1,629 research outputs found

    Optimización metaheurística aplicada en la gestión de pavimentos asfálticos

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    Pavement engineering is a crossroads between geotechnical and transportation engineering with a sound base on construction materials. There are multiple applications of optimization algorithms in pavement engineering, emphasizing pavement management for its socioeconomic implications and back-calculation of layer properties for its complexity. A detailed literature review shows that optimization has been a permanent concern in pavement engineering. However, only in the last two decades, the increase in computational power allowed the implementation of metaheuristic optimization techniques with promising results in research and practice. Pavement management requires powerful optimization tools for multi-objective problems such as minimizing costs and maximizing the pavement state from network to project level with constrained budgets. A substantial amount of research focuses on genetic algorithms (GA), but new developments include particle intelligence (PSO, ACO, and ABC). The study must go beyond small-sized networks to improve the management of existing road infrastructure (pavement, bridges) based on mechanistic and reliability criteria.La ingeniería de pavimentos es una encrucijada entre la ingeniería geotécnica y la ingeniería de transporte con una sólida base en los materiales de construcción. Existen diferentes aplicaciones de los algoritmos de optimización en la ingeniería de pavimentos, las cuales enfatizan la gestión del pavimento por sus implicaciones socioeconómicas y el cálculo inverso de las propiedades de las capas por su complejidad. Una revisión detallada de la literatura muestra que la optimización ha sido una preocupación permanente en la ingeniería de pavimentos; sin embargo, solo en las últimas dos décadas, el incremento del poder computacional permitió la implementación de técnicas de optimización metaheurísticas con resultados prometedores en la investigación y en la práctica. La gestión del pavimento requiere poderosas herramientas de optimización para problemas con objetivos múltiples, como minimizar costos y maximizar el estado del pavimento desde el nivel de la red hasta el del proyecto con presupuestos limitados. Una cantidad sustancial de investigaciones se centra en los algoritmos genéticos (AG), pero los nuevos desarrollos incluyen inteligencia de partículas (PSO, ACO y ABC). El estudio debe ir más allá de las redes de pequeño tamaño para mejorar la gestión de la infraestructura vial existente (pavimento, puentes) con base en criterios mecanicistas y de confiabilidad

    An Evolutionary Algorithm For The Nurse Scheduling Problem With Circadian Rhythms [RT89.N76 R278 2004 f rb][Microfiche 7574].

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    This thesis investigates the use of memetic algorithm (MA) for solving the nurse scheduling problem

    Enhanced evolutionary algorithm with cuckoo search for nurse scheduling and rescheduling problem

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    Nurse shortage, uncertain absenteeism and stress are the constituents of an unhealthy working environment in a hospital. These matters have impact on nurses' social lives and medication errors that threaten patients' safety, which lead to nurse turnover and low quality service. To address some of the issues, utilizing the existing nurses through an effective work schedule is the best alternative. However, there exists a problem of creating undesirable and non-stable nurse schedules for nurses' shift work. Thus, this research attempts to overcome these challenges by integrating components of a nurse scheduling and rescheduling problem which have normally been addressed separately in previous studies. However, when impromptu schedule changes are required and certain numbers of constraints need to be satisfied, there is a lack of flexibility element in most of scheduling and rescheduling approaches. By embedding the element, this gives a potential platform for enhancing the Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) which has been identified as the solution approach. Therefore, to minimize the constraint violations and make little but attentive changes to a postulated schedule during a disruption, an integrated model of EA with Cuckoo Search (CS) is proposed. A concept of restriction enzyme is adapted in the CS. A total of 11 EA model variants were constructed with three new parent selections, two new crossovers, and a crossover-based retrieval operator, that specifically are theoretical contributions. The proposed EA with Discovery Rate Tournament and Cuckoo Search Restriction Enzyme Point Crossover (DᵣT_CSREP) model emerges as the most effective in producing 100% feasible schedules with the minimum penalty value. Moreover, all tested disruptions were solved successfully through preretrieval and Cuckoo Search Restriction Enzyme Point Retrieval (CSREPᵣ) operators. Consequently, the EA model is able to fulfill nurses' preferences, offer fair on-call delegation, better quality of shift changes for retrieval, and comprehension on the two-way dependency between scheduling and rescheduling by examining the seriousness of disruptions

    Integrating ant colony and genetic algorithms in the balancing and scheduling of complex assembly lines

