19 research outputs found


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    sebuah peralihan proses pemilihan yang bersifat manual kepada bentuk yang terkomputerisasi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh rahmad, Compatibility memberikan pengaruh sebesar 80% terhadap minat seseorang dalam menggunakan e-voting (intention to use). Penelitian ini merupakan pengembangan dari penelitian rahmad, dengan melakukan analisa terhadap keterkaitan faktor compatibility dengan implementasi e-voting.Kaitan faktor compatibility terhadap implementasi e-voting dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu infrastructure & equipment, e-voting technology dan implementation

    Design imperatives for e-voting as a sociotechnical system

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    There are a number of past and ongoing research efforts on the development of e-voting systems. These works largely focus on requirements, technical specification and implementation technologies to support different aspects of the elections from registration and verification through balloting to counting and result. A major shortcoming of these studies is their sole focus on technical aspect of e-voting solution wit/lOut significant attention paid to human and environment factors that arguably determine the successful adoption of such e-voting solutions. This paper addresses this design gap in three steps. First, it provides a conceptualization of e-voting system as a socio-technical system. Second, it elaborates a set of principles to guide a socioteclmical design for e-voting. Third, it provides concrete implications of these principles. The paper concludes on the pragmatics of this approach to e-voting adoption particularly in environment such as Nigeria

    Internet Voting Protocols: An Analysis of the Cryptographic Operations per Phase

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    Internet voting is a good option for Colombia thanks to the expansion of mobile technology throughout the country and the interest of the government to implement the e-voting. For this reason, we study the e-voting protocols to establish if any of them is suitable for Colombian elections. However some of them imply a great number of cryptographic operations and therefore a great computational cost for the devices, which sometimes exceed their capacity. In this paper, we determine the number of cryptographic operations per phase of four e-voting protocols: one based on blind signatures (Li, Hwang and Lai protocol), one based on mix nets (Meng protocol), one based on homomorphic encryption (EVIV protocol) and one used in real electoral processes (I-Voting for Estonian Elections). Then, we analyze the changes in the number of operations when the number of voters, number of votes, number of authorities and number of candidates increase for small, medium and large elections. Finally, we establish the protocol that imply a less number of cryptographic operations and is suitable for big electoral processes, such as congress elections in Colombia

    Experimental technology-enhanced voting system in Nigeria: a stumbling block or stepping stone? / Sistema de votação experimental com tecnologia avançada na Nigéria: uma pedra de tropeço ou trampolim?

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    During the 2015 general elections, Nigeria sought a technology solution that could guarantee the concept of ‘one citizen, one vote’ mandate and establish reliable and accurate voting system. The experiment has been subjected to different analyses among political observers in the country. This essay is one of such attempts but with a distinct task of ascertaining whether the ‘e-voting’ experiment was really a stepping stone or a stumbling block for electoral democracy in the country. This theoretical diagnosis is done by weighting its weaknesses and strengths and the need for improvement


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    En este artículo se analiza la seguridad de los protocolos utilizados en los sistemas SEAS y EVIV, determinando si cumplen con todas las características de seguridad que deberían incluir como son: elegibilidad, democracia, anonimato, verificabilidad, exactitud, imparcialidad, robustez, no recibo e incoercibilidad

    Prototype implementation of dynavote e-voting protocol

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    Voting is regarded as one of the most effective methods for individuals to express their opinions on a given topic. Electronic voting (eVoting) refers to the use of computers or computerised voting equipments to cast ballots in an election. eVoting performed over Internet can be universally accepted in the upcoming years due to the fact that Internet plays key roles in people's lives. The DynaVote eVoting protocol claims that it is practical over a network since it does not use complex algorithms and has no physical assumptions such as untappable channels, whereas fulfilling core voting requirements such as privacy, accuracy, uncoercibility and individual verifiability. Software development requires considerable amount of time and money. Therefore, in order to utilise all resources, the prototype implementation gains more importance as it gives quick feedbacks about the practicality of the system. This paper presents a prototype implementation of DynaVote eVoting protocol over the Internet. Since DynaVote relies on PVID scheme, which is an unlinkable pseudo identity mechanism, the prototype includes implementation of PVID scheme component as well. The main outcome of this study is to prove that DynaVote protocol over Internet is practical and applicable in real life and to illustrate that PVID scheme provides unlinkability. This study also contributes some improvements in DynaVote e-voting protocol. Furthermore, this paper analyses how the prototype fulfils some electronic voting system requirements such as efficiency, transparency and mobility

    Electronic voting systems

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    Ovaj rad daje prikaz elektroničkog glasovanja, koje sve veći broj država testira i implementira, s više ili manje uspjeha. Dosadašnje metode glasovanja, kao što su glasački listići, bušene kartice, optičko skeniranje i strojevi s polugom, sadrže određene nedostatke, primjerice sigurnosne rizike ili velike troškove, zbog čega se sve više pozornosti pridaje elektroničkom glasovanju kao novoj metodi glasovanja. Kako bi elektroničko glasovanje u određenoj državi bilo što učinkovitije, razna tijela poput Vijeća Europe objavila su smjernice i standarde za njegovo uvođenje, pri čemu se naglasak stavlja na pristupačnost, transparentnost te ponajviše na sigurnost sustava. Ispravno implementirani sustavi za elektroničko glasovanje mogu uvelike pridonijeti brzini i učinkovitosti izbornog procesa; međutim, na konkretnim su primjerima neispravnost uređaja i simulirani, ali i stvarni napadi pokazali da ni ova metoda ne može u potpunosti štititi tajnost glasovanja i integritet izbora. Od triju država čije je korištenje elektroničkog glasovanja opisano u ovom radu (Sjedinjene Američke Države, Estonija i Belgija) jedino ga Estonija koristi uspješno i učinkovito; razlog vjerojatno leži u činjenici da Estonija dugi niz godina koristi internet za vladine usluge te je elektroničko glasovanje bilo logičan potez. Elektroničko glasovanje u Hrvatskoj na državnoj razini trenutačno postoji jedino kao tema medijskih rasprava; telekomunikacijski stručnjaci, međutim, tvrde da potrebna infrastruktura postoji, stoga preostaje vidjeti hoće li i Hrvatska u budućnosti implementirati, ili barem testirati elektroničko glasovanje.This paper gives an overview of electronic voting, which is being tested and implemented by an increasing number of countries, with varying degrees of success. Voting methods that have been used so far, such as paper ballots, punch cards, optical scanning and mechanical lever voting machines, each have their own drawbacks, such as safety risks or high financial costs, which is the reason why more attention is being paid to electronic voting as a new voting method. In order for electronic voting to be as efficient as possible, various organizations, such as the Council of Europe, have published guidelines and standards for its implementation, with the focus set on accessibility, transparency and, mainly, the security of the system. Properly implemented electronic voting systems can significantly improve the speed and efficiency of the electoral process; however, concrete examples show how device malfunction and simulated and real cyberattacks can decrease the secrecy and integrity of elections. Out of the three countries whose electronic voting system use has been described in this paper (the United States of America, Estonia, and Belgium), Estonia seems to be the only one using it successfully and efficiently. The underlying reason may be the fact that Estonia has been using the Internet to provide governmental services for a number of years; therefore, the transition to electronic voting was the logical next step. National-level electronic voting in Croatia currently only exists as a public debate topic. Telecommunication experts, however, claim that the country possesses the required infrastructure; whether Croatia will implement, or at least try out electronic voting in the future, remains to be seen

    Electronic voting systems

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    Ovaj rad daje prikaz elektroničkog glasovanja, koje sve veći broj država testira i implementira, s više ili manje uspjeha. Dosadašnje metode glasovanja, kao što su glasački listići, bušene kartice, optičko skeniranje i strojevi s polugom, sadrže određene nedostatke, primjerice sigurnosne rizike ili velike troškove, zbog čega se sve više pozornosti pridaje elektroničkom glasovanju kao novoj metodi glasovanja. Kako bi elektroničko glasovanje u određenoj državi bilo što učinkovitije, razna tijela poput Vijeća Europe objavila su smjernice i standarde za njegovo uvođenje, pri čemu se naglasak stavlja na pristupačnost, transparentnost te ponajviše na sigurnost sustava. Ispravno implementirani sustavi za elektroničko glasovanje mogu uvelike pridonijeti brzini i učinkovitosti izbornog procesa; međutim, na konkretnim su primjerima neispravnost uređaja i simulirani, ali i stvarni napadi pokazali da ni ova metoda ne može u potpunosti štititi tajnost glasovanja i integritet izbora. Od triju država čije je korištenje elektroničkog glasovanja opisano u ovom radu (Sjedinjene Američke Države, Estonija i Belgija) jedino ga Estonija koristi uspješno i učinkovito; razlog vjerojatno leži u činjenici da Estonija dugi niz godina koristi internet za vladine usluge te je elektroničko glasovanje bilo logičan potez. Elektroničko glasovanje u Hrvatskoj na državnoj razini trenutačno postoji jedino kao tema medijskih rasprava; telekomunikacijski stručnjaci, međutim, tvrde da potrebna infrastruktura postoji, stoga preostaje vidjeti hoće li i Hrvatska u budućnosti implementirati, ili barem testirati elektroničko glasovanje.This paper gives an overview of electronic voting, which is being tested and implemented by an increasing number of countries, with varying degrees of success. Voting methods that have been used so far, such as paper ballots, punch cards, optical scanning and mechanical lever voting machines, each have their own drawbacks, such as safety risks or high financial costs, which is the reason why more attention is being paid to electronic voting as a new voting method. In order for electronic voting to be as efficient as possible, various organizations, such as the Council of Europe, have published guidelines and standards for its implementation, with the focus set on accessibility, transparency and, mainly, the security of the system. Properly implemented electronic voting systems can significantly improve the speed and efficiency of the electoral process; however, concrete examples show how device malfunction and simulated and real cyberattacks can decrease the secrecy and integrity of elections. Out of the three countries whose electronic voting system use has been described in this paper (the United States of America, Estonia, and Belgium), Estonia seems to be the only one using it successfully and efficiently. The underlying reason may be the fact that Estonia has been using the Internet to provide governmental services for a number of years; therefore, the transition to electronic voting was the logical next step. National-level electronic voting in Croatia currently only exists as a public debate topic. Telecommunication experts, however, claim that the country possesses the required infrastructure; whether Croatia will implement, or at least try out electronic voting in the future, remains to be seen

    A Verifiable E-voting Scheme with Secret Sharing

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    Abstract Traditional e-voting schemes use centralized and nontransparent count centers, which leads to people's distrust of the centers and doubt of the voting on impartiality and correctness. In this paper, we propose a distributed and verifiable e-voting scheme based on Mignotte's threshold secret sharing scheme, which effectively balances the conflict of interest between voters and count centers. Additionally, this scheme can also resist potential attacks from malicious participants, and satisfy special requirements of e-voting, especially for privacy and accountability, which contradict each other. Moreover, voters take on the major computation load in our scheme, which effectively reduces the computation burden of the vote counter