1,516 research outputs found

    Novel hybrid extraction systems for fetal heart rate variability monitoring based on non-invasive fetal electrocardiogram

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    This study focuses on the design, implementation and subsequent verification of a new type of hybrid extraction system for noninvasive fetal electrocardiogram (NI-fECG) processing. The system designed combines the advantages of individual adaptive and non-adaptive algorithms. The pilot study reviews two innovative hybrid systems called ICA-ANFIS-WT and ICA-RLS-WT. This is a combination of independent component analysis (ICA), adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) algorithm or recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm and wavelet transform (WT) algorithm. The study was conducted on clinical practice data (extended ADFECGDB database and Physionet Challenge 2013 database) from the perspective of non-invasive fetal heart rate variability monitoring based on the determination of the overall probability of correct detection (ACC), sensitivity (SE), positive predictive value (PPV) and harmonic mean between SE and PPV (F1). System functionality was verified against a relevant reference obtained by an invasive way using a scalp electrode (ADFECGDB database), or relevant reference obtained by annotations (Physionet Challenge 2013 database). The study showed that ICA-RLS-WT hybrid system achieve better results than ICA-ANFIS-WT. During experiment on ADFECGDB database, the ICA-RLS-WT hybrid system reached ACC > 80 % on 9 recordings out of 12 and the ICA-ANFIS-WT hybrid system reached ACC > 80 % only on 6 recordings out of 12. During experiment on Physionet Challenge 2013 database the ICA-RLS-WT hybrid system reached ACC > 80 % on 13 recordings out of 25 and the ICA-ANFIS-WT hybrid system reached ACC > 80 % only on 7 recordings out of 25. Both hybrid systems achieve provably better results than the individual algorithms tested in previous studies.Web of Science713178413175

    Detection and Processing Techniques of FECG Signal for Fetal Monitoring

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    Fetal electrocardiogram (FECG) signal contains potentially precise information that could assist clinicians in making more appropriate and timely decisions during labor. The ultimate reason for the interest in FECG signal analysis is in clinical diagnosis and biomedical applications. The extraction and detection of the FECG signal from composite abdominal signals with powerful and advance methodologies are becoming very important requirements in fetal monitoring. The purpose of this review paper is to illustrate the various methodologies and developed algorithms on FECG signal detection and analysis to provide efficient and effective ways of understanding the FECG signal and its nature for fetal monitoring. A comparative study has been carried out to show the performance and accuracy of various methods of FECG signal analysis for fetal monitoring. Finally, this paper further focused some of the hardware implementations using electrical signals for monitoring the fetal heart rate. This paper opens up a passage for researchers, physicians, and end users to advocate an excellent understanding of FECG signal and its analysis procedures for fetal heart rate monitoring system

    Techniques of FECG signal analysis: detection and processing for fetal monitoring

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    Fetal heart rate monitoring is a technique for obtaining important information about the condition of a fetus during pregnancy and labor, by detecting the FECG signal generated by the heart of the fetus. The ultimate reason for the interest in FECG signal analysis is in clinical diagnosis and biomedical applications. The extraction and detection of the FECG signal from composite abdominal signals with powerful and advance methodologies is becoming a very important requirement in fetal monitoring. The purpose of this review paper is to illustrate the various methodologies and algorithms on FECG signal detection and analysis to provide efficient and effective ways of understanding the FECG signal and its nature. A comparative study has been carried out to show the performance of various methods. This paper opens up a passage to biomedical researchers, physicians and end users to advocate an excellent understanding of FECG signal and its analysis procedures for fetal heart rate monitoring system by providing valuable information to help them in developing more dominant, flexible and resourceful application

    Efficient Blind Source Separation Algorithms with Applications in Speech and Biomedical Signal Processing

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    Blind source separation/extraction (BSS/BSE) is a powerful signal processing method and has been applied extensively in many fields such as biomedical sciences and speech signal processing, to extract a set of unknown input sources from a set of observations. Different algorithms of BSS were proposed in the literature, that need more investigations, related to the extraction approach, computational complexity, convergence speed, type of domain (time or frequency), mixture properties, and extraction performances. This work presents a three new BSS/BSE algorithms based on computing new transformation matrices used to extract the unknown signals. Type of signals considered in this dissertation are speech, Gaussian, and ECG signals. The first algorithm, named as the BSE-parallel linear predictor filter (BSE-PLP), computes a transformation matrix from the the covariance matrix of the whitened data. Then, use the matrix as an input to linear predictor filters whose coefficients being the unknown sources. The algorithm has very fast convergence in two iterations. Simulation results, using speech, Gaussian, and ECG signals, show that the model is capable of extracting the unknown source signals and removing noise when the input signal to noise ratio is varied from -20 dB to 80 dB. The second algorithm, named as the BSE-idempotent transformation matrix (BSE-ITM), computes its transformation matrix in iterative form, with less computational complexity. The proposed method is tested using speech, Gaussian, and ECG signals. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm significantly separate the source signals with better performance measures as compared with other approaches used in the dissertation. The third algorithm, named null space idempotent transformation matrix (NSITM) has been designed using the principle of null space of the ITM, to separate the unknown sources. Simulation results show that the method is successfully separating speech, Gaussian, and ECG signals from their mixture. The algorithm has been used also to estimate average FECG heart rate. Results indicated considerable improvement in estimating the peaks over other algorithms used in this work

    ICA-Based Fetal Monitoring

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    Improving Maternal and Fetal Cardiac Monitoring Using Artificial Intelligence

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    Early diagnosis of possible risks in the physiological status of fetus and mother during pregnancy and delivery is critical and can reduce mortality and morbidity. For example, early detection of life-threatening congenital heart disease may increase survival rate and reduce morbidity while allowing parents to make informed decisions. To study cardiac function, a variety of signals are required to be collected. In practice, several heart monitoring methods, such as electrocardiogram (ECG) and photoplethysmography (PPG), are commonly performed. Although there are several methods for monitoring fetal and maternal health, research is currently underway to enhance the mobility, accuracy, automation, and noise resistance of these methods to be used extensively, even at home. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help to design a precise and convenient monitoring system. To achieve the goals, the following objectives are defined in this research: The first step for a signal acquisition system is to obtain high-quality signals. As the first objective, a signal processing scheme is explored to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of signals and extract the desired signal from a noisy one with negative SNR (i.e., power of noise is greater than signal). It is worth mentioning that ECG and PPG signals are sensitive to noise from a variety of sources, increasing the risk of misunderstanding and interfering with the diagnostic process. The noises typically arise from power line interference, white noise, electrode contact noise, muscle contraction, baseline wandering, instrument noise, motion artifacts, electrosurgical noise. Even a slight variation in the obtained ECG waveform can impair the understanding of the patient's heart condition and affect the treatment procedure. Recent solutions, such as adaptive and blind source separation (BSS) algorithms, still have drawbacks, such as the need for noise or desired signal model, tuning and calibration, and inefficiency when dealing with excessively noisy signals. Therefore, the final goal of this step is to develop a robust algorithm that can estimate noise, even when SNR is negative, using the BSS method and remove it based on an adaptive filter. The second objective is defined for monitoring maternal and fetal ECG. Previous methods that were non-invasive used maternal abdominal ECG (MECG) for extracting fetal ECG (FECG). These methods need to be calibrated to generalize well. In other words, for each new subject, a calibration with a trustable device is required, which makes it difficult and time-consuming. The calibration is also susceptible to errors. We explore deep learning (DL) models for domain mapping, such as Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks, to map MECG to fetal ECG (FECG) and vice versa. The advantages of the proposed DL method over state-of-the-art approaches, such as adaptive filters or blind source separation, are that the proposed method is generalized well on unseen subjects. Moreover, it does not need calibration and is not sensitive to the heart rate variability of mother and fetal; it can also handle low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions. Thirdly, AI-based system that can measure continuous systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) with minimum electrode requirements is explored. The most common method of measuring blood pressure is using cuff-based equipment, which cannot monitor blood pressure continuously, requires calibration, and is difficult to use. Other solutions use a synchronized ECG and PPG combination, which is still inconvenient and challenging to synchronize. The proposed method overcomes those issues and only uses PPG signal, comparing to other solutions. Using only PPG for blood pressure is more convenient since it is only one electrode on the finger where its acquisition is more resilient against error due to movement. The fourth objective is to detect anomalies on FECG data. The requirement of thousands of manually annotated samples is a concern for state-of-the-art detection systems, especially for fetal ECG (FECG), where there are few publicly available FECG datasets annotated for each FECG beat. Therefore, we will utilize active learning and transfer-learning concept to train a FECG anomaly detection system with the least training samples and high accuracy. In this part, a model is trained for detecting ECG anomalies in adults. Later this model is trained to detect anomalies on FECG. We only select more influential samples from the training set for training, which leads to training with the least effort. Because of physician shortages and rural geography, pregnant women's ability to get prenatal care might be improved through remote monitoring, especially when access to prenatal care is limited. Increased compliance with prenatal treatment and linked care amongst various providers are two possible benefits of remote monitoring. If recorded signals are transmitted correctly, maternal and fetal remote monitoring can be effective. Therefore, the last objective is to design a compression algorithm that can compress signals (like ECG) with a higher ratio than state-of-the-art and perform decompression fast without distortion. The proposed compression is fast thanks to the time domain B-Spline approach, and compressed data can be used for visualization and monitoring without decompression owing to the B-spline properties. Moreover, the stochastic optimization is designed to retain the signal quality and does not distort signal for diagnosis purposes while having a high compression ratio. In summary, components for creating an end-to-end system for day-to-day maternal and fetal cardiac monitoring can be envisioned as a mix of all tasks listed above. PPG and ECG recorded from the mother can be denoised using deconvolution strategy. Then, compression can be employed for transmitting signal. The trained CycleGAN model can be used for extracting FECG from MECG. Then, trained model using active transfer learning can detect anomaly on both MECG and FECG. Simultaneously, maternal BP is retrieved from the PPG signal. This information can be used for monitoring the cardiac status of mother and fetus, and also can be used for filling reports such as partogram

    A New Approach to Extract Fetal Electrocardiogram Using Affine Combination of Adaptive Filters

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    The detection of abnormal fetal heartbeats during pregnancy is important for monitoring the health conditions of the fetus. While adult ECG has made several advances in modern medicine, noninvasive fetal electrocardiography (FECG) remains a great challenge. In this paper, we introduce a new method based on affine combinations of adaptive filters to extract FECG signals. The affine combination of multiple filters is able to precisely fit the reference signal, and thus obtain more accurate FECGs. We proposed a method to combine the Least Mean Square (LMS) and Recursive Least Squares (RLS) filters. Our approach found that the Combined Recursive Least Squares (CRLS) filter achieves the best performance among all proposed combinations. In addition, we found that CRLS is more advantageous in extracting FECG from abdominal electrocardiograms (AECG) with a small signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Compared with the state-of-the-art MSF-ANC method, CRLS shows improved performance. The sensitivity, accuracy and F1 score are improved by 3.58%, 2.39% and 1.36%, respectively.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Independent component analysis algorithms for non-invasive fetal electrocardiography

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    The independent component analysis (ICA) based methods are among the most prevalent techniques used for non-invasive fetal electrocardiogram (NI-fECG) processing. Often, these methods are combined with other methods, such adaptive algorithms. However, there are many variants of the ICA methods and it is not clear which one is the most suitable for this task. The goal of this study is to test and objectively evaluate 11 variants of ICA methods combined with an adaptive fast transversal filter (FTF) for the purpose of extracting the NI-fECG. The methods were tested on two datasets, Labour dataset and Pregnancy dataset, which contained real records obtained during clinical practice. The efficiency of the methods was evaluated from the perspective of determining the accuracy of detection of QRS complexes through the parameters of accuracy (ACC), sensitivity (SE), positive predictive value (PPV), and harmonic mean between SE and PPV (F1). The best results were achieved with a combination of FastICA and FTF, which yielded mean values of ACC = 83.72%, SE = 92.13%, PPV = 90.16%, and F1 = 91.14%. Time of calculation was also taken into consideration in the methods. Although FastICA was ranked to be the sixth fastest with its mean computation time of 0.452 s, it had the best ratio of performance and speed. The combination of FastICA and adaptive FTF filter turned out to be very promising. In addition, such device would require signals acquired from the abdominal area only; no need to acquire reference signal from the mother's chest

    Semi-blind source extraction algorithm for fetal electrocardiogram based on generalized autocorrelations and reference signals

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    AbstractBlind source extraction (BSE) has become one of the promising methods in the field of signal processing and analysis, which only desires to extract “interesting” source signals with specific stochastic property or features so as to save lots of computing time and resources. This paper addresses BSE problem, in which desired source signals have some available reference signals. Based on this prior information, we develop an objective function for extraction of temporally correlated sources. Maximizing this objective function, a semi-blind source extraction fixed-point algorithm is proposed. Simulations on artificial electrocardiograph (ECG) signals and the real-world ECG data demonstrate the better performance of the new algorithm. Moreover, comparisons with existing algorithms further indicate the validity of our new algorithm, and also show its robustness to the estimated error of time delay

    Nonlinear Adaptive Signal Processing Improves the Diagnostic Quality of Transabdominal Fetal Electrocardiography

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    The abdominal fetal electrocardiogram (fECG) conveys valuable information that can aid clinicians with the diagnosis and monitoring of a potentially at risk fetus during pregnancy and in childbirth. This chapter primarily focuses on noninvasive (external and indirect) transabdominal fECG monitoring. Even though it is the preferred monitoring method, unlike its classical invasive (internal and direct) counterpart (transvaginal monitoring), it may be contaminated by a variety of undesirable signals that deteriorate its quality and reduce its value in reliable detection of hypoxic conditions in the fetus. A stronger maternal electrocardiogram (the mECG signal) along with technical and biological artifacts constitutes the main interfering signal components that diminish the diagnostic quality of the transabdominal fECG recordings. Currently, transabdominal fECG monitoring relies solely on the determination of the fetus’ pulse or heart rate (FHR) by detecting RR intervals and does not take into account the morphology and duration of the fECG waves (P, QRS, T), intervals, and segments, which collectively convey very useful diagnostic information in adult cardiology. The main reason for the exclusion of these valuable pieces of information in the determination of the fetus’ status from clinical practice is the fact that there are no sufficiently reliable and well-proven techniques for accurate extraction of fECG signals and robust derivation of these informative features. To address this shortcoming in fetal cardiology, we focus on adaptive signal processing methods and pay particular attention to nonlinear approaches that carry great promise in improving the quality of transabdominal fECG monitoring and consequently impacting fetal cardiology in clinical practice. Our investigation and experimental results by using clinical-quality synthetic data generated by our novel fECG signal generator suggest that adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems could produce a significant advancement in fetal monitoring during pregnancy and childbirth. The possibility of using a single device to leverage two advanced methods of fetal monitoring, namely noninvasive cardiotocography (CTG) and ST segment analysis (STAN) simultaneously, to detect fetal hypoxic conditions is very promising