13 research outputs found

    Performance of Routing Protocol in MANET with Combined Scalable Video Coding

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    Development of wireless network technology to support various types of information services continues to increase especially in video streaming services. Video transmission especially in Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) environment used in this research, particularly in the Combined Scalable Video Coding (CSVC) scheme which is a development of H.264 / MPEG-4. The contribution of this research focuses on the analysis of the performance of AODV, DSDV and DSR routing protocols in the MANET environment for CSVC, which is a new scheme in the development of H.264 / MPEG-4  video schemes. Performance evaluation are measured using the NS-2 simulation that supports MANET environment. As test metrics in this study are the end-to- end delay and PSNR. The test result shows the end-to-end delay in AODV is 0.60 seconds; this is lower than results on DSDV and DSR. On PSNR, DSR simulation results show 16.2 dB. This result exceed those in AODV and DSDV. The results of this research evaluation are influenced by channels in wireless networks, the larger the wireless network channel the more streaming video frames can be accepted by the destination node.  

    Combined Scalable Video Coding Method for Wireless Transmission

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    Mobile video streaming is one of multimedia services that has developed very rapidly. Recently, bandwidth utilization for wireless transmission is the main problem in the field of multimedia communications. In this research, we offer a combination of scalable methods as the most attractive solution to this problem. Scalable method for wireless communication should adapt to input video sequence. Standard ITU (International Telecommunication Union) - Joint Scalable Video Model (JSVM) is employed to produce combined scalable video coding (CSVC) method that match the required quality of video streaming services for wireless transmission. The investigation in this paper shows that combined scalable technique outperforms the non-scalable one, in using bit rate capacity at certain layer

    Kinerja Protokol Routing Pada Lingkungan Wireless Mesh Network Dengan Combined Scalable Video Coding

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    Teknologi wireless mesh network (WMN) yang beroperasi pada standar IEEE 802.11 merupakan teknologi jaringan nirkabel terdiri dari mesh router dan mesh client dipadukan dengan internet, teknologi seluler dan jaringan sensor. Seiring perkembangan teknologi dan meningkatnya kebutuhan manusia, transmisi video melalui jaringan nirkabel semakin penting dan dibutuhkan. Umumnya, pembahasan transmisi video melalui teknologi jaringan nirkabel masih secara umum, sehingga memberikan tantangan dalam penggunaan throughput, end to end delay, packet loss dan PSNR. Combined Scalable Video Coding (CSCV) merupakan skema baru perkembangan dari H.264/MPEG-4. Pada penelitian ini CSCV digunakan untuk pengiriman video dengan standar IEEE 802.11 pada lingkungan WMN dan diaplikasikan pada protokol AODV, DSDV dan DSR. Untuk mengetahui kinerja protokol routing mana yang lebih baik dalam transmisi video CSVC digunakan metrik pengujian end to end delay, throughput, packet loss dan PSNR. Untuk analisis dan pengukuran data digunakan simulator NS-2, dan hasil percobaan simulasi yang dilakukan menunjukkan AODV memiliki nilai end to end delay yang rendah yaitu 0,57 detik, DSR memiliki nilai yang baik didalam throughput yaitu 31 kbps dan PSNR yaitu 22,7 dB, sedangkan DSDV memiliki packet loss yang rendah yaitu 56,4%

    Combined Scalable Video Coding Method for Wireless Transmission

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    Novel Approach for Evaluating Video Transmission using Combined Scalable Video Coding over Wireless Broadband Network

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    One of the main problems in video transmission is the bandwidth fluctuation in wireless channel. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find an efficient bandwidth utilization and method. This research utilizes the Combined Scalable Video Coding (CSVC) which comes from Joint Scalable Video Model (JSVM). In the combined scalable video coding, we implement Coarse Grain Scalability (CGS) and Medium Grain Scalability (MGS). We propose a new scheme in which it can be implemented on Network Simulator II (NS-2) over wireless broadband network. The advantages of this new scheme over the other schemes are more realistic and based on open source program. The result shows that CSVC implementation on MGS mode outperforms CGS mode

    Task complexity analysis and QoS management for mapping dynamic video-processing tasks on a multi-core platform

