19 research outputs found

    Refining SCJ Mission Specifications into Parallel Handler Designs

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    Safety-Critical Java (SCJ) is a recent technology that restricts the execution and memory model of Java in such a way that applications can be statically analysed and certified for their real-time properties and safe use of memory. Our interest is in the development of comprehensive and sound techniques for the formal specification, refinement, design, and implementation of SCJ programs, using a correct-by-construction approach. As part of this work, we present here an account of laws and patterns that are of general use for the refinement of SCJ mission specifications into designs of parallel handlers used in the SCJ programming paradigm. Our notation is a combination of languages from the Circus family, supporting state-rich reactive models with the addition of class objects and real-time properties. Our work is a first step to elicit laws of programming for SCJ and fits into a refinement strategy that we have developed previously to derive SCJ programs.Comment: In Proceedings Refine 2013, arXiv:1305.563

    The embedded Java benchmark suite JemBench

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    Worst-case analysis of heap allocations

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    Abstract. In object oriented languages, dynamic memory allocation is a fundamental concept. When using such a language in hard real-time systems, it becomes important to bound both the worst-case execution time and the worst-case memory consumption. In this paper, we present an analysis to determine the worst-case heap allocations of tasks. The analysis builds upon techniques that are well established for worst-case execution time analysis. The difference is that the cost function is not the execution time of instructions in clock cycles, but the allocation in bytes. In contrast to worst-case execution time analysis, worst-case heap allocation analysis is not processor dependent. However, the cost function depends on the object layout of the runtime system. The analysis is evaluated with several real-time benchmarks to establish the usefulness of the analysis, and to compare the memory consumption of different object layouts.

    An evaluation of safety-critical Java on a Java processor

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    Exhaustive testing of safety critical Java

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    With traditional testing, the test case has no control over non-deterministic scheduling decisions, and thus errors dependent on scheduling are only found by pure chance. Java Path Finder (JPF) is a specialized Java virtual machine that can systematically explore execution paths for all possible schedulings, and thus catch these errors. Unfortunately, execution-based model checkers, including JPF, cannot be easily adapted to support real-time programs. We propose a scheduling algorithm for JPF which allows testing of Safety Critical Java (SCJ) applications with periodic event handlers at SCJ levels 0 and 1 (without aperiodic event handlers). The algorithm requires that deadlines are not missed and that there is an execution time model that can give best- and worst-case execution time estimates for a given program path and specific program inputs. Our implementation, named R SJ, allows to search for scheduling dependent memory access errors, certain invalid argument errors, priority ceiling emulation protocol violations, and failed assertions in application code in SCJ programs for levels 0 and 1. It uses the execution time model of the Java Optimized Processor (JOP). We test our tool wit

    Real-Time and Real-Fast Performance of General-Purpose and Real-Time Operating Systems in Multithreaded Physical Simulation of Complex Mechanical Systems

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    Physical simulation is a valuable tool in many fields of engineering for the tasks of design, prototyping, and testing. General-purpose operating systems (GPOS) are designed for real-fast tasks, such as offline simulation of complex physical models that should finish as soon as possible. Interfacing hardware at a given rate (as in a hardware-in-the-loop test) requires instead maximizing time determinism, for which real-time operating systems (RTOS) are designed. In this paper, real-fast and real-time performance of RTOS and GPOS are compared when simulating models of high complexity with large time steps. This type of applications is usually present in the automotive industry and requires a good trade-off between real-fast and real-time performance. The performance of an RTOS and a GPOS is compared by running a tire model scalable on the number of degrees-of-freedom and parallel threads. The benchmark shows that the GPOS present better performance in real-fast runs but worse in real-time due to nonexplicit task switches and to the latency associated with interprocess communication (IPC) and task switch

    An Aspect-Oriented Framework for Weaving Domain-Specific Concerns into Component-Based Systems

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    International audienceSoftware components are used in various application domains, and many component models and frameworks have been proposed to fulfill domain-specific requirements. The general trend followed by these approaches is to provide ad-hoc models and tools for capturing these requirements and for implementing their support within dedicated runtime platforms, limited to features of the targeted domain. The challenge is then to propose more flexible solutions, where components reuse is domain agnostic. In this article, we present a framework supporting compositional construction and development of applications that must meet various extra-functional/domain-specific requirements. The key points of our contribution are: i) We target development of component-oriented applications where extra-functional requirements are expressed as annotations on the units of composition in the application's architecture. ii) These annotations are implemented as open and extensible component-based containers, achieving full separation of functional and extra-functional concerns. iii) Finally, the full machinery is implemented using the Aspect-Oriented Programming paradigm. We validate our approach with two case studies: the first is related to real-time and embedded applications, while the second refers to the distributed context-aware middleware domain

    Safety-critical Java for embedded systems

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    This paper presents the motivation for and outcomes of an engineering research project on certifiable Java for embedded systems. The project supports the upcoming standard for safety-critical Java, which defines a subset of Java and libraries aiming for development of high criticality systems. The outcome of this project include prototype safety-critical Java implementations, a time-predictable Java processor, analysis tools for memory safety, and example applications to explore the usability of safety-critical Java for this application area. The text summarizes developments and key contributions and concludes with the lessons learned

    Profile Guided Offline Optimization of Hidden Class Graphs for JavaScript VMs in Embedded Systems

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    JavaScript is increasingly used for the Internet of Things (IoT) on embedded systems. However, JavaScript's memory footprint is a challenge, because normal JavaScript virtual machines (VMs) do not fit into the small memory of IoT devices. In part this is because a significant amount of memory is used by hidden classes, which are used to represent JavaScript's dynamic objects efficiently. In this research, we optimize the hidden class graph to minimize their memory use. Our solution collects the hidden class graph and related information for an application in a profiling run, and optimizes the graph offline. We reduce the number of hidden classes by avoiding introducing intermediate ones, for instance when properties are added one after another. Our optimizations allow the VM to assign the most likely final hidden class to an object at its creation. They also minimize re-allocation of storage for property values, and reduce the polymorphism of inline caches. We implemented these optimizations in a JavaScript VM, eJSVM, and found that offline optimization can eliminate 61.9% of the hidden classes on average. It also improves execution speed by minimizing the number of hidden class transitions for an object and reducing inline cache misses