4 research outputs found

    A Fast Hypervolume Driven Selection Mechanism for Many-Objective Optimisation Problems.

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    Solutions to real-world problems often require the simultaneous optimisation of multiple conflicting objectives. In the presence of four or more objectives, the problem is referred to as a “many-objective optimisation problem”. A problem of this category introduces many challenges, one of which is the effective and efficient selection of optimal solutions. The hypervolume indicator (or s-metric), i.e. the size of dominated objective space, is an effective selection criterion for many-objective optimisation. The indicator is used to measure the quality of a nondominated set, and can be used to sort solutions for selection as part of the contributing hypervolume indicator. However, hypervolume based selection methods can have a very high, if not infeasible, computational cost. The present study proposes a novel hypervolume driven selection mechanism for many-objective problems, whilst maintaining a feasible computational cost. This approach, named the Hypervolume Adaptive Grid Algorithm (HAGA), uses two-phases (narrow and broad) to prevent population-wide calculation of the contributing hypervolume indicator. Instead, HAGA only calculates the contributing hypervolume indicator for grid populations, i.e. for a few solutions, which are close in proximity (in the objective space) to a candidate solution when in competition for survival. The result is a trade-off between complete accuracy in selecting the fittest individuals in regards to hypervolume quality, and a feasible computational time in many-objective space. The real-world efficiency of the proposed selection mechanism is demonstrated within the optimisation of a classifier for concealed weapon detection

    Effective anytime algorithm for multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems

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    In multiobjective optimization, the result of an optimization algorithm is a set of efficient solutions from which the decision maker selects one. It is common that not all the efficient solutions can be computed in a short time and the search algorithm has to be stopped prematurely to analyze the solutions found so far. A set of efficient solutions that are well-spread in the objective space is preferred to provide the decision maker with a great variety of solutions. However, just a few exact algorithms in the literature exist with the ability to provide such a well-spread set of solutions at any moment: we call them anytime algorithms. We propose a new exact anytime algorithm for multiobjective combinatorial optimization combining three novel ideas to enhance the anytime behavior. We compare the proposed algorithm with those in the state-of-the-art for anytime multiobjective combinatorial optimization using a set of 480 instances from different well-known benchmarks and four different performance measures: the overall non-dominated vector generation ratio, the hypervolume, the general spread and the additive epsilon indicator. A comprehensive experimental study reveals that our proposal outperforms the previous algorithms in most of the instances.This research has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) under contract TIN2017-88213-R (6city project), the European Research Council under contract H2020-ICT-2019-3 (TAILOR project), the University of Málaga, Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento de la Junta de Andalucía and FEDER under contract UMA18-FEDERJA-003 (PRECOG project), the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and FEDER under contract RTC-2017-6714-5, and the University of Málaga under contract PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/07 (EXHAURO Project)

    Rapid design of aircraft fuel quantity indication systems via multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

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    The design of electrical, mechanical and fluid systems on aircraft is becoming increasingly integrated with the aircraft structure definition process. An example is the aircraft fuel quantity indication (FQI) system, of which the design is strongly dependent on the tank geometry definition. Flexible FQI design methods are therefore desirable to swiftly assess system-level impact due to aircraft level changes. For this purpose, a genetic algorithm with a two-stage fitness assignment and FQI specific crossover procedure is proposed (FQI-GA). It can handle multiple measurement accuracy constraints, is coupled to a parametric definition of the wing tank geometry and is tested with two performance objectives. A range of crossover procedures of comparable node placement problems were tested for FQI-GA. Results show that the combinatorial nature of the probe architecture and accuracy constraints require a probe set selection mechanism before any crossover process. A case study, using approximated Airbus A320 requirements and tank geometry, is conducted and shows good agreement with the probe position results obtained with the FQI-GA. For the objectives of accessibility and probe mass, the Pareto front is linear, with little variation in mass. The case study confirms that the FQI-GA method can incorporate complex requirements and that designers can employ it to swiftly investigate FQI probe layouts and trade-offs