26 research outputs found


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    Birçok ekonomik, endüstriyel, finansal karar problemleri çok kriterlidir. Bu tür problemlerde alternatiflerin arasından optimal seçimi yapmak oldukça zor ve karmaşık bir işlemdir. Son yıllarda bu tür problemleri çözmek amacıyla farklı yöntemler geliştirilmiştir. Bu yöntemlerden en verimli ve en kolay kullanılır olan Promethee, gerçek sayılarla ifade edilebilen kriterleri içeren problemlerle uğraşır.Fakat günlük hayatta dilsel olarak ifade edilebilen kriterler de vardır ve bunların sayısal olarak modellenmesi oldukça zordur. Bu yüzden, Promethee yöntemi ise kesin olmayan, dilsel olarak ifade edilen bu kriterler için eksik kalmaktadır. Bu eksikliği gidermek için, bulanık küme yaklaşımı kullanılabilir. Bulanık girdiler kullanılarak genişletilen Promethee yöntemi, aynı sınıftan yedi farklı otomobil seçimi için fiyat, yakıt, performans ve güvenlik kriterleri kullanılarak uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçların tutarlı ve uygun olduğu görülmüştür

    Evaluating sustainability in organisations with a fuzzy logic approach

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    Purpose - To determine whether the organisations more strategically committed to its stakeholders present better social and financial performance and, based on this relationship, know the state of the art of the Spanish sectors’ approach to the sustainable development. Design/methodology/approach - This paper analyses the sustainability approach of a sample of 52 Spanish listed firms. This process is based on the study of different indexes generated in order to evaluate the company’s commitment through its stakeholders, the social and financial performance of these organisations, and the relationship between them. Previous results showed a positive and not significant relationship between these variables and a positive financial performance. This paper replicates a former research by introducing a fuzzy- logic- based methodology in order to generate the aforementioned indexes. Findings -The current results support the conclusions formerly obtained and simultaneously demonstrate that the big Spanish companies are at an incipient stage of development of a clearly sustainability - oriented management. Research limitations/implications - The unavailability of a long series of organisations sustainability information is an obstacle for a broader analysis. This research could motivate the usefulness of the fuzzy logic methodology for analysing the business sustainability approach and to develop studies on the corporate social performance. Originality/value - The use of fuzzy logic methodology for the generation of indexes related to the organisations social responsibility and sustainability result


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    Finansal derecelendirme kuruluşları sayısal değerlendirme yerine dilsel değerlendirmeyi yaygın olarak kullanırlar. Verilerin çoğunlukla niteleyici olduğu ve uzmanlık bilgisine gereksinim duyulduğu durumlarda Bulanık Set Teorisi bu tür verilerin değerlendirilmesine destek vermektedir. Çalışma kapsamında, emeklilik fonlarının risk ve getiri bilgilerini kullanarak performans değerlendirmesi amacıyla bulanık uzman sistem geliştirilmiş ve rasgele seçilen yirmi yedi Türk emeklilik fonu üzerinde uygulama gerçekleştirilmiştir

    Integration of decision support systems to improve decision support performance

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    Decision support system (DSS) is a well-established research and development area. Traditional isolated, stand-alone DSS has been recently facing new challenges. In order to improve the performance of DSS to meet the challenges, research has been actively carried out to develop integrated decision support systems (IDSS). This paper reviews the current research efforts with regard to the development of IDSS. The focus of the paper is on the integration aspect for IDSS through multiple perspectives, and the technologies that support this integration. More than 100 papers and software systems are discussed. Current research efforts and the development status of IDSS are explained, compared and classified. In addition, future trends and challenges in integration are outlined. The paper concludes that by addressing integration, better support will be provided to decision makers, with the expectation of both better decisions and improved decision making processes


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    Selecting suitable customer relationship management systems (CRM) is a decision problem with economic, behavioural, technical and functional implications. It is important to methodically identify an appropriate solution with regard to the various aspects of the decision. In this paper, a practical test of the previously developed customer relationship management system selection (CRMSS) process model is conducted in a case study with an automotive safety goods supplier. The process model used was constructed based on a literature review and further refined by expert interviews and two international online surveys. To test the models applicability and align phases, tasks, roles and deliverables with practical experiences, qualitative interviews were conducted with the different stakeholders in the evaluation project. The CRMSS process model was then further refined according to the conclusions drawn from the presented case study. The first application of the process model suggests that it is considered as relevant for practice and can be understood and applied successfully for a CRM selection and evaluation. In the context of the case study the model was customised to meet the needs of the project

    Knowledge Criticality Assessment and Codification Framework for Major Maintenance Activities: A Case Study of Cement Rotary Kiln Plant

