38 research outputs found

    Scalable and bandwidth-efficient memory subsystem design for real-time systems

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    Distributed Time-Predictable Memory Interconnect for Multi-Core Architectures

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    Multi-core architectures are increasingly adopted in emerging real-time applications where execution time is required to be bounded in the worst case (i.e., time predictability) and low. Memory access latency is the main part forming the overall execution time. A promising approach towards time predictability is to employ distributed memory interconnects, either locally arbitrated interconnects or globally arbitrated interconnects, with arbitration schemes, and the pipelined tree-based structure can break the critical path of multiplexing into short steps with small logic size. It scales to a large number of processors that high clock frequency can be synthesised. This research explores timing behaviour of multi-core architectures with shared distributed memory interconnects and improves distributed time-predictable memory interconnects for multi-core architectures. The contributions are mainly threefold. First, the generic analytical flow is proposed for time-predictable behaviour of memory accesses across multi-core architectures with locally arbitrated interconnects. It guarantees time predictability and safely bound the worst case without exact memory access profiles. Second, the root queue modification with the root queue management is proposed for multi-core architectures with locally arbitrated interconnects that variation of memory access latency is reduced and timing behaviour analysis is facilitated. Third, Meshed Bluetree is proposed as the distributed time-predictable multi-memory interconnect, enabling multiple processors to simultaneously access multiple memory modules

    VCDC: The Virtualized Complicated Device Controller

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    I/O virtualization enables time and space multiplexing of I/O devices, by mapping multiple logical I/O devices upon a smaller number of physical devices. However, due to the existence of additional virtualization layers, requesting an I/O from a guest virtual machine requires complicated sequences of operations. This leads to I/O performance losses, and makes precise timing of I/O operations unpredictable. This paper proposes a hardware I/O virtualization system, termed the Virtualized Complicated Device Controller (VCDC). This I/O system allows user applications to access and operate I/O devices directly from guest VMs, and bypasses the guest OS, the Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) and low layer I/O drivers. We show that the VCDC efficiently reduces the software overhead and enhances the I/O performance and timing predictability. Furthermore, VCDC also exhibits good scalability that can handle I/O requests from variable number of CPUs in a system

    Domain-Specific Computing Architectures and Paradigms

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    We live in an exciting era where artificial intelligence (AI) is fundamentally shifting the dynamics of industries and businesses around the world. AI algorithms such as deep learning (DL) have drastically advanced the state-of-the-art cognition and learning capabilities. However, the power of modern AI algorithms can only be enabled if the underlying domain-specific computing hardware can deliver orders of magnitude more performance and energy efficiency. This work focuses on this goal and explores three parts of the domain-specific computing acceleration problem; encapsulating specialized hardware and software architectures and paradigms that support the ever-growing processing demand of modern AI applications from the edge to the cloud. This first part of this work investigates the optimizations of a sparse spatio-temporal (ST) cognitive system-on-a-chip (SoC). This design extracts ST features from videos and leverages sparse inference and kernel compression to efficiently perform action classification and motion tracking. The second part of this work explores the significance of dataflows and reduction mechanisms for sparse deep neural network (DNN) acceleration. This design features a dynamic, look-ahead index matching unit in hardware to efficiently discover fine-grained parallelism, achieving high energy efficiency and low control complexity for a wide variety of DNN layers. Lastly, this work expands the scope to real-time machine learning (RTML) acceleration. A new high-level architecture modeling framework is proposed. Specifically, this framework consists of a set of high-performance RTML-specific architecture design templates, and a Python-based high-level modeling and compiler tool chain for efficient cross-stack architecture design and exploration.PHDElectrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162870/1/lchingen_1.pd

    Real-Time Prefetching on Shared-Memory Multi-Core Systems

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    In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards using multi-core processors in real-time systems to cope with the rising computation requirements of real-time tasks. Coupled with this, the rising memory requirements of these tasks pushes demand beyond what can be provided by small, private on-chip caches, requiring the use of larger, slower off-chip memories such as DRAM. Due to the cost, power requirements and complexity of these memories, they are typically shared between all of the tasks within the system. In order for the execution time of these tasks to be bounded, the response time of the memory and the interference from other tasks also needs to be bounded. While there is a great amount of current research on bounding this interference, one popular method is to effectively partition the available memory bandwidth between the processors in the system. Of course, as the number of processors increases, so does the worst-case blocking, and worst-case blocking times quickly increase with the number of processors. It is difficult to further optimise the arbitration scheme; instead, this scaling problem needs to be approached from another angle. Prefetching has previously been shown to improve the execution time of tasks by speculatively issuing memory accesses ahead of time for items which may be useful in the near future, although these prefetchers are typically not used in real-time systems due to their unpredictable nature. Instead, this work presents a framework by which a prefetcher can be safely used alongside a composable memory arbiter, a predictable prefetching scheme, and finally a method by which this predictable prefetcher can be used to improve the worst-case execution time of a running task

