10 research outputs found

    Managing the Life Cycle of Access Rules in CEOSIS

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    The definition and management of access rules (e.g., to control the access to business documents and business functions) is an important task within any enterprise information systems (EIS). Many EIS apply role-based access control (RBAC) mechanisms to specify access rules based on organizational models. However, only little research has been spent on organizational changes even though they often become necessary in practice. Examples comprise the evolution of organizational models with subsequent adaptation of access rules or direct access rule modifications. In this paper, we present a change framework for the controlled evolution of access rules in EIS. Specifically, we define change operations which ensure correct modification of access rules. Finally, we define the formal semantics of access rule changes based on operator trees which enables their unambiguous application; i.e., we can precisely determine which effects are caused by respective adaptations. This is important, for example, to be able to efficiently adapt user worklists in process-aware information systems. Altogether this paper contributes to comprehensive life cycle support for access rules in (adaptive) EIS

    Comprehensive Life Cycle Support for Access Rules in Information Systems: The CEOSIS Project

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    The definition and management of access rules (e.g., to control access to business documents and business functions) is a fundamental task in any enterprise information system (EIS). While there exists considerable work on how to specify and represent access rules, only little research has been spent on access rule changes. Examples include the evolution of organizational models with need for subsequent adaptation of related access rules as well as direct access rule modifications (e.g., to state a previously defined rule more precisely). This paper presents a comprehensive change framework for the controlled evolution of role-based access rules in EIS. First, we consider changes of organizational models and elaborate how they affect existing access rules. Second, we define change operations which enable direct adaptations of access rules. In the latter context, we define the formal semantics of access rule changes based on operator trees. Particularly, this enables their unambiguous application; i.e., we can precisely determine which effects are caused by respective rule changes. This is important, for example, to be able to efficiently and correctly adapt user worklists in process-aware information systems. Altogether this paper contributes to comprehensive life cycle support for access rules in (adaptive) EIS

    Automação de Processos por meio de Workflow: o Caso do Centro de Distribuição em Içara - SC.

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    Diante da necessidade de aprimoramento na gestão das organizações, o presente artigo abordará acerca do workflow, ao qual designa a uma tecnologia que permite à automatização de um processo, ao qual uma sequência de passos pré-definidos determinará o fluxo de rotinas que o mesmo executará. O objetivo da pesquisa predispõe em conhecer como o sistema workflow contribuirá para as rotinas de trabalho referente ao recebimento de mercadorias de um Centro de Distribuição de um Supermercado no município de Içara, SC. A metodologia quanto aos fins é caracterizada como descritiva e quanto aos meios de investigação, a pesquisa foi bibliográfica, documental e de campo. Na pesquisa de campo pretendeu-se mensurar a satisfação em relação a funcionalidade desta tecnologia perante a tarefa de agendamento de mercadorias. Os resultados obtidos revelaram uma clara aceitação dos envolvidos perante o novo instrumento de trabalho, cujo possibilitou contribuir para a padronização da atividade de agendamento de mercadoria, ao qual refletiu no ganho em confiabilidade, segurança dos dados e colaborou para a gestão fiscal da organização em estudo

    Multidimensional project control system

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Improving Throughput and Predictability of High-volume Business Processes Through Embedded Modeling

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    Being faster is good. Being predictable is better. A faithful model of a system, loaded to reflect the system\u27s current state, can then be used to look into the future and predict performance. Building faithful models of processes with high degrees of uncertainty can be very challenging, especially where this uncertainty exists in terms of processing times, queuing behavior and re-work rates. Within the context of an electronic, multi-tiered workflow management system (WFMS) the author builds such a model to endogenously quote due dates. A WFMS that manages business objects can be recast as a flexible flow shop in which the stations that a job (representing the business object) passes through are known and the jobs in the stations queues at any point are known. All of the other parameters associated with the flow shop, including job processing times per station, and station queuing behavior are uncertain though there is a significant body of past performance data that might be brought to bear. The objective, in this environment, is to meet the delivery date promised when the job is accepted. To attack the problem the author develops a novel heuristic algorithm for decomposing the WFMS\u27s event logs exposing non-standard queuing behavior, develops a new simulation component to implement that behavior, and assembles a prototypical system to automate the required historical analysis and allow for on-demand due date quoting through the use of embedded discrete event simulation modeling. To attack the problem the author develops a novel heuristic algorithm for decomposing the WFMS\u27s event logs exposing non-standard queuing behavior, develops a new simulation component to implement that behavior, and assembles a prototypical system to automate the required historical analysis and allow for on-demand due date quoting through the use of embedded discrete event simulation modeling. The developed software components are flexible enough to allow for both the analysis of past performance in conjunction with the WFMS\u27s event logs, and on-demand analysis of new jobs entering the system. Using the proportion of jobs completed within the predicted interval as the measure of effectiveness, the author validates the performance of the system over six months of historical data and during live operations with both samples achieving the 90% service level targeted

    Estudo sobre os usos, importância e efeitos do sistema de informação da CNRM como ferramenta de regulação da residência médica no Brasil

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Ciência da Informação e Documentação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2012.O objetivo deste estudo é aferir de maneira empírica a percepção do usuário acerca da efetividade do sistema da Comissão Nacional de Residência Médica – SisCNRM. Para isto foi necessária a caracterização do cenário e a identificação dos elementos principais para a implantação de ferramenta tecnológica. Eivada pelos conceitos “Informação”, “Conhecimento”, “Gestão de Informação”, “Gestão de Conhecimento”, “Tecnologia da Informação”, a pesquisa bibliográfica apontou a incidência de temas como “estudo sobre o usuário”, “Visão sobre a instituição”, “Políticas Públicas de Informação” e “Governo Eletrônico”. A partir do arcabouço teórico, a pesquisa se desenvolveu mediante aplicação de métodos e técnicas qualitativos e quantitativos, como a técnica survey. Foi, então, aplicado questionário a uma amostra de 100 usuários do SisCNRM, cujos resultados permitiram identificar, especialmente: a) mudanças significativas nas funcionalidades do sistema; b) alteração da percepção da Comissão Nacional de Residência Médica quanto à necessidade de implantação de gestão de informação e de conhecimento em sua estrutura; c) implementação de novo arcabouço legal para melhor adequação do processo de regulação, avaliação e supervisão dos programas de residência médica; d) percepção por parte dos usuários entrevistados da melhoria na usabilidade dos SisCNRM; e) íntima relação entre conhecimento do escopo da CNRM, conhecimento do SisCNRM e percepção de efetividade. Os resultados, portanto, permitem supor que o usuário do sistema percebe efetividade e que em alguns quesitos o sistema atende a missão mediante a qual foi criado. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe aim of this study is to assess empirically the user perception of the effectiveness of the system of the National Committee for Medical Residency - SisCNRM. It was necessary to characterize the scenario and identify the main elements for the deployment of technological tools. Fraught by the concepts "information", "knowledge", "Information Management", "Knowledge Management", "Information Technology", the literature search showed the incidence of subjects like "study on the user", "Vision about Institution "" Public Policy Information "and" e-Government ". From the theoretical framework, the research developed by applying the qualitative and quantitative methods and techniques, as the survey technique. Then the survey was applied to a sample survey of 100 SisCNRM’s users, whose results showed, especially: a) significant changes in the functionality of the system, b) change the perception of the National Committee for Medical Residency about the need to implement the information and knowledge management in their structure, c) implementation of new legal framework to better adapt the regulatory process, evaluation and supervision of medical residency programs, d) perceived by the users interviewed improving the usability of SisCNRM e) intimate relationship between knowledge of the scope of CNRM, SisCNRM knowledge and perception of effectiveness. The results, therefore, suggest that the user perceives the system effectiveness and in some questions that the system meets the mission upon which it was created

    Modellierung ortsabhängiger Zugriffskontrolle für mobile Geschäftsprozesse

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    Der Einsatz mobiler Computer wie Smartphones für die Abarbeitung mobiler Geschäftsprozesse bringt neben großen Vorteilen auch spezifische Sicherheitsherausforderungen mit sich. Als ein Lösungsansatz hierfür wird "ortsabhängige Zugriffskontrolle" verfolgt. Die Grundidee dabei ist es, den aktuellen Aufenthaltsort des Nutzers für die Zugriffskontrollentscheidung auszuwerten. Zur Modellierung solcher Ortseinschränkungen wird eine auf UML-Aktivitätsdiagrammen aufbauende Notation eingeführt