7,884 research outputs found

    A new view on grasping

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    Reaching out for an object is often described as consisting of two components that are based on different visual information. Information about the object’s position and orientation guides the hand to the object, while information about the object’s shape and size determines how the fingers move relative to the thumb to grasp it. We propose an alternative description, which consists of determining suitable positions on the object — on the basis of its shape, surface roughness, and so on — and then moving one’s thumb and fingers more or less independently to these positions. We modelled this description using a minimum jerk approach, whereby the finger and thumb approach their respective target positions approximately orthogonally to the surface. Our model predicts how experimental variables such as object size, movement speed, fragility, and required accuracy will influence the timing and size of the maximum aperture of the hand. An extensive review of experimental studies on grasping showed that the predicted influences correspond to human behaviour

    Pointing as an Instrumental Gesture : Gaze Representation Through Indication

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    The research of the first author was supported by a Fulbright Visiting Scholar Fellowship and developed in 2012 during a period of research visit at the University of Memphis.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Electroencephalographic evidence of vector inversion in antipointing

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    Mirror-symmetrical reaching movements (i.e., antipointing) produce a visual-field-specific pattern of endpoint bias consistent with a perceptual representation of visual space (Heath et al. in Exp Brain Res 192:275-286, 2009a; J Mot Behav 41:383-392 2009b). The goal of the present investigation was to examine the concurrent behavioural and event-related brain potentials (ERP) of pro- and antipointing to determine whether endpoint bias in the latter task is related to a remapping of the environmental parameters of a target (i.e., vector inversion hypothesis) or a shift of visual attention from a veridical to a cognitively represented target location (i.e., reallocation of attention hypothesis). As expected, results for antipointing-but not propointing-yielded a visual-field-specific pattern of endpoint bias. In terms of the ERP findings, an early component (i.e., the N100) related to the orienting of visuospatial attention was comparable across pro- and antipointing. In contrast, a later occurring component (i.e., the P300) demonstrated a reliable between-task difference in amplitude. Notably, the P300 has been linked to the revision of a 'mental model' when a mismatch is noted between a stimulus and a required task goal (so-called context-updating). Thus, we propose that the between-task difference in the P300 indicates that antipointing is associated with a remapping of a target's veridical location in mirror-symmetrical space (i.e., vector inversion). Moreover, our combined behavioural and ERP findings provide evidence that vector inversion is mediated via perception-based visual networks

    Knowledge-based vision and simple visual machines

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    The vast majority of work in machine vision emphasizes the representation of perceived objects and events: it is these internal representations that incorporate the 'knowledge' in knowledge-based vision or form the 'models' in model-based vision. In this paper, we discuss simple machine vision systems developed by artificial evolution rather than traditional engineering design techniques, and note that the task of identifying internal representations within such systems is made difficult by the lack of an operational definition of representation at the causal mechanistic level. Consequently, we question the nature and indeed the existence of representations posited to be used within natural vision systems (i.e. animals). We conclude that representations argued for on a priori grounds by external observers of a particular vision system may well be illusory, and are at best place-holders for yet-to-be-identified causal mechanistic interactions. That is, applying the knowledge-based vision approach in the understanding of evolved systems (machines or animals) may well lead to theories and models that are internally consistent, computationally plausible, and entirely wrong

    The Anthropomorphic Hand Assessment Protocol (AHAP)

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    The progress in the development of anthropomorphic hands for robotic and prosthetic applications has not been followed by a parallel development of objective methods to evaluate their performance. The need for benchmarking in grasping research has been recognized by the robotics community as an important topic. In this study we present the Anthropomorphic Hand Assessment Protocol (AHAP) to address this need by providing a measure for quantifying the grasping ability of artificial hands and comparing hand designs. To this end, the AHAP uses 25 objects from the publicly available Yale-CMU-Berkeley Object and Model Set thereby enabling replicability. It is composed of 26 postures/tasks involving grasping with the eight most relevant human grasp types and two non-grasping postures. The AHAP allows to quantify the anthropomorphism and functionality of artificial hands through a numerical Grasping Ability Score (GAS). The AHAP was tested with different hands, the first version of the hand of the humanoid robot ARMAR-6 with three different configurations resulting from attachment of pads to fingertips and palm as well as the two versions of the KIT Prosthetic Hand. The benchmark was used to demonstrate the improvements of these hands in aspects like the grasping surface, the grasp force and the finger kinematics. The reliability, consistency and responsiveness of the benchmark have been statistically analyzed, indicating that the AHAP is a powerful tool for evaluating and comparing different artificial hand designs


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    Biomechanics is a vast discipline within the field of Biomedical Engineering. It explores the underlying mechanics of how biological and physiological systems move. It encompasses important clinical applications to address questions related to medicine using engineering mechanics principles. Biomechanics includes interdisciplinary concepts from engineers, physicians, therapists, biologists, physicists, and mathematicians. Through their collaborative efforts, biomechanics research is ever changing and expanding, explaining new mechanisms and principles for dynamic human systems. Biomechanics is used to describe how the human body moves, walks, and breathes, in addition to how it responds to injury and rehabilitation. Advanced biomechanical modeling methods, such as inverse dynamics, finite element analysis, and musculoskeletal modeling are used to simulate and investigate human situations in regard to movement and injury. Biomechanical technologies are progressing to answer contemporary medical questions. The future of biomechanics is dependent on interdisciplinary research efforts and the education of tomorrow’s scientists

    Exploring Users Pointing Performance on Large Displays with Different Curvatures in Virtual Reality

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    Large curved displays inside Virtual Reality environments are becoming popular for visualizing high-resolution content during analytical tasks, gaming or entertainment. Prior research showed that such displays provide a wide field of view and offer users a high level of immersion. However, little is known about users' performance (e.g., pointing speed and accuracy) on them. We explore users' pointing performance on large virtual curved displays. We investigate standard pointing factors (e.g., target width and amplitude) in combination with relevant curve-related factors, namely display curvature and both linear and angular measures. Our results show that the less curved the display, the higher the performance, i.e., faster movement time. This result holds for pointing tasks controlled via their visual properties (linear widths and amplitudes) or their motor properties (angular widths and amplitudes). Additionally, display curvatures significantly affect the error rate for both linear and angular conditions. Furthermore, we observe that curved displays perform better or similar to flat displays based on throughput analysis. Finally, we discuss our results and provide suggestions regarding pointing tasks on large curved displays in VR.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (2023

    Postural adjustments in catching: on the interplay between segment stabilization and equilibrium control

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate postural adjustments in one-handed ball catching. Specifically, the functional role of anticipatory postural adjustments (APA) during the initial arm raising and subsequent postural adjustments (SPA) for equilibrium control and ball-hand impact were scrutinized. Full-body kinematics and kinetics allowed an analysis of the mechanical consequences of raising up the arm and preparing for ball-hand impact. APA for catching were suggested to be for segment stabilization. SPA had a functional role for equilibrium control by an inverted pendulum mechanism but were also involved in preparing for the impact of the ball on the hand, which was illustrated by an increased postural response at the end of the movement. These results were compared with raising up the arm in a well-studied reaction-time task, for which an additional counter rotation equilibrium mechanism was observed. Together, our findings demonstrate that postural adjustments should be investigated in relation to their specific functional task constraints, rather than generalizing the functional role of these postural adjustments over different tasks

    Physical demand but not dexterity is associated with motor flexibility during rapid reaching in healthy young adults

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    Healthy humans are able to place light and heavy objects in small and large target locations with remarkable accuracy. Here we examine how dexterity demand and physical demand affect flexibility in joint coordination and end-effector kinematics when healthy young adults perform an upper extremity reaching task. We manipulated dexterity demand by changing target size and physical demand by increasing external resistance to reaching. Uncontrolled manifold analysis was used to decompose variability in joint coordination patterns into variability stabilizing the end-effector and variability de-stabilizing the end-effector during reaching. Our results demonstrate a proportional increase in stabilizing and de-stabilizing variability without a change in the ratio of the two variability components as physical demands increase. We interpret this finding in the context of previous studies showing that sensorimotor noise increases with increasing physical demands. We propose that the larger de-stabilizing variability as a function of physical demand originated from larger sensorimotor noise in the neuromuscular system. The larger stabilizing variability with larger physical demands is a strategy employed by the neuromuscular system to counter the de-stabilizing variability so that performance stability is maintained. Our findings have practical implications for improving the effectiveness of movement therapy in a wide range of patient groups, maintaining upper extremity function in old adults, and for maximizing athletic performance