing-Map (K-SOM). This problem has an impact on the performance of the CP-ANNs. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel strategy to improve the CP-ANNs by the Gram-Schmidt algorithm (GSHM) as a pre-processing step of the original data without changing their architecture. Three datasets examples from various domains, such as correlation, crop, and fertilizer, were employed for experimental validation. To obtain the results, we relied on two simulations. The first simulation uses CP-ANNs, and the datasets are inputted into the network without any prior pre-processing. The second simulation uses MCP-ANNs, and the datasets are pre-processed through the GSHM block. Experiment results show that the proposed MCP-ANNs recognize all patterns with a classification accuracy of 100% versus 62.5% for CP-ANNs in the Correlation Dataset. Furthermore, the proposed MCP-ANNs reduce the execution time and training parameter values in all datasets versus CP-ANNs. Thus, the proposed approach based on the GSHM algorithm significantly improves the performance of the CP-ANNs

    Image Based Leaf Area Measurement Method Using Artificial Neural Network

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    Leaf area is an important parameter in plant monitoring. An automatic method for measuring leaf area is needed to obtain accurate result. In this paper, a method for automatic leaf area measurement from image is proposed. The method captured the image of leaf without object reference. Four features were extracted from the image and used as input to artificial neural network for estimating leaf area. The experiment results show that the proposed method can measure leaf area with mean absolute relative error less than 1% and less computational time

    Reinforcement learning based adaptive power pinch analysis for energy management of stand-alone hybrid energy storage systems considering uncertainty

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    Hybrid energy storage systems (HESS) involve synergies between multiple energy storage technologies with complementary operating features aimed at enhancing the reliability of intermittent renewable energy sources (RES). Nevertheless, coordinating HESS through optimized energy management strategies (EMS) introduces complexity. The latter has been previously addressed by the authors through a systems-level graphical EMS via Power Pinch Analysis (PoPA). Although of proven efficiency, accounting for uncertainty with PoPA has been an issue, due to the assumption of a perfect day ahead (DA) generation and load profiles forecast. This paper proposes three adaptive PoPA-based EMS, aimed at negating load demand and RES stochastic variability. Each method has its own merits such as; reduced computational complexity and improved accuracy depending on the probability density function of uncertainty. The first and simplest adaptive scheme is based on a receding horizon model predictive control framework. The second employs a Kalman filter, whereas the third is based on a machine learning algorithm. The three methods are assessed on a real isolated HESS microgrid built in Greece. In validating the proposed methods against the DA PoPA, the proposed methods all performed better with regards to violation of the energy storage operating constraints and plummeting carbon emission footprint

    Klasifikasi EEG Epilepsi Menggunakan Singular Spectrum Analysis, Power Spectral Density Dan Convolution Neural Network