    A time-predictable many-core processor design for critical real-time embedded systems

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    Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) are in charge of controlling fundamental parts of embedded system, e.g. energy harvesting solar panels in satellites, steering and breaking in cars, or flight management systems in airplanes. To do so, CRTES require strong evidence of correct functional and timing behavior. The former guarantees that the system operates correctly in response of its inputs; the latter ensures that its operations are performed within a predefined time budget. CRTES aim at increasing the number and complexity of functions. Examples include the incorporation of \smarter" Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) functionality in modern cars or advanced collision avoidance systems in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). All these new features, implemented in software, lead to an exponential growth in both performance requirements and software development complexity. Furthermore, there is a strong need to integrate multiple functions into the same computing platform to reduce the number of processing units, mass and space requirements, etc. Overall, there is a clear need to increase the computing power of current CRTES in order to support new sophisticated and complex functionality, and integrate multiple systems into a single platform. The use of multi- and many-core processor architectures is increasingly seen in the CRTES industry as the solution to cope with the performance demand and cost constraints of future CRTES. Many-cores supply higher performance by exploiting the parallelism of applications while providing a better performance per watt as cores are maintained simpler with respect to complex single-core processors. Moreover, the parallelization capabilities allow scheduling multiple functions into the same processor, maximizing the hardware utilization. However, the use of multi- and many-cores in CRTES also brings a number of challenges related to provide evidence about the correct operation of the system, especially in the timing domain. Hence, despite the advantages of many-cores and the fact that they are nowadays a reality in the embedded domain (e.g. Kalray MPPA, Freescale NXP P4080, TI Keystone II), their use in CRTES still requires finding efficient ways of providing reliable evidence about the correct operation of the system. This thesis investigates the use of many-core processors in CRTES as a means to satisfy performance demands of future complex applications while providing the necessary timing guarantees. To do so, this thesis contributes to advance the state-of-the-art towards the exploitation of parallel capabilities of many-cores in CRTES contributing in two different computing domains. From the hardware domain, this thesis proposes new many-core designs that enable deriving reliable and tight timing guarantees. From the software domain, we present efficient scheduling and timing analysis techniques to exploit the parallelization capabilities of many-core architectures and to derive tight and trustworthy Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) estimates of CRTES.Los sistemas críticos empotrados de tiempo real (en ingles Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems, CRTES) se encargan de controlar partes fundamentales de los sistemas integrados, e.g. obtención de la energía de los paneles solares en satélites, la dirección y frenado en automóviles, o el control de vuelo en aviones. Para hacerlo, CRTES requieren fuerte evidencias del correcto comportamiento funcional y temporal. El primero garantiza que el sistema funciona correctamente en respuesta de sus entradas; el último asegura que sus operaciones se realizan dentro de unos limites temporales establecidos previamente. El objetivo de los CRTES es aumentar el número y la complejidad de las funciones. Algunos ejemplos incluyen los sistemas inteligentes de asistencia a la conducción en automóviles modernos o los sistemas avanzados de prevención de colisiones en vehiculos aereos no tripulados. Todas estas nuevas características, implementadas en software,conducen a un crecimiento exponencial tanto en los requerimientos de rendimiento como en la complejidad de desarrollo de software. Además, existe una gran necesidad de integrar múltiples funciones en una sóla plataforma para así reducir el número de unidades de procesamiento, cumplir con requisitos de peso y espacio, etc. En general, hay una clara necesidad de aumentar la potencia de cómputo de los actuales CRTES para soportar nueva funcionalidades sofisticadas y complejas e integrar múltiples sistemas en una sola plataforma. El uso de arquitecturas multi- y many-core se ve cada vez más en la industria CRTES como la solución para hacer frente a la demanda de mayor rendimiento y las limitaciones de costes de los futuros CRTES. Las arquitecturas many-core proporcionan un mayor rendimiento explotando el paralelismo de aplicaciones al tiempo que proporciona un mejor rendimiento por vatio ya que los cores se mantienen más simples con respecto a complejos procesadores de un solo core. Además, las capacidades de paralelización permiten programar múltiples funciones en el mismo procesador, maximizando la utilización del hardware. Sin embargo, el uso de multi- y many-core en CRTES también acarrea ciertos desafíos relacionados con la aportación de evidencias sobre el correcto funcionamiento del sistema, especialmente en el ámbito temporal. Por eso, a pesar de las ventajas de los procesadores many-core y del hecho de que éstos son una realidad en los sitemas integrados (por ejemplo Kalray MPPA, Freescale NXP P4080, TI Keystone II), su uso en CRTES aún precisa de la búsqueda de métodos eficientes para proveer evidencias fiables sobre el correcto funcionamiento del sistema. Esta tesis ahonda en el uso de procesadores many-core en CRTES como un medio para satisfacer los requisitos de rendimiento de aplicaciones complejas mientras proveen las garantías de tiempo necesarias. Para ello, esta tesis contribuye en el avance del estado del arte hacia la explotación de many-cores en CRTES en dos ámbitos de la computación. En el ámbito del hardware, esta tesis propone nuevos diseños many-core que posibilitan garantías de tiempo fiables y precisas. En el ámbito del software, la tesis presenta técnicas eficientes para la planificación de tareas y el análisis de tiempo para aprovechar las capacidades de paralelización en arquitecturas many-core, y también para derivar estimaciones de peor tiempo de ejecución (Worst-Case Execution Time, WCET) fiables y precisas