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    Copyright © 2015 Springer. This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication in The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. The final publication is available at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00170-015-7320-y. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.Different from a large number of existing studies in the literature, this paper addresses two important issues in managing production lines, the problems of line balancing and model sequencing, concurrently. A novel hybrid agent-based ant colony optimization–genetic algorithm approach is developed for the solution of mixed model parallel two-sided assembly line balancing and sequencing problem. The existing agent-based ant colony optimization algorithm is enhanced with the integration of a new genetic algorithm-based model sequencing mechanism. The algorithm provides ants the opportunity of selecting a random behavior among ten heuristics commonly used in the line balancing domain. A numerical example is given to illustrate the solution building procedure of the algorithm and the evolution of the chromosomes. The performance of the developed algorithm is also assessed through test problems and analysis of their solutions through a statistical test, namely paired sample t test. In accordance with the test results, it is statistically proven that the integrated genetic algorithm-based model sequencing engine helps agent-based ant colony optimization algorithm robustly find significantly better quality solutions

    Meta-heuristic based Construction Supply Chain Modelling and Optimization

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    Driven by the severe competition within the construction industry, the necessity of improving and optimizing the performance of construction supply chain has been aroused. This thesis proposes three problems with regard to the construction supply chain optimization from three perspectives, namely, deterministic single objective optimization, stochastic optimization and multi-objective optimization respectively. Mathematical models for each problem are constructed accordingly and meta-heuristic algorithms are developed and applied for resolving these three problems

    Dynamic allocation of operators in a hybrid human-machine 4.0 context

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    La transformation numérique et le mouvement « industrie 4.0 » reposent sur des concepts tels que l'intégration et l'interconnexion des systèmes utilisant des données en temps réel. Dans le secteur manufacturier, un nouveau paradigme d'allocation dynamique des ressources humaines devient alors possible. Plutôt qu'une allocation statique des opérateurs aux machines, nous proposons d'affecter directement les opérateurs aux différentes tâches qui nécessitent encore une intervention humaine dans une usine majoritairement automatisée. Nous montrons les avantages de ce nouveau paradigme avec des expériences réalisées à l'aide d'un modèle de simulation à événements discrets. Un modèle d'optimisation qui utilise des données industrielles en temps réel et produit une allocation optimale des tâches est également développé. Nous montrons que l'allocation dynamique des ressources humaines est plus performante qu'une allocation statique. L'allocation dynamique permet une augmentation de 30% de la quantité de pièces produites durant une semaine de production. De plus, le modèle d'optimisation utilisé dans le cadre de l'approche d'allocation dynamique mène à des plans de production horaire qui réduisent les retards de production causés par les opérateurs de 76 % par rapport à l'approche d'allocation statique. Le design d'un système pour l'implantation de ce projet de nature 4.0 utilisant des données en temps réel dans le secteur manufacturier est proposé.The Industry 4.0 movement is based on concepts such as the integration and interconnexion of systems using real-time data. In the manufacturing sector, a new dynamic allocation paradigm of human resources then becomes possible. Instead of a static allocation of operators to machines, we propose to allocate the operators directly to the different tasks that still require human intervention in a mostly automated factory. We show the benefits of this new paradigm with experiments performed on a discrete-event simulation model based on an industrial partner's system. An optimization model that uses real-time industrial data and produces an optimal task allocation plan that can be used in real time is also developed. We show that the dynamic allocation of human resources outperforms a static allocation, even with standard operator training levels. With discrete-event simulation, we show that dynamic allocation leads to a 30% increase in the quantity of parts produced. Additionally, the optimization model used under the dynamic allocation approach produces hourly production plans that decrease production delays caused by human operators by up to 76% compared to the static allocation approach. An implementation system for this 4.0 project using real-time data in the manufacturing sector is furthermore proposed

    Models and Algorithms for the Optimisation of Replenishment, Production and Distribution Plans in Industrial Enterprises

