53 research outputs found

    A Novel Codeword Selection Scheme for MIMO-MAC Lower-Bound Maximization

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    [EN] Aiming at the limitations of the existing Limited Feedback Interference Alignment algorithms, this paper proposes a direct codeword selection scheme that maximizes the lower-bound of the user rate and reduces the sum rate loss by integrating the Bit Allocation algorithm. The target signal is decoded using the maximum signal to interference plus noise ratio (MAX-SINR) algorithm. Moreover, low complexity and global searching mechanisms are deployed to select the optimized codewords from the generated sets of codewords that approach the ideal precoder. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm effectively improves the rate lower-bound of the system user as compared with the existing state-of-the-art algorithms.This research was funded by Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de Espana grant number BIA2017-87573-C2-2-P.Shahjehan, W.; Shah, SW.; Lloret, J.; Bosch Roig, I. (2018). A Novel Codeword Selection Scheme for MIMO-MAC Lower-Bound Maximization. Entropy. 20(8):1-19. doi:10.3390/e20080546S11920

    Resource Allocation for Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output Interference Networks

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    To meet the exponentially increasing traffic data driven by the rapidly growing mobile subscriptions, both industry and academia are exploring the potential of a new genera- tion (5G) of wireless technologies. An important 5G goal is to achieve high data rate. Small cells with spectrum sharing and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques are one of the most promising 5G technologies, since it enables to increase the aggregate data rate by improving the spectral efficiency, nodes density and transmission bandwidth, respectively. However, the increased interference in the densified networks will in return limit the achievable rate performance if not properly managed. The considered setup can be modeled as MIMO interference networks, which can be classified into the K-user MIMO interference channel (IC) and the K-cell MIMO interfering broadcast channel/multiple access channel (MIMO-IBC/IMAC) according to the number of mobile stations (MSs) simultaneously served by each base station (BS). The thesis considers two physical layer (PHY) resource allocation problems that deal with the interference for both models: 1) Pareto boundary computation for the achiev- able rate region in a K-user single-stream MIMO IC and 2) grouping-based interference alignment (GIA) with optimized IA-Cell assignment in a MIMO-IMAC under limited feedback. In each problem, the thesis seeks to provide a deeper understanding of the system and novel mathematical results, along with supporting numerical examples. Some of the main contributions can be summarized as follows. It is an open problem to compute the Pareto boundary of the achievable rate region for a K-user single-stream MIMO IC. The K-user single-stream MIMO IC models multiple transmitter-receiver pairs which operate over the same spectrum simultaneously. Each transmitter and each receiver is equipped with multiple antennas, and a single desired data stream is communicated in each transmitter-receiver link. The individual achievable rates of the K users form a K-dimensional achievable rate region. To find efficient operating points in the achievable rate region, the Pareto boundary computation problem, which can be formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem, needs to be solved. The thesis transforms the multi-objective optimization problem to two single-objective optimization problems–single constraint rate maximization problem and alternating rate profile optimization problem, based on the formulations of the ε-constraint optimization and the weighted Chebyshev optimization, respectively. The thesis proposes two alternating optimization algorithms to solve both single-objective optimization problems. The convergence of both algorithms is guaranteed. Also, a heuristic initialization scheme is provided for each algorithm to achieve a high-quality solution. By varying the weights in each single-objective optimization problem, numerical results show that both algorithms provide an inner bound very close to the Pareto boundary. Furthermore, the thesis also computes some key points exactly on the Pareto boundary in closed-form. A framework for interference alignment (IA) under limited feedback is proposed for a MIMO-IMAC. The MIMO-IMAC well matches the uplink scenario in cellular system, where multiple cells share their spectrum and operate simultaneously. In each cell, a BS receives the desired signals from multiple MSs within its own cell and each BS and each MS is equipped with multi-antenna. By allowing the inter-cell coordination, the thesis develops a distributed IA framework under limited feedback from three aspects: the GIA, the IA-Cell assignment and dynamic feedback bit allocation (DBA), respec- tively. Firstly, the thesis provides a complete study along with some new improvements of the GIA, which enables to compute the exact IA precoders in closed-form, based on local channel state information at the receiver (CSIR). Secondly, the concept of IA-Cell assignment is introduced and its effect on the achievable rate and degrees of freedom (DoF) performance is analyzed. Two distributed matching approaches and one centralized assignment approach are proposed to find a good IA-Cell assignment in three scenrios with different backhaul overhead. Thirdly, under limited feedback, the thesis derives an upper bound of the residual interference to noise ratio (RINR), formulates and solves a corresponding DBA problem. Finally, numerical results show that the proposed GIA with optimized IA-Cell assignment and the DBA greatly outperforms the traditional GIA algorithm

    Set optimization for efficient interference alignment in heterogeneous networks

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    To increase capacity and offload traffic from the current macro-cell cellular system operators are considering the deployment of small-cells. It is expected that both the small and macro-cells will coexist in the same spectrum resulting in unsustainable levels of interference. Interference alignment is considered as an effective method to deal with such interfer- ence. By using interference alignment the small-cells align their transmission along a common direction to allow the macro-cell receiver to completely remove it. It is clear that if the two systems have no limitations on the information that may be exchanged between them to perform the signal design, then the performance may be improved in comparison to the case of no or partial cooperation. However, this full cooperation strategy requires a high-rate connection between the macro and small-cells, which may not be available. To overcome this problem we consider that the alignment direction is selected from a finite set, known to both macro and small-cell terminals. We provide sufficient conditions for this set that guarantee full-diversity, at the macro- cell, and propose an efficient method to optimize the set elements. Results show that an alignment set with a description length of 1 bit is enough to achieve the same diversity as in the case where an infinite amount of information is exchanged between both systems. The proposed set optimization method achieves better performance than random vector quantization and similar performance to Grassmannian quantization