    Architektur- und Leistungsanalyse eines Mehgenerationen-SDRAM-Controllers für gemischte Kritikalitätssysteme

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    Due to their high-density and low-cost, DDR SDRAM are the prevailing choice for implementing the main memory of a computer system. Nevertheless, the aforementioned benefits come at the cost of a complex two-stage access protocol, which ultimately means that the time required to serve a memory request depends on the history of previous requests. Otherly stated, DDR SDRAMs are a stateful resource. The main goal of this dissertation is to design a controller that leverages the state of DDR SDRAMs in a mixed criticality environment. More specifically, the controller should provide good average performance for best-effort requestors without compromising timing guarantees for critical requestors. With that regard, this dissertation firstly identifies two challenges of growing relevance for the design of memory controllers for the mixed criticality domain. The first challenge is the data bus turnaround time. The second challenge is the rank-to-rank switching time and only affects multi-rank modules. After pinpointing the two aforementioned challenges, this dissertation proposes a SDRAM controller to tackle them. The proposed controller bundles read and write operations in their corresponding ranks, thus minimizing the number of data bus turnarounds and rank switching events. As a consequence, the average performance of the controller is improved. However, the bundling is carefully designed so that real-time guarantees for critical requestors can be extracted. Moreover, as it will become clear, both the operation of the controller and the corresponding analysis of the temporal properties are described in terms of a generation-independent notation. This is a desirable feature because different SDRAM generations have different architectural features and possibly, timing constraints. Finally, an extensive comparison with the related work is performed. Furthermore, trends in worst-case latency over DDR SDRAM from different speed bins and generations are presented and thoroughly discussed.Aufgrund ihrer hohen Dichte und geringen Kosten sind DDR SDRAM die vorherrschende Wahl für die Implementierung des Hauptspeichers eines Computersystems. Die oben genannten Vorteile gehen jedoch zu Lasten eines komplexen zweistufigen Zugriffsprotokolls, was letztendlich bedeutet, dass die Zeit, die benötigt wird, um eine Speicheranforderung zu bedienen, von der Historie früherer Zugriffe abhängt. Anders ausgedrückt, DDR SDRAM sind eine zustandsabhängige Ressource, was die Umsetzung gemischter Kritikalitäten weiter erschwert, da unterschiedliche Ebenen der Kritikalität widersprüchliche Bedürfnisse haben. Das Hauptziel dieser Dissertation ist es, einen Controller zu entwickeln, der den Zustand der DDR-SDRAMs in einer gemischten Kritikalitätsumgebung nutzt. Genauer gesagt, der Controller soll eine gute durchschnittliche Leistung für best-effort Zugriffe ermöglichen, ohne die Garantien für kritische Zugriffe zu gefährden. In diesem Zusammenhang identifiziert diese Dissertation zunächst zwei Herausforderungen von wachsender Relevanz für das Design von Speichercontrollern für Systeme gemischter Kritikalität. Die erste Herausforderung ist die notwendige Zeit zur Richtungsänderung des Datenbusses. Die zweite Herausforderung ist die Rang-zu-Rang-Schaltzeit und betrifft nur Module mit mehreren Rängen. Nach dem Aufzeigen der beiden oben genannten Herausforderungen, schlägt diese Dissertation einen SDRAM Controller vor, um sie anzugehen. Der vorgeschlagene Controller bündelt Lese und Schreib Operationen in ihren entsprechenden Rängen, wodurch die Anzahl der Richtungsänderungen des Datenbusses und die Anzahl der Rangwechsel minimiert wird. Dadurch wird die durchschnittliche Leistung des Controllers verbessert. Die Bündelung ist so konzipiert, dass Echtzeit-Garantien für kritische Zugriffe abgeleitet werden können. Darüber hinaus werden, wie sich zeigen wird, sowohl das Verhalten des Controllers als auch die entsprechende Analyse der zeitlichen Eigenschaften in Form einer generationsunabhängigen Notation beschrieben. Dies ist ein wünschenswertes Merkmal, da verschiedene SDRAM Generationen unterschiedliche architektonische Merkmale und zeitliche Beschränkungen haben. Abschließend wird ein ausführlicher Vergleich mit inhaltlich verwandten Arbeiten durchgeführt. Außerdem werden Trends in der Worst-Case-Latenz von DDR SDRAM aus verschiedenen Geschwindigkeitsklassen und Generationen vorgestellt und ausführlich diskutiert

