1,332 research outputs found

    Review of Semantic Importance and Role of using Ontologies in Web Information Retrieval Techniques

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    The Web contains an enormous amount of information, which is managed to accumulate, researched, and regularly used by many users. The nature of the Web is multilingual and growing very fast with its diverse nature of data including unstructured or semi-structured data such as Websites, texts, journals, and files. Obtaining critical relevant data from such vast data with its diverse nature has been a monotonous and challenging task. Simple key phrase data gathering systems rely heavily on statistics, resulting in a word incompatibility problem related to a specific word's inescapable semantic and situation variants. As a result, there is an urgent need to arrange such colossal data systematically to find out the relevant information that can be quickly analyzed and fulfill the users' needs in the relevant context. Over the years ontologies are widely used in the semantic Web to contain unorganized information systematic and structured manner. Still, they have also significantly enhanced the efficiency of various information recovery approaches. Ontological information gathering systems recover files focused on the semantic relation of the search request and the searchable information. This paper examines contemporary ontology-based information extraction techniques for texts, interactive media, and multilingual data types. Moreover, the study tried to compare and classify the most significant developments utilized in the search and retrieval techniques and their major disadvantages and benefits

    Summarization from Medical Documents: A Survey

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    Objective: The aim of this paper is to survey the recent work in medical documents summarization. Background: During the last decade, documents summarization got increasing attention by the AI research community. More recently it also attracted the interest of the medical research community as well, due to the enormous growth of information that is available to the physicians and researchers in medicine, through the large and growing number of published journals, conference proceedings, medical sites and portals on the World Wide Web, electronic medical records, etc. Methodology: This survey gives first a general background on documents summarization, presenting the factors that summarization depends upon, discussing evaluation issues and describing briefly the various types of summarization techniques. It then examines the characteristics of the medical domain through the different types of medical documents. Finally, it presents and discusses the summarization techniques used so far in the medical domain, referring to the corresponding systems and their characteristics. Discussion and conclusions: The paper discusses thoroughly the promising paths for future research in medical documents summarization. It mainly focuses on the issue of scaling to large collections of documents in various languages and from different media, on personalization issues, on portability to new sub-domains, and on the integration of summarization technology in practical applicationsComment: 21 pages, 4 table

    Ontology of core data mining entities

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    In this article, we present OntoDM-core, an ontology of core data mining entities. OntoDM-core defines themost essential datamining entities in a three-layered ontological structure comprising of a specification, an implementation and an application layer. It provides a representational framework for the description of mining structured data, and in addition provides taxonomies of datasets, data mining tasks, generalizations, data mining algorithms and constraints, based on the type of data. OntoDM-core is designed to support a wide range of applications/use cases, such as semantic annotation of data mining algorithms, datasets and results; annotation of QSAR studies in the context of drug discovery investigations; and disambiguation of terms in text mining. The ontology has been thoroughly assessed following the practices in ontology engineering, is fully interoperable with many domain resources and is easy to extend

    Natural language processing

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    Beginning with the basic issues of NLP, this chapter aims to chart the major research activities in this area since the last ARIST Chapter in 1996 (Haas, 1996), including: (i) natural language text processing systems - text summarization, information extraction, information retrieval, etc., including domain-specific applications; (ii) natural language interfaces; (iii) NLP in the context of www and digital libraries ; and (iv) evaluation of NLP systems

    Self-organizing distributed digital library supporting audio-video

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    The StreamOnTheFly network combines peer-to-peer networking and open-archive principles for community radio channels and TV stations in Europe. StreamOnTheFly demonstrates new methods of archive management and personalization technologies for both audio and video. It also provides a collaboration platform for community purposes that suits the flexible activity patterns of these kinds of broadcaster communities