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    Epilepsi merupakan gangguan pada sistem syaraf otak manusia dan menyebabkan berbagai reaksi terhadap tubuh manusia. Epilepsi dapat dideteksi dengan menggunakan Electroencephalogram (EEG). Analisis secara visual tidak mungkin dilakukan secara rutin, sehingga sistem komputer diusulkan sebagai sistem deteksi otomatis pada EEG. Langkah yang biasa dikembangkan dalam sistem deteksi EEG secara otomatis adalah ekstraksi fitur dan klasifikasi. Power Spectral Density (PSD) adalah metode ekstraksi fitur yang sering dipakai untuk memunculkan karakteristik EEG dengan mengelompokkan energi pada EEG. Pada proses klasifikasi terdapat metode Convolution Neural Network (CNN) yang dapat mereduksi fitur dari EEG dan dapat digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan multiclass dari EEG. Namun, data EEG memiliki kecenderungan bercampur dengan noise berupa sinyal yang lain saat perekaman, oleh karena itu sebelum data EEG digunakan dalam proses selanjutnya, perlu dilakukan pengolahan terlebih dahulu. Pada penelitian ini diusulkan penggabungan metode Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) untuk penghilang noise, Power Spectral Density (PSD) sebagai ekstraksi fitur dan Convolution Neural Network (CNN) sebagai klasifier. Diharapkan kombinasi tersebut dapat memperbaiki akurasi dari klasifikasi EEG kelas A, B, C, D, dan E. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui beberapa fase, fase pertama adalah menghilangkan noise yang bercampur dengan sinyal EEG dengan menggunakan SSA. Selanjutnya ekstraksi fitur menggunakan PSD untuk diambil energi dari sinyalnya, dan terakhir akan diklasifikasi dengan CNN. Pengujian klasifikasi akan dilakukan ke 500 sinyal dengan target 5 kelas dan 3 kelas. Untuk mengetahui performa terhadap metode yang diusulkan, akan dilakukan pengujian secara terpisah antara gabungan PSD dengan CNN yang akan dibandingkan dengan gabungan SSA, PSD dan CNN. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba, metode yang diusulkan yaitu SSA, PSD dan CNN dapat meningkatkan rata-rata hasil akurasi klasifikasi sinyal EEG untuk epilepsi sebesar 1,2% dari 93,2% menjadi 94,4%, untuk kasus 3 kelas dan meningkatkan 13,4% dari 78,6% menjadi 92%, untuk kasus 5 kelas dibandingkan metode PSD dengan CNN. ================================================================= Epilepsy is a disorder of the human brain system and causes a variety reactions to the human body. Epilepsy can be detected using Electroencephalogram (EEG). Visual analysis can not be done routinely, so computer system is proposed as an automatic detection system in the EEG. Commonly, steps that developed in automatic EEG detection system are featuring extraction and classification field . Power Spectral Density (PSD) is one of feature extraction methods are often used to bring up the EEG characteristics by featuing energy in the EEG. In the classification process, Convolution Neural Network (CNN) reduces the features of EEG and it can be used to classify multiclasses from EEG. However, the EEG data have a problem with other noise during recording, therefore before the EEG data used in the classification process, pre processing needs to be done first. In this study, we proposed the combination of Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) for reducing noise, Power Spectral Density (PSD) as a feature extraction and Convolution Neural Network (CNN) as aclassifier. It is expected that the combination can improve the accuracy of EEG classification of class A, B, C, D, and E. The study was conducted in several phases, the first phase is to eliminate noise mixed with the EEG signals by using SSA. Furthermore, feature extraction using PSD to take the energy of the signal, and the extracted features will be classified with CNN. The testswere for the classification of 500 signal with a target of 5 classes and 3 classes. The performance of the proposed method will be performed by comparing the previous method of combined PSD, CNN with the proposed method of combined SSA, PSD and CNN. Based on the results of the experiment, proposed method of combined SSA, PSD and CNN can increases the average accuracy results of EEG signal for epileptic diseases classification by 1.2% from 93.2% to 94.4%, for 3 classes case and increases 13.4% from 78.6% to 92%, for 5 classes case compared to previous method of combined PSD, CNN

    Plantwide simulation and monitoring of offshore oil and gas production facility

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    Monitoring is one of the major concerns in offshore oil and gas production platform since the access to the offshore facilities is difficult. Also, it is quite challenging to extract oil and gas safely in such a harsh environment, and any abnormalities may lead to a catastrophic event. The process data, including all possible faulty scenarios, is required to build an appropriate monitoring system. Since the plant wide process data is not available in the literature, a dynamic model and simulation of an offshore oil and gas production platform is developed by using Aspen HYSYS. Modeling and simulations are handy tools for designing and predicting the accurate behavior of a production plant. The model was built based on the gas processing plant at the North Sea platform reported in Voldsund et al. (2013). Several common faults from different fault categories were simulated in the dynamic system, and their impacts on the overall hydrocarbon production were analyzed. The simulated data are then used to build a monitoring system for each of the faulty states. A new monitoring method has been proposed by combining Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Dynamic PCA (DPCA) with Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The application of ANN to process systems is quite difficult as it involves a very large number of input neurons to model the system. Training of such large scale network is time-consuming and provides poor accuracy with a high error rate. In PCA-ANN and DPCA-ANN monitoring system, PCA and DPCA are used to reduce the dimension of the training data set and extract the main features of measured variables. Subsequently ANN uses this lower-dimensional score vectors to build a training model and classify the abnormalities. It is found that the proposed approach reduces the time to train ANN and successfully diagnose, detects and classifies the faults with a high accuracy rate