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    This paper addresses efficient mapping and reconfiguration of advanced video applications onto a general purpose multi-core platform. By accurately modeling the resource usage for an application, allocation of processing resources on the platform can be based on the actually needed resources instead of a worst-case approach, thereby improving Quality-of-Service (QoS). Here, we exploit a new and strongly upcoming class of dynamic video applications based on image and content analysis for resource management and control. Such applications are characterized by irregular computing behavior and memory usage. It is shown that with linear models and statistical techniques based on the Markov modeling, a rather good accuracy (94–97%) for predicting the resource usage can be obtained. This prediction accuracy is so good that it allows resource prediction at runtime, thereby leading to an actively controlled system management

    Kinerja Protokol Routing Pada Lingkungan Wireless Mesh Network Dengan Combined Scalable Video Coding (CSVC)

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    Teknologi jaringan nirkabel telah banyak digunakan, seperti teknologi jaringan nirkabel Mesh (WMN) yang beroperasi pada standar IEEE 802.11, yang terdiri dari mesh router dan mesh client dan umumnya dipadukan dengan teknologi jaringan yang lain seperti internet, teknologi seluler dan jaringan sensor. Seiring perkembangan teknologi dan meningkatnya kebutuhan manusia, transmisi video melalui teknologi jaringan nirkabel memberikan tantangan dalam penggunaan throughput, end to end delay, packet loss dan PSNR. Combined Scalable Video Coding (CSCV) merupakan perkembangan dari H.264/MPEG-4, digunakan pada riset ini untuk pengiriman video dengan standar IEEE 802.11 dikombinasikan dengan protokol routing seperti AODV, DSDV dan DSR untuk mendapatkan protokol routing yang efisien pada throughput,end to end delay, packet loss dan PSNR, sehingga diperoleh perbandingan kinerja pada protokol routing dengan transmisi video CSVC. Untuk analisis dan pengukuran data digunakan simulator NS-2, sehingga hasil analisis tersebut dap at diperoleh kesimpulan tentang evaluasi kinerja dari masing-masing protokol routing. ============================================================================================================================== Wireless network technology has been widely used, such as wireless mesh network technology (WMN) operating on IEEE 802.11 standard, which is comprised of mesh routers and mesh clients, and are generally combined with other networking technologies such as the Internet, mobile technology and sensor networks. Along with the development of technology and the increasing need for people, video transmission over wireless network technology provides a challenge in the use of throughput, end-to-end delay, packet loss and PSNR. Combined Scalable Video Coding (CSCV) is a development of the H.264 / MPEG-4, used in this research for video delivery with the IEEE 802.11 standard combined with routing protocols such as AODV, DSDV and DSR to obtain an efficient routing protocol in throughput, end-to-end delay, packet loss and PSNR, so the comparison of performance of the routing protocols with video transmisson CSVC For analysis and measurement of data used simulator NS-2, so that the analysis can be conclude about the evalua tion of the performance of each routing protocol

    Robust and efficient video/image transmission

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    The Internet has become a primary medium for information transmission. The unreliability of channel conditions, limited channel bandwidth and explosive growth of information transmission requests, however, hinder its further development. Hence, research on robust and efficient delivery of video/image content is demanding nowadays. Three aspects of this task, error burst correction, efficient rate allocation and random error protection are investigated in this dissertation. A novel technique, called successive packing, is proposed for combating multi-dimensional (M-D) bursts of errors. A new concept of basis interleaving array is introduced. By combining different basis arrays, effective M-D interleaving can be realized. It has been shown that this algorithm can be implemented only once and yet optimal for a set of error bursts having different sizes for a given two-dimensional (2-D) array. To adapt to variable channel conditions, a novel rate allocation technique is proposed for FineGranular Scalability (FGS) coded video, in which real data based rate-distortion modeling is developed, constant quality constraint is adopted and sliding window approach is proposed to adapt to the variable channel conditions. By using the proposed technique, constant quality is realized among frames by solving a set of linear functions. Thus, significant computational simplification is achieved compared with the state-of-the-art techniques. The reduction of the overall distortion is obtained at the same time. To combat the random error during the transmission, an unequal error protection (UEP) method and a robust error-concealment strategy are proposed for scalable coded video bitstreams