    Limited Feedback Design for Interference Alignment on MIMO Interference Networks with Heterogeneous Path Loss and Spatial Correlations

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    Interference alignment is degree of freedom optimal in K -user MIMO interference channels and many previous works have studied the transceiver designs. However, these works predominantly focus on networks with perfect channel state information at the transmitters and symmetrical interference topology. In this paper, we consider a limited feedback system with heterogeneous path loss and spatial correlations, and investigate how the dynamics of the interference topology can be exploited to improve the feedback efficiency. We propose a novel spatial codebook design, and perform dynamic quantization via bit allocations to adapt to the asymmetry of the interference topology. We bound the system throughput under the proposed dynamic scheme in terms of the transmit SNR, feedback bits and the interference topology parameters. It is shown that when the number of feedback bits scales with SNR as C_{s}\cdot\log\textrm{SNR}, the sum degrees of freedom of the network are preserved. Moreover, the value of scaling coefficient C_{s} can be significantly reduced in networks with asymmetric interference topology.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, accepted by IEEE transactions on signal processing in Feb. 201

    Feedback of channel state information in multi-antenna systems based on quantization of channel Gram matrices

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    This dissertation deals with the proper design of efficient feedback strategies for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) communication systems. MIMO systems outperform single antenna systems in terms of achievable throughput and are more resilient to noise and interference, which are becoming the limiting factors in the current and future communications. Apart from the clear performance advantages, MIMO systems introduce an additional complexity factor, since they require knowledge of the propagation channel in order to be able to adapt the transmission to the propagation channel’s characteristics and achieve optimum performance. This channel knowledge, also known as Channel State Information (CSI), is estimated at the receiver and sent to the transmitter through a limited feedback link. In this dissertation, first, the minimum channel information necessary at the transmitter for the optimum precoding design is identified. This minimum information for the optimum design of the system corresponds to the channel Gram matrix. It is essential for the design of optimized systems to avoid the transmission of redundant feedback information. Following this idea, a quantization algorithm that exploits the differential geometry of the set of Gram matrices and the correlation in time present in most propagation channels is developed in order to greatly improve the feedback performance. This scheme is applied first to single-user MIMO communications, then to some particular multiuser scenarios, and finally it is extended to general multiuser broadcast communications. To conclude, the feedback link sizing is studied. An analysis of the tradeoff between size of the forward link and size of the feedback link isformulated and the radio resource allocation problem, in terms of transmission energy, time, and bandwidth of the forward and feedback links is presented.En un mundo cada vez más interconectado, donde hay una clara tendencia hacia un mayor número de comunicaciones inalámbricas simultáneas (comunicaciones M2M: Machine to Machine, redes de sensores, etc.) y en el que las necesidades de capacidad de transmisión de los enlaces de comunicaciones aumentan de manera vertiginosa (audio, video, contenidos multimedia, alta definición, etc.) el problema de la interferencia se convierte en uno de los factores limitadores de los enlaces junto con los desvanecimientos del nivel de señal y las pérdidas de propagación. Por este motivo los sistemas que emplean múltiples antenas tanto en la transmisión como en la recepción (los llamados sistemas MIMO: Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) se presentan como una de las soluciones más interesantes para satisfacer los crecientes requisitos de capacidad y comportamiento relativo a interferencias. Los sistemas MIMO permiten obtener un mejor rendimiento en términos de tasa de transmisión de información y a su vez son más robustos frente a ruido e interferencias en el canal. Esto significa que pueden usarse para aumentar la capacidad de los enlaces de comunicaciones actuales o para reducir drásticamente el consumo energético manteniendo las mismas prestaciones. Por otro lado, además de estas claras ventajas, los sistemas MIMO introducen un punto de complejidad adicional puesto que para aprovechar al máximo las posibilidades de estos sistemas es necesario tener conocimiento de la información de estado del canal (CSI: Channel State Information) tanto en el transmisor como en el receptor. Esta CSI se obtiene mediante estimación de canal en el receptor y posteriormente se envía al transmisor a través de un canal de realimentación. Esta tesis trata sobre el diseño del canal de realimentación para la transmisión de CSI, que es un elemento fundamental de los sistemas de comunicaciones del presente y del futuro. Las técnicas de transmisión que consideran activamente el efecto de la interferencia y el ruido requieren adaptarse al canal y, para ello, la realimentación de CSI es necesaria. En esta tesis se identifica, en primer lugar, la mínima información sobre el estado del canal necesaria para implementar un diseño óptimo en el transmisor, con el fin de evitar transmitir información redundante y obtener así un sistema más eficiente. Esta información es la matriz de Gram del canal MIMO. Seguidamente, se desarrolla un algoritmo de cuantificación adaptado a la geometría diferencial del conjunto que contiene la información a cuantificar y que además aprovecha la correlación temporal existente en los canales de propagación inalámbricos. Este algoritmo se implementa y evalúa primero en comunicaciones MIMO punto a punto entre dos usuarios, después se implementa para algunos casos particulares con múltiples usuarios, y finalmente se amplía para el caso general de sistemas broadcast multi-usuario. Adicionalmente, esta tesis también estudia y optimiza el dimensionamiento del canal de realimentación en función de la cantidad de recursos radio disponibles, en términos de ancho de banda, tiempo y potencia de transmisión. Para ello presenta el problema de la distribución óptima de dichos recursos radio entre el enlace de transmisión de datos y el enlace de realimentación para transmisión de información sobre estado del canal como un problema de optimización