    Automatic Concept Extraction in Semantic Summarization Process

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    The Semantic Web offers a generic infrastructure for interchange, integration and creative reuse of structured data, which can help to cross some of the boundaries that Web 2.0 is facing. Currently, Web 2.0 offers poor query possibilities apart from searching by keywords or tags. There has been a great deal of interest in the development of semantic-based systems to facilitate knowledge representation and extraction and content integration [1], [2]. Semantic-based approach to retrieving relevant material can be useful to address issues like trying to determine the type or the quality of the information suggested from a personalized environment. In this context, standard keyword search has a very limited effectiveness. For example, it cannot filter for the type of information, the level of information or the quality of information. Potentially, one of the biggest application areas of content-based exploration might be personalized searching framework (e.g., [3],[4]). Whereas search engines provide nowadays largely anonymous information, new framework might highlight or recommend web pages related to key concepts. We can consider semantic information representation as an important step towards a wide efficient manipulation and retrieval of information [5], [6], [7]. In the digital library community a flat list of attribute/value pairs is often assumed to be available. In the Semantic Web community, annotations are often assumed to be an instance of an ontology. Through the ontologies the system will express key entities and relationships describing resources in a formal machine-processable representation. An ontology-based knowledge representation could be used for content analysis and object recognition, for reasoning processes and for enabling user-friendly and intelligent multimedia content search and retrieval. Text summarization has been an interesting and active research area since the 60’s. The definition and assumption are that a small portion or several keywords of the original long document can represent the whole informatively and/or indicatively. Reading or processing this shorter version of the document would save time and other resources [8]. This property is especially true and urgently needed at present due to the vast availability of information. Concept-based approach to represent dynamic and unstructured information can be useful to address issues like trying to determine the key concepts and to summarize the information exchanged within a personalized environment. In this context, a concept is represented with a Wikipedia article. With millions of articles and thousands of contributors, this online repository of knowledge is the largest and fastest growing encyclopedia in existence. The problem described above can then be divided into three steps: • Mapping of a series of terms with the most appropriate Wikipedia article (disambiguation). • Assigning a score for each item identified on the basis of its importance in the given context. • Extraction of n items with the highest score. Text summarization can be applied to many fields: from information retrieval to text mining processes and text display. Also in personalized searching framework text summarization could be very useful. The chapter is organized as follows: the next Section introduces personalized searching framework as one of the possible application areas of automatic concept extraction systems. Section three describes the summarization process, providing details on system architecture, used methodology and tools. Section four provides an overview about document summarization approaches that have been recently developed. Section five summarizes a number of real-world applications which might benefit from WSD. Section six introduces Wikipedia and WordNet as used in our project. Section seven describes the logical structure of the project, describing software components and databases. Finally, Section eight provides some consideration..

    Concept-Based Automatic Amharic Document Categorization

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    Along with the continuously growing volume of information resources, there is a growing interest toward better solutions for finding, filtering and organizing these resources. Automatic text categorization can play an important role in a wide variety of flexible, dynamic, and personalized information management tasks. The aim of this research work is to make use of concepts as a way of improving the categorization process for Amharic1 documents. In recent years, ontology-based document categorization method is introduced to solve the problem of document classification. Previous works on keyword-based document categorization miss some important issues of considering semantic relationships between words. In order to resolve the existing problems, this research proposed a framework that automatically categorizes Amharic documents into predefined categories using concepts. The research shows that the use of concepts for an Amharic document categorizer results in 92.9% accuracy

    Clustering Arabic Tweets for Sentiment Analysis

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    The focus of this study is to evaluate the impact of linguistic preprocessing and similarity functions for clustering Arabic Twitter tweets. The experiments apply an optimized version of the standard K-Means algorithm to assign tweets into positive and negative categories. The results show that root-based stemming has a significant advantage over light stemming in all settings. The Averaged Kullback-Leibler Divergence similarity function clearly outperforms the Cosine, Pearson Correlation, Jaccard Coefficient and Euclidean functions. The combination of the Averaged Kullback-Leibler Divergence and root-based stemming achieved the highest purity of 0.764 while the second-best purity was 0.719. These results are of importance as it is contrary to normal-sized documents where, in many information retrieval applications, light stemming performs better than root-based stemming and the Cosine function is commonly used