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    Maintenance experts involved in managing major maintenance activities such as; Major overhauls, outages, shutdowns and turnarounds (MoOSTs) are constantly faced with uncertainties during the planning and/or execution phases, which often stretches beyond the organisation’s standard operating procedures and require the intervention of staff expertise. This underpins a need to complement and sustain existing efforts in managing uncertainties in MoOSTs through the transformation of knowledgeable actions generated from experts’ tacit-based knowledge. However, a vital approach to achieve such transformation is by prioritising maintenance activities during MoOSTs. Two methods for prioritising maintenance activities were adopted in this study; one involved a traditional qualitative method for task criticality assessment. The other, a quantitative method, utilised a Fuzzy inference system, mapping membership functions of two crisp inputs and output accompanied by If-Then rules specifically developed for this study. Prior information from a 5-year quantitative dataset was obtained from a case study with appreciable frequency for performing MoOSTs; in this case, a Rotary Kiln system (RKS) was utilised in demonstrating practical applicability. The selection of the two methods was informed by their perceived suitability to adequately analyse the available dataset. Results and analysis of the two methods indicated that the obtained Fuzzy criticality numbers were more sensitive and capable of examining the degree of changes to membership functions. However, the usefulness of the traditional qualitative method as a complementary approach lies in its ability to provide a baseline for informing expert opinions, which are critical in developing specific If-Then rules for the Fuzzy inference system

    Selección de software, una revisión sistemática del estado del arte

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    La selección de software es un proceso en el que intervienen varios decisores, los cuales tienen diferentes preferencias que pueden llegar a ser mutuamente excluyentes, esto sumado a los diferentes criterios que se deben considerar al evaluar las alternativas, hace que este tipo de situación sea un problema de decisión, el cual puede abordarse desde el análisis multicriterio de decisiones. En este documento, se presenta una revisión sistemática del estado del arte de los procesos de selección de software, con el objetivo principal de establecer una base académica que permita dar soporte a dicho tipo de procesos. Para la elaboración del estado del arte, se definieron las preguntas de investigación, los criterios de inclusión de los documentos, el proceso de búsqueda y los datos a analizar para dar respuesta a las preguntas definidas. El aporte principal de este documento, es la determinación de las metodologías más usadas, así como el conjunto de criterios que se puede tomar como base para la evaluación de las alternativas, con el fin de elegir la más adecuada de acuerdo al contexto del proceso de decisión

    A framework for cots software evaluation and selection for COTS mismatches handling and non-functional requirements

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    The decision to purchase Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software needs systematic guidelines so that the appropriate COTS software can be selected in order to provide a viable and effective solution to the organizations. However, the existing COTS software evaluation and selection frameworks focus more on functional aspects and do not give adequate attention to accommodate the mismatch between user requirements and COTS software specification, and also integration with non functional requirements of COTS software. Studies have identified that these two criteria are important in COTS software evaluation and selection. Therefore, this study aims to develop a new framework of COTS software evaluation and selection that focuses on handling COTS software mismatches and integrating the nonfunctional requirements. The study is conducted using mixed-mode methodology which involves survey and interview. The study is conducted in four main phases: a survey and interview of 63 organizations to identify COTS software evaluation criteria, development of COTS software evaluation and selection framework using Evaluation Theory, development of a new decision making technique by integrating Analytical Hierarchy Process and Gap Analysis to handle COTS software mismatches, and validation of the practicality and reliability of the proposed COTS software Evaluation and Selection Framework (COTS-ESF) using experts’ review, case studies and yardstick validation. This study has developed the COTS-ESF which consists of five categories of evaluation criteria: Quality, Domain, Architecture, Operational Environment and Vendor Reputation. It also provides a decision making technique and a complete process for performing the evaluation and selection of COTS software. The result of this study shows that the evaluated aspects of the framework are feasible and demonstrate their potential and practicality to be applied in the real environment. The contribution of this study straddles both the research and practical perspectives of software evaluation by improving decision making and providing a systematic guidelines for handling issue in purchasing viable COTS software

    A process based approach software certification model for agile and secure environment

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    In today’s business environment, Agile and secure software processes are essential since they bring high quality and secured software to market faster and more cost effectively. Unfortunately, some software practitioners are not following the proper practices of both processes when developing software. There exist various studies which assess the quality of software process; nevertheless, their focus is on the conventional software process. Furthermore, they do not consider weight values in the assessment although each evaluation criterion might have different importance. Consequently, software certification is needed to give conformance on the quality of Agile and secure software processes. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to propose Extended Software Process Assessment and Certification Model (ESPAC) which addresses both software processes and considers the weight values during the assessment. The study is conducted in four phases: 1) theoretical study to examine the factors and practices that influence the quality of Agile and secure software processes and weight value allocation techniques, 2) an exploratory study which was participated by 114 software practitioners to investigate their current practices, 3) development of an enhanced software process certification model which considers process, people, technology, project constraint and environment, provides certification guideline and utilizes the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for weight values allocation and 4) verification of Agile and secure software processes and AHP through expert reviews followed by validation on satisfaction and practicality of the proposed model through focus group discussion. The validation result shows that ESPAC Model gained software practitioners’ satisfaction and practical to be executed in the real environment. The contributions of this study straddle research perspectives of Software Process Assessment and Certification and Multiple Criteria Decision Making, and practical perspectives by providing software practitioners and assessors a mechanism to reveal the quality of software process and helps investors and customers in making investment decisions