146 research outputs found

    A faster all parallel Mergesort algorithm for multicore processors

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    The problem addressed in this paper is that we want to sort an integer array a[] of length n in parallel on a multi core machine with p cores using mergesort. Amdahl’s law tells us that the inherent sequential part of any algorithm will in the end dominate and limit the speedup we get from parallelisation. This paper introduces ParaMerge, an all parallel mergesort algorithm for use on an ordinary shared memory multi core machine that has just a few simple statements in its sequential part. The new algorithm is all parallel in the sense that by recursive decent it is two parallel in the top node, four parallel on the next level in the recursion, then eight parallel until we at least have started one thread for all the p cores. After parallelization, each thread then uses sequential recursion mergesort with a variant of insertion sort for sorting short subsections at the end. ParaMerge can be seen as an improvement over traditional parallelization of the mergesort algorithm where one follows the sequential algorithm and substitute recursive calls with the creation of parallel threads in the top of the recursion tree. This traditional parallel mergesort finally does a sequential merging of the two sorted halves of a[]. First at the next level it goes two-parallel, then four parallel on the next level, and so on. After parallelization my implementation of this traditional algorithm also use the same sequential mergesort and insertion sort algorithm as the ParaMerge algorithm in each thread. There are two main improvements in Paramerge: First the observation that merging can both be done from the start left to right picking the smallest elements of the two sections to be merged, and at the same time from the end of the same sections from right to left picking the largest elements. The second improvement is that the contract between a node and its two sub-nodes is changed. In a traditional parallelization a node is given a section of a[], sort this by merging two sorted halves it recursively receives from its own two sub nodes and returns its to its mother node. In Paramerge the two sub nodes each receive a full sorting from its two own sub nodes of the section itself got from its mother node (so this problem is already solved). Every node has a twin node. In parallel these two twin nodes then merge their two sorted sections, one from left and the other from right as described above. The two twin sub nodes have then sorted the whole section given to their common mother node. This goes also for the top node. We have thus raised the level of parallelization by a factor of two at each level of the top of the recursion tree. The ParaMerge algorithm also contains other improvements, such as a controlled sorting back and forth between a[] and a scratch area b[] of the same size such that the sorted result always ends up in a[] without any copy, and a special insertion sort that is central for achieving this copy-free feature. ParaMerge is compared with other published algorithms, and in only one case is one of the ‘new’ features in Paramerge found. This other algorithm is described and compared in some detail.Finally, ParaMerge is empirically compared with three other algorithms sorting arrays of length n =10,20,…,50 m, and ..1000m when p=32. demonstrating that it is significantly faster than two other merge algorithms, the sequential and the traditional parallel algorithm, and Arrays.sort(), a sequential Quicksort algorithm from the Java library

    Highly Scalable Multiplication for Distributed Sparse Multivariate Polynomials on Many-core Systems

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    We present a highly scalable algorithm for multiplying sparse multivariate polynomials represented in a distributed format. This algo- rithm targets not only the shared memory multicore computers, but also computers clusters or specialized hardware attached to a host computer, such as graphics processing units or many-core coprocessors. The scal- ability on the large number of cores is ensured by the lacks of synchro- nizations, locks and false-sharing during the main parallel step.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Optimizing sorting algorithms for the Cell Broadband Engine

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    The quest for higher performance in computationally intensive tasks is and will always be an ongoing effort. General purpose processors (GPP) have not been sufficient for many of these tasks which has led to research focused towards computing on specialty processors and graphics processing units (GPU). While GPU provide sufficient speedups for some tasks, other specialty processors may be better suited, more economical, or more efficient for different types of tasks. Sorting is an important task in many applications and can be computationally intensive when dealing with large data sets. One such specialty processor that has proven to be a viable solution for sorting is the Cell Broadband Engine (CBE). The CBE is being used as the main platform for this thesis since there are already applications for it that require sorting software. The Cell processor is a general purpose processor that combines one master PowerPC core with eight other vector processors connected via a high bandwidth interconnect bus. The user must explicitly manage the communication, scheduling, and load-balancing between the vector processors and the PowerPC processor to achieve the highest efficiency. By optimizing the sorting algorithms for the vector processors, large speedups can be achieved because multiple operations occur simultaneously. Optimized sorting software is often sought when sorting is not the main purpose of the application. This keeps overheads low so that the performance gains can be realized from the actual code that is to be optimized on specialty processors. Often having sorted datasets enable algorithms to run faster and are more predictably. The motivation behind this thesis is that there is currently no standard library of sorting algorithms that have been optimized for the CBE. Lack of standard libraries makes writing code for the CBE difficult. Results from previous works have also not been sufficient in providing specific measurements of sorting performance. This thesis will explore the development and analysis of a variety of optimized parallel sorting algorithms written for the Cell processor. This thesis will focus on the sorting of both individual elements within vectors as well as sorting entire vectors within arrays. The sorting algorithms, written in C++, that will be optimized and analyzed include, but are not limited to bitonic sort, heap sort, merge sort, and quick sort. A communication management framework will also be created as a main focus of this thesis in order to better understand the architecture of the processor

