556 research outputs found

    Machine learning solutions for maintenance of power plants

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    The primary goal of this work is to present analysis of current market for predictive maintenance software solutions applicable to a generic coal/gas-fired thermal power plant, as well as to present a brief discussion on the related developments of the near future. This type of solutions is in essence an advanced condition monitoring technique, that is used to continuously monitor entire plants and detect sensor reading deviations via correlative calculations. This approach allows for malfunction forecasting well in advance to a malfunction itself and any possible unforeseen consequences. Predictive maintenance software solutions employ primitive artificial intelligence in the form of machine learning (ML) algorithms to provide early detection of signal deviation. Before analyzing existing ML based solutions, structure and theory behind the processes of coal/gas driven power plants is going to be discussed to emphasize the necessity of predictive maintenance for optimal and reliable operation. Subjects to be discussed are: basic theory (thermodynamics and electrodynamics), primary machinery types, automation systems and data transmission, typical faults and condition monitoring techniques that are also often used in tandem with ML. Additionally, the basic theory on the main machine learning techniques related to malfunction prediction is going to be briefly presented

    Index to 1985 NASA Tech Briefs, volume 10, numbers 1-4

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    Short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of NASA are presented. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This index for 1985 Tech Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief Number. The following areas are covered: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences

    Process Modeling in Pyrometallurgical Engineering

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    The Special Issue presents almost 40 papers on recent research in modeling of pyrometallurgical systems, including physical models, first-principles models, detailed CFD and DEM models as well as statistical models or models based on machine learning. The models cover the whole production chain from raw materials processing through the reduction and conversion unit processes to ladle treatment, casting, and rolling. The papers illustrate how models can be used for shedding light on complex and inaccessible processes characterized by high temperatures and hostile environment, in order to improve process performance, product quality, or yield and to reduce the requirements of virgin raw materials and to suppress harmful emissions

    ECSC coal research Annual report 1988. EUR 12292 en

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    Electrostatic Sensors – Their Principles and Applications

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    Over the past three decades electrostatic sensors have been proposed, developed and utilised for the continuous monitoring and measurement of a range of industrial processes, mechanical systems and clinical environments. Electrostatic sensors enjoy simplicity in structure, cost-effectiveness and suitability for a wide range of installation conditions. They either provide unique solutions to some measurement challenges or offer more cost-effective options to the more established sensors such as those based on acoustic, capacitive, optical and electromagnetic principles. The established or potential applications of electrostatic sensors appear wide ranging, but the underlining sensing principle and resultant system characteristics are very similar. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the electrostatic sensors and sensing systems that have been developed for the measurement and monitoring of a range of process variables and conditions. These include the flow measurement of pneumatically conveyed solids, measurement of particulate emissions, monitoring of fluidised beds, on-line particle sizing, burner flame monitoring, speed and radial vibration measurement of mechanical systems, and condition monitoring of power transmission belts, mechanical wear, and human activities. The fundamental sensing principles together with the advantages and limitations of electrostatic sensors for a given area of applications are also introduced. The technology readiness level for each area of applications is identified and commented. Trends and future development of electrostatic sensors, their signal conditioning electronics, signal processing methods as well as possible new applications are also discussed

    Deep Learning-Based Machinery Fault Diagnostics

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    This book offers a compilation for experts, scholars, and researchers to present the most recent advancements, from theoretical methods to the applications of sophisticated fault diagnosis techniques. The deep learning methods for analyzing and testing complex mechanical systems are of particular interest. Special attention is given to the representation and analysis of system information, operating condition monitoring, the establishment of technical standards, and scientific support of machinery fault diagnosis

    ECSC coal research Annual report 1988. EUR 12292 en

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    Challenges and Prospects of Steelmaking Towards the Year 2050

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    The world steel industry is strongly based on coal/coke in ironmaking, resulting in huge carbon dioxide emissions corresponding to approximately 7% of the total anthropogenic CO2 emissions. As the world is experiencing a period of imminent threat owing to climate change, the steel industry is also facing a tremendous challenge in next decades. This themed issue makes a survey on the current situation of steel production, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions, as well as cross-sections of the potential methods to decrease CO2 emissions in current processes via improved energy and materials efficiency, increasing recycling, utilizing alternative energy sources, and adopting CO2 capture and storage. The current state, problems and plans in the two biggest steel producing countries, China and India are introduced. Generally contemplating, incremental improvements in current processes play a key role in rapid mitigation of specific emissions, but finally they are insufficient when striving for carbon neutral production in the long run. Then hydrogen and electrification are the apparent solutions also to iron and steel production. The book gives a holistic overview of the current situation and challenges, and an inclusive compilation of the potential technologies and solutions for the global CO2 emissions problem

    Approach for Improved Signal-Based Fault Diagnosis of Hot Rolling Mills

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    Der hier vorgestellte Ansatz ist in der Lage, zwei spezifische schwere Fehler zu erkennen, sie zu identifizieren, zwischen vier verschiedenen Systemzuständen zu unterscheiden und eine Prognose bezüglich des Systemverhaltens zu geben. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Zustandsüberwachung des komplexen Herstellungsprozesses eines Warmbandwalzwerks. Eine signalbasierte Fehlerdiagnose und ein Fehlerprognoseansatz für den Bandlauf werden entwickelt. Eine Literaturübersicht gibt einen Überblick über die bisherige Forschung zu verwandten Themen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die große Anzahl vorheriger Arbeiten diese Thematik nicht gelöst hat und dass weitere Untersuchungen erforderlich sind, um eine zufriedenstellende Lösung der behandelten Probleme zu erhalten. Die Entwicklung einer neuen Signalverarbeitungskette und die Signalverarbeitungsschritte sind detailliert dargestellt. Die Klassifikationsaufgabe wird in Fehlerdiagnose, Fehleridentifikation und Fehlerprognose differenziert. Der vorgeschlagene Ansatz kombiniert fünf verschiedene Methoden zur Merkmalsextraktion, nämlich Short-Time Fourier Transformation, kontinuierliche Wavelet Transformation, diskrete Wavelet Transformation, Wigner-Ville Distribution und Empirical Mode Decomposition, mit zwei verschiedenen Klassifikationsalgorithmen, nämlich Support-Vektor Maschine und eine Variation der Kreuzkorrelation, wobei letztere in dieser Arbeit entwickelt wurde. Kombinationen dieser Merkmalsextraktion und Klassifikationsverfahren werden an Walzkraft-Daten aus einer Warmbreitbandstraße angewendet.The approach introduced here is able to detect two specific severe faults, to identify them, to distinguish between four different system states, and to give a prognosis on the system behavior. The presented work investigates the condition monitoring of the complex production process of a hot strip rolling mill. A signal-based fault diagnosis and fault prognosis approach for strip travel is developed. A literature review gives an overview about previous research on related topics. It is shown that the great amount of previous work does not cope with the problems treated in this work and that further investigation is necessary to provide a satisfactory solution. The design of a new signal processing chain is presented and the signal processing steps are detailed. The classification task is differentiated into fault detection, fault identification and fault prognosis. The proposed approach combines five different methods for feature extraction, namely short time Fourier transform, continuous wavelet transform, discrete wavelet transform, Wigner-Ville distribution, and empirical mode decomposition, with two different classification algorithms, namely support vector machine and a variation of cross-correlation, the latter developed in this work. Combinations of these feature extraction and classification methods are applied to rolling force data originating from a hot strip mill
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