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La optimización en las empresas manufactureras es especialmente importante, debido a las grandes inversiones que realizan, ya que a veces estas inversiones no obtienen el rendimiento esperado porque los márgenes de beneficio de los productos son muy ajustados. Por ello, las empresas tratan de maximizar el uso de los recursos productivos y financieros minimizando el tiempo perdido y, al mismo tiempo, mejorando los flujos de los procesos y satisfaciendo las necesidades del mercado. El proceso de planificación es una actividad crítica para las empresas. Esta tarea implica grandes retos debido a los cambios del mercado, las alteraciones en los procesos de producción dentro de la empresa y en la cadena de suministro, y los cambios en la legislación, entre otros. La planificación del aprovisionamiento, la producción y la distribución desempeña un papel fundamental en el rendimiento de las empresas manufactureras, ya que una planificación ineficaz de los proveedores, los procesos de producción y los sistemas de distribución contribuye a aumentar los costes de los productos, a alargar los plazos de entrega y a reducir los beneficios. La planificación eficaz es un proceso complejo que abarca una amplia gama de actividades para garantizar que los equipos, los materiales y los recursos humanos estén disponibles en el momento y el lugar adecuados. Motivados por la complejidad de la planificación en las empresas manufactureras, esta tesis estudia y desarrolla herramientas cuantitativas para ayudar a los planificadores en los procesos de la planificación del aprovisionamiento, producción y distribución. Desde esta perspectiva, se proponen modelos realistas y métodos eficientes para apoyar la toma de decisiones en las empresas industriales, principalmente en las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES). Las aportaciones de esta tesis suponen un avance científico basado en una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica sobre la planificación del aprovisionamiento, la producción y la distribución que ayuda a comprender los principales modelos y algoritmos utilizados para resolver estos planes, y pone en relieve las tendencias y las futuras direcciones de investigación. También proporciona un marco holístico para caracterizar los modelos y algoritmos centrándose en la planificación de la producción, la programación y la secuenciación. Esta tesis también propone una herramienta de apoyo a la decisión para seleccionar un algoritmo o método de solución para resolver problemas concretos de la planificación del aprovisionamiento, producción y distribución en función de su complejidad, lo que permite a los planificadores no duplicar esfuerzos de modelización o programación de técnicas de solución. Por último, se desarrollan nuevos modelos matemáticos y enfoques de solución de última generación, como los algoritmos matheurísticos, que combinan la programación matemática y las técnicas metaheurísticas. Los nuevos modelos y algoritmos comprenden mejoras en términos de rendimiento computacional, e incluyen características realistas de los problemas del mundo real a los que se enfrentan las empresas de fabricación. Los modelos matemáticos han sido validados con un caso de una importante empresa del sector de la automoción en España, lo que ha permitido evaluar la relevancia práctica de estos novedosos modelos utilizando instancias de gran tamaño, similares a las existentes en la empresa objeto de estudio. Además, los algoritmos matheurísticos han sido probados utilizando herramientas libres y de código abierto. Esto también contribuye a la práctica de la investigación operativa, y proporciona una visión de cómo desplegar estos métodos de solución y el tiempo de cálculo y rendimiento de la brecha que se puede obtener mediante el uso de software libre o de código abierto.[CA] L'optimització a les empreses manufactureres és especialment important, a causa de les grans inversions que realitzen, ja que de vegades aquestes inversions no obtenen el rendiment esperat perquè els marges de benefici dels productes són molt ajustats. Per això, les empreses intenten maximitzar l'ús dels recursos productius i financers minimitzant el temps perdut i, alhora, millorant els fluxos dels processos i satisfent les necessitats del mercat. El procés de planificació és una activitat crítica per a les empreses. Aquesta tasca implica grans reptes a causa dels canvis del mercat, les alteracions en els processos de producció dins de l'empresa i la cadena de subministrament, i els canvis en la legislació, entre altres. La planificació de l'aprovisionament, la producció i la distribució té un paper fonamental en el rendiment de les empreses manufactureres, ja que una planificació ineficaç dels proveïdors, els processos de producció i els sistemes de distribució contribueix a augmentar els costos dels productes, allargar els terminis de lliurament i reduir els beneficis. La planificació eficaç és un procés complex que abasta una àmplia gamma d'activitats per garantir que els equips, els materials i els recursos humans estiguen disponibles al moment i al lloc adequats. Motivats per la complexitat de la planificació a les empreses manufactureres, aquesta tesi estudia i desenvolupa eines quantitatives per ajudar als planificadors en els processos de la planificació de l'aprovisionament, producció i distribució. Des d'aquesta perspectiva, es proposen models realistes i mètodes eficients per donar suport a la presa de decisions a les empreses industrials, principalment a les petites i mitjanes empreses (PIMES). Les aportacions d'aquesta tesi suposen un avenç científic basat en una exhaustiva revisió bibliogràfica sobre la planificació de l'aprovisionament, la producció i la distribució que ajuda a comprendre els principals models i algorismes utilitzats per resoldre aquests plans, i posa de relleu les tendències i les futures direccions de recerca. També proporciona un marc holístic per caracteritzar els models i algorismes centrant-se en la planificació de la producció, la programació i la seqüenciació. Aquesta tesi també proposa una eina de suport a la decisió per seleccionar un algorisme o mètode de solució per resoldre problemes concrets de la planificació de l'aprovisionament, producció i distribució en funció de la seua complexitat, cosa que permet als planificadors no duplicar esforços de modelització o programació de tècniques de solució. Finalment, es desenvolupen nous models matemàtics i enfocaments de solució d'última generació, com ara els algoritmes matheurístics, que combinen la programació matemàtica i les tècniques metaheurístiques. Els nous models i algoritmes comprenen millores en termes de rendiment computacional, i inclouen característiques realistes dels problemes del món real a què s'enfronten les empreses de fabricació. Els models matemàtics han estat validats amb un cas d'una important empresa del sector de l'automoció a Espanya, cosa que ha permés avaluar la rellevància pràctica d'aquests nous models utilitzant instàncies grans, similars a les existents a l'empresa objecte d'estudi. A més, els algorismes matheurístics han estat provats utilitzant eines lliures i de codi obert. Això també contribueix a la pràctica de la investigació operativa, i proporciona una visió de com desplegar aquests mètodes de solució i el temps de càlcul i rendiment de la bretxa que es pot obtindre mitjançant l'ús de programari lliure o de codi obert.[EN] Optimisation in manufacturing companies is especially important, due to the large investments they make, as sometimes these investments do not obtain the expected return because the profit margins of products are very tight. Therefore, companies seek to maximise the use of productive and financial resources by minimising lost time and, at the same time, improving process flows while meeting market needs. The planning process is a critical activity for companies. This task involves great challenges due to market changes, alterations in production processes within the company and in the supply chain, and changes in legislation, among others. Planning of replenishment, production and distribution plays a critical role in the performance of manufacturing companies because ineffective planning of suppliers, production processes and distribution systems contributes to higher product costs, longer lead times and less profits. Effective planning is a complex process that encompasses a wide range of activities to ensure that equipment, materials and human resources are available in the right time and the right place. Motivated by the complexity of planning in manufacturing companies, this thesis studies and develops quantitative tools to help planners in the replenishment, production and delivery planning processes. From this perspective, realistic models and efficient methods are proposed to support decision making in industrial companies, mainly in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The contributions of this thesis represent a scientific breakthrough based on a comprehensive literature review about replenishment, production and distribution planning that helps to understand the main models and algorithms used to solve these plans, and highlights trends and future research directions. It also provides a holistic framework to characterise models and algorithms by focusing on production planning, scheduling and sequencing. This thesis also proposes a decision support tool for selecting an algorithm or solution method to solve concrete replenishment, production and distribution planning problems according to their complexity, which allows planners to not duplicate efforts modelling or programming solution techniques. Finally, new state-of-the-art mathematical models and solution approaches are developed, such as matheuristic algorithms, which combine mathematical programming and metaheuristic techniques. The new models and algorithms comprise improvements in computational performance terms, and include realistic features of real-world problems faced by manufacturing companies. The mathematical models have been validated with a case of an important company in the automotive sector in Spain, which allowed to evaluate the practical relevance of these novel models using large instances, similarly to those existing in the company under study. In addition, the matheuristic algorithms have been tested using free and open-source tools. This also helps to contribute to the practice of operations research, and provides insight into how to deploy these solution methods and the computational time and gap performance that can be obtained by using free or open-source software.This work would not have been possible without the following funding sources: Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte, Generalitat Valenciana for hiring predoctoral research staff with Grant (ACIF/2018/170) and the European Social Fund with the Grant Operational Programme of FSE 2014-2020. Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte, Generalitat Valenciana for predoctoral contract students to stay in research centers outside the research centers outside the Valencian Community (BEFPI/2021/040) and the European Social Fund.Guzmán Ortiz, BE. (2022). Models and Algorithms for the Optimisation of Replenishment, Production and Distribution Plans in Industrial Enterprises [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/187461Compendi

    A hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm-based semantic foundation for sustainable distributed manufacturing systems

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    Rising energy prices, increasing maintenance costs, and strict environmental regimes have augmented the already existing pressure on the contemporary manufacturing environment. Although the decentralization of supply chain has led to rapid advancements in manufacturing systems, finding an efficient supplier simultaneously from the pool of available ones as per customer requirement and enhancing the process planning and scheduling functions are the predominant approaches still needed to be addressed. Therefore, this paper aims to address this issue by considering a set of gear manufacturing industries located across India as a case study. An integrated classifier-assisted evolutionary multi-objective evolutionary approach is proposed for solving the objectives of makespan, energy consumption, and increased service utilization rate, interoperability, and reliability. To execute the approach initially, text-mining-based supervised machine-learning models, namely Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machines (SVM) were adopted for the classification of suppliers into task-specific suppliers. Following this, with the identified suppliers as input, the problem was formulated as a multi-objective Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model. We then proposed a Hybrid Multi-Objective Moth Flame Optimization algorithm (HMFO) to optimize process planning and scheduling functions. Numerical experiments have been carried out with the formulated problem for 10 different instances, along with a comparison of the results with a Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) to illustrate the feasibility of the approach.The project is funded by Department of Science and Technology, Science and Engineering Research Board (DST-SERB), Statutory Body Established through an Act of Parliament: SERB Act 2008, Government of India with Sanction Order No ECR/2016/001808, and also by FCT–Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology within the R&D Units Projects Scopes: UIDB/00319/2020, UIDP/04077/2020, and UIDB/04077/2020