    Optimizing MapReduce for Multicore Architectures

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    MapReduce is a programming model for data-parallel programs originally intended for data centers. MapReduce simplifies parallel programming, hiding synchronization and task management. These properties make it a promising programming model for future processors with many cores, and existing MapReduce libraries such as Phoenix have demonstrated that applications written with MapReduce perform competitively with those written with Pthreads. This paper explores the design of the MapReduce data structures for grouping intermediate key/value pairs, which is often a performance bottleneck on multicore processors. The paper finds the best choice depends on workload characteristics, such as the number of keys used by the application, the degree of repetition of keys, etc. This paper also introduces a new MapReduce library, Metis, with a compromise data structure designed to perform well for most workloads. Experiments with the Phoenix benchmarks on a 16-core AMD-based servershow that Metisâ data structure performs better than simpler alternatives, including Phoenix

    A Performance Model For Gpu Architectures: Analysis And Design Of Fundamental Algorithms

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2018

    The Glasgow Parallel Reduction Machine: Programming Shared-memory Many-core Systems using Parallel Task Composition

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    We present the Glasgow Parallel Reduction Machine (GPRM), a novel, flexible framework for parallel task-composition based many-core programming. We allow the programmer to structure programs into task code, written as C++ classes, and communication code, written in a restricted subset of C++ with functional semantics and parallel evaluation. In this paper we discuss the GPRM, the virtual machine framework that enables the parallel task composition approach. We focus the discussion on GPIR, the functional language used as the intermediate representation of the bytecode running on the GPRM. Using examples in this language we show the flexibility and power of our task composition framework. We demonstrate the potential using an implementation of a merge sort algorithm on a 64-core Tilera processor, as well as on a conventional Intel quad-core processor and an AMD 48-core processor system. We also compare our framework with OpenMP tasks in a parallel pointer chasing algorithm running on the Tilera processor. Our results show that the GPRM programs outperform the corresponding OpenMP codes on all test platforms, and can greatly facilitate writing of parallel programs, in particular non-data parallel algorithms such as reductions.Comment: In Proceedings PLACES 2013, arXiv:1312.221

    Parallel Sort-Based Matching for Data Distribution Management on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors

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    In this paper we consider the problem of identifying intersections between two sets of d-dimensional axis-parallel rectangles. This is a common problem that arises in many agent-based simulation studies, and is of central importance in the context of High Level Architecture (HLA), where it is at the core of the Data Distribution Management (DDM) service. Several realizations of the DDM service have been proposed; however, many of them are either inefficient or inherently sequential. These are serious limitations since multicore processors are now ubiquitous, and DDM algorithms -- being CPU-intensive -- could benefit from additional computing power. We propose a parallel version of the Sort-Based Matching algorithm for shared-memory multiprocessors. Sort-Based Matching is one of the most efficient serial algorithms for the DDM problem, but is quite difficult to parallelize due to data dependencies. We describe the algorithm and compute its asymptotic running time; we complete the analysis by assessing its performance and scalability through extensive experiments on two commodity multicore systems based on a dual socket Intel Xeon processor, and a single socket Intel Core i7 processor.Comment: Proceedings of the 21-th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2017). Best Paper Award @DS-RT 201

    GPRM: a high performance programming framework for manycore processors

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    Processors with large numbers of cores are becoming commonplace. In order to utilise the available resources in such systems, the programming paradigm has to move towards increased parallelism. However, increased parallelism does not necessarily lead to better performance. Parallel programming models have to provide not only flexible ways of defining parallel tasks, but also efficient methods to manage the created tasks. Moreover, in a general-purpose system, applications residing in the system compete for the shared resources. Thread and task scheduling in such a multiprogrammed multithreaded environment is a significant challenge. In this thesis, we introduce a new task-based parallel reduction model, called the Glasgow Parallel Reduction Machine (GPRM). Our main objective is to provide high performance while maintaining ease of programming. GPRM supports native parallelism; it provides a modular way of expressing parallel tasks and the communication patterns between them. Compiling a GPRM program results in an Intermediate Representation (IR) containing useful information about tasks, their dependencies, as well as the initial mapping information. This compile-time information helps reduce the overhead of runtime task scheduling and is key to high performance. Generally speaking, the granularity and the number of tasks are major factors in achieving high performance. These factors are even more important in the case of GPRM, as it is highly dependent on tasks, rather than threads. We use three basic benchmarks to provide a detailed comparison of GPRM with Intel OpenMP, Cilk Plus, and Threading Building Blocks (TBB) on the Intel Xeon Phi, and with GNU OpenMP on the Tilera TILEPro64. GPRM shows superior performance in almost all cases, only by controlling the number of tasks. GPRM also provides a low-overhead mechanism, called “Global Sharing”, which improves performance in multiprogramming situations. We use OpenMP, as the most popular model for shared-memory parallel programming as the main GPRM competitor for solving three well-known problems on both platforms: LU factorisation of Sparse Matrices, Image Convolution, and Linked List Processing. We focus on proposing solutions that best fit into the GPRM’s model of execution. GPRM outperforms OpenMP in all cases on the TILEPro64. On the Xeon Phi, our solution for the LU Factorisation results in notable performance improvement for sparse matrices with large numbers of small blocks. We investigate the overhead of GPRM’s task creation and distribution for very short computations using the Image Convolution benchmark. We show that this overhead can be mitigated by combining smaller tasks into larger ones. As a result, GPRM can outperform OpenMP for convolving large 2D matrices on the Xeon Phi. Finally, we demonstrate that our parallel worksharing construct provides an efficient solution for Linked List processing and performs better than OpenMP implementations on the Xeon Phi. The results are very promising, as they verify that our parallel programming framework for manycore processors is flexible and scalable, and can provide high performance without sacrificing productivity