1,006 research outputs found

    Reconfiguring smart structures using approximate heteroclinic connections

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    A new method is investigated to reconfigure smart structures using the technique of polynomial series to approximate a true heteroclinic connection between unstable equilibria in a smart structure model. We explore the use of polynomials of varying order to first approximate the heteroclinic connection between two equal-energy, unstable equilibrium points, and then develop an inverse method to control the dynamics of the system to track the reference polynomial trajectory. It is found that high-order polynomials can provide a good approximation to heteroclinic connections and provide an efficient means of generating such trajectories. The method is used first in a simple smart structure model to illustrate the method and is then extended to a more complex model where the numerical generation of true heteroclinic connections is difficult. It is envisaged that being computationally efficient, the method could form the basis for real-time reconfiguration of smart structures using heteroclinic connections between equal-energy, unstable configurations

    Comparison of nonlinear dynamic inversion and inverse simulation

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    Data-driven nonlinear aeroelastic models of morphing wings for control

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    Accurate and efficient aeroelastic models are critically important for enabling the optimization and control of highly flexible aerospace structures, which are expected to become pervasive in future transportation and energy systems. Advanced materials and morphing wing technologies are resulting in next-generation aeroelastic systems that are characterized by highly-coupled and nonlinear interactions between the aerodynamic and structural dynamics. In this work, we leverage emerging data-driven modeling techniques to develop highly accurate and tractable reduced-order aeroelastic models that are valid over a wide range of operating conditions and are suitable for control. In particular, we develop two extensions to the recent dynamic mode decomposition with control (DMDc) algorithm to make it suitable for flexible aeroelastic systems: 1) we introduce a formulation to handle algebraic equations, and 2) we develop an interpolation scheme to smoothly connect several linear DMDc models developed in different operating regimes. Thus, the innovation lies in accurately modeling the nonlinearities of the coupled aerostructural dynamics over multiple operating regimes, not restricting the validity of the model to a narrow region around a linearization point. We demonstrate this approach on a high-fidelity, three-dimensional numerical model of an airborne wind energy (AWE) system, although the methods are generally applicable to any highly coupled aeroelastic system or dynamical system operating over multiple operating regimes. Our proposed modeling framework results in real-time prediction of nonlinear unsteady aeroelastic responses of flexible aerospace structures, and we demonstrate the enhanced model performance for model predictive control. Thus, the proposed architecture may help enable the widespread adoption of next-generation morphing wing technologies

    Friction compensation in the swing-up control of viscously damped underactuated robotics

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering in the Control Research Group School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Johannesburg, 2017In this research, we observed a torque-related limitation in the swing-up control of underactuated mechanical systems which had been integrated with viscous damping in the unactuated joint. The objective of this research project was thus to develop a practical work-around solution to this limitation. The nth order underactuated robotic system is represented in this research as a collection of compounded pendulums with n-1 actuators placed at each joint with the exception of the first joint. This system is referred to as the PAn-1 robot (Passive first joint, followed by n-1 Active joints), with the Acrobot (PA1 robot) and the PAA robot (or PA2 robot) being among the most well-known examples. A number of friction models exist in literature, which include, and are not exclusive to, the Coulomb and the Stribeck effect models, but the viscous damping model was selected for this research since it is more extensively covered in existing literature. The effectiveness of swing-up control using Lyapunov’s direct method when applied on the undamped PAn-1 robot has been vigorously demonstrated in existing literature, but there is no literature that discusses the swing-up control of viscously damped systems. We show, however, that the application of satisfactory swing-up control using Lyapunov’s direct method is constrained to underactuated systems that are either undamped or actively damped (viscous damping integrated into the actuated joints only). The violation of this constraint results in the derivation of a torque expression that cannot be solved for (invertibility problem, for systems described by n > 2) or a torque expression which contains a conditional singularity (singularity problem, for systems with n = 2). This constraint is formally summarised as the matched damping condition, and highlights a clear limitation in the Lyapunov-related swing-up control of underactuated mechanical systems. This condition has significant implications on the practical realisation of the swing-up control of underactuated mechanical systems, which justifies the investigation into the possibility of a work-around. We thus show that the limitation highlighted by the matched damping condition can be overcome through the implementation of the partial feedback linearisation (PFL) technique. Two key contributions are generated from this research as a result, which iii include the gain selection criterion (for Traditional Collocated PFL), and the convergence algorithm (for noncollocated PFL). The gain selection criterion is an analytical solution that is composed of a set of inequalities that map out a geometric region of appropriate gains in the swing-up gain space. Selecting a gain combination within this region will ensure that the fully-pendent equilibrium point (FPEP) is unstable, which is a necessary condition for swing-up control when the system is initialised near the FPEP. The convergence algorithm is an experimental solution that, once executed, will provide information about the distal pendulum’s angular initial condition that is required to swing-up a robot with a particular angular initial condition for the proximal pendulum, along with the minimum gain that is required to execute the swing-up control in this particular configuration. Significant future contributions on this topic may result from the inclusion of more complex friction models. Additionally, the degree of actuation of the system may be reduced through the implementation of energy storing components, such as torsional springs, at the joint. In summary, we present two contributions in the form of the gain selection criterion and the convergence algorithm which accommodate the circumnavigation of the limitation formalised as the matched damping condition. This condition pertains to the Lyapunov-related swing-up control of underactuated mechanical systems that have been integrated with viscous damping in the unactuated joint.CK201

    Optimised configuration of sensing elements for control and fault tolerance applied to an electro-magnetic suspension system

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    New technological advances and the requirements to increasingly abide by new safety laws in engineering design projects highly affects industrial products in areas such as automotive, aerospace and railway industries. The necessity arises to design reduced-cost hi-tech products with minimal complexity, optimal performance, effective parameter robustness properties, and high reliability with fault tolerance. In this context the control system design plays an important role and the impact is crucial relative to the level of cost efficiency of a product. Measurement of required information for the operation of the design control system in any product is a vital issue, and in such cases a number of sensors can be available to select from in order to achieve the desired system properties. However, for a complex engineering system a manual procedure to select the best sensor set subject to the desired system properties can be very complicated, time consuming or even impossible to achieve. This is more evident in the case of large number of sensors and the requirement to comply with optimum performance. The thesis describes a comprehensive study of sensor selection for control and fault tolerance with the particular application of an ElectroMagnetic Levitation system (being an unstable, nonlinear, safety-critical system with non-trivial control performance requirements). The particular aim of the presented work is to identify effective sensor selection frameworks subject to given system properties for controlling (with a level of fault tolerance) the MagLev suspension system. A particular objective of the work is to identify the minimum possible sensors that can be used to cover multiple sensor faults, while maintaining optimum performance with the remaining sensors. The tools employed combine modern control strategies and multiobjective constraint optimisation (for tuning purposes) methods. An important part of the work is the design and construction of a 25kg MagLev suspension to be used for experimental verification of the proposed sensor selection frameworks

    Model predictive and linear quadratic Gaussian control of a wind turbine

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    Model predictive and linear quadratic Gaussian controllers are designed for a 5MW variable-speed pitch-regulated wind turbine for three operating points – below rated wind speed, just above rated wind speed, and above rated wind speed. The controllers are designed based on two different linear dynamic models (at each operating point) of the same wind turbine to study the effect of utilising different control design models (i.e. the model used for designing a model-based controller) on the control performance. The performance of the LQG controller is enhanced by improving the robustness, achieved by replacing the Kalman filter with a modified Luenberger observer, whose gain is obtained to minimise the effect of uncertainty and disturbance
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