    Driving the Network-on-Chip Revolution to Remove the Interconnect Bottleneck in Nanoscale Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip

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    The sustained demand for faster, more powerful chips has been met by the availability of chip manufacturing processes allowing for the integration of increasing numbers of computation units onto a single die. The resulting outcome, especially in the embedded domain, has often been called SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (SoC) or MULTI-PROCESSOR SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (MP-SoC). MPSoC design brings to the foreground a large number of challenges, one of the most prominent of which is the design of the chip interconnection. With a number of on-chip blocks presently ranging in the tens, and quickly approaching the hundreds, the novel issue of how to best provide on-chip communication resources is clearly felt. NETWORKS-ON-CHIPS (NoCs) are the most comprehensive and scalable answer to this design concern. By bringing large-scale networking concepts to the on-chip domain, they guarantee a structured answer to present and future communication requirements. The point-to-point connection and packet switching paradigms they involve are also of great help in minimizing wiring overhead and physical routing issues. However, as with any technology of recent inception, NoC design is still an evolving discipline. Several main areas of interest require deep investigation for NoCs to become viable solutions: • The design of the NoC architecture needs to strike the best tradeoff among performance, features and the tight area and power constraints of the onchip domain. • Simulation and verification infrastructure must be put in place to explore, validate and optimize the NoC performance. • NoCs offer a huge design space, thanks to their extreme customizability in terms of topology and architectural parameters. Design tools are needed to prune this space and pick the best solutions. • Even more so given their global, distributed nature, it is essential to evaluate the physical implementation of NoCs to evaluate their suitability for next-generation designs and their area and power costs. This dissertation performs a design space exploration of network-on-chip architectures, in order to point-out the trade-offs associated with the design of each individual network building blocks and with the design of network topology overall. The design space exploration is preceded by a comparative analysis of state-of-the-art interconnect fabrics with themselves and with early networkon- chip prototypes. The ultimate objective is to point out the key advantages that NoC realizations provide with respect to state-of-the-art communication infrastructures and to point out the challenges that lie ahead in order to make this new interconnect technology come true. Among these latter, technologyrelated challenges are emerging that call for dedicated design techniques at all levels of the design hierarchy. In particular, leakage power dissipation, containment of process variations and of their effects. The achievement of the above objectives was enabled by means of a NoC simulation environment for cycleaccurate modelling and simulation and by means of a back-end facility for the study of NoC physical implementation effects. Overall, all the results provided by this work have been validated on actual silicon layout