642 research outputs found

    Adaptive Robotic Control Driven by a Versatile Spiking Cerebellar Network

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    The cerebellum is involved in a large number of different neural processes, especially in associative learning and in fine motor control. To develop a comprehensive theory of sensorimotor learning and control, it is crucial to determine the neural basis of coding and plasticity embedded into the cerebellar neural circuit and how they are translated into behavioral outcomes in learning paradigms. Learning has to be inferred from the interaction of an embodied system with its real environment, and the same cerebellar principles derived from cell physiology have to be able to drive a variety of tasks of different nature, calling for complex timing and movement patterns. We have coupled a realistic cerebellar spiking neural network (SNN) with a real robot and challenged it in multiple diverse sensorimotor tasks. Encoding and decoding strategies based on neuronal firing rates were applied. Adaptive motor control protocols with acquisition and extinction phases have been designed and tested, including an associative Pavlovian task (Eye blinking classical conditioning), a vestibulo-ocular task and a perturbed arm reaching task operating in closed-loop. The SNN processed in real-time mossy fiber inputs as arbitrary contextual signals, irrespective of whether they conveyed a tone, a vestibular stimulus or the position of a limb. A bidirectional long-term plasticity rule implemented at parallel fibers-Purkinje cell synapses modulated the output activity in the deep cerebellar nuclei. In all tasks, the neurorobot learned to adjust timing and gain of the motor responses by tuning its output discharge. It succeeded in reproducing how human biological systems acquire, extinguish and express knowledge of a noisy and changing world. By varying stimuli and perturbations patterns, real-time control robustness and generalizability were validated. The implicit spiking dynamics of the cerebellar model fulfill timing, prediction and learning functions.European Union (Human Brain Project) REALNET FP7-ICT270434 CEREBNET FP7-ITN238686 HBP-60410

    The cerebellum could solve the motor error problem through error increase prediction

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    We present a cerebellar architecture with two main characteristics. The first one is that complex spikes respond to increases in sensory errors. The second one is that cerebellar modules associate particular contexts where errors have increased in the past with corrective commands that stop the increase in error. We analyze our architecture formally and computationally for the case of reaching in a 3D environment. In the case of motor control, we show that there are synergies of this architecture with the Equilibrium-Point hypothesis, leading to novel ways to solve the motor error problem. In particular, the presence of desired equilibrium lengths for muscles provides a way to know when the error is increasing, and which corrections to apply. In the context of Threshold Control Theory and Perceptual Control Theory we show how to extend our model so it implements anticipative corrections in cascade control systems that span from muscle contractions to cognitive operations.Comment: 34 pages (without bibliography), 13 figure

    Understanding upper-limb movements via neurocomputational models of the sensorimotor system and neurorobotics: where we stand

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    Roboticists and neuroscientists are interested in understanding and reproducing the neural and cognitive mechanisms behind the human ability to interact with unknown and changing environments as well as to learn and execute fine movements. In this paper, we review the system-level neurocomputational models of the human motor system, and we focus on biomimetic models simulating the functional activity of the cerebellum, the basal ganglia, the motor cortex, and the spinal cord, which are the main central nervous system areas involved in the learning, execution, and control of movements. We review the models that have been proposed from the early of 1970s, when the first cerebellar model was realized, up to nowadays, when the embodiment of these models into robots acting in the real world and into software agents acting in a virtual environment has become of paramount importance to close the perception-cognition-action cycle. This review shows that neurocomputational models have contributed to the comprehension and reproduction of neural mechanisms underlying reaching movements, but much remains to be done because a whole model of the central nervous system controlling musculoskeletal robots is still missing

    Distributed cerebellar plasticity implements generalized multiple-scale memory components in real-robot sensorimotor tasks

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    The cerebellum plays a crucial role in motor learning and it acts as a predictive controller. Modeling it and embedding it into sensorimotor tasks allows us to create functional links between plasticity mechanisms, neural circuits and behavioral learning. Moreover, if applied to real-time control of a neurorobot, the cerebellar model has to deal with a real noisy and changing environment, thus showing its robustness and effectiveness in learning. A biologically inspired cerebellar model with distributed plasticity, both at cortical and nuclear sites, has been used. Two cerebellum-mediated paradigms have been designed: an associative Pavlovian task and a vestibulo-ocular reflex, with multiple sessions of acquisition and extinction and with different stimuli and perturbation patterns. The cerebellar controller succeeded to generate conditioned responses and finely tuned eye movement compensation, thus reproducing human-like behaviors. Through a productive plasticity transfer from cortical to nuclear sites, the distributed cerebellar controller showed in both tasks the capability to optimize learning on multiple time-scales, to store motor memory and to effectively adapt to dynamic ranges of stimuli.This work was supported by grants of European Union: REALNET (FP7-ICT270434) and Human Brain Project (HBP-604102)

    Adaptive Tesselation CMAC

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    An ndaptive tessellation variant of the CMAC architecture is introduced. Adaptive tessellation is an error-based scheme for distributing input representations. Simulations show that the new network outperforms the original CMAC at a vnriety of learning tasks, including learning the inverse kinematics of a two-link arm.Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-J-4015, N00014-91-J-4100); National Science Foundation (IRI-90-00530); Boston University Presidential Graduate Fellowshi

    Robotics of human movements

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    The construction of robotic systems that can move the way humans do, with respect to agility, stability and precision, is a necessary prerequisite for the successful integration of robotic systems in human environments. We explain human-centered views on robotics, based on the three basic ingredients (1) actuation; (2) sensing; and (3) control, and formulate detailed